Community > Posts By > punks03

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 11:47 AM

how do u get angry ? are u aware of what makes u get angry and try avoiding it. what do u do when ur gets out of control. how do u control it later.

i dn't care abt these *****...b cool n b happy alwys....

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 11:38 AM

How are you everyone?

we r cool wat abt u?? U too asian..

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 11:36 AM
Edited by punks03 on Mon 04/28/14 11:39 AM

I'm new here and I think I need some help.
I want to have friends and for now I'm just a little bit confused. So I'll ask questions and please answer me.

Have mercy on mehappy

firstly welcome here...n check profiles here whom u intersted more then hit up msg...

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 11:32 AM
So lady tell me abt ur stuff???

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 11:29 AM
Edited by punks03 on Mon 04/28/14 11:30 AM
If u r nt statisfied...then pony knws better abt Loizz..:thumbsup: :angel: devil flowerforyou explode

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 11:06 AM
Edited by punks03 on Mon 04/28/14 11:10 AM
U welcome ...u can also fun with buddies...yea u can ask everything...loizz its a specail type of rdx joint...wen u smoke n blast like a b careful wen u smoke it b careful n burns it with ur lungs..Nw funny evironment r even now ;)

...drinker drinks

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 10:53 AM

I don't get it, what's so funny?

wat is this????

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 10:38 AM
Edited by punks03 on Mon 04/28/14 10:44 AM
Leigh get stonned now....drinks

if u need some query abt any herb in the world then i think pony alwys there for you .. ...
lol :p

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 10:26 AM

Any questions, ask for Pony, our "on staff" expert!whoa


That's OK guys..she's just can't come to terms with
how a blue baby that abused about every drug under the sun
at one time or another can possibly be smarter than her.jk:laughing:

Lolzz :-)

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 09:36 AM
N yea my bro pony also rocks n great n he is cool guy :-)

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 09:33 AM

yea i knw abt this method whole shot is goin to b burns in a single time..i do this method for reveals my self.. yea its such like a killing urself excess smoke u inhale in ur lungs somtimes b brething stop...we called it as ''Gravity'' smoking...with buck n 1 or 2 litre coke bottle we need to use very chilled water for chilled fumes to inhalhed in hotty really i like a coma...whole sh*ts gonna b great...
Have U tried it pony "Gravity"

Have I tried gravity draw?...can't no they didn't have
gravity when I was I

No I haven't seen it, people just roll joints here in BC mainly
eastern Canada seem to mix it with tobacco as they had a lot of hash and
oil there for years..but many still mix it it seems..never been there
personally, I didn't realize there was a country east of the
and some say there is not.In the state I couldn't believe have much they
used pipes and bongs.I remember the little North American footballs when I was in Jr High that you could buy at the smoke shops.They were about 5" long and the gagger just went inside. you could make them easy out of
certain plastic bottles and a bic pen sheath.we called it a banarcal like about 34 years ago (1980 )my best friend (and still is) took a big hit at the end of the joint and as he was holding his breath in the kitchen he past out backwards right on his head hard..lmao..
So I unscrewed the lid and he smoked it into the
glass tube is obviously better. Gravity Draw would work best if the bole
had a long tube so it word draw through the water for smoothness, like a water pipe or completely stationary with a long tube and a one way vent
and draw out of another air tight tube as close to the top as possible.
You would just have to cover your draw with your thumb as you lifted the
Cylinder. Ponys "R"& as I like to say in the bush.."if I can't make it..we don't need it!

Any questions, ask for Pony, our "on staff" expert!whoa


Lol hey all who sharing their views all r experts in their time...ask me. Me too crazy deadly stonner of herb in my times hippies....if u have any question or wana to share ur times then feels free to post.....

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 04:27 AM
Edited by punks03 on Mon 04/28/14 04:27 AM

I want opinion on this kind of relations. Is it worth?

if friend live with u in relation or spend more time with u bcz of his benefit..then kik these types of *****...

