Community > Posts By > dhi06

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 10:01 AM

I hope you find your special somebody. The best things come to those who have patience. Always remember you deserve the best, as long as you stay your best, and never settle for anything less.

.s0o0 deep . .:-D thank you . .i'll wait till i finish s0mething for my family ..i think waiting 'till 50 is 0k .:-D

I guess u will still look beautiful at 50.
i've change my mind i will wait forever ,,

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 09:53 AM

I don't think she meant you Krish ?

Why do you think so?
I think that 1 was for me.

I just did not think you come off as that kind of guy ?
but i don't know you so i was trying to make you feel better
I guess only you and her know ...
Have a great day everyone !
its not you krish ,,tnx kik ..i'll ignore them and block them all.

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 09:22 AM

, guys that keep sending u a messages after u ign0red them ..and will tell u c'm0n dhi it will be fun ! .yay yay pls . Pls . If u want to have fun g0 in d f0rums , .and pls d0nt act as if i owe u a reply . .i d0nt wnt to bl0ck users c0z it is a mean act but if u keep on insisting i'll be a bad girl .. S0rry 4 d w0rds . .

I will think twice before messaging you.
People staring at me when im eating.
. .s0rry i d0nt mean any harm .,and its n0t g0od to be nice s0me0nes eyes it has a different meaning .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 08:46 AM

I hope you find your special somebody. The best things come to those who have patience. Always remember you deserve the best, as long as you stay your best, and never settle for anything less.

.s0o0 deep . .:-D thank you . .i'll wait till i finish s0mething for my family ..i think waiting 'till 50 is 0k .:-D

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 08:37 AM
, guys that keep sending u a messages after u ign0red them ..and will tell u c'm0n dhi it will be fun ! .yay yay pls . Pls . If u want to have fun g0 in d f0rums , .and pls d0nt act as if i owe u a reply . .i d0nt wnt to bl0ck users c0z it is a mean act but if u keep on insisting i'll be a bad girl .. S0rry 4 d w0rds . .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 08:21 AM
, tnx krish ., please pray als0 for the other nati0nality that are maltreated all over the w0rld .. Filipin0s are brave ,0fw's are c0nsiderd as her0s in our c0untry ..

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 07:54 AM
, n0t just in egypt sir even in 0ther places . .my aunt had the xperience of attempting to rape her and accusing she steals . .i do pray for their safety ..

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 07:41 AM

Hi I'm new here.
.nice pics .but why ch0ose a grl pix ? .? By d way welc0me to mingle2 .. Happy minggling .

because she is a girl.
,s0rry my mistake .. I think i need glasses c0z the first time i check her pr0file its written man l0oking for a man and it is written in w0man n0w . ..ap0logy to the 0wner .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:20 AM

Hi I'm new here.
.nice pics .but why ch0ose a grl pix ? .? By d way welc0me to mingle2 .. Happy minggling .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:02 AM

,h0t like summer . . I'll let others take the rest here .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 05:56 AM

Sieve your sand, you're not searching hard enough tongue2
,haha i think it g0es with the 0cean wave .. Hm s0 i'll wait until it returnd in the sh0re .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 05:51 AM

hot. on fire.
. .that make my tan it burns me . .l0l i'm pr0ud of my c0l0r . .h0t or n0t ? ..ab0ve me is nice h0t . D0 we have a term0meter here ?

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 05:42 AM
, .yup m0stly of them they d0nt have picture pr0file . .or first they will ask u to be friends s0mething like this " be friends with me u w0nt regret it " or i want to chat with u or chat with me .. Just d0nt reply if u have a bad feelings about their msgs. Preventi0n is better than cure . .:-D

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 05:32 AM

very hot!!

,sizzling h0t :-D . . Very hot hahaha like having a fever .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 05:29 AM
, yeah like searching a grain of rice in the sand .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 03:25 AM
,c0ol and h0t :-) .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 03:18 AM
. .n0pe B-) but i can wait 'till the right time came .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 01:56 AM

Without a doubt, the power to make things positive. To be able to walk around and do a flip on negative thinking would be it for me.
,.that was great ..but Negative and p0sitive gives balance ..

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 01:46 AM
' yeah lets savd the earth ! Plant m0re trees ! ! . .ehe . .i do like to have p0wer of telep0rtati0n . .it would be a c0nvinient .

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 01:38 AM
, yup i only cho0se one c0z like spiderman said a great p0wer c0mes with a great resp0sibility . .tho we cnt have then . .

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