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Mortman's photo
Sat 02/17/24 11:06 AM

Judge orders Trump and his companies to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case

* Trump fined $355 million (not the $370 million D.A. James asked for)
* Not including the $88 million Trump was ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll
* Don Jr. & Eric Trump each fined $4 million
* Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg fined $1 million
* Trump's lawyers pledged to appeal the ruling.

So Trump's lying and cheating has cost him almost a half billion dollars so far. Ah ha ha ha!

But it doesnā€™t hurt his support for 2024 presidential run. His supporters recognize the lefts political agenda to ruin Trump , but it ainā€™t working . Just watch the next few months as Biden goes down in flames because of his demented and diminishing brain cognition . Heā€™s a blubbering stumbling embarrassment to this country and his party ( like the democrats arenā€™t embarrassing enough without him).. He will not win a second termā€¦ha, ha, haā€¦

This case was never about ruining Trump's chances at being President again. It was only about holding him accountable for the laws he broke. Taking hundreds of $millions from the guy while he needs money for his campaigns is just an added bonus.

What are you talking aboutā€¦ the democrats have been conniving against him since he announced his decision to run again. The democrats are terrified of another Trump presidency. Not because of their ā€˜ fear ā€˜ of the end of democracy. They know people arenā€™t buying that load of crap. They fear Trump because of the night and day difference that a Trump presidency would be compared to the terrible state of the union we have nowā€¦that is the reason for all these witch hunts. Trump will not back down no matter what they throw at him..

The fraud case originated when Trump's former attorney testified in Congress that Trump misrepresented his assets as needed to secure loans and pay taxes. Then a complaint was filed and the SDNY investigated. They found enough evidence to indict and the Trump lost the case. The only reason the indictment came after Trump announced is because trump announced early to claim the prosecutions are political. They're not; they're criminal. Trump is a criminal and while this case had no chance of putting trump in jail, that's not true for the other cases. When it's all over, Trump will be found guilty, and while some sentences may let trump serve suspended sentences or parole, others, like the case in Georgia have mandatory minimums. The cases are rock-solid. Trump's going to prison.

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/17/24 07:35 AM

Typical democrat spin to shift Bidens lack of what it takes to govern. Because of Biden and the democrats ignorance , they have perpetuated the high prices and continue to deny their poor performance while this nation is going down the drain. This guy is absolutely the worse thing about America at this time. He is the reason more and more people around the world despise us and distrust us. As he throws Israel ( our one and only true ally in the Middle East) under the bus and our own border states are being invaded , Biden is happy to side with others that want to see the United States decline in stature. And that is the Only thing that he can claim a success atā€¦ask any 10 people and at least 7 of those 10 will agree that Biden is the cause of all the rot in America.

1. Inflation started going up in 2020, and only reached its peak after Biden got to work, but it's back down now.
the annual inflation rates for dozens and dozens of goods routinely purchased by American households - including food - were already at their highest levels in a decade before Biden entered the White House

2. Maybe you could be more specific about world-wide opinions about The United States, but Biden's not the one pulling out of treaties and trying to dismantle NATO. That's Trump. Biden is working with our allies in Europe and Asia and elsewhere, unlike Trump, who was actually laughed at during world summits.

3. The US has several allies in the Middle East and while Israel may be the closest, they're not perfect. They apparently commit war crimes, targeting civilians in their fight against Hamas, but Biden is still working to get foreign aid to them and to the Palestinian civilians. Trump would've never been able to handle that kind of diplomacy.

4. And again, you bring up the curious statistic that 7/10 of Americans blame Biden for everything wrong. Got a link for that? Your claim looks like BS to me.

The proof of his miserable failure is visible in the grocery stores , the housing market, our schools, on the streets w/ crime, our judicial system is a joke, his misstatements and garbled speeches to our overseas allies and his pathetically weak warnings to our adversaries is doing a great deal of damage to our values and financial status and our sovereignty.. just listen to other forms of information besides the liberal gurus that you blindly follow and bough down toā€¦that is where you can get a true glimpse of the popularity of Joeā€¦. Itā€™s not good for Sleepy Joe!