Its nt worth i dn't like these type of relations...**** off these realtions...

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 03:45 AM
Edited by punks03 on Mon 04/28/14 03:52 AM
I need real friendship if any one interested to b my friend..inbox me...only real ppls inbox me. ....

punks03's photo
Mon 04/28/14 01:36 AM
Edited by punks03 on Mon 04/28/14 01:43 AM
Its a special type of self made bong called gravity bong...which required a bucket,plastic coke bottle n water pour it in bucket..its burns our lungs in a single puff bcz we inhale whole smoke inside bottle to our lungs...if u like going in coma mode thn its this all we can do it in our homes ...

Imagine if a great jointer loves gravity bong so he alwys travel with their buckets n coke strange n so funny... Crazy stonner with buckets ppls thinks their is a shortage of buckets wer he's travels thn he always keeps n travels with their important household thing for bathing...LolZzz....

punks03's photo
Sun 04/27/14 08:44 PM
Edited by punks03 on Sun 04/27/14 08:44 PM

Alright, since Pony has told you how to do hot knives I may as well tell you how to do buckets then. Get a bucket of water and cut the bottom off a two litre plastic Coke bottle. Put your mix into a bowl that will fit into the top of the bottle. A socket from a mechanic's socket set is perfectd for this. You lift up the bottle while burning the mix with your lighter and the suction fills it with smoke. Then remove the bowl, put your lips around it and push the bottle down, so that it fills your lungs with what you would have put in a whole joint in one hit. You will be totally f**ked.

yea i knw abt this method whole shot is goin to b burns in a single time..i do this method for reveals my self.. yea its such like a killing urself excess smoke u inhale in ur lungs somtimes b brething stop...we called it as ''Gravity'' smoking...with buck n 1 or 2 litre coke bottle we need to use very chilled water for chilled fumes to inhalhed in hotty really i like a coma...whole sh*ts gonna b great...
Have U tried it pony "Gravity"

punks03's photo
Sun 04/27/14 08:28 PM
Edited by punks03 on Sun 04/27/14 08:29 PM

In my days me too love this process of rubbing hands with leaf...its free of cost lol...m too addicted to do this evry morning n evry evening m going for this crazy ****..N made pure black poison..bcz dealers r very celver nw they give impure n make their money that this one is pure bt wen we start n roll a paper n break joint in crystals n put some baccy inside n make a perfect spliff thn this stuff nt like that n nt blow up n stonned ur mind...n they this one is pure method..every person accorssing there n watch how crazy these guys we dn't care abt ppls bcz we need our statisfactoin with bare hands its more better bt drawback its sucks our all blood wen we rubbing a leaf makes body skinny if we also take proper diet with it then its better if we dn't thn person look like a early man these product stick only some favorable rough hands..nt everytime...m too addicted n everytime stonned on marijuana n i need this all my previous days we guys made a trips n tours n collect bucks with all joint lover n going malana valleys or all other weed valleys wer pure joints stick one stick is of 10gm distributed by local ppls n malana cream like a rubber it is strechable...then we buy n trekk mountains with smoking joints by puff puff pass or with special chilams..sometime we do gravity..its sucks...thn its totally blissfull adventureous tour of mountains n feels nature beauty n hw we crazy in our past days i dn't knw n imagin hw much i smoke a stick of malana everytime...

Yuck I hatted those days, coming home stoned,and dealing with the don't be too cool for school younger man and respect the Parents for what they are doing for you.Maybe just smoke some when
you can on weekend or something.
I know when I finished school I stopped smoking so I
know it can be hard around people.
good luck

My bro pony u r exactly say rite abt this bt these past lazy n hazy days sucks more live like as an yea take this on weekend time or holidays or for fun only just take a little bit it like a life nt as a
so tnx for ur all given information...yea we respect first our parents that do everything for us....

