Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Fri 01/25/19 08:59 AM

fun is ?

A 3 letter word with U in the middle...

"Wait. What am I in the middle of?"

rofl rofl "

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 08:51 AM

I am REPEATING a very old fact. " CRIMINALS can always get guns."
***** there you have it. Gun bans take weapons away from honest law-abiding people. Bad guys will have guns ANYWAY. I am against banning guns....but background checks should be complete.

Lets say just for argument's sake, The USA has a population 5 times greater than that of The UK.

How many gun massacres occurred in each of those countries last year?

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 08:25 AM
I knew a guy that loved roleplay. He'd meet women, work his way into their affection. Then in the darkness of night, rob them of all he could get his hands in and make off with.

He's now playing the role of girlfriend in a prison somewhere. noway smokin

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 07:10 AM

Paid dating sites are a rip off. Disposable income is not an indication of personality, integrity or intelligence.

I beg to differ. It is mostly people with higher levels of education and above average jobs that make a good income. Their education, interests in general, work and so on do say something about their personality and intelligence.
Sure there are exceptions to the rule, but that's a given.
Doesn't mean people with less disposable income have unpleasant personalities, but if you're looking for certain qualities like I am, you will sooner find them in people with higher education, who also have a better job because of that and so on.
Overall, there's a mentality difference in people with higher education and people with low education.

Yet here you are a long standing member of a free dating/social network site?

Higher education doesn't mean higher intelligence. A high powered job doesn't mean you're a good person. Often those who fit into those categories have over inflated egos. When in actual fact most of what theyve achieved can be attributed to mere luck.

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 06:26 AM
If that's the Whitby in England be particularly vigilant. There are very view genuine people on here who reside in Britain. The forums are the safest place to be.

Welcome to Mingle, have fun drinker

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 06:15 AM
Welcome to Mingle.

You might want to consider filling out your profile?

As it stands, you appear to have very little to say for yourself.

Have fun and good luck!

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 06:05 AM

Paid dating sites are a rip off. Disposable income is not an indication of personality, integrity or intelligence.

Some may be but not all .

That's a matter of opinion.

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 06:00 AM
Paid dating sites are a rip off. Disposable income is not an indication of personality, integrity or intelligence.

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 05:47 AM

As far as I'm concerned, what y'all do to find your own contentment is not my place to judge.
You are both contented, right?

You might find some friends in the forums but you may be hard pressed to find anyone interested in joining you but y'all didn't say that.

how do you feel about married men (me) being on here? my wife is very aware of it and has her own profile on other sites.

hi, I am his wife and I hope that there are many on here who think like you are

What your two posts indicate is that you are looking for validation from people that have suffered some type of relationship snafu?
You might ask yourself why you seek validation?

we have what we think is a solid understanding of the parameters of our dating is

The thing about 'thinking' is that it is a purely personal thing.
Chances are, one 'thinks' and the other 'agrees'.
If this is what you need, go for it.
Just try to realize that the one agreeing may not always agree.

If the one doing the 'thinking' finds out the one doing the 'agreeing' no longer agrees, are you willing to abandon these preferences to preserve the marriage or is it an "either agree or bye bye" type of agreement?

Just remember that we all change as time passes.

I admit to wholeheartedly sharing your opinion in this regard Tom.

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 05:26 AM
Nah! Professor Plum in the library with a candlestick.

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 05:17 AM
51f, real feel 43f. Drizzle earlier, cloudy at present. ohwell

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 05:03 AM

I sharpie mine. j/s

Excellent penmanship!

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 04:45 AM

My views look like a Hustler magazine most the time.

The pages are stuck together?

laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 03:47 AM

I like turtles.

laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 03:32 AM

Or you can dig up an anthill.
Checking on the entrance tunnel, it always branches into 2 tunnels. You will always
see the girls are right and the boys left!!

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 03:29 AM

The Sebring Florida bank shooter grew up in the area I live. He went to Plymouth and Breman high schools (around 20 miles away). He has a record of mental health issues. Once spending time in the Plymouth mental facility. A past girl friend said he sent her texts about kidnaping people and suicide by police.

Instead of calling for weapons bans the schools and community are asking why his conditioned wasn't acted on and how the community can help troubled people like this. His mother was contacted about early comments by school friends but she refused to work with the state police. In a way his mother may hold some responsibility for ignoring his condition.

Mr. Xaver had recently been training to work as a correctional officer at Avon Park Correctional Institution, a prison about 20 miles north of the bank where the shooting occurred.

This is a failure of the legal system to perform proper state and federal background checks. Even the Correctional Institute should have discovered his hospital stay in Plymouth Indiana before hiring him. He has a documented history of mental issues.

Gun control would have done nothing to stop this. Background checks and giving help to those who have mental issues are the only answers.

If we didn't have guns, nobody could shoot them.

Not that many guns in the UK so they use knives and swords!!
And the terrorists use bombs!!
So just banning guns is not the answer.

Yes we have a rising rate of knife crime in The UK and have suffered terrorist bombings. Your comment would have more credence if knives were no longer used as weapons in The United States.

It's much easier to evade the threat of a sword than that of a handgun.

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 03:07 AM

Justbehonest's comment kind of backs up what I said.

I think dating sites tend to make people more critical. Most set expectations which are unrealistic. Remember, few of US are as hot as we like to think we are :smile: laugh

If you're looking for 'hot'... I'm looking for someone who's compatible.

Strange you should say so when you've already admitted to ruling out potential suitors for being, in your opinion "too fat".

no photo
Fri 01/25/19 03:04 AM

In my humble opinion, dating sites have almost killed dating. The art of real interactions has been lost whilst expectations have risen.

Don't agree with that. A great many people have met their current partner via a dating site.

That may well be true but we also have a larger population than ever before. Dating sites have made it far easier to cheat and in many cases with less effort or expense.

no photo
Thu 01/24/19 10:27 PM
Hate is more destructive to the person who feels it. It can easily be ignored by the other party.

no photo
Thu 01/24/19 09:53 PM

It is multi faceted. Those suffering mental illness DEFINITELY need help. And the manufacture and sale of guns DEFINITELY needs safer guidelines and laws, which need to then be enforced.

I possess a carry permit from the state of Indiana. Most state laws are similar to each other. Before applying I did a study of state laws regarding hand guns. Federal laws are plenty in abundance. The problem is enforcement is not properly being acted on. If laws that now exist arn't being acted on what will new laws do? In Indiana this individual could never have legally purchased a weapon. He would have had to obtain one illegally.

But then the question of the prison job he had comes up. This is an example of laws and background checks that are on the books now that are not being enforced. Until existing laws are rigorously applied we are wasting our time generating more that, in the end, will only limit legal citizens.

I've argued for decades that we need to earnestly enforce the laws we have. Until this happens I'll never agree to writing more. New laws always seem to work in the favor of the criminal.

After I went through the process of applying the local, state and federal governments took three months to complete there background checks on me. The average citizen has to be squeaky clean. How do these people with mental issues get by? This is an issue that the national news media side steps. They side stepped it big time in Parkland Fl. Fellow high school students who told the news reporters about him hearing voices were told theydidn't need their story. As I've stated for more than a year, the majority of these killers have a psychiatric history. How are they legally purchasing weapons?

In Indiana a person with psychiatric history can't even by a BB gun.

Who's to say that tomorrow you might not suffer a traumatic experience that makes you unfit to own weapons. Will you voluntarily hand them in?

Traumatic experiences themself do not cause mental illness. We all have negative experiences in life. What's important is how we react to these experiences.

That's not an answer to the question posed.

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