Yeah, inflation and crime rates are dropping and Trump's had more than his share of verbal flubs. Give it a few more months and Republicans will have nothing left to say, as Trump's criminal convictions pile up. His case on campaign finance violations starts next month. I get that Republicans like to point at Biden's gaffs, but even Biden can keep Pelosi & Hailey straight.

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/17/24 07:18 AM

Judge orders Trump and his companies to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case

* Trump fined $355 million (not the $370 million D.A. James asked for)
* Not including the $88 million Trump was ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll
* Don Jr. & Eric Trump each fined $4 million
* Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg fined $1 million
* Trump's lawyers pledged to appeal the ruling.

So Trump's lying and cheating has cost him almost a half billion dollars so far. Ah ha ha ha!

But it doesnā€™t hurt his support for 2024 presidential run. His supporters recognize the lefts political agenda to ruin Trump , but it ainā€™t working . Just watch the next few months as Biden goes down in flames because of his demented and diminishing brain cognition . Heā€™s a blubbering stumbling embarrassment to this country and his party ( like the democrats arenā€™t embarrassing enough without him).. He will not win a second termā€¦ha, ha, haā€¦

This case was never about ruining Trump's chances at being President again. It was only about holding him accountable for the laws he broke. Taking hundreds of $millions from the guy while he needs money for his campaigns is just an added bonus.

Mortman's photo
Fri 02/16/24 02:26 PM

Judge orders Trump and his companies to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case

* Trump fined $355 million (not the $370 million D.A. James asked for)
* Not including the $88 million Trump was ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll
* Don Jr. & Eric Trump each fined $4 million
* Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg fined $1 million
* Trump's lawyers pledged to appeal the ruling.

So Trump's lying and cheating has cost him almost a half billion dollars so far. Ah ha ha ha!

Mortman's photo
Fri 02/16/24 01:58 PM
Typical democrat spin to shift Bidens lack of what it takes to govern. Because of Biden and the democrats ignorance , they have perpetuated the high prices and continue to deny their poor performance while this nation is going down the drain. This guy is absolutely the worse thing about America at this time. He is the reason more and more people around the world despise us and distrust us. As he throws Israel ( our one and only true ally in the Middle East) under the bus and our own border states are being invaded , Biden is happy to side with others that want to see the United States decline in stature. And that is the Only thing that he can claim a success atā€¦ask any 10 people and at least 7 of those 10 will agree that Biden is the cause of all the rot in America.

1. Inflation started going up in 2020, and only reached its peak after Biden got to work, but it's back down now.
the annual inflation rates for dozens and dozens of goods routinely purchased by American households - including food - were already at their highest levels in a decade before Biden entered the White House

2. Maybe you could be more specific about world-wide opinions about The United States, but Biden's not the one pulling out of treaties and trying to dismantle NATO. That's Trump. Biden is working with our allies in Europe and Asia and elsewhere, unlike Trump, who was actually laughed at during world summits.

3. The US has several allies in the Middle East and while Israel may be the closest, they're not perfect. They apparently commit war crimes, targeting civilians in their fight against Hamas, but Biden is still working to get foreign aid to them and to the Palestinian civilians. Trump would've never been able to handle that kind of diplomacy.

4. And again, you bring up the curious statistic that 7/10 of Americans blame Biden for everything wrong. Got a link for that? Your claim looks like BS to me.

Mortman's photo
Wed 02/14/24 11:51 AM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 02/14/24 11:52 AM
It's a good profile. You've got the information there and the pictures are clear enough. The only things that bother me is that you left he headline as the default "Hi.." and in your photos, you're not looking into the camera lens. You should learn where the lense is and look into it when snapping the picture. But those are very small issues. I like that your text blurb describes you and what you're looking for, and you kept it fairly short. Also, maybe select a main picture that better shows your face. Like the 4th image.

