Community > Posts By > honeyrobber

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Tue 10/10/06 02:05 PM

I sure wish a more would have answered. But from the ideas so far it
should never be an issue. The main thing is little surprise gifts for no
reason from time to time. This way the lady/man in your life knows you
are thinking of them.

I used to paint ceramics regularly and give them as gifts. My ex wife
packed her ceramic rabbits I gave her when we were dating 17 years ago
when she left. This is my idea of a gift that was cheap for me to make
but something that will last a life time and look just as good as some
home interior stuff. It has the benifit of being made by me for the
person I love as well. BTW this is something I am looking into getting
back into as well as getting a kiln and mold to make them from scratch.

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Mon 10/09/06 08:20 PM

A few a true scams as they only want you to send them money.

One of the Russian ladies was very forward with me after a couple
emails saying she would make me a good wife and mother to the children I
already have if I would go to russia and file the paper work to get her
to the US. So many of them are seeking a way out of russia through
marriage. I say let them be as they are wanting to better their lives.

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Mon 10/09/06 07:54 PM

Well I am just the reverse. I love crawl spaces, basements and caves.
Something about being under ground or nearly(crawl spaces). I have
commonly been under house doing plumbing work and needed to wait after
doing one process before doing another and have dozed off many times.
Most crawl spaces are warm and moist in winter and cool and damp in
summer. Just right for a nap, LOL.

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Mon 10/09/06 07:48 PM

I have something against giving cut flowers to a lady I care about. I
like giving her surprise gifts just not cut flowers. The thing is how do
you see giving something like a dozen roses to a lady when they are dead
and gone in a few days. This is suppose to express how I feel about the
lady? So I love you today and will be gone in a short time is how I see
it giving cut flowers. I have commonly given potted plants/flowers as
these continue to grow and spread their beauty like I hope would happen
in my relationships. Yet I rather give things that will last a long time
if not forever instead of potted plants as I have not been with a lasy
who has had a green thimb like mine.

So ladies what is it about cut flowers that is so special? This has
been a big issue in 2 relationships I have had in the past. It is not
"the thought that counts" or my other forms of gifts would be just as
pleasing as I was thinking of them(ex wife and a GF a year or 2 before
her). I would rather have something my gf/spouse made personally over
something store bought in most cases. Something made by the other has a
longer lasting effect over buying something from a store. These type
gifts need to fit the person though.

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Mon 10/09/06 07:33 PM

I am 1, 3, and 4. I am not to much of a cut up/comedian. I love to have
fun and make a fool out of myself though in the proper settings. Full
body rub downs for no reason is one of my favorite things to give and
get from a significant other. I am more into physically spoiling my lady
than into buying stuff. Is that honest enough for yah.

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Mon 10/09/06 07:24 PM

Teddy Bear and Getty Up Go on my old 8 track player brings back
memories. I love those trucking ballads.

For me it is Steve Earl's Copperhead Road. It has a real connection
with my past and families past as well as Copperead road is only about
11 miles from my home. The developer had the name changed as he thought
it gave a feeling of deadly snakes to a very beautiful ridge over
looking the valley. I wish I had the full details but I was to young
when it went down. The gentleman in the song was one of my grand daddies
moon shine pals son. Fast cars, home made liquor and pot are a family
history for me.

Who made who by ACDC also touched me. I think it was a timing issue. I
was questioning everything about that time.

Imagine by John Lennon to me shows a real love for human kind. It is
one of the songs on my quiet mood list on the computer.

Then I have my classical music picks. Who needs words to tell a story?

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Fri 10/06/06 07:42 PM

I fell at work 4 years ago and broke my back. I hated that job. I only
took it because the job I had and loved had no benifits other than one
week vacation which you had to use for sick days so I never had a
vacation. I am disabled now.

I do a few different things for income. One is a raise tropical fish. I
understand perfectly what someone else meant by saying their product is
all over the globe. I have send fish eggs to 7 different countries. This
is a hobby I love turned into making money.

I also collect seeds for the local nuseries. This work pushes me over
the limits of my body and stupid me tries to do what I used to do before
breaking my back and having 2 3 inch rods put in it. It is hard work but
you sort of set your own hours and pace. But as with all farming jobs
you have to make hay while the sun is shining. Fall is acorn(all oaks),
walnut, red bud, dogwod, etc..... season for seeds. Some seeds like red
bud and sugar maple have to be collected and stored dry or they sprout
and die. And it will not stay dry over 3 days lately.

The other job I truely hate but it has been keeping me and the 4 kids
alive with a roof over our heads. It is rolling/tieing vinca minor
vines. I work 10 to 12 hours for $40 and it cost me about $10 of that to
get them home to work up. I normally go pull them all day one day and
work them up over the next few days so it is only one trip for 2-4 days
worth of work. This job is dirty, nasty and messy(as it is cold I am
doing them in the house). The sad thing is during seed season when there
is much more money to make we have to collect vinca vines or we will not
get vinca vine orders during the rest of the year. So in the morning we
are going to pull just enough vines to get Mondays order and collect
seeds on the way home from the vine patch.

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Wed 10/04/06 07:54 PM

I will not say other life forms have not visited earth. But the chances
of someone seeing a UFO from outer space even if they were coming here
weekly(highly unlikely) the odds are still 99.9% the UFOs people see are
from this world like experimental air craft.

