Community > Posts By > Mortman

Mortman's photo
Fri 01/26/24 02:17 PM
LOL. You seem to think you know what everybody thinks. It's clear that Biden wants to get the mess at the border fixed and Republicans are killing all such efforts in hopes to hurt Biden and make way for Trump. Senator Hawley even admitted it.

Mortman's photo
Fri 01/26/24 02:13 PM
Everything with this President is ā€œ in progressā€ well progress doesnā€™t pay the bills Mortman. Iā€™ve been America a long time and these last three years have been a huge burden to millions of Americans just trying to get by.. you said welcome to America.. how about welcome to Bidenā€™s America where you work harder and get less for your buckā€¦

Yes, the whole country is still in progress. It's actually a good thing that improvements are still going. We're not quitting this country. Buckle up.

Mortman's photo
Fri 01/26/24 12:29 PM
I doubt congress is taking their orders from Trump,, not yet anyway. But if thatā€™s the case than good for him because that bill sucksā€¦The republicans have put bills out there ( one in the senate that Shumer wonā€™t bring up) .. but the bill the democrats want to pass does Nothing to stop the massive invasion , all the xtra money they want for the border will go to letting more in but at a faster rate.. while the democrats and others try to gaslight us we see for ourselves their intentions of flooding our states with potential voters for the democrats,..

LOL. Of course Congressional Republicans take orders from Trump, and the extra border funding isn't for more immigrants faster, but better handling of the crisis. Lastly, it's not an invasion. Those immigrants are people in difficult situations. It's only because their home nations suck and the US is still good, despite Trump and Congressional Republicans trying to take it down.

Mortman's photo
Fri 01/26/24 12:21 PM
Rightā€¦ and is all that trillions of dollars in infrastructure and green energy doing us any good if itā€™s not being used. Whereā€™s all these charging stations that we spent billions on a year or so ago , and now we just spent billions more for more stations and they havenā€™t installed the first one after what a year or two.. looks like Joe isnā€™t the only sleepy one.. maybe if Joe would do the job he is supposed to do, instead of spending the majority of his time coming up with ways to take out his opponents , he may gain a little respect..maybe!

Welcome to America, Bart, where laws passed at the federal level don't mean all the money gets spent immediately. If you Google it, you'd see that work is in progress on the infrastructure and on inflation reduction and the other stuff.

Mortman's photo
Fri 01/26/24 07:49 AM
Biden, couldn't run a bath, never mind a Country! How on Earth, can the USA, with it's size and resources, have had two of the biggest absolute Clowns as President, in recent years? :thinking::thinking:šŸ¤· It's beyond me!!

Funny. Biden outsmarted Kevin McCarthy in debt ceiling negotiations and got several major laws passed, working behind the scenes to get Congress and senators on both sides for $trillions for national infrastructure and clean energy investment and manufacturing jobs. Never mind his rallying NATO to help Ukraine and even grow membership therein.

But yeah, "clown" pretty much sums up Trump's administration.

Mortman's photo
Fri 01/26/24 07:36 AM
Edited by Mortman on Fri 01/26/24 07:38 AM
I agree that Trump shouldnā€™t be Saying these things, Haley should stay in the primary until she feels ready to get out. This primary is not over, give voters a chance outside of two small states.. Maybe South Carolina will be the deciding state if she lose by a lotā€¦ Trump is saying what a lot of people are thinking ( they think this primary is over, time to aim his attacks at Biden)ā€¦The thing that is really pathetic is the job Joe Biden is doing as our President. His job of securing our border is much more damaging to this country that the rudeness coming from Trumps mouth.

It's not Biden's fault that Trump is ordering Republicans to kill the border deal until he can get back into office. That's your GOP sandbagging the country for political points again.

Mortman's photo
Thu 01/25/24 07:23 PM
More Taxes is Not a good idea in Many States because in the USA the present Administration has spent Billions of Unnecessary dollars on many things that do not benefit USA.

For One Look at California, it is going to ruins and they keep More US government assistance for most Anything that arises as a supposedly Necessarity.

The data doesn't support your assertion. Back when the top marginal tax rate was over 90%, the US economy was soaring. Things went downhill faster when Reagan pushed "trickle-down" economics, and only the rich got richer. Budget deficits and the national debt exploded and everybody who has any sense can put the two together. Tax cuts are an expense when the national budget has to be balanced, and all the easy spending cuts were made decades ago.

Also, California may have problems but they're among the least federally funded states. Californians pay over $5 for every dollar of federal money the state gets.