You're clearly an attractive, well-dressed young woman, so you should be fine. Beside the tiny complaints above, I really like it. I rate it 10/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Wed 02/14/24 11:42 AM
None are so blind as those who refuse to seeā€¦Joe was the reason inflation, gas and everything else skyrocketed in cost. Even though inflation is creeping down , prices stay high, anywhere from 15% to 30%. And Joe still blames everyone and everything except his own bad decisions..This week itā€™s ā€˜ shrinkflationā€™ā€¦

Oh please. Shrinkflataion isn't this week. That's been going on since the '50s. It's not like Biden or any other president has control on what the consumer market bears. All he can do is ask Congress for reforms and sign acts of Congress into law. Biden asked Congress for a fairer tax system, and Republican's won't have it. So, higher corporate profits go up with inflation.

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/13/24 04:19 PM
It's a pretty good profile. You've got some clear photos and all the biographical information, but the text blurb is a little short and unhelpful and you left the default headline.

For the photos, it might be better to use a clearer picture of your face. In the main pic you currently have, it's nice--amazing beard--but you're relatively small in the picture and you're not looking into the camera. I like the the photos show you outside in interesting places, but you don't look like you're having any fun. Maybe you're just a serious kind of person, and that's OK, but it doesn't make you approachable.

The blurb looks almost like a riddle. You wrote "Wildly Naive or Dangerously IntelligentLooking for a good friend or a partner." You can see that it's missing space, but what is that supposed to mean? Maybe clear that up, and you could even give more information about the kind of person you want to meet. You also left the headline as the default "Hi.." which bugs me, but lots of other people do that, so no problem, I guess.

Anyway, you seem like a good-looking, healthy young man, so you should be alright. But subtracting for the pictures that could be better and the confusing blurb, I'd rate it 8/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/13/24 04:04 PM
If Joe hadnā€™t let the far left liberals take his party to the edge of lunacy than maybe a more moderate Republican would have been nominated instead of the maga right Trump. I believe the democrats hate for Trump made it possible for Joe to dismantle the policies Trump had in place that were working, and the democrats applauded every anti-Trump act Joe put in place, and now because everything is going to hell in a hand basket they want to complain and blame all on Trump. If someone would have been honest with Joe and told him he was losing it than we may have had a better suited democrat candidate.. but who???

Things aren't going to hell. Unemployment is down. Inflation is down. Oil & Natural Gas prices are down. Since Biden got into office, there're no more shortages of the things the Trump Administration let slide.

And to answer the other question above, there are other Republicans and Democrats, but Republicans mostly want (criminal suspect) Trump, and Democrats are sticking with the guy known to beat the criminal suspect in elections. If Trump were not running, and put in prison where he belongs, all bets would be off.

Mortman's photo
Mon 02/12/24 11:40 AM
Edited by Mortman on Mon 02/12/24 11:40 AM
Evidence? Are you playing with a full deck up top, or are you just so ignorant of the facts that are staring you right in the face, that you can't and won't accept anything that upsets your narrative and mindset?:thinking::thinking:šŸ¤· There's the Clinton's, for one. Anyone who has crossed them, has ended up dead, in suspicious circumstances, but that hitlist of theirs is all forgotten about? Then there's Hillary's email scandal? All swept under the carpet and yet again, forgotten about. Biden, has been receiving money from foreign Countries, all over the World, that's been getting paid into offshore bank accounts, after it filters through the shell Companies that he owns. Yet again, swept under the carpet and forgotten about. So you tell me why is Trump, indicted, but this lot aren't? :thinking::thinking:šŸ¤· Also, explain how Bill Clinton, is worth hundreds of millions of $'s these days? Where did he get all that money from? I'll tell you why, it's because he's on the take and he and his wife Hillary, have been on the take since the days he was a Governor of Arkansas, at least. As I said before, your Government and your Politicians reek of corruption!

