Community > Posts By > KayaksJuliet

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Sat 07/17/10 03:21 PM

The migrants that you speak of came here LEGALY and YES they did help make America what it is today. I'm fine with anybody that comes here LEGALY, adjusts to OUR way of live and doesn't expect me to adjust to their way of life or support them.

Actually there are many many white folks who did not come here "legally" who have been here generations now.

Legality wasn't an issue years ago so white folks ancestors did not have to jump hoops if they didn't come through Ellis Island or whatever. You were here and you were here, that is all.

So white people can climb off their high horse about it.
Their ancestors might be illegally here too.

Unless you are native American you can't claim ownership of this country because you might be born of an illegal crossing into here.

Now lets get to adjusting to others. We should be speaking more than one language here and Spanish is a good start. We are becoming a world community.

I hate the old American stick in the mud or up my butt attitude that we don't need improvement here. We have lots of room for improvement and one of them is learning more languages.

As for supporting others unless you pay income taxes at the end of the year and not get a refund, you don't pay for anyone else, so moot point for most of the people on this site.

~whips out citizen papers~ I would be more than willing to show my LEGAL right to be here. If they want to add it in the bill go for it I will show gleefully to help the problem (if any). I wouldnt care if it would help the HUGE PROBLEM we have in Az.

and that is what they need to do, MANDATE everyone show citizenship papers when stopped, and not just those 'suspected' of being an illegal immigrant

:banana: :banana: YAY! :banana: :banana: Sounds like a plan I would TOTALLY! Next step... How would the american people implement the government to change the bill? I would be first in line!:banana:

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 03:17 PM

well, technically, income taxes are but ONE type of tax that goes towards helping others,,, we pay taxes on gas, utilities, tolls, and a whole list of things ,,,we wouldnt make it if we only had income taxes because of the reason you mentioned,, not enough people pay into income tax,,,

Except illegals pay all those taxes also so they deserve to receive help in that case

Do you honestly expect me to believe that someone that gets paid in CASH and is here illegaly, pays taxes on it?

Your funnyrofl rofl

I guess the fact that they buy all the same household products and food and lights and stuff that we do and pay taxes on doesn't count eh?

So do criminals. Not a very good point.

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 03:16 PM

well, technically, income taxes are but ONE type of tax that goes towards helping others,,, we pay taxes on gas, utilities, tolls, and a whole list of things ,,,we wouldnt make it if we only had income taxes because of the reason you mentioned,, not enough people pay into income tax,,,

Except illegals pay all those taxes also so they deserve to receive help in that case

NO the don't. I cannot believe you would say something so entirely wrong and ludicris!

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 03:13 PM

The migrants that you speak of came here LEGALY and YES they did help make America what it is today. I'm fine with anybody that comes here LEGALY, adjusts to OUR way of live and doesn't expect me to adjust to their way of life or support them.

Actually there are many many white folks who did not come here "legally" who have been here generations now.

Legality wasn't an issue years ago so white folks ancestors did not have to jump hoops if they didn't come through Ellis Island or whatever. You were here and you were here, that is all.

So white people can climb off their high horse about it.
Their ancestors might be illegally here too.

Unless you are native American you can't claim ownership of this country because you might be born of an illegal crossing into here.

Now lets get to adjusting to others. We should be speaking more than one language here and Spanish is a good start. We are becoming a world community.

I hate the old American stick in the mud or up my butt attitude that we don't need improvement here. We have lots of room for improvement and one of them is learning more languages.

As for supporting others unless you pay income taxes at the end of the year and not get a refund, you don't pay for anyone else, so moot point for most of the people on this site.

~whips out citizen papers~ I would be more than willing to show my LEGAL right to be here. If they want to add it in the bill go for it I will show gleefully to help the problem (if any). I wouldnt care if it would help the HUGE PROBLEM we have in Az.

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 03:05 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl TOO DANG FUNNY rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 03:03 PM

It is our fault the borders were not controlled.
It is our fault that the employers were allowed to continue to hire illegals.

