Community > Posts By > Tomishereagain

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 10/06/15 01:40 PM

I guess only children, teens, and young adults go out to the movies these days. I s'pose we've turned into a bunch of old farts. laugh

I dunno about all that. When I went to Jurassic World all the theaters were packed in the cineplex.
Same for Godzilla.

Mingle2 is filled with single people looking for someone. I know I won't hit a theater alone. Perhaps your results are skewed by this environment?

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 10/06/15 01:35 PM
My monitor is my 50" flat screen TV and my sound is thru my JVC home stereo surround sound.
I use the GOM player and set a few movies in a playlist and hit play kick back in my recliner and enjoy.
I currently have about 4.5 TB of movies and TV Shows and I download around 3 to 4 movies per day. Most of which are not worth keeping but I do anyway because I have 12 TB of external storage.

I do movie marathons and themes (animal attack movies, Beer comedy movies, syfy original background plays.)

What I like about GOM is that I can set it to a small box in the corner always on top and can surf the web while I watch a movie.

I have Netflix, Dish Anywhere and a few other pay sources but most are just from html streams in flash or divx.

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 10/06/15 01:28 PM
I just noticed The Vatican Tapes is now available to stream and it is the actual movie now. (Prior streams went to the movie Vatican Exorcism)
227 mb at 400kbs

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 10/06/15 01:16 PM
Edited by Tomishereagain on Tue 10/06/15 01:17 PM
The HD CamRip of The Martian is available on Vodlocker right now
331 mb at 450 kbs but its a cam rip so I will wait.

The same source file on Putlocker, Sockshare and WatchfreeinHD
Is 939mb at 17 kbs

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 10/06/15 01:10 PM

The Martian; worth the bucks; might even buy the movie when it comes out in DVD.

I'll just stream it on putlocker when there is a watchable copy.

For me putlocker, sockshare and watchfreeinHD are turtle slow (under 40kbs)
For me Vodlocker (+500kbs) and Vidbull (+400kbs) are my favorite stream sources.
Putlocker files are roughly 400-600 mb in size and the same quality on vodlocker is about 150mb. Vidbull sometimes sneaks in a gigabyte size but I catch it and vodlocker usually has it under 200mb.

Putlovcker used to be fast so was VeeHD but they are now so slow I can't even watch 15minutes of the movie without buffering 1-2 hours.

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 10/06/15 12:55 PM
Edited by Tomishereagain on Tue 10/06/15 12:59 PM
In my Youth:
Tickets were $.50 & popcorn was $.15.
I saw just about every new movie that came out each month.
I went to the Original Planet of the Apes 8 times.

I started dating the theater owners daughter and started getting in free. My buddies and I used to sneak in for the "r" rated films.

After I got married we went to the movies about once every 3 months or so. Movies were only a small portion of our date night activities.

Since being single again, without a group of buddies and usually no date I barely hit the theaters. There are a few movies that I have to see in 3d.

The Thing (remake)
Reign of Fire
Godzilla 98 (Gino) I walked out - I am a fan of Godzilla and that lizard was NOT Godzilla.
Legendary Godzilla - Twice first in 3d then again in 2d
Pacific Rim
Jurassic World
AVP 1 in 2d

Currently waiting:
Star Wars in 3d - Its gunna be majestic
Avatar 2, 3, 4 & 5 when they come out
Toho Godzilla
Legendary Godzilla Two
007 Spectre
Phantasm Ravager
Independence Day: Resurgence
Star Trek Beyond
Beyond Skyline
The Leviathan
Prometheus 2 AkA: Alien: Paradise Lost
Underworld: Next Generation
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Skull Island (King Kong Movie due in 2016)
Pacific Rim: Maelstrom (If it gets made at all)
Skull Island: Blood of the King (announced)
Star Wars: Episode VIII (Announced for 2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (announced)
Jurassic World 2 (announced)

Battle Angel
("My intention when I made Avatar was to do Battle Angel next. However, the positive feedback for Avatar and the support of the message of Avatar, encouraged me to do more of those films." James Cameron)announced

Battle Royale (Remake announced)
Indiana Jones 5 (anounced)
Ordeal (announced)
Short Circuit (announced Remake)
Star Wars: Episode IX (announced)
Empires of the Deep - its made but stuck in development hell.