Mortman's photo
Thu 01/25/24 07:16 AM
Edited by Mortman on Thu 01/25/24 07:18 AM
Now you are just pulling fake news out of the air, and assigning it to Trump . Your rants are as frivolous as the Biden presidency.. just because the current DOJ ( taking their marching orders from Bidenā€™s White House) refuses to do the job they are supposed to do, and bends over backwards to cover-up the factual evidence that the FBI uncovered about Biden and the bribes he has pocketed. That does not mean he is innocent. While the Trump cases are about to backfire on these DAs and special prosecutors charging Trump because of their corrupt politically bias . Trump keeps gaining momentum for his return to the White House..Speaking of pedophiles , refer to Bidenā€™s daughters diary where she questions why her dad( Joe Biden) was taking baths with her when she was a pre-teen.. Why do you think his FBI went to far lengths to retrieve her diary after it was stolenā€¦

Republicans have been investigating Biden since before he was Vice President, and even in the Trump Administration, the DOJ couldn't find anything on Biden, and Barr is no Democrat. It's not that the DOJ won't go there. There is no "there" there. Biden has been doing his job and keeping out of trouble for decades because he knows that as a public official, he's subject to extra scrutiny. His screwball son is a trainwreck, but Joe is a good man and loves his family unconditionally. Trump, not so much.

Mortman's photo
Thu 01/25/24 07:09 AM
Really good photos but the blurb is very weak. The line "You will know more once we click!" is obvious and not helpful. Mingle2 gives you a nearly unlimited space to tell people what you're like and what you're looking for, and this blurb is a disappointment. You also left your headline as the default "Hi.." and there's no profession. How about helping people start a conversation with you by telling them what you do and know?

On the bright side, the photos are really good. They clearly show your face, excellent hair and are well lit. Most people here could take selfie lessons from you!

Overall, thanks to the photos, it's clear that you're an attractive lady, so you should be alright. But for the unused space and missing information, I rate it 7/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Thu 01/25/24 05:54 AM
Edited by Mortman on Thu 01/25/24 06:18 AM
Biden is a criminal just like Trudeau

Congressional republicans keep saying that too. They've spent $millions and several years investigating Biden, hoping they find something, anything, to show Biden's a criminal, and still have nothing.

Meanwhile, Trump has been caught with literally tons of evidence that Republicans cannot see. You can say "read the indictment. It's right there." They say "Nope. Trump's innocent. This is a political witch hunt!" It's comical!.

Now Trump's not even pretending anymore. Now he just says he has "total immunity" and yes, it's confusing, because at the same time he said "I did nothing wrong" and "I should have total immunity" and strangely compares himself to rogue cops and pedophile priests, but total presidential immunity isn't a thing. Cops and priests sometimes go to jail and nobody reasonably thinks cops & priests should get to freely commit crimes.

Mortman's photo
Wed 01/24/24 08:25 AM
The profile could use some work. It doesn't really have a proper blurb and the photos aren't great.

For the text blurb, you have a nice start. "Hi...shy but romantic" says just a tiny bit about you. There's no rational size limit to the text blurb area, so you should expand on it. Tell the ladies about what you're looking for. Tell them more about you. Maybe illustrate with a short description of what a date with you might be (e.g. "We could meet for drinks by the river" or "Join me for live metal punk music"). There's a value to brevity, but it's a little funny that your post here says more about you than your profile blurb.

For the photo, you could do much better. Looking down on the camera is not a good angle. If you're making a selfie, hold the camera at eye level or higher. Find out where the lens of your camera is and look at it when snapping the photo. Smiling wouldn't hurt, either, and more light is better for phone cameras. Maybe get a friend to take pictures, instead. Take a lot of photos, pick the best one and use that. The pick of you at the football pitch isn't bad, either, but only because it shows you out some place, but it seems old and you're so small in it.

Anyway, others may disagree, and I find a lot of people don't even read the profile, so you'll probably be alright, but for the minimalist blurb and the disappointing photos, I rate it 7/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Wed 01/24/24 08:03 AM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 01/24/24 08:05 AM
You have some good photos, and most of the information is there, but you left the headline as the default "Hi.." and put your profession into the text blurb field.

So you have several photos, but most of them aren't very good for this site. The photos where you put together 4 similar pics into one frame doesn't work very well on the app, where users are looking at the small photos. Maybe pick one of them and upload that. Also, learn where the lens of your camera is and look into it when snapping those photos. More light is usually better when taking pics with a phone.
I think the best photo is #2, and this should probably be your default photo:

In your profile, you put "College Level" into your profession and the text blurb, you wrote "College Student". The blurb section is where you tell us about you and what you're looking for. Maybe describe things you want to do and what you'd do with your ideal mate. Use your college education to write something descriptive there. For your profession, you could just say "Student" and for your headline, you can type in a few words to describe yourself or what you want people to think about you. Have fun with it.