Wow. That's really out of touch. Those are all old conspiracy theories long ago debunked.
1. The "Clinton body count" is just a list of some of the people the Clintons knew who died. And the person who made the list admitted she had no evidence the Clintons did any of that--suggesting it was done by "people trying to control the president." So stupid.

2. Hillary's email "scandal" was nothing. There were no classified documents there, and it's not illegal to delete an old email unless it's subpoenaed. Most people delete email every day.

3. Bill Clinton is worth hundreds of $millions through his speaking fees. The guy speaks at all sorts of places, commanding up to $millions for each engagement. He also wrote best-selling books. He's probably been doing alright with investments since leaving office, too.

4. There's still no evidence of Biden getting foreign payments, while Trump openly took in $millions from foreign governments at his resorts, which is actually unconstitutional.

So you don't have any evidence. Just barfing up the old conspiracy theories from years or decades ago. Super easy to refute, since they're all overused and bogus. I've seen that debate long ago.

Mortman's photo
Sun 02/11/24 07:14 PM
Wrong, wrong and ummm oh yea , wrong!.. Trumps plan was donā€™t mess with our troops and we will be out by that date. If you mess with our troops we wonā€™t leave and he will bring in more troops to counter any action against us. But when Biden came in the Taliban felt emboldened to break the deal cause they saw weakness with Biden. ( they were right) . Joe had half a year to plan a successful withdrawal but he lacked the common knowledge to put any plan into action until the last minute. He left millions of dollars of our armor and weapons there for the taking.. There is still people their that Joe left behind, not to mention the 13 that were killed During ā€œ the most successful withdrawal in historyā€ .šŸ¤Ŗ ... and what makes you think Biden wouldnā€™t have just scrapped those Trump plans like he did everything else Trump didā€¦

Nice thought, but during Trump's term, the US lost more than 60 servicemen in Afghanistan. So much for "don't mess with our troops." And getting out by that date? Never happened. Not even any plans for it. It's like Pompeo signed the agreement and everybody promptly forgot about it until after the election, and then still did nothing for it. Didn't move an ounce of equipment out of country until Biden came into office. Had they actually made arrangements, the move would've been at least partially complete by the time Biden was sworn in. Don't know where you got your notions of Trump doing so much.

Mortman's photo
Sun 02/11/24 07:09 PM
The fact is the whole American political system and their Politicians, are so corrupt, that if they had to investigate every one of them, their Courts would be tied up for a very long time. The Clinton's, Trump, Biden? You name it, they're all crooks on the make and the take! Same here in the UK, but at least I know and can acknowledge that fact.:thumbsup::100::sunglasses:

That's nice. Besides Trump's cases (already indicted), can you cite the evidence for these crimes you're sure of?

Mortman's photo
Sun 02/11/24 09:13 AM
Edited by Mortman on Sun 02/11/24 09:14 AM
I don't see where anybody has the right to retain classified documents "after their term is up." That's just something that Trump made up, but it's not supported by any laws. Hint: The Presidential Records Act doesn't say what Trump says it does. Ex-presidents don't get to take classified documents home.

Hur's summary letter is disturbing, if true, where it says Biden knowingly shared top secret information while out of office. Especially a TS/SCI document, where the recipient would have been expressly acknowledged to know not to take that stuff home or tell anybody else about it's contents. I know that because I've been "read-in" a few times. Maybe at the White House, those types of documents get passed around so much, nobody can keep that stuff straight.

But even Hur points out the differences between Biden and Trump, where Biden turned the stuff in without prodding & pleading from NARA, or a subpoena, and fully cooperated with the subsequent investigation. Trump is probably still keeping a stash of classified documents.

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/10/24 10:01 PM
It's a good start. You have some pictures and the blurb, and the biographical info there. But you left the headline as the default (lame) "Hi.." and the blurb has misspellings and in all the photos you're not looking into the camera lens.