I have my IMdb set to email me when my selections are available at my local theater.

Source for upcoming Scifi Movies

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/05/15 09:08 PM

Christmas Horror Story

LOL - Santa fights Zombie Elves
-There's a Christmas Ghost that murders
-There's a Troll that steals kids
and even Krampus the Christmas Demon
William Shatner gets shitfaced drunk

Tomishereagain's photo
Sat 10/03/15 02:22 PM
Edited by Tomishereagain on Sat 10/03/15 02:22 PM
Its cold and cloudy outside. Gunna kick back on the sofa and watch some old movies.

Going to play Them!(1954)
I love giant monster movies.
Found The Snow Creature (1954) full video in related list

Suggest some oldies for a lazy weekend.

Tomishereagain's photo
Sat 10/03/15 11:11 AM
Some people have Good Luck just rain down upon them - I live in a desert.

My "ahshits" have now surpassed my "attaboys".

I am a professional Example.

My life is like a rollercoaster... (that crashed and burned).

Your dog doesn't care how much money you make.

Imagination grows in solitude.

In my day, we couldn't afford shoes, so we went barefoot. In the winter we had to wrap our feet with barbed wire for traction.

In my day, we didn't have fancy health-food restaurants. Every day we ate lots of easily recognizable animal parts, along with potatoes drenched in melted fat from those animals.

Adjust the tint on your tv so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."

The trouble with life is, you're halfway through it before you realize it's a 'do it yourself' thing.

I've Learned How Not to be Eaten by a Duck:

1. Avoid smearing yourself in stale breadcrumbs unless absolutely necessary.

2. If threatened by a duck, climb a tree. Ducks, usually excellent climbers, refuse to share trees with anything else.

3. Carry a large automatic weapon with you whenever walking past a river or pond.

4. Become a microbiologist and develop a duck form of myxamatosis.

5. Become an electronics whizz and build a battery-powered thingy that repels ducks by means of ultrasound.

6. Become a physicist and repel ducks. And everything else.

7. Carry a tin whistle in your shirt pocket or handbag and practise duck-charming techniques to buy time to escape, should you be threatened.

8. Move to Siberia. As far as I know, no ducks live near there.

9. If you can't beat them, join them: Whilst ducks may be vicious, they are civilised creatures and the idea of cannibalism disgusts them. Rather than just getting another pullover from your granny next Christmas, ask her for a duck costume instead.

10. Do everything in your car. Eat in it, sleep in it, perhaps even travel in it. Never leave your car. Remember to check it for ducks first.

11. Go on a safari holiday to Africa, go to see the lions and jump out of the Land Rover into the middle of a hungry pride. I'd like to see a duck try to reach you then.

12. Contract Anorexia Nervosa and wear tight clothing to make sure the ducks realise they'd be wasting their time eating you.

13. Sneak onto the set of a film about the middle ages and steal some chain mail.

14. Ask God to reconsider whether they were worth putting on the planet in the first place. Be polite.

15. Make friends with lots of plump, tasty-looking people. Hang about with them all the time, after making sure you can run faster than all of them.

16. Do not mistake ducks for geese. Geese will allow themselves to be petted and stroked and even hand-fed whilst ducks will take your arm off at the first available opportunity.

17. Do not accept any offers from shifty-looking blokes in cars who enquire as to whether you would like to come with him to see some baby ducklings.

18. Learn Judo or Karate. Practise sparring only with very short people.

19. Buy a few readily-killed ducks from Tesco and string the beaks around your neck along with a few bones and a feather headdress. Walk around half-naked covered in warpaint with a large knife and a collection of fearsome facial expressions. They ought to get the idea then.

