Community > Posts By > tjulian4880

tjulian4880's photo
Wed 08/21/13 08:02 AM
grumble Have you ever been betrayed by a friend?:angry:

tjulian4880's photo
Wed 08/21/13 07:54 AM
Edited by tjulian4880 on Wed 08/21/13 07:57 AM
Walking thru the mall with my date and a oops sausage link in my left, front pocket that I couldn't get rid of!!!huh
blushing blushing blushing blushing

tjulian4880's photo
Tue 08/20/13 08:22 AM
:smile: I had to think about this topic, it's a tricky one! I would think anything regarding the person close to you, for instance - next of kin, would be considered a relationship.
:angry: It's quite common to find siblings in dissagreement with each other over various subjects for quite long and extended periods of time. We find those who distant themselves from family gatherings or certain family members, contact at all.
There is a saying, "you will always find a bad apple in the bunch!"
devil Are you the black sheep of the family? Is there a black sheep in your family?
:banana: Maybe you're the one that gets in between the rival disputes and advocates the peace and unity in the family. Which one are you? The one that cares less and keeps away, or the one that finds themself in the middle of things, trying to advocate the peace and unity in the family?frustrated :angel:

tjulian4880's photo
Tue 08/20/13 06:54 AM

"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

I wish that was mine but it's Buddah

That's a good one tjulian, what would you write? Oh hoh... what would you write it with??

I would write this:
I wrote your names in my heart from the very first start, love for you -it will never go away no matter how far apart!!! Luv, Dad!

tjulian4880's photo
Tue 08/20/13 06:34 AM
Edited by tjulian4880 on Tue 08/20/13 06:36 AM
I certainly would do some things over. In particular, I'd open my eyes wider and let people into my heart. I've spent the majority of my life believing it was to my advantage to assume a degree of competition, antagonism and opposed interests exist between myself and others and that people will not do what they've be told, what is right and could cause trouble -ancient greek philosophy, Socrates. This kind of thinking kept me out of jail and out of trouble, but have to to admit it has made my life very lonely.glasses

tjulian4880's photo
Sun 08/18/13 07:10 AM
If you could write a message in the sky, what would it be?glasses

tjulian4880's photo
Sun 08/18/13 07:09 AM
If you had your life to do over again, would you do it all just the same? If not, what would you do differently?glasses

tjulian4880's photo
Wed 08/14/13 02:49 AM

u believe in ghosts?

u believe or once believed in Santa Claus?

tjulian4880's photo
Wed 08/14/13 02:45 AM
:banana: ugh!!!! ahga...drool uuh, uuh:banana:

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 03:14 PM
Some may believe a man's brains is just below the beltway for various reasons. Is he working at full capacity, or maybe looks can be decieving? What turns you on about a man? Below the belt or just above the shoulders? Are there any identifying, distinguishing differences/characteristics between the two? You don't really know what you're getting until you unwrap the package, right?

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 10:33 AM

None of the above. Just haven't met the one I want to keep I guess. :thumbsup:
same here

Keep fishing. :thumbsup:

...change your baitfrown

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 10:26 AM
flowerforyou 90 percent of the time, sex is the doorway to a woman's heart!

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 10:21 AM

There is NO "touching" here, thank goodness!

"90 percent of the time, sex is the doorway to a woman's heart"

I would love to know where your statistic came from!
Is it your personal opinion?
Is it a survey you conducted on your own?
Is there a national survey with details of the clinical group studied?
Inquiring minds would like to know!

....just trust me on this onedrinker

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 10:17 AM
Edited by tjulian4880 on Thu 08/08/13 10:19 AM
drinker Which one of the following attributes are the main contributor to your still being single?

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 10:08 AM

That was quick...just added one more...rofl rofl
Im fond of lists:tongue:

((((((klc)))))))I would only blow angel kisses on youflowerforyou to remind you of me. :heart: and our friendship..

((((((2K))))))) :heart: I couldnt possibly need reminding. Truly.

brownie pointsdrinker

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 10:00 AM

Im allowed to post my views in our public forums just like you. If you think Im crossing over a line in doing so, thats your problem. You seem to have gone off on tangents that I made no reference to and are trying to make me the author of something Im not. Thats your thing. I havent called you sweetheart, or baby, or anything condescending. Thats also on you.

You touched me and I responded.

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 09:53 AM
You may be biased towards one of your senses and it may be true that most men are but please explain to me how it is that you can touch a woman's body (as you claim above) and not be turned on enough by that? Do you have to do it with the lights on or something?

Let's be honest here. Most guys would shag a hole in the wall and they aren't all that fussy about looks as long as she's up for it.

offtopic See, ...the question was regarding the first thing a man looks at when he sees a woman...
Now, I'm here trying to explain to you, what most men don't realize is, men don't have anything to lose when it comes to sharing their bodies, time or any type of engagement with the opposite sex (maybe their health). And they also seem to fail to realize, 90 percent of the time, sex is the doorway to a woman's heart. I don't have sex with anything or anybody just to participate in the act. And I don't have sex with a woman that is less appealing by sight viceversa her charm and or intelligence. You can talk to a woman all day and you won't break her heart until you share that one inner most secret - her private life. When you go there, her heart becomes vulnerable.offtopic
That's the difference between you and I.
Now, lets see if we can get back to the subject...offtopic

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 09:41 AM

I'm not disputing that but you claimed above that without sight "we can't move on" and this is false. I've dated women and even committed myself to having sex without having a good look at them first. You may be biased towards one of your senses and it may be true that most men are but please explain to me how it is that you can touch a woman's body (as you claim above) and not be turned on enough by that? Do you have to do it with the lights on or something?

Let's be honest here. Most guys would shag a hole in the wall and they aren't all that fussy about looks as long as she's up for it.

The worst thing we can do at this time would be to continue to force this issue out of context. You used the can't. I used the word ready. There's a big difference. The fact is we can't move on with this communication, be it just plain having fun and gathering information about people's choices but rather making things complicated much more complicated and irrelevant. I guess my next thread will be having something to do with complicating our relationships with others. That's funny how one word quoted incorrectly can change things. The word satisfaction plays a big part here and it surenuff cancels out any ideas relating to not wanting to move on as opposed to not being able to move on.

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 03:23 AM
Edited by tjulian4880 on Thu 08/08/13 03:30 AM
If you had a choice to select one of the five senses and live without the other four, which of those five senses do you feel you could comfortably live with and not do without?noway

tjulian4880's photo
Thu 08/08/13 03:21 AM

I don't agree that this thread is in poor taste or with this militant feminist notion of a "rape culture" but I also disagree with the comments above about sight. I am visually impaired and what a woman looks like isn't actually that important to me. It's hard for me to make eye contact I'm afraid ladies, so sorry if I don't give much of a damn about your smile or the "windows to your soul" but I am interested in body shapes.

Personality is very important to me and I would take someone that I liked as a person anyday over someone that I didn't, no matter how hot she was. If I'm considering someone as girlfriend material though I do want to know how big her bust and butt is and if I'm getting on well enough with her and I don't think that she's going to take it amiss I'll just ask what size bra she wears.

My main point is we have to realize, sight is one of the five senses that dominates. Visually impaired or whatever, sight plays a significant part in our lives. If you would take a survey, which I will do here - If you could keep only one of all five senses, which one would you prefer to keep? I think the majority would have to go with sight.

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