Community > Posts By > tckinney951

tckinney951's photo
Sat 06/21/14 06:54 AM
hello how are you? I am not in La but I am within an hour away. I am a decent guy I am very family oriented. I am a little rough around the edges but once you get to know me you will see. I am blunt honest loyal and faithful. I moved here from Wisconsin 2 and a half years ago and have been single since. I am also a single parent I have my 2 daughters 24/7/365. they are 15 and 13 but I am not looking for a mother for them we do well with us. I am looking for a relationship were we can get along. I don't know if you are interested in getting to know me but if you are just send me a message. OH and excuse my profile I was having bluntly honest moment. I hope to hear from you soon tim

tckinney951's photo
Sun 04/13/14 11:50 PM
someone who is faithful honest and loyal someone who doesn't hit the bricks as soon as something gets tough. and intelligence

tckinney951's photo
Sun 04/13/14 05:57 PM

Well I was inspired by one of the other members to start this one up. I would love to know what you think of us dads who have full custody of their kids. I know doesn't happen often but it does happen. Myself I have been hated on had women break dates as soon as they found out I have kids. so I really need to know what you think so please help me out...

thank you to everyone who has replied there were some great advice from all of you who responded to my question. I am going to not worry about finding someone it will happen when the time is right. I do see the concerns from a womans point of view about me not having enough time for them and worried I am looking for her to be their mom. If they could chat and realize I have been a single dad for 10 years and my girls and I are just fine like that I am not looking to replace their mom just looking for mutual happiness between me and the other person. so I will sit back and see what happens if I do look she will have to be openminded and know that I will always have time for her. thank you to all of you

tckinney951's photo
Sun 03/30/14 07:58 PM
you did the right thing it looks to me like you were a backup for him he was just keeping enough contact so you didn't tell him to f off he probably got dumped a few days earlier and was using you to make himself feel better.... his loss not yours I am a guy but I also am raising my 2 daughters on my own so I look at things different than any other guy does and in all honesty guys a a$$holes and for the longest time I thought there was something wrong with me and that's why I couldn't find someone but it wasn't it was that so man men have screwed over women that even the truly decent guys cant even get there foot in the door. but you handled it correctly don't let a man use you but remember that there are good guys out there just look for the signs of him being an a$$. I don't know if this helped but I hope it did you can message me to chat about it if you would like

tckinney951's photo
Thu 03/27/14 01:05 PM
thank you for the post I have been a single dad for around 10yrs and and even now my kids are older15 and 13 it still seems to be the same thing. well thank you for your info and have a wonderful day

tckinney951's photo
Thu 03/27/14 07:37 AM
hell yeah bro we sound like we are in the same boat. my kids are lucky to get a phone call on Christmas or their birthdays . I am glad to see there are more single dads out there who aren't afraid to speak there mind . we should start up the coalition for single dads so single dads have somewhere to get info from everything is geared towards single moms. alright im out stand strong bro tim

tckinney951's photo
Thu 03/27/14 07:29 AM
Well I was inspired by one of the other members to start this one up. I would love to know what you think of us dads who have full custody of their kids. I know doesn't happen often but it does happen. Myself I have been hated on had women break dates as soon as they found out I have kids. so I really need to know what you think so please help me out....

tckinney951's photo
Thu 03/27/14 07:21 AM
I prefer dating a single mother. I am a single father not a weekender I have my kids full time, and most single moms have there kids all of the time so we can relate with what each other is going thru or have been thru. I think I will post a what do women think of single fathers on here I have had a very hard time dating and I don't get it single dad takes care of his kids. im not asking them to step in and play mom so I don't know. im gonna go post that now and hey I love all of the single mothers your moms I grew up with a single mom and now im a single dad so just remember when things get tough keep fighting it will get better


tckinney951's photo
Thu 03/27/14 07:08 AM
I really don't know what women are looking for.... maybe it is true the nice guys always finish last........

tckinney951's photo
Thu 03/13/14 12:55 PM
hope to make new friends and hopefully find someone special