All Americans were looking the other way the whole time.

Now we need to fix the problem but taking it out on a human being that is trying to find a better life is not the way to go.

Start with the borders and employers.

We don't have to be racist and ignorant to do this thing.

We don't have to be hateful and stupid.

We can be humane and empathetic.

We are dealing with humans here.

Just as black folks want to be considered equal and human so do all other humans.

The world belongs to all of us and none of us at the same time.
We have to live together on this planet.

I resent the fact you seem to think that our Governor has resorted to inhumane and un-empathetic treatmentmad . IF the Federal Government had done their job in supporting the enforcement of the borders when it originally passed Arizona would not have been forced doing anything to find the illegals. Inhumane? How about going to a restuarant done here and going to the bathroom only to find toilet paper with feces on it in a pile on the floor? How about living in a normal everyday neighborhood that starts renting to illegals and their kids run wild, the crime rate goes up, and because of their old living conditions the are not keeping their surroundings (and mine) clean. Or maybe look at the homeless people living on the street because they can't get a job taken by an illegal alien. Is that humane?slaphead

Yes, people come on down and join us in Lovely Arizona.

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 02:41 PM

I have to make a point about balance. Borders are as necessary as front and back doors. Immigration laws are as necessary as locks on those doors. I dont think people need to be IMPEDED from coming here, but I do feel they need to have regulations and processes for doing so. Noone should be rewarded for not following those regulations and processes like everyone else has to. That is not childlike, that is a pretty grown up desire for justice and equality. If you leave your house to come to mine,, its my rules or go back to your house. I think if you have a better way to run a house you should start practicing those ways in your own.

:wink: Yes I agree. Everyone else has to follow these same laws. I know many Hispanics that were living in Mexico and became legal to enter America. COOL!:thumbsup: Im ok with that. I believe in our laws and upholding them to EVERYONE! Otherwise lets open the flood gates on all immigrants, because isn't it a form of a profiling to allow "illegals from Mexico" to get away with it and not (lets say) people from Africa (who struggle) or Cuba.

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 01:51 PM
Edited by KayaksJuliet on Sat 07/17/10 01:54 PM

Alright, I give. What the hell is a Drow?.......smokin

I think its hydroponically grown. All I know is someone offered me some DROW and OMG smokin :banana: noway :banana: noway :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Kayak and I felt NO pain for HOURS BIG TIME:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 01:47 PM

few people have actually seen michale jackson unclothed and face to face,,what we have seen(much like with models) are sometimes airbrushed photos and images and an always made up(cosmetics) Michael Jackson. One has only to research cosmetics made for burn victims to know how people can APPEAR to be all one complexion although their actual complexion is much less even. We saw mj's face and hands,,,I have no doubt he had exactly what the coroner and the doctors said he had,,,vitiligo.

Ok but here's a thought. With all the money he had why not choose black make up?

offtopic Hey all a couple more posts and then lets get back to the original topic. K? flowers :wink: :smile: :wink:

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 01:43 PM

That's what I tell them....I say we met on here, have friends on here and don't plan on leaving here for quite a while.

We both have it posted on our profiles, as does Kayak and Juliet, that we are taken so there shouldn't be any problems.flowerforyou

I know it's hard, but just ignore the jerks who have problems with it. The rest of us are happy for you all who have found someone. flowerforyou

Well thank you for your opinions.:thumbsup: I really wanted to get a take on it from the community instead of jumping to conclusions like the jerk who emailed me.

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 01:38 PM

link added, sorry.

Back on topic... heehee.

Thank you so much!flowerforyou Wow it is in there. Now check out this one. And do a find for the same thing "an alien" it doesn't show. Im not sure which one is more current as they both say the same quarter. Hmmmm.

See what I was speaking of.frustrated

They both say the same thing.

Hmmm because when I do a "find" for "an alien" on both documents to find the reference I find NO results found. But I do find it in the document you provided. Did you try that? Or are referencing a different way of them disguising it?