punks03's photo
Sun 04/27/14 08:25 PM

I am telling my story with weed...My region Himalayas full of vallyes wer pure herb planted.. The great Mountain lies Mt.Everest Region..All we knw the mountains n valleys stuff are More killing n more powerful like poison.simple stonner stonned with only half puff...N some local ppls do illegeal or legal planted pure weed in their valleys for money and for survive cares their family n it all exports and imports worldwide''like pure indian black poison''cream'' some called as Cream'' n most of foreginer come here spend their holidays n burns lots off stuff here...
Wen i was in my college time living alone seperated apartment i dn't know abt weed seriously my Mates burns n rolls lots of papers everday n also offer me try i replied no i can't but some days my life bad days i dn't knw what to this day i joins their company n start my first joint...wen i smoke first puff bcz usually i do smoke simple cigs bt dn't try i puff a single shot n my whole body n mind i dn't knw wat happend..m in coma lol thn i swear i dn't do it day cuming they offers agian thn i dn't care i starts again n forget abt last hangover thn same feelings as days by days i becum more effiecient n do n tolerate all heavy black stuff everyday i taste all great valleys pure black puff n stonned whole day n also attend my classes in stonned life i burns lots of black indian poison n give full company with all stonners till at the end wen whole joints burns...10 gm pure stick of brown weed we harldly burns n our room is lukin like heavens...evry wer clouds clouds of smoke...we stonned all times n also smoke weed with alcohol..then we close our room lites n start hard rocks,heavy metals or trance music to statisfies our soul..i burn pure stuff in my whole life bcz it generates here...n b stonned life b different frm normal life...i dn't knw hw much i burns stuff bt i knw a lot of stuff we burns with group of friends whole time n drives n doing fun...we r nw professional in this work due to some family restrictions i stop it last i really missed wen i travelled ''malana valley''again i think buys some pure stuff in kilograms for again feels statisfaction or piece of my soul bt dn't burns too more only one paper at nite for blissful sleep with music...i dn't do drugs bt m goin to green...n its safe n natural....

Have you ever tried to hot knife some of the that stick?

Way back in the day I used to smoke 20 joins on a
school day and there's nothing wrong with me wrong with me
wrong with me wrong with me * left eye starts rapidly blinking as head violently Tics to the side*

No i never tried hot knife..bcz here hippy cracks gives me statisfaction to my soul n piece.thn i need nothing i need only for statisfaction n i would to try hot knife if someone offers me or meets with some communtiy who likes hot knife...thn me alwys too hot to burn this knife inside my soul =:-) rastaman vibrations...
Yea my eyes has becum too sexy wen i smoke a joint ;-)

Lol.. easy tiger save me a few girls. No the knife is just a method of smoking them or drop a little ball in a car cigarette lighter on the element but don't let
some one else hold the hot lighter or they may press it on your lip
"bin there done that" knives you use for butter knives (not silver)
stainless steel only and break a few very small balls off the stick
Put the knifes in a stove elements or you probably has gas stove
or fire. Get the ends hot then touch the one knife lightly to the
little ball and It will stick to the one knife when press the other
knife together as you put the knives under your lips. you have to be fast. you can use a tube to catch the smoke then its safe if someone else uses the knife for you. some of that pure will go a long ways. Yes they can make sheaf or repress and it looks the same but is no good ****. also if you touch the knife to the ball and you press to hard trying to pick it up it may not stick so roll it over or put that piece back on the stick. Hot knife 101 with Pony..

Have you ever heard of the song "I'm too sexy"by right said Fred?
you may like

Yea my bro pony i sumthin heared abt this nw bt nt more than...that u told this methods looking like to difficult alwys playing with ball lolzz matched like smak puff...i would try it some time any if hot company with me. ;-)...
Hey tnx for this song i heared abt it n also jamica jerk :p

I'm too sexy for my love

Too sexy for my love

Love's going to leave me

I'm too sexy for my Joints

Too sexy for my Eyes

So sexy it hurts

And I'm too sexy for Milan

Too sexy for Milan
Nt a bad music its rocks @pony...

