Community > Posts By > geppetto55

geppetto55's photo
Wed 03/27/13 09:45 AM

like placing a message on a li'l plastic ducky 'n setting adrift in salt water~

Thats cliche. What about you go with your message? Hehe

Exsquese me? That was the feelin; mam

Thanks for noticing.

geppetto55's photo
Tue 03/26/13 11:00 PM

like placing a message on a li'l plastic ducky 'n setting adrift in salt water~

geppetto55's photo
Tue 03/26/13 10:50 PM

No~ But coupla youngish lasses gave woo hoo noises from a passing car after I crossed the street.
That worked~ Motivation from outa the blue. wow

geppetto55's photo
Tue 03/26/13 10:04 AM
Edited by geppetto55 on Tue 03/26/13 10:05 AM

Oh Lordy...that big ole plate of tucker had me full up just looking at it. Just a piece of toast with strawberry jam perhaps and earl grey for me please. I am rather partial to smoked salmon with poached eggs for a big brekky though.

lol...i gave up trying to post the pic...but it was lip smacking gooooood!

will THIS do??? drool

Thanks kids. I'll have to take a stab at that. Loves the smokey treats I do. woot!

geppetto55's photo
Tue 03/26/13 10:01 AM

although I've spent time in the city.. I've spent most of my life in the country.. I've also been taught to track by an uncle AND a Mohawk Indian..

I can't back track far for several reasons.. 1-it was along a tree line that's 2km+ long.. 2- the trees divide 2 huge agricultural fields(uneven ground).. 3-the recent weather conditions alter the integrity of the land(thaw, freeze, thaw etc) and 4-one of the fields is filled with migrating ducks that I don't want to upset/scare(as long as they stay put.. they're off limits to the hunters:thumbsup: )..

thanks for the effort though..

Most welcome Zee 'n my pleasure. I love stuff as this.
Tracker as well? You're killing me. :)
With your knowledge, swift use of slangnstuff..being from Canada I had a gut feeling you too had a bit o Tom running your veins~ of past or not.
tips me hat~

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 11:43 PM

I have a unique talent with fire...Does that count?

upside down fire start? :)

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 11:38 PM
Edited by geppetto55 on Mon 03/25/13 11:41 PM

no.. it wasn't Dave.. I think I'd recognize any tracks he'd of left laugh

I'm not 100% sure but.. it's NOT a fox (of that I AM sure) as the tracks are a wee bit larger and not that of a fox.. I checked online and I came up with 2 possibles.. 1-a wild dog or 2-a wolf.. I've seen wolves out back before but that was about 2 years ago.. nothing since.. wild dogs seem more likely as I saw a few last spring loping through the fields happily chasing wild hares.. so it's a toss up..

anywho.. extra fencing is up.. most of the food is still there so hopefully.. whatever scared the bejesus outta the 'kids' has moved on and life will be back to normal soon enough..

well.. off to make and have dinner.. chowders peeps drinker

yeah fox prints are purty small..and ifn ever doubt of the two anudder time..I've read fox tracks with "direct register" as a cat~~hind foot lands in front track

Of this invasion~ things come to mind as ima sure you've the same.
Who's blood? What ripped off the door? ~erm, maybe you'll find a wolves/dogs eyeball laying around somewhere. Near sounds like your cats are li'l farm yard scrappers. :wink:
Maybe the perp beat feet ina big hurry cuza your stuck on a hinged area on the way out in a big hurry 'n tore a leg or whatever? Is there blood on where the flap door attached/on door itself?
lol, can you tell I wanna peddle my bike on over to check it out?