20. Live solely on garlic, onions, leeks, kebabs, truffles, beetroot and Ferrero Rocher. Never brush your teeth, breathe through your mouth and you should be safe provided you never holiday in France.

21. Carry several different types of underarm deodorant with you throughout the day. Keep changing your smell so that ducks cannot follow your scent and track you to your home.

22. Never write any novels denouncing duck deities. If you do, apologize and go into hiding.

23. Constantly chew at least ten sticks of gum simultaneously. Keep dropping lumps so that any inquisitive ducks will have their beaks glued shut.

24. Marinade yourself in white wine, strip naked and drape yourself invitingly on a large plate. The ducks may think it a little too good to be true and will stay away, suspecting a booby-trap.

Men like to barbecue. Men will cook if danger is involved.

Men are sensitive in strange ways. If a man has built a fire and the last log does not burn, he will take it personally.

When four or more men get together, they talk about sports.
When four or more women get together, they talk about men.

A man has 6 items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream, a razor, a bar of soap and a towel. The average number of items in a typical women's bathroom is 237. A man would not be able to identify most of these items.

A man will wear one pair of shoes for the entire day.

Trust is earned, not GIVEN away

A closed mouth gathers no feet

A truly wise person knows that he knows not

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill

All people smile in the same language

Bad is never good until worse happens

Women are like fires; They go out if left unattended

Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool discovers something which either abolishes the system or expands it beyond recognition.

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

They tell us courtesy is contagious. So why not start an epidemic.

Love looks through a telescope; envy looks through a microscope.

Ideas are like children: no matter how much you like other people's, you can't help thinking your own are the best.

For every minute you're angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

If you don't enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more?

I hope you enjoyed that.
Selections from Oxymoron Humor Archive

Tomishereagain's photo
Sat 10/03/15 10:26 AM
Age hones wisdom.
Experience is the teacher.
What wisdoms do you have to share?

Its not the drama that is important, Its what we do with the drama that matters.

Learn to sleep without covers, she is going to take them anyway.

I'm not grey, I have hair cancer

The older you get the less trash you make.

Tomishereagain's photo
Sat 10/03/15 10:00 AM
[Comes in with bed-head, all squinty-eyed]

"1/2 day today, I woke up at Noon. Figuring Saturday is only gunna last till about midnight."

[Looks for and finds coffee]

"ah, Coffee"

The song I get stuck in my head is
"I Wanna Be A Puppy Dog"

Oh Crap, I played to post it! Now its in my head again!

Tomishereagain's photo
Sat 10/03/15 09:45 AM
Bootleggers should be booted. There are very few cam copy versions that are even decent to watch. If it is something I just have to see right away, (Godzilla, Jurassic World, ect...) I will shell out the money and find a date and go see the movie in 3d.
Those cam versions are awful and ruin the movie. I would rather wait for a clean copy than ruin the experience trying to watch out of focus, out of frame, cut-off garbled blurs.

Tomishereagain's photo
Fri 10/02/15 11:50 AM

I thought Clown was pretty good!

I watched some really crappy movies lately but there were a few that were pretty good.

The Hive (2015)
This started out very confusing and disgusting but I forced myself to keep watching and it got pretty good.

The Hoarder (2015)
Half way into this I thought it was a mutant creature feature but it turned out twisted.

Spooks: The Greater Good (2015)
Based on a UK TV Show that I have never seen. Spy thriller that was pretty decent even if it was very British

Apartment Complex (1999)
Charming flick about a murder at an apartment building. I liked it.

Pod (2015)
A Creature Feature that was very watchable
Had a science fiction feel

They Feed (2005)
Low-Budget Monster Movie
Man-eating worms, Bad movie but I just couldn't turn it off?

Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015)
Burt Gummer is back hunting Graboids. Updated creature design wasn't too bad, I liked the new look of the as s-blasters

Nocturna (2015)
Okay vampire flick

Contracted Phase 2 (2015)
The zombie STD is back and just as deadly.

Tomishereagain's photo
Fri 10/02/15 10:58 AM

any romantic or horror movie you can suggest?

I usually let my woman friends pick those.
The Letter?
Sweet November?

Now, I've seen a lot of Horror

The Seasoning House was pretty good
Exeter & Demonic not too shabby
Crawl or Die was kinda claustrophobic
I Spit on Your Grave original & Remake 1, 2 & 3
Last House on the Left remake
Any of the 5 Prophecy movies
House on Haunted Hill remake and Return to the House on Haunted Hill
Trilogy of Terror the 3rd segment with the Zuni Doll
And Soon The Darkness
Clown - The Clown Suit Demon
Don't Blink was really strange
Flowers is just sick and twisted
The Collector & The Collection are graphic
Rise of the Reeker has twist
Pay the Ghost pulls at your heart
Last Shift is demented
Hellions is not suitable for women that are pregnant
Clean Break is brutality against men
Bloodsucking Bastards is a funny vampire movie
Contracted and Contracted Phase 2 is about an STD going horribly wrong
Eden Lake is brutal and bloody
Deadly Pledge twists college hazing
Harbinger Down tries to be like The Thing
American Mary hits on the mirror trick
Mirrors 1 & 2 is creepy and unsettling
Jurassic World is dino action
Raze is brutal
Horns is a good lovelorn horror (cool graphics at the end)
Indigenous was really good
Charlie's Farm was pretty good
Insidious 1 was good but 2 & 3 left much to be desired
Flowers in the Attic 1 (2014)
Flowers in the Attic 2 Petals in the Wind (2014)
Flowers in the Attic 3 If There Be Thorns (2015)
Dead Snow has Nazi Zombies Dead Snow 2 was okay
Virus was very gory (Jamie Lee Curtis)
Posthuman Project turned out twisted
Popskull is twisted
The Drownsman wasn't too bad
Altergeist was okay
I, Frankenstein was pretty good
The Seventh Son was a let down - Could have been better
100 Feet was pretty good for a ghost story
The Host was good
Nailbiter was different
Dagon is good - still creeps me out
Event Horizon is terror in space
Unnameable 2 – The Statement of Randolph Carter is low budget but watchable - good monster
Any of The Mimic films are creepy and brutal
Jeepers Creepers are good - both of them - Where is Jeepers Creepers 3?
Feast 1 is really good but the two others suk
Troll Hunter is good if you can find the dubbed version
Deadspace Downfall is a cartoon but its bloody, really bloody
Solomon Kane is a good witches/demon movie
Gabriel is twisted - has a good soundtrack
The Puppet Masters is creepy
Grave Dancers was good
Night of the Creeps is hokey but fun to watch
Haunter is from the perspective of a ghost that knows shes a ghost
Any [REC] movie - There are 4 now
Wer was good as a werewolf but not a werewolf movie (AJ from Criminal Minds is in it)
The Beast of Bray Road turned out to be really watchable
Late Phases - another werewolf but not a werewolf film
Dog Soldiers - In your face brutal werewolves - Amazing movie for its budget restraints
Dogman - One of those charmingly acted films about a cryptid
Ginger Snaps - Lycanthropy puberty
The Night Flyer - Stephen Kings Vampire that Flies a plane
Innocent Blood - Fun movie
Thinner - dont pi ss off the gypsies
Turistas - Parts for sale
Offspring & Offspring 2 (the Woman) brutal feral children
Death Factory - Bloodletting LOL bloody
Slow Torture Puke Chamber - no further explanation needed
Shrooms - Bad camping trip
Murder Set Pieces
Toolbox Murders

30 days of Sodom
Flowers yes, I know I already mentioned it

Tomishereagain's photo
Fri 10/02/15 08:31 AM

Hey everyone, I have over 1,500 movies on my hard drive, but have seen them all. Anyone have any suggestions of a good movie to check out? I like main stream, B movies and even some foreign films so it don't matter!

