Community > Posts By > Tassiewoman

Tassiewoman's photo
Mon 01/05/15 11:30 AM
Good luck with your search but I think us women older than 50 would all say get your wallet out and go find someone at the nearest red light district. There's sleazy and sleazy and you're really sleazy.

Tassiewoman's photo
Sat 12/27/14 03:29 PM
Awesome! I am a Taoist I am happy within myself I am not happy with the world but I am happy in mine.

Tassiewoman's photo
Sat 12/27/14 03:24 PM
Anyone ever heard of birth control?

Tassiewoman's photo
Sat 12/27/14 03:24 PM
You're not old and jaded, you just sound ticked off to me. Men find it hard too and even I am guilty of wishing for a younger good looking man. Be honest with yourself, do you love yourself? If you can't love yourself how can you love another and how can you expect a man to love you when you're so down on aging? We are all growing old at the same rate!!!

Tassiewoman's photo
Sat 12/27/14 03:17 PM
I live in a country where we don't have a second amendment but it seems archaic to me that some countries sanction such medieval writings. The amendments were written many years ago and should be rewritten to reflect the current world climate regarding violence and unwarranted attacks on innocent people.

The only people who should have the right to bear arms are the military, police and prison officers. The rest of us should be happy bearing the arms we are born with.

It is not the rifles, weapons that kill, it's the idiots who believe they are the only solution to a situation that carry them who do the senseless killing.

Bring back the death penalty and everyone bearing arms should be judged and sentenced accordingly.

Idiots with weapons, makes no sense.

Tassiewoman's photo
Sat 12/27/14 03:07 PM
I am autonomous in the routine I find myself in ...

Tassiewoman's photo
Sun 12/21/14 05:28 PM
I've come across so many scammers on this site and the link to report them doesn't work, neither does the contact us link. I got sick of typing in all the information and pressing send only to get some message saying there was a problem sending and try again. This happened repeatedly so now I'm trying a forum. They became aggressive and threatening when I asked for their APO FPO numbers after they requested phones and money. Let's do all we can to get rid of these predators.

Tassiewoman's photo
Tue 12/09/14 01:56 PM
Does it not strike you as strange that he is in Nigeria where 80% of Internet stammers are? I had the same response from a Kenyan man who proposed without seeing or meeting me. I travelled to nairn bi to meet him but after just 24 hours it became obvious he wanted a wife from another country so that he could get out of the dire situation so many Africans are in. He became aggressive and threatening. I made arrangements to return to the UK where I was living at the time. That was 2002, I have now returned to Australia and he still finds ways to seek me out and demand money and a visa. DON'T GO THERE PLEASE.

Tassiewoman's photo
Sun 12/07/14 05:27 PM
I know the plural of platypus is platypi.