Nudder thought. ~I've seen cats leap from floor to top of a refrigerator. ~I'm picturing something the size as you are tall.. 5.5ish? If nothing to jump up on to to avoid Mr likes to roll in dead fishys, or Big bad wolf..problem Huston..ya got miniature tiggers fight ta death balls of muscle, 4x4 claws 'n needle teeth.
Fahhk <---<< forgets proper k placement after how many h's. :)
..I've seen a healthy, very angry cat in my life. Venture in as invader, no thanks. lol, random as it may be ima thinking something got their arse kicked. Your cats my be as you..passive can't kill a creature..but they had to fight 'n flight~ 'n very upset what they've done~~most different from cat with canary in mouth ay?

I looked up what the diff twixt dog, wolf, coyote track as well. Seems only way to tell is..kinda? Follow the tracks, back tracking a bit far perhaps. Sez a dog meanders 'n wolf/coyote more straight line;
Shape Intergroup
Distance Print Size
(front foot) Other
WOLF 4 toes, symmetrical, longer than wide, rectangular shape, typical canid-shaped planter pad, nail marks not attached to toe mark >26" L>4 3/4"
W>3 3/4" travels straight line,
DOG same as wolf variable variable most breeds
< 4" long lots of meandering
COYOTE same as wolf <16" L<2 3/4"
W<2 1/2" travels straight line,

I best pull the plug~ima having too much fun. ;)

eh~nudder. :-)
"Wolf tracks are similar to the tracks of some large breeds of dogs but are generally larger and more elongated, with broader toe pads and a larger heel pad. Dog tracks are rounder than wolf tracks, and the stride is shorter. When walking, dogs leave a pattern of tracks that looks straddle-legged, with the rear prints tending not to overlap the front prints. Their tracks appear to wander, in contrast to the straight-line pattern of wolf tracks."

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 09:09 AM

thats what they tell me before they give me the medicine and lock me in my room...

You're lucky.
I was put on a special diet..tortias, pizza, pancakes..few Cheerios here'n there, and anything else they can slide under the door. :)

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 08:56 AM

well.. it's MONDAY AGAIN.. grumble and I had a HUGE scare this morning..

I went out to feed the 'backyard animals', as I do every morning, and the shelter was in quite the disarray.. bowls strewn EVERYwhere.. the flap door to an enclosure was ripped off and laying on the ground some feet away.. I called to the cats that usually are the first ones there but nothing.. nada.. no sign of them at all.. which was odd and gave me THE worst feeling in the pit of my stomach.. I decided to do a lil scouting about to see what could have made such a mess.. then I spotted it.. a pool of red in the snow.. freaking I ran over to the spot and my heart stopped.. no.. there was no dead animal there but.. there was enough blood to suggest something VERY bad had happened.. I called and called and called but didn't see any sign of the 2 cats I've become fond of most, boots & mammy.. I was out there scouring the woods, roadside, and ditches for about an hour when FINALLY.. off in the distance I see Boots.. heaving a sigh of relief I tried approaching.. Boots took off in a flash.. then I spotted Mammy.. terrified and cowering but seemingly OKAY.. another sigh of relief.. neither seemed hurt in any way but MAN.. were they scared.. neither one has approached the food yet either.. but at least I know they're both okay.. after I'm done working today I'll come up with a solution to allow for a lil more protection.. I've got some metal fencing materials that I can use and I've left myself a sticky note on the switch to leave on the motion detector floods out back tonight.. maybe that'll help scare whatever's wrecking havoc, away

anywho.. have a good day peeps.. till LATERS drinker

Check for tracks to know what you're up against me thinks.

I'm glad it came to be ok..
umm, ya think it might have been David? bigsmile

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 08:28 AM

I gots MINE bigsmile

Heart attack on a plate.

yup.. that may be.. but.. I refuse to stop enjoying my life because someone says it could kill me.. eventually.. it WILL.. laugh

in the meantime.. everything in moderation.. bigsmiledrinker

I saw the plate full and my eyes grew to smile.
Nuttin' like a gal with a hearty appetite was my thought.
cheers! ima scrambled egg person too...lest it be twix coupla pancackes/waffles..or atop a mess of peppers 'n spuds. Then over easy she goes. using a big fork :) pitchfork

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 08:23 AM
query as sitar music.. and it's still there...I got the image that shows messed up, but it's this if care to.

