Community > Posts By > dhi06

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/23/13 02:31 AM
,you can t0o ,just try write what u feel ,.:-)

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/23/13 02:08 AM

i like everything about her. shes hard working, kind.
,i like you f0r being my sweet friend ,i like you f0r being my stalker :-D

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/23/13 02:01 AM
I like your sweet smile:-)

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/23/13 01:54 AM
I want sing
I want to cry
I want to jump and scream in the night
I want to walk under the rain or run fast

I want freed0m and then what ?
I Want to dance
I want to shout and take it all out !
Still i want to be quite and keep it up.

The rain is c0ming
The st0rm is trembling
the rain is c0ming out of eyes
the st0rm is trembling inside my heart

I want to kiss
I want to laugh
I want to smile
After all,
all i want is hide.
. L0ve dhi .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:55 PM
Happy birthday ! And c0ngrats !

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:51 PM
,i sh0uld put my name its d0uble letter .:-)

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:43 PM
, i knew it my grammar is p0or ,i should learn m0re english:-( .. Say thanks to your friend and winlei :-)..

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 09:19 PM

.w0man are big puzzle you have to figure out what she says and acting ..0r you can ask her directly ,then its up to you if you trust her or n0t ..h0pe it'll help.
very big puzzle. what kind of actions? im not brave enough to ask her directly. i gave her some hints that i like her... hope she gets it.
.even if i am a girl s0metimes i d0nt understand my self t0o ..maybe she already have idea but she's afraid to tell you because s0mething is at stake .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 09:08 PM

magandang umaga !

..w0w i h0pe i can here u say that. .wh0 teached you tagalog ?

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:59 PM

,time will tell , i think ? And you can feel it in his acti0ns t0wards you .
how will I know if SHE loves me?
.w0man are big puzzle you have to figure out what she says and acting ..0r you can ask her directly ,then its up to you if you trust her or n0t ..h0pe it'll help.

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:51 PM

,hi kik g0od m0rning here ! .:smile:

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:44 PM
,thinking of sleeping again , .h0pe i can geez :-/

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:34 PM

God and woman's heart, does they exist or not?
i d0nt kn0w if God do really exist, am n0t sure since i cann0t sh0w evidence ..w0man's heart exist though they s0metimes have c0ld and st0ne hearts. .imp0rtant to kn0w why their heart bec0me c0ld and st0ne ,there's a reas0n behind everything . Please have faith :-) . H0pe everything will be fine .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:28 PM

Oh and

"How will I know if he really loves me"??
,time will tell , i think ? And you can feel it in his acti0ns t0wards you .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:19 PM

Hi dhi waving Just woke up a few minutes ago, so I thought I'd have a snoop around Mingle. It's 12:14am over my way. What time is it where YOU are? Hope you're having a good weekend :)
.hi rawrr_girl ,thank you and s0rry i just read your reply p0st its 5:15 am here n0w .. I'm fine thanks ,h0pe you have a great day ahead:-) ..

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:38 AM
, hell0 kik ,h0w are you ? Still awake.. I fell inl0ve the first time i saw little f0x lady :-D.

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 10:23 AM

Hinder is HAWTNESS! Love the song you Posted!!!

hehehhee THAAAAANk YOuuuuuuuuu!

Listening again!!!! YAY!

,can i kiss this little f0x lady ?

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 07:12 AM

above me
,kiss 0n the cheek .:-)

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 05:42 AM
,n0body wants to kiss me ? ? But . . .but i brush my teeth 3 times a day laugh

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/22/13 04:59 AM
,unchained mel0dy and can't cry hard en0ugh ..

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