Community > Posts By > nomigetz

nomigetz's photo
Tue 09/28/10 08:13 PM
very well put. that's how it feels.
now the question is it worth the effort to try to continue?

nomigetz's photo
Tue 09/28/10 08:07 PM
i recently met someone and we had some great conversations. one night things went too far (sex) and i did the typical girl freak out. when i confronted him and wanted to chat about where we were headed. . . . i got the response of "do we really need to talk about it?" i said yes and that i felt things started to fast and i wanted to build a friendship. the response i got to that was " yes, i want friendship too. i don't want to lose you. . . we can build from here"

after that. no real communication. the occasional text messages and "hi how are you today emails". how can someone say they don't want to lose you and then not stay in contact? how can they not want to lose something that never really started? how do you start after taking 10 steps forward and go back?

i guess i am looking for clarification of what that phrase really means.

nomigetz's photo
Wed 11/18/09 03:40 PM

What do women most often lie about?

What are you considering a lie?

if a girl dies their hair does that mean its a lie?

fake nails, eyelashes, push up bra?

i could go on. . . what are you seeking physical?

Now psychologically or historically i think we don't divulge everything when we first are with people or even longer. does that mean we lie?

nomigetz's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:17 PM

yeah, why can't people be more malleable?

. . .

well we are from dirt. :)

oops that was written poorly. i meant we shouldn't try to find people to change but find a person who meets our ideals or at least does not have flaws we can't live with.

nomigetz's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:13 PM

maybe you should dumb it down and instead of lifting a book you can lift a weight.

typical midwestern woman's response. flex some muscles instead of your brain. we at least know how to deal with the dumb jocks.
and they're easy to control; just give 'em some sex and they'll do whatever we want. that doesn't always work with you smarties.

. . .

i guess we are all just looking for balance. no one can control another. dumb or smart. it is trying to find someone to mold to your liking that is the problem in the first place.

nomigetz's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:05 PM

thanks to everyone for their input. it puts my mind at ease knowing i am not alone in these thoughts.

And i agree with Drew. i am not trying to look down on people for their spelling abilities just the way they project themselves. society as a whole in this day an age. . . we have become lazy. We need to work towards are goal.

If you say you want certain qualities hopefully you can project them yourselves.

And i am enjoying the forums. i just don't post as much as i read.

In all honesty, in the 24 hrs since i had re-opened my account i had been bombed with too many characters who think every woman is to be their next hole to be plugged. since there is more than one orifice i will spare you all the details of the comments i received.

make that "and" instead of "an" i rushed. i can self critique.

nomigetz's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:04 PM

"nope, people like me for my brain, not my body. once they get their intellectual stimulation they toss me aside and look for someone to provide their physical stimulation."

Hey drew,

maybe you should dumb it down and instead of lifting a book you can lift a weight.

sorry i am being bitter, but you get the idea.

nomigetz's photo
Sun 11/08/09 04:01 PM
thanks to everyone for their input. it puts my mind at ease knowing i am not alone in these thoughts.

And i agree with Drew. i am not trying to look down on people for their spelling abilities just the way they project themselves. society as a whole in this day an age. . . we have become lazy. We need to work towards are goal.

If you say you want certain qualities hopefully you can project them yourselves.

And i am enjoying the forums. i just don't post as much as i read.

In all honesty, in the 24 hrs since i had re-opened my account i had been bombed with too many characters who think every woman is to be their next hole to be plugged. since there is more than one orifice i will spare you all the details of the comments i received.

nomigetz's photo
Sun 11/08/09 12:18 AM
i would assume that when you join a dating site you would want to put your best self out there to be seen. Not meaning to be a snot but i am not finding what i am looking for and i feel that some things should just be basic.

i am trying to be the positive on this but finding a few things that need to be made clear.

1 if you can't spell or put a complete sentence together please don't contact me. i may not use capitals all the time and tend to have a run on sentence, those items i can understand. (ie sentence above) its the incapability to spell camping correctly for example. if it is a passion of yours give it some some respect and spell it correctly!