I have the same problem...a lot!

I just got The Hive (2015)
It took me a few minutes to get what was going on but it wasn't bad.
Almost a zombie movie but not zombies, an infection. One man's attempt to beat it.

Have you seen The Seasoning House? Tremors just released number 5 and Burt Gummer is killing graboids again. Pretty cool upgrade on the cgi monsters.
I just got I Spit On Your Grave 3 but haven't watched it yet. Christmas Horror Story looks fun. Exeter had me rooting for the demon but it was fun to watch. Spooks (The Greater Good) is a spy movie based on a UK TV Show that is not too bad.
12 Rounds 3 wasn't bad, bad cops vs good cop in a locked down cop shop.
Blood Moon is werewolves in the old west like a cowboys vs werewolves thing
Demonic was okay I guess. Not as graphic as exeter but okay to watch.

Have you tried going backwards in viewing? Like the 50s? Tarantula, Them!, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea was pretty good.

One of the things I do when I get flustered over the new choices is go to actor IMdb pages and scour the actors movies for the ones I don't have.

I also use wikipedia to find movie groupings. I like animal attach movies, MONSTER movies and old comedy (Danny Kaye, Jerry Lewis, Abbott & Costello)

You never specified what kind of movies you want to see?

Tomishereagain's photo
Thu 10/01/15 11:33 AM

I have met 4 women in real life from free dating sites.

Let me warn you that only one was even close to her picture.

None of them were accurate in their profile or the things we messaged about (Why I am still looking)

It happens.

Meet in a public place
*a coffee shop
*a gallery
*a place where you can see her coming or notice her right way.

If you click with her be a gentleman and offer to pick up the tab.

Use her real name a lot.

Talk about the things you messaged about.

Don't bring up past relationships
Don't push sex talk
Be Yourself.

If you think it just won't work - let her know and be gentle
If it is working offer a walk or a drive to move the meet into personal territory.

Keep your hands under control

Pay attention to what she says and be in the moment.

Some ommissions and 'white lies are to be expected. Don't be too crittical but keep your judgements wise.

Scan the meeting area for other people watching her. There are scammers that try to get you alone so their male counterparts can rob you. Be aware of your surroundings.

I know people that have found their someone special and they are now married. It does happen and it can work - If you are both honest and interested in each other.

Good Luck!

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/30/15 09:42 AM

That's a LOT of movies.

Yes it is. I use it as gifts to my family and friends. I pick up a 1 TB 'My Book' and reformat it to act as a usb drive then I load it up with movies. I wrap that up as a present. Then when they are done with the movies, they bring it over and I load it up with more.

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/30/15 09:39 AM

Well, I guess which thread to come to when looking for films to add to my growing collection of 1,500 movies. Well done man! One big one I am missing is the film 2012, I love that movie, but its difficult looking for a torrent, because when I search 2012, every movie that came out that years pops up haha!

I don't do torrents.

Try your torrent search as "2012-(2009)"
Or a torrent search of "Roland Emmerich film"
Or an actor search.

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/30/15 09:32 AM
Just added:

Blood Story (2015)
Chop Shop (2003)
Clean Break (2014)
Crash Point Zero (2000)
Dark Star HR Giger's World (2014)
Deep Core (2000) smaller
Final Approach (2005)
Kids VS Monsters (2015)
Mennos Mind (1997)
Narcopolis (2015)
Navy Seals VS Zombies (2015)
Sweet Home (2015)
Terminator Genysis (2015) bluray
The Hoarder (2015)
The Sins of Dracula (2014) smaller
They Feed (2005)
Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015)
Unhinged (2006)
War Pigs (2015)

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/29/15 02:38 PM