WishfulThinking72's photo
Thu 01/14/16 05:20 AM
Just started watching 100 Code, so far so good.

Eagerly awaiting the return of the Walking Dead, it got a bit flat for a while but loving this latest season.

WishfulThinking72's photo
Mon 01/11/16 12:47 PM
The original AHS was brilliant, Coven was ok but wasn't keen on Freak Show or Asylum (Asylum would've been better without the alien sub plot), with Hotel it has got much better, not quite as good as the first series but almost on a par. Love it.

WishfulThinking72's photo
Mon 01/11/16 12:41 PM
Florida and it's theme parks.

Just need someone to go with!

I nearly always holiday alone but I just think Universal Studios etc would be way way way better shared.