2 i understand the need to feel wanted and intimate on the computer and all the reasons that people feel freer to ask "adult" questions but if i was looking to hook up i would just put it on my profile. goodness i don't need to be asked if i want to have phone or email intimacy with you before i know your name! if i wanted to be treated like a blow up doll or the bar slut at the bar, i would have my profile say that.

nomigetz's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:55 PM

it's just important to remember that until you've met someone, you haven't actually met someone, so don't make too many assumptions one-way-or-the-other.

well put

nomigetz's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:35 PM
i also seem to be able to tell. unfortunately while trying to convey sarcasm in a group email meant to be innocent i received some backlash and was hoping to find others who have had a similar problem and maybe some clues on how to prevent future miss-communications.

nomigetz's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:18 PM
Can you truly detect emotion and intent (sarcasm for example) over email and/or text messages?

your thoughts . . . .(please)

nomigetz's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:34 PM
the name Peanuts, after the peanut gallery featured in the Howdy Doody TV show.
According to Wikipedia

nomigetz's photo
Sat 04/25/09 02:24 PM

....oh, and too the "good guys" that have been Passed over for jerks. that i have been wronged attitude will only set you back. so what if sometimes we realize late in life what we want from a man. obviously it took you all just as long to build your confidence enough for you to be seen....

i understand what you're saying but why do we nice guys have to wait around for women to get it right? why do we have to sit on the shelf while women are off sampling other products just to find out that they don't do what they advertise?
it's funny that women talk about confidence but they don't see one really important thing. it takes confindence in ones self to do the right thing and be nice to people even when it's easier to treat people poorly. but that's not a confidence that is visually perceived. it doesn't show in our swagger or in our cockiness. it shows in the action. it takes confidence to show respect. but that confidence isn't important until a woman has been disrespected so much that she finally realizes that is what she's missing.

. . .

don't get on us for wanting the total package too? what first attracts you about a girl? lets be honest with ourselves. you can't be one way about a subject and then change to fit your ideas when its the other side.

nomigetz's photo
Sat 04/25/09 02:19 PM

We still exsist but got married too early and taken off the market. You need to look @ the second hand man store to find one.

so the nice guys have been with some not so nice women?

nomigetz's photo
Wed 04/22/09 08:34 PM
wow, have people really been this miss-treated? obviously the world is not what it used to be. have values changed? is being "moral" a sign of a "nice guy"? i disagree. i have found in my life some of the biggest a-holes are the ones that have opened doors for me and other such chivalry. i say not just how the boy treats you but treats others. if it is the same, then you know his actions are genuine. oh, and too the "good guys" that have been Passed over for jerks. that i have been wronged attitude will only set you back. so what if sometimes we realize late in life what we want from a man. obviously it took you all just as long to build your confidence enough for you to be seen. so give yourselves and us a little less grief and just be happy that we are going to find one another when we both are ready.

nomigetz's photo
Mon 04/20/09 02:06 PM

i'm a fan of the Hardee's mushroom and swiss.

but when i lived in chicago there was a small chain of joints call Maxwell Street. best late night, drunk and need some food, only got a couple of bucks, within walking distance of campus, burgers you could get.

. . .

see if you keep selling the fast food burger, how are you supposed to sell the gourmet one that you are? teehee

nomigetz's photo
Mon 04/20/09 02:05 PM

I like my momma's House Burger, made with green peppers and Wonder Bread

and the grease has to drip down your arm while all the other kids got mcdonalds?

you poor neglected child. teehee

nomigetz's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:23 PM
no such thing as the nice guy. men to shy to ask for what they want and men too arrogent to stop once they get it.

here's the thing, communicate, communicate, communicate. open your mouth tell the girl you like her. its that simple people. you don't like what you got move on! don't settle in the first place. you aren't finding what you are looking for, maybe it doesn't exist. find the cons you can live with and the pros will make it worth it.

nomigetz's photo
Thu 03/26/09 04:43 PM
actually it does. thank you.

i understand the idea of not making the same mistakes twice, but why must you be compared to the last person someone was with? I.e. if they cheated then you are held accountable for their actions and deal with suspicions. it's irritating. i am not your ex and don't like being judged as such. has anyone else had to deal with this and how did they cope?

I actually had a hard time after my first relataionship ended. I was the one who did the comparing and looking back it was not fair. I think I needed time to grieve rather than jumping into another relationship. Hope this helps.

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