punks03's photo
Sun 04/27/14 08:10 PM

I am telling my story with weed...My region Himalayas full of vallyes wer pure herb planted.. The great Mountain lies Mt.Everest Region..All we knw the mountains n valleys stuff are More killing n more powerful like poison.simple stonner stonned with only half puff...N some local ppls do illegeal or legal planted pure weed in their valleys for money and for survive cares their family n it all exports and imports worldwide''like pure indian black poison''cream'' some called as Cream'' n most of foreginer come here spend their holidays n burns lots off stuff here...
Wen i was in my college time living alone seperated apartment i dn't know abt weed seriously my Mates burns n rolls lots of papers everday n also offer me try i replied no i can't but some days my life bad days i dn't knw what to this day i joins their company n start my first joint...wen i smoke first puff bcz usually i do smoke simple cigs bt dn't try i puff a single shot n my whole body n mind i dn't knw wat happend..m in coma lol thn i swear i dn't do it day cuming they offers agian thn i dn't care i starts again n forget abt last hangover thn same feelings as days by days i becum more effiecient n do n tolerate all heavy black stuff everyday i taste all great valleys pure black puff n stonned whole day n also attend my classes in stonned life i burns lots of black indian poison n give full company with all stonners till at the end wen whole joints burns...10 gm pure stick of brown weed we harldly burns n our room is lukin like heavens...evry wer clouds clouds of smoke...we stonned all times n also smoke weed with alcohol..then we close our room lites n start hard rocks,heavy metals or trance music to statisfies our soul..i burn pure stuff in my whole life bcz it generates here...n b stonned life b different frm normal life...i dn't knw hw much i burns stuff bt i knw a lot of stuff we burns with group of friends whole time n drives n doing fun...we r nw professional in this work due to some family restrictions i stop it last i really missed wen i travelled ''malana valley''again i think buys some pure stuff in kilograms for again feels statisfaction or piece of my soul bt dn't burns too more only one paper at nite for blissful sleep with music...i dn't do drugs bt m goin to green...n its safe n natural....

Have you ever tried to hot knife some of the that stick?

Way back in the day I used to smoke 20 joins on a
school day and there's nothing wrong with me wrong with me
wrong with me wrong with me * left eye starts rapidly blinking as head violently Tics to the side*

No i never tried hot knife..bcz here hippy cracks gives me statisfaction to my soul n piece.thn i need nothing i need only for statisfaction n i would to try hot knife if someone offers me or meets with some communtiy who likes hot knife...thn me alwys too hot to burn this knife inside my soul =:-) rastaman vibrations...
Yea my eyes has becum too sexy wen i smoke a joint

punks03's photo
Sun 04/27/14 12:53 PM
Top secret. ;-)

punks03's photo
Sun 04/27/14 12:29 PM
Someday my mom caught me in my room wen she cuming here in my room with my dad...after off time of my college i smoke joint n sleeps n forget to lock my room wen i change my side n slowly eyes open i got shocked my mom n my dad in front of me lol.they see all ashes or burns paper n cigs in floor...then say nothing to me they pack up me to home n anger on me that u do this all ***** in college...we r goin u there for study nt for this...then they teaches me some good lessons its bad dn't do it again..thn again they drop me to my room..thn wats nxt after over of recess some guys sitting n in group smokin joint n allow me to join us thn i cn't stop my soul to dis again lol...n start like that again...
Wen i comes my home firstly my mum checks my eyes if eyes r top small n sexy with red color they knw i do it sumthing i told my mom..hey my sweet mom i travels home by transport so dust particles insides in my eyes thn my eyes like this she knws all n cn't say anything...
Bt wen i puff joints i dn't sleep like lazy . in stonned way i do my all jobs bcz we r professionals now n do all things in stonned poistion n nobody caught us that we r normal or in stonned...

My logo is say no to drugs its harms...i prefer only green grass its natural n also use for cancer therapy..if we take it in less way nothing worng..dn't smoke weed like a drug smoke like a life..its for only satisfaction n piece of soul...