It's clear from the photos that you're a good-looking young woman, so you should do alright. But for the missing information and so many disappointing pictures, I rate this 6/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Tue 01/23/24 11:55 AM
Is this some more of your reporting from the bizzaro world? .. your opinion is shared by maybe 3 out of 10 Americans at the most. Name something that he has done that helps middle class Americans, nothing.. all his policies and executive actions are geared towards tearing down our freedoms to speak our mind, to raise our kids the way we choose, and to vote for the person we want to vote for.. while he thinks he is being strong by sounding tuff in front of a crowd of Americans , we know itā€™s all bluster . He bows to which ever foreign adversarie offers him a load of cash.. is it because he is weak and feeble or because heā€™s just another crooked politician with sticky fingers raking in millions .. you say Biden is not favorable in our adversaries eyes, I will argue that they love him because he is letting them get by with their aggressive behavior, they didnā€™t act like that when Trump was president.. The only foreign dignitaries that are afraid of America is our allies , they have no faith in Bidenā€™s promise to back them up..
Trump got plenty done and every American was better off financially and felt safer walking down the street . Your constant lies of Trump being a dictator isnā€™t getting any traction so why keep spouting the same lies..wait till the FBI documents that senator Grassley just obtained is released,they show how the FBI has been investigating Bidenā€™s bribery schemes since he was VP. The evidence IS there and why the FBI has hid these documents from the American people and havenā€™t taken steps to have Biden answer to these allegations is very telling of the two tiered system of justice.. you can google ā€œNew FBI documents given to senator Grassleyā€ ..Rest assured he will answer for his corruption and Rest assured that I and about 90 million Americans will vote for Trump and he will MAGA.. ā€¦ I wonder how many million illegal immigrants will illegally vote for Biden?ā€¦

Not saying I'm like everybody else, but there are many good reasons to vote against Trump. He got nearly nothing done, and even your safe streets reason doesn't match Trump's accomplishments. Murder rates went up during Trump. Look it up.

Biden's Build Back Better is investing in our country and bringing back manufacturing to the US and away from China and Taiwan. The investment in infrastructure helps everyone. Trump never got past only announcing "infrastructure week" a few times. Sure Trump got some money for border policy, and started wasting $billions on wall repairs and building in other places that soon fell down. Notice that Republicans are rejecting any work on border policy while Biden is in office? Biden's requesting fixes to border policy and even money for Border Patrol, and republicans won't budge, fearing another Biden "win." Time to vote blue.

Mortman's photo
Tue 01/23/24 05:31 AM
It's a pretty nice profile. Funny that your blurb talks about fake profiles and this strikes me as fake. Here, you say you're in NYC, but your profile says you're in New Delhi. Looks like a scammer to me.

You could include in your text blurb, something about the kind of person you're trying to meet, and maybe some more about who you are and what you're like. And you left the headline as the default "Hi.." which is lame.

Otherwise, nice photos. Most everything else is there, and you seem like a good-looking guy, so you should do alright.

For the good photos but too-brief blurb but and troubling location information, I give it 7/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Tue 01/23/24 05:20 AM
It's a pretty good profile. Nice photos. Text blurb is a little messy and you forgot to put in a headline, but it seems clear enough.

The photos aren't super clear, as if you took pictures of pictures, so the color is a little off and they all seem a bit blurry, but at least you're looking into the camera lens, so that's a plus.

The text blurb has no spaces between sentences, which is annoying, but it's almost a style thing, with texting and such, and it's not completely unreadable. It's funny that you don't want people to reach you with simply "Hi..." but that's the headline of your profile. You could fix the misspelled "woman" and maybe clarify which kind of doctor you are. Jr doctor isn't a thing (as far as I've ever heard) but maybe that's just your professional joke.

Otherwise, it's great, and judging by TanPleasures comment, we agree that you're an attractive young lady. For the nearly complete but messy blurb, I give it a 9/10. Good job!

Mortman's photo
Mon 01/22/24 10:40 PM
Edited by Mortman on Mon 01/22/24 10:50 PM
Biden has done nothing for the USA except embarrass us around the world. He has done great harm to veterans, police, border patrol, generally the working class - everyone. It amazes me that there are people who are actually going to vote for him in November. There are 2 ways to get rid of him. 1. get out of your chair and VOTE
2. ***

Ms. Giggles is not capable of giving a speech to a room with 8 teachers in it, so you know she cannot run a government.

