Community > Posts By > Zofelia

no photo
Mon 11/28/16 04:19 PM
Love can come first, or sex can come first. Really should not matter if the result is a serious, loving, relationship. By then, hopefully, sex would have become "making love".

no photo
Mon 11/28/16 04:11 PM
Maybe he had good reasons for cutting her out of his life. I don't see how anyone would consider that a red flag.

no photo
Mon 11/28/16 03:55 PM
It would depend on how much younger, and the two people involved. Sometimes, once we are over the age of 65, finding men that age who are still active and interested in dating is not that easy. So, if a younger man is interested, has similar interests, seems compatible, and there is a mutual attraction, I say go for it. I always have.

no photo
Thu 07/07/16 10:36 AM

no photo
Tue 07/05/16 06:53 AM

At what point does one know they are having a one night stand? Is it planned in advance? Can't imagine anyone saying, "Lets have a one night stand". How do they know it won't turn into more??
If it is planned and both agree with that, I guess it's fine for them.

Well yes. You go to a club. You show up around closing time. You are officially a "jockey". No question why you are there at that time. You look around and take a "walk". You see someone you like or someone flags you down. You small talk. Have a quick couple of drinks before "last call". You ask "How it going?" And they will tell you, straight up! Your place or mine, yada yada.
In the morning there is talk of seeing each other again. You both know that won't happen, because it was lust. A very sexual fulfilling event, that leaves you empty inside after a while.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I reckon I'm too old to understand a situation like that.:smile:

no one is old to learn & yet you can enjoy at any time of your life

Some things I don't need to learn. I enjoy the fact that no man has ever not wanted to be with me again after one time. So the situation of a one night stand just never happened for me.

no photo
Mon 07/04/16 08:11 AM
When you love someone, being with them should not be viewed as a sacrifice! And they should not be expected to be always at your beck and call.

no photo
Mon 07/04/16 08:04 AM
You will probably find your "us" eventually. That is my hope for you and all who are looking for their "forever mate". However, I would not limit my search to online.Getting out and about is still an option.
I know I really got carried away when I first started online dating.

So many men, so many choices. I was like a kid in a candy store! But my goal was always just dating and relationships. So I never experienced your dilemma. I had no expectations so I was never disappointed if something didn't work out.

no photo
Mon 07/04/16 07:37 AM

An older woman, looking for a younger man, for physical pleasure.

Well we all like to put a label on things and I have no idea how this was defined as a cougar.

Neither do I!

no photo
Fri 07/01/16 06:06 AM
If that is really how you feel, it probably is pointless for you. That is a defeatism attitude.

no photo
Fri 07/01/16 05:51 AM
Edited by Zofelia on Fri 07/01/16 05:54 AM
Sometimes! Depends on how it is said and under what circumstances. No can mean yes, no, or maybe. Or, I'm hoping you try to change my mind.

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 08:31 AM
I guess I'm a weirdo, because I like being alone. Sure I like going out, dating, relationships and all that comes with that. However, when it comes to actually living with someone or sleeping in the same bed with them all night, count me out. I've had it both ways, married and single.I love my alone time!

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 08:20 AM
Edited by Zofelia on Thu 06/30/16 08:21 AM

At what point does one know they are having a one night stand? Is it planned in advance? Can't imagine anyone saying, "Lets have a one night stand". How do they know it won't turn into more??
If it is planned and both agree with that, I guess it's fine for them.

Well yes. You go to a club. You show up around closing time. You are officially a "jockey". No question why you are there at that time. You look around and take a "walk". You see someone you like or someone flags you down. You small talk. Have a quick couple of drinks before "last call". You ask "How it going?" And they will tell you, straight up! Your place or mine, yada yada.
In the morning there is talk of seeing each other again. You both know that won't happen, because it was lust. A very sexual fulfilling event, that leaves you empty inside after a while.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I reckon I'm too old to understand a situation like that.:smile:

no photo
Thu 06/30/16 08:11 AM
If I had a 19 year old daughter, I would not want her with a 30 year old man. It has nothing to do with the level of maturity of either. A teenager should not be with a man of that age. If she were 21, and he 31, I would have no problem with that. Both would be grown. I think most people with daughters would agree with that.

I've dated and been in relationships with men half my age, but we were both well into adulthood.

no photo
Wed 06/29/16 02:00 PM
At what point does one know they are having a one night stand? Is it planned in advance? Can't imagine anyone saying, "Lets have a one night stand". How do they know it won't turn into more??
If it is planned and both agree with that, I guess it's fine for them.

no photo
Wed 06/29/16 01:45 PM

I keep getting told 'age is just a number' constantly... one of my friends tried to set me up with a 30 year old (I'm 19 going on 20) I refused because of the age... Is that wrong? I would love to hear opinions on age differences

Your 19 & asking why you kept getting told 'age is just a number'. And at least 23 different men show up...

Because, age is not just a number, but many will try to convince you it is ,hoping that you don't notice the age in them as they are noticing the youth in you.

Don't waste your youth on men who have already had & lost theirs. :banana:

Good luck to you

no photo
Wed 06/29/16 05:28 AM
Edited by Zofelia on Wed 06/29/16 05:30 AM
I guess sometimes people can't help how they think. There are many people who think dating out of one's race is not good.You can't teach an old dog new tricks, as they say. I say date whomever you wish. I always did, and still do.

no photo
Tue 06/28/16 07:30 AM
Here's how I see it. If there were good parts of the relationship, if it made you happy for the time it lasted, if it brightened your life for a time, it was worth it. Like in the song, "The Dance" by Garth Brooks."I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance".

no photo
Tue 06/28/16 07:18 AM
I don't understand why a "friend" would try to set you up with someone that much older than you! Personally, I think that at your age you should be dating men closer to your age. As we get older, age does not matter so much. I've dated men 15 or more years younger than me. But not until I was in my 40's.

no photo
Wed 06/22/16 08:57 AM
Anyone can ask anything. Doesn't mean I'll answer!

no photo
Wed 06/22/16 08:38 AM
People should date whomever they wish. Most of my dating and relationships have been interracial. I never cared what anyone else thought about it! This is going back many, many years since my marriage ended. And back then it was not nearly as common as it is now.
Did people stare and make unfavorable comments? Some did. Now it's not unusual at all to see mixed couples.