So it seems you're a dog person. That's cool. Maybe frame the pictures a little better. Figure out where the camera lens is and look into it when snapping the selfie. Maybe do it when the dog is also facing toward the camera. With digital cameras, the pictures are free. Take a bunch and pick the best to upload. At least you're smiling in the pictures--not a big toothy smile, but you look good.

Maybe re-read your blurb and clean it up a bit. Are you Texas or Texan? How could you not be good at being a Texan? You've been doing it your whole life, right? Also, you didn't say what you're looking for. Can you describe the kind of person you want to meet, or do you think you'd take anybody that comes?

Anyway, you seem like a nice guy, and including cute animals doesn't hurt, even if it's a view if their butt, dogs make me smile. I think you'll be alright. But for the profile that has a sloppy blurb and photos that could be better, I'd rate it 7/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/10/24 09:44 PM
Excellent work. You clearly put a lot of thought and effort into it and it looks complete. The photos are really good. The blurb is well-written. It's longer than most, but easy to read. Maybe a little white space would help, but it's still excellent.

I'd rate it 10/10. Great job!

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Fri 02/09/24 10:47 AM
It's good, but could be better. The main pic looks like it was taken by accident and the blurb could say more.

For the picture, if you take a selfie, look into the camera lens when snapping the photo, and it's better in well-lighted conditions--especially for phone cameras. If you can hold the camera at or above eye level, it generally looks better (so we're not looking up your nostrils). Smiling wouldn't hurt, either.

The pickup line in the headline is corny, but it shows your sense of humor. That's good. But the text blurb just vaguely describes you. Loving and loveable. Sure. Maybe expand on that a bit, and also maybe a little about the kind of person you seek. No need to write hundreds of words--brevity is good, but have some fun with it.

So, for having most of the information there, but subtracting for what it doesn't say, and for the photo that could be better, I'd rate it 8/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Thu 02/08/24 06:35 PM
Yeah, there's nothing about the type of guy you're hoping to meet..

A bad boy?
A mummy's boy? :joy:
Someone educated?
Someone hard working?

I like her edit. The "Can you make me laugh?" says it all without having to say it all. Her target guy could be educated or not, but just do nice things or tell a joke or even just be clumsy and sweet. I really like brevity and Anton's text blurb is a winner!

Mortman's photo
Thu 02/08/24 06:30 PM
Nice! I hate to complain, but even with the new pics, it's still not clear what color your eyes are, but I guess that's for the guys to find out, right?

Mortman's photo
Thu 02/08/24 06:27 PM
It's a pretty good profile. Good photos, and the text blurb seems alright, even with the small errors.

I like that the photos show that you are active. Outdoors and the zipline. Good choice. The first two pics are almost the same, and the pictures of your face are looking upward. Like you're proud of your nostrils. I think the selfie would look better if you held the camera up at eye level or higher. A smile wouldn't hurt, either.

You left the headline as the default "Hi.." and you could clean up the text blurb to fix the tiny errors, or leave it as is. It's charming. I don't know what Belgian women would feel about it, but you seem like a fit, young, good-looking guy. You should be alright.

So for the mostly complete information, but redundant photos and slightly clumsy (but charming) text blurb, I'd rate it 8/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Thu 02/08/24 06:14 PM
It seems like an OK profile. You seem cute and fun and too casual to take it seriously. I find the image filters disturbing--like what are you trying to hide? The text blurb is poorly written, too, but otherwise, it's OK.

Being fun and cute is good, and even attractive to some, but maybe a little concerning. Maybe include another pic or two without the IG filters. You seem very pretty, even looking carefully past the bunny ears, pussycat nose and blurr.

You wrote: Hi...I am exciting funny and lots more

The text blurb doesn't really have a size limit, so you can put some more information in there, to let us know you're not a psychotic mess trying to lure us into a trap. Maybe tell us more about you & what kind of person you're looking for.

So, appreciating the fun/casual style, but still disturbed by the image filters and poor writing, I'd rate it 7/10.

Good luck!

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