God Help Us.

Counterpoint: Biden has made several profound accomplishments for the country.

While Biden's clearly not a favorite of the authoritarians around the world--Xi, Putin, Kim, & Netanyahu, he's restored US leadership in environmental efforts (Paris Agreement) and peacekeeping. He's rallied NATO to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion and prevented Ukrainian genocide. His Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS Act and "Build Back Better" will boost our nation's economy for decades. Under Biden the US has outperformed every other industrialized nation in economic stability for the period.

Mostly, though, Biden is just better than the alternative. Trump got almost nothing done but appointing crooked judges and passing tax cuts for the rich. All the good stuff he promised was always "two weeks" away.

I understand that Biden scares you because Putin threatens to use nukes unless we let him have his way, and Biden's calling his bluff, but you want Trump because he's "strong" and lets Putin have his way. (sheesh)

Trump isn't even hiding the fact that he's guilty, anymore. He's made up "presidential immunity" and demands to be above the law. He's already pledged to be a dictator and ignore the Constitution. Rest assured that I will vote against the orange criminal. You should too.

Mortman's photo
Sun 01/21/24 10:01 AM
It's actually the opposite and the American dollar, is hanging by a thread and that's no lie. It's not the American people to blame for what's happening, it's their Government, who are running the Country into the ground. The same thing is happening here in the UK also. The Brics nations are backing up their currencies with gold and other commodites of value. All the US have to back up their currency is debt, as the gold is all gone. You might say "Oh it's in Fort Knox?" The last time an audit was done on the gold there, was in the 1970's. I bet you it's all gone now though? Squirrelled out of the US, by greedy politicians who have sold it all behind your backs and deposited the ill gotten gains in offshore bank accounts. Why do you think that inflation is going through the roof in the US? It's because they're printing more money to prop up the $31 trillion debt, but that house of cards can collapse at any time though! :thumbsup::100:

The US was taken off the gold standard back in the 1970s and the dollar is backed by the "full faith and credit of the United States." which may not mean much, but even China doesn't have enough gold to back up all their currency. Their laws are in place to prop up whomever is in power at the time, and while the US legal system is under attack from Republicans, they're still holding, and soon enough, other republicans seeking power will use the laws to take down the ones who've abused the power they once had (Trump).

It's irrefutable that the US dollar is in most of the currency trades and for good reason. Everybody agrees to its validity. All the BRICS countries hate the US, but without fail, each will accept dollars for trade.

Mortman's photo
Sun 01/21/24 09:46 AM
Edited by Mortman on Sun 01/21/24 09:49 AM
It's a really good profile! Clear photos, and almost complete. You left the headline as the default "Hi.." which doesn't say anything

In your text blurb you said "I'm a very calm and simple minded lady." I guess you might be trying to be humble, but "simple minded" means stupid. Maybe you meant "sensible" or "reasonable" or even "simple", but to me it looks like an odd thing to call yourself--like you're a tormented person repeating insults someone told you. Otherwise, the blurb is well-written and I like it.

You seem like an attractive, intelligent young lady, and for the nearly complete profile with good pictures, I give it a 9.5 out of 10.

Good job!

Mortman's photo
Sat 01/20/24 01:05 PM
Edited by Mortman on Sat 01/20/24 01:06 PM
The article says that BRICS could replace the dollar as the top reserve currency some time in the future, but it seems to depend on a lot of conditions and would take a long time to happen. BRICS also don't have a singular currency to put forward, and it's unlikely that all those member nations will agree to one over the other. And most of the member countries have many of their own problems to get over first.

I don't see it happening. Especially with all the recent distrust of China and Russia, they're losing a lot of business, and China's population is shrinking. But back to the opening question: Even if they did replace the dollar as the dominant currency, it wouldn't make the US weaker. The dollar doesn't depend on other countries using it. The dollar's strength is in the country that issues it--not what other countries trade.

Mortman's photo
Fri 01/19/24 09:15 PM
Edited by Mortman on Fri 01/19/24 09:17 PM
It's pretty good. All the photos cut off some of your head. The text blurb is short but mostly the punctuation is messed up. It's still understandable, though. You should use the 2nd photo as your default pic, since it better shows your face and smile.

So, not liking the default photo, and the wrong punctuation bugs me, but the vibe is good, and you seem like a good guy. I think the text blurb could say a lot more and you could use the 'headline' too. I rate it 8/10.

Good luck!

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