If you are traveling at the speed of light or beyond there is no way to
light your path.

The worm hole theory has alot of problems. First is if we can make it
will the human body survive the travel. Secondly the first would have to
be big enough to send one to the other end so we could travel both ways
or we would not get news from the craft send during our life time.
Another issue is if we open one near the earth how would its gravity
affect the earth. Would it destroy our planet by affecting the weather
or tilt or poles of the earth.

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Wed 10/04/06 07:17 PM

I was good friends with 2 gay men who were not seeing each other(they
happen to be first cousins sharing a house though). One of them asked me
one time if he could give me head after I knew him about a month. I said
HELL NO. He never mentioned it again and never came onto me in any way
after that.

My opinion on the marriage issue is simple. I think all "marriages"
that are done outside the church need to be called legal unions.
Marriage has more to do with religion and needs to be kept seperate. I
do think gays/lesbians need the legal benifits of marriage but leave
marriage for a man and a woman. So I am for homosexuals getting legal
unions and against homosexual marriages.

BTW the reason my ex left was because she choose to be with a woman
over me and the kids. I have spent plenty of time with lesbians and

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Wed 10/04/06 05:39 PM

Kat to many women jump to the wrong idea to quickly because of things
happening in their past. I hope he is just busy and can get back to
calling and IMing you like he once did if not more.

Good Luck.

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Wed 10/04/06 05:27 PM

I would gladly be a mod for a aquarium hobby forum. I know a few people
on my fish list that have been asking for a forum over doing the email
list. Heck I would be open to giving it a wider title of pets. I have
had large and small furry and scaley pets.

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Wed 10/04/06 05:24 AM

Well Brit enough have been thinking your pic was part of a
advertisement or something you picked up. But I would not call you out
on it or even bother to ask you about it. If your brother was helping
you get a portfolio together for modeling he did good. I prefer more
natural pics so people would not get the wrong idea about you.

I looked at your profile and saw your age so never contacted you. You
are a beautiful young lady so please take it as a compliment as it is
meant to be.

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Tue 10/03/06 07:29 PM

TXgal, See even you made them get out and work. You may or may not
asked for them to help with the bills. I hope you taught them to save
money as well as enjoy life. One of my friends is 33 and still lives at
home with mom and dad. He has never been married and comes and goes as
he pleases. He works full time as a substitute teacher(which makes about
the same amount of money as a teacher without the head aches). Since his
parents are getting old and ill he has stepped up and started paying
many of the bills. He has enough cash in the bank to buy a house but
rather stay with his parents and care for them. So each case has to be
looked at one on one. Most of the adults living with their parents that
I know of are dead beats. These are the ones I will try to avoid.

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Tue 10/03/06 07:21 PM

Ghost has a weird sense of humor. You will get used to it. I know I
would miss him if he was to disappear.

God does have a sense of timing. Nothing to soon or to late, just right
on time. I have seen simular things happen in my life. Thank him for his
blessings and answered and unanswered prayers.

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Tue 10/03/06 06:22 PM

Peacan warm from the oven with a scoop of french vanilla icecream on

A cherry pie is a close second but it has to be topped with cool whip.

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Tue 10/03/06 05:57 PM
Experimental aircraft are being flown all the time by our military. I
see UFO's regularly as I am near a AF testing facility.

All alien life forms are still subject to a life time and the speed
required to reach near light speeds to even make it possible for some
other race to make it here in a life time.

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Tue 10/03/06 05:50 PM

In the beginning when the earth was void and without form, think about
a drop of water floating in space. Void means it had not life on it.
Without form as it being a ball of molten magma it would be without form
as liquids have no form in a weightless inviroment.

I believe in something called pre Adam existance. Because man kind and
animals were made twice. There are a couple other issues going along
this line of thinking.

Time has no meaning to a being that lives eternally. A year is as a
thousand years and a thousand years is as a day to God. My believe is in
intelligent design. In other words there is a supreme being that made
this world yet evolution was set in motion by him as well to help keep
this world working. Man kind is posioning the water ways and fish are
adapting and living in this polluted water, as an example of why we
needed evolution.

This is a more touchy, undocumented idea of mine. God was not alone
when he made man. Some say it was the angels that he had made to serve
him that were with him and according to my believe in pre Adam existence
they would have been there. BUT God said let us make man in our image.
The angels were not made in God's image so I believe God has a
family/population of like beings.

Hope this let you in on some of my believes.

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Tue 10/03/06 04:48 PM

I have given this site to several single people who I have met since
joining. I even gave a heads up at the end of a post to my fish email
group about your site. I do not know if any have joined. So I invited
more than one this month and will continue to do so. All sites that I
like and think someone else maybe interested in I give them the web

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Tue 10/03/06 04:42 PM

With the number of other stars out there and all their planets there is
a great possablity of life on other planets. But I think getting
advanced enough to travel the stars in a persons life time is unlikely
to happen. We could sent a space craft to other star systems in which
people would life and die to make it to other worlds and hopefully find
life on other planets. But getting educated volunteers for this mission
would be hard to do as once you leave there would be no turning back.

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Tue 10/03/06 04:34 PM

Marriage to me is important but it is not to be rushed into lightly
either. Marriage is about making a vow and I stick to my vows. I just
wish my ex felt the same way. A vow/promiss should not ever be broken.

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