Anoushka Shankar plays 'Pancham Se Gara' :smile:

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 08:08 AM
Oh shucky darn. Both are belly up.
First was an amazing vid of a woman playing sitar, accompanied by a man on some type of bongo drums..other man on a lessor sitar.

Twas nuts. Her fingers fast as Alvin Lee's. Worth a look if you get on the tube later. Maybe some are blocked from Hotlinking? --- it's an eleven min. Vid...the woman in Blue or lavenderish?
The sitar was HUGE! I never seen such a thing. Lol...I know..sitar?
it was intoxicating.

geppetto55's photo
Mon 03/25/13 07:38 AM

none of your links worked for me g-man.. just sayin..

funny how that happened. I just watched it, then was belly up. ;l

geppetto55's photo
Sun 03/24/13 04:33 PM
Edited by geppetto55 on Sun 03/24/13 04:46 PM

I'd like it if you just wore your undergarments. You could join the lingerie football league.:angel:

Dude either you've balls o brass or ignorant. Full run I hear K ken spin a paltry patch o chest hair to knots, yank knot as bugger 'n flick to ones eye...score a try. enya talkin' panties?

..second thought..there's something of Mary was paltry in comparison. I can't speak of blames.
..where's me dish~ my snout iza chafing.

~song of the paddle~

fahh, I just watched it. Phooey, song of paddle 'n medicine ball walk about ain't just shaking rain from trees walk about...cuts a sail from my best as Billie Bongs holds Tigger.

geppetto55's photo
Sun 03/24/13 01:58 PM
found one to go with K's pipe fistfulla posts past.

before I get to babblin' of cris crossin' streams to land on...Finda mat ina darkened nook 'n enjoy...c'mon. I dint say slouch 'leven minutes away. sit straight...zills if ya gott'm. :)

geppetto55's photo
Sun 03/24/13 12:38 PM
get 'em laughing 'n thinking walks off as subject matter often is shang-high'd fived ~ etch a memory for some of a day forever, to be re-called by seed on their own; outa bit of profound, total off the hook random thought shared 'n sheer luck of personal tangibles.
~ still drops a tear when someone sez "thanks for being you". ~same reason some hate me.

anyone gots that Peter Max poster "keep truckin" hit me up. I'm tiring of looking at my blood donor card of B positive...
...yeah, walking the wood always with piece of branch/twig or leaf in hand ta fiddle me neurons.

geppetto55's photo
Sun 03/24/13 11:30 AM

same here ~ some trees wished to climb have large thorns; Don Quixote-esk?
thinks I feel eggshells beneath my feet once again ~ the hard yards midstream were a welcome distraction.

Off topic 'n waay o're the top ~ excuse my flirty sounding too please, but am I alone in thinking chocpouss has a face to launch a thousand ships? (knowing this is gonna hurt me in the long run)
Someone let me off the hook here ay?

geppetto55's photo
Sun 03/24/13 10:30 AM
yeah that "don't tinkle into the wind" didn't hold merit.
~ I once hid behind a huge tree for, 'n Mr. Wind was onto me. Sneaked around the tree he did 'n got meself right in the mug.
lol, yum..but was hard not to laugh ~ true story. frown

geppetto55's photo
Sun 03/24/13 04:29 AM
Roger dat Zee.
x2 of the warm 'n fuzzy, happy go lucky loss. I apologize once again 'n lays back
down by my dish. :)

Happy Sunday to y'all.

geppetto55's photo
Sat 03/23/13 06:31 PM
lol, who ya callin' cookie there Mr Silly Pants?

smashed a bit of shortbread into a great choco chip dollup separate entity. favorites are for babies..wets me pants.

no worries, just hose me off. :)

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