Community > Posts By > CHARISMA

CHARISMA's photo
Mon 11/24/08 09:21 PM
Real life-- a certain smile, a look that is a little more than a glance/or just a little normal look. Or one could tell by the conversation, and the good-bye.

On Line-- the compliments, quetions. ect...

CHARISMA's photo
Sat 11/22/08 11:22 PM

CHARISMA's photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:47 PM
No I don't buy a gift for everyone I know, but our postman does get a small gift.

CHARISMA's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:30 PM
Honesty & loyalty!

CHARISMA's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:25 PM
YEA HATE!!! drinker happy

CHARISMA's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:19 PM

:heart:Can you love,and be in love with someone you don't find physically attractive?:heart:

NO... There must be an attraction there to get my attention. Thats why BEAUTY is in the eyes of the BEHOLDER! Everyone is attractive/beautiful to SOMEBODY!

CHARISMA's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:04 PM
Abuse of any kind, its UNEXCEPTABLE! N it crosses into to many other areas of life, BESIDES IF HE/SHE CAN ABUSE YOU THEY DON'T LOVE YOU!!!

CHARISMA's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:53 PM

then the next word would be....


CHARISMA's photo
Wed 10/22/08 07:20 AM
single-single-single! humph.....

oh.... HAPPY B'DAY!!!

Did say that I am SINGLE...

CHARISMA's photo
Thu 10/16/08 02:56 PM

CHARISMA's photo
Mon 10/13/08 02:11 PM

CHARISMA's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:59 PM

neither is good:smile:
totally agree...both are bad, really bad


CHARISMA's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:57 PM

:thumbsup: Flings are funbiggrin

HA ha ha..... OH YOU!

CHARISMA's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:55 PM

its all about matter what you call it or how you try to sugar coat it...

yes it is all sex, but with that affair that on going, and heart ties... wouldn't you say?

CHARISMA's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:53 PM
NO.... after a while the ole emotions kick-in. (if all else is in place)

CHARISMA's photo
Mon 10/13/08 01:46 PM
This morning I was listening to a radio talk show, and 1 of the topics were cheating, (of course) But the comment made was that when women cheat they have romantic affairs were as men have flings. Question is which do you think is worse: the affair or the flings?

In my opinion flings are multiples, too many in the mix.... but with an affair thats a matter of the heart, which could hurt a hell-of-a lot more.

CHARISMA's photo
Wed 10/24/07 12:42 AM
UPDATE: after we have had a few days of letting this shimmer, and Us being into it b/c of the bs friend issues. He has ended the situation with the messy friends. Now by all means there are several other female friends, I guess that I will just have to step back and see how things unfold with them. And also to watch and pay close attention to him and his leval of respect on this issue. Because he has said that he don't want me to ask him to say or set how often these girls call or about what, hmmmm, we'll see. He has stated that he don't want to lose me over this, but that he don't want to change everything that was before we met to meet where we are now. And I feel that as long as the friend issue don't come before our relationship we are fine. But he has told the girls that were disrespectful, needy, frequent callers (3) that they can no longer communicate or be friends b/c it conflicts with his/our relationship. I DIDN'T AND DON'T WANT TO LOSE HIM EITHER. WE BOTH REALIZED THAT, THAT IS MUTUAL.......

CHARISMA's photo
Fri 10/19/07 08:04 AM
Well, hey everyone, As he said he is trying to deal with the girl friend issues, but I believe that this is a bit much on him, so I am considering removing myself from the situation. He has repeatedly stated that 1 individual girl is just calling several times a day b/c of the heart break with her ex-husband a yr and 1/2 ago and that that's all she is really talking abt. And when I stated make boundaries on number of time she call or you call her back, he was like, Charisma you don't understand. Soooo, now regardless to how I feel abt this man I think that it is going to be better in the long run that I just let it go. Because I not feeling all of this and there are several that I haven't met (that haven't been a pest) but it has gotten to the point where he has notice the numerous calls and now leaves his phone in the car on the weekends when he's here. And if they need him that bad, there's no room or time for us.

CHARISMA's photo
Thu 10/18/07 01:38 PM
May have been, but life is full of changes. And we are to become 1, the extras, have no place in our lives. That will only cause confusion, we have each other, our children, our jobs, siblings and parents depending on us that enough. And it wouldn't have been so bad if there had been guide lines in place. To many people in a house or marriage is never good. A marriage is 2 people becoming 1 (n our family). We are no longer single and shouldn't live as such.

CHARISMA's photo
Thu 10/18/07 12:53 PM
hey Tex,
And the chose is his to make and I will live with whatever that decision is. Like I said earlier, sum of these girls have been disrespectful, (I called him, & she lied saying that he was busy, when in fact she just didn't want him to speak to me. Which he did set her straight, but she don't understand why she not welcome around anymore) the calling for unnecessary advice (20 times in 2 days) or calling for sexual advice all which is crap. AND THE ANY HOUR CALLS- MIDNIGHT, 1am, 2am, 4am, anytime just to see what u r doing... hmmmmmmmm

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