Community > Posts By > dhi06

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/09/13 01:27 AM
,oh ok . .hm but i d0nt watch them in t.v i have site that u cn watch f0r free .. B0nne vacances then.

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/09/13 12:16 AM
, yes thats it . .i l0ve the story there's m0re maturd stuff than sakura ,like vampire knight or code geas ,.animé have all the kinds of fun .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 11:10 PM
, its g0od better than mine . .we have s0mething in c0mm0n shy type and at my age to0 im still watching cartoons , .but i l0ve animé and manga m0st than cart0ons they're very different .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 12:14 PM

Can you take me away and never let me go ?
Can you hold me tight in your arms and pr0mise me everything will be ok ?
Can you kiss me and make all my pr0blems dissapear ?
Can you cr0ss thousand miles and cr0ss the 0cean to see that i am alright ?
Can you be with me everytime c0z i need you by here my side ?
Can you l0ve me as much as i l0ve you ?
Ah the innocence and naivete of youth....
.:-D .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 12:13 PM

Hundred percent i can.
h0w ? :-)

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 12:11 PM

Yes, of course, i can
,.h0w ? :-).

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 10:03 AM
Can you take me away and never let me go ?
Can you hold me tight in your arms and pr0mise me everything will be ok ?
Can you kiss me and make all my pr0blems dissapear ?
Can you cr0ss thousand miles and cr0ss the 0cean to see that i am alright ?
Can you be with me everytime c0z i need you by here my side ?
Can you l0ve me as much as i l0ve you ?

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 07:51 AM
,u l0ve s0mething about japanese then . .i love animé and manga ,i l0ve to go there and the sakura in their full bl0om ,.say d0 u kn0w how to speak japanese ,i kn0w few w0rds .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 07:46 AM

,i want to change hmm i d0nt kn0w i'll think about it ,.m0st of the time i want to change my self fr0m being shy and quite but then i realized this thing makes me ,for who i am . .who ever wants to be with me should accept me for who and what i am. .

There's nothing wrong with being shy and quiet. To me, that is a good thing :)
blushing tnx

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 06:07 AM
,i want to change hmm i d0nt kn0w i'll think about it ,.m0st of the time i want to change my self fr0m being shy and quite but then i realized this thing makes me ,for who i am . .who ever wants to be with me should accept me for who and what i am. .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/08/13 02:08 AM
,welc0me 2 mingle , i like your user name ..its japanese ryt ?

dhi06's photo
Fri 06/07/13 10:58 AM
Edited by dhi06 on Fri 06/07/13 11:21 AM
1. I love animé and manga
2. Love cats and kiss them and s0metimes they sleep in my tummy.
3. And d0nt kn0w how to swim and ride a bike . .i'm just scary cat ehe

dhi06's photo
Fri 06/07/13 10:47 AM
.hm its ok 4 me , we all have our freed0m to say anything as l0ng as it d0esnt hurt s0me0ne .:-)

dhi06's photo
Fri 06/07/13 04:43 AM
. .hm i think so to0 ,and it would be peaceful and neat w0rld f0r there would be n0 wars using weap0n just a bunch of girls n0t talking to each other .ehe peace :-D .,

dhi06's photo
Fri 06/07/13 04:20 AM
. .u've got it ryt . .i suspect u've already expirienced it .

dhi06's photo
Fri 06/07/13 04:10 AM
. .if there were n0 w0men in the w0rld gays w0uld be happy ??i mean n0 offense to them . .hm yeah it would be b0ring w/0 w0men , s0 what if there would be n0 men ? What could the w0rld be like ?

dhi06's photo
Fri 06/07/13 04:09 AM
. .if there were n0 w0men in the w0rld gays w0uld be happy ??i mean n0 offense to them . .hm yeah it would be b0ring w/0 w0men , s0 what if there would be n0 men ? What could the w0rld be like ?

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/04/13 05:09 AM
,age d0esnt matter if u really do l0ve each other ..l0ve see's n0 age ,n0 distance .

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/04/13 01:16 AM
. .c0mplicated ?! :-x

dhi06's photo
Fri 05/31/13 12:26 PM
,. Nice ang ganda .

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