I don't know what you are talking about. I read them both.

At the top of each document there is a "find" feature. Try typing "an alien" or "alien" in both documents. You wont find either in my document. But using same technique I did find it in yours. :wink: Not trying to be difficult just wanting to be accurate in what is said. flowerforyou

Well read them and you will see.

Sure will. Is it in the same location? I really don't want to have to read the whole document again. I always try to check what I speak of EVEN if proven wrong, if proven wrong. Have you checked the "find" feature on my document?

I don't need the find feature to read the document so no.

I just read them.

OK. I did find that there is an error that is not allowing me to "find" the words that ARE THERE in all the original documents. Yes, you were right with the wording.flowerforyou flowerforyou Although I still disagree with it being profiling as I have said. I have LEGAL friends that are Hispanic that agree with the law even though they could POSSIBLY be pulled over. :wink:

Your "friends" might not feel the same when they forget their id one day and sit at the police station for an undetermined amount of time, also in the bill, until they are identified to the police satisfaction. It may not look so good to them then.

Point being:
1.If you had answered in the "original post" the link (which EVEYONE does) so I could have something to look for and investigate. and had done a "find" you would have found the very same thing as myself. I was open to trying your way to discover you were RIGHT.
2.Yet if you had done the "find" as I had suggested you may have found the same error in the document that I found earlier. Ending the debate on that issue THAT much sooner. And saved all these lovely pages.

As far as my friends are concerned. They are very aware that it is a possiblity and they have told me its a small price to pay to help the ENORMOUS problem.

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 01:21 PM

Do people actually get offended by looking at a profile and finding out that person is already with someone else?

Apparently so. frustrated

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 01:19 PM

link added, sorry.

Back on topic... heehee.

Thank you so much!flowerforyou Wow it is in there. Now check out this one. And do a find for the same thing "an alien" it doesn't show. Im not sure which one is more current as they both say the same quarter. Hmmmm.

See what I was speaking of.frustrated

They both say the same thing.

Hmmm because when I do a "find" for "an alien" on both documents to find the reference I find NO results found. But I do find it in the document you provided. Did you try that? Or are referencing a different way of them disguising it?

I don't know what you are talking about. I read them both.

At the top of each document there is a "find" feature. Try typing "an alien" or "alien" in both documents. You wont find either in my document. But using same technique I did find it in yours. :wink: Not trying to be difficult just wanting to be accurate in what is said. flowerforyou

Well read them and you will see.

Sure will. Is it in the same location? I really don't want to have to read the whole document again. I always try to check what I speak of EVEN if proven wrong, if proven wrong. Have you checked the "find" feature on my document?

I don't need the find feature to read the document so no.

I just read them.

OK. I did find that there is an error that is not allowing me to "find" the words that ARE THERE in all the original documents. Yes, you were right with the wording.flowerforyou flowerforyou Although I still disagree with it being profiling as I have said. I have LEGAL friends that are Hispanic that agree with the law even though they could POSSIBLY be pulled over. :wink:

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 12:56 PM

link added, sorry.

Back on topic... heehee.

Thank you so much!flowerforyou Wow it is in there. Now check out this one. And do a find for the same thing "an alien" it doesn't show. Im not sure which one is more current as they both say the same quarter. Hmmmm.

See what I was speaking of.frustrated

They both say the same thing.

Hmmm because when I do a "find" for "an alien" on both documents to find the reference I find NO results found. But I do find it in the document you provided. Did you try that? Or are referencing a different way of them disguising it?

I don't know what you are talking about. I read them both.

At the top of each document there is a "find" feature. Try typing "an alien" or "alien" in both documents. You wont find either in my document. But using same technique I did find it in yours. :wink: Not trying to be difficult just wanting to be accurate in what is said. flowerforyou

Well read them and you will see.

Sure will. Is it in the same location? I really don't want to have to read the whole document again. I always try to check what I speak of EVEN if proven wrong, if proven wrong. Have you checked the "find" feature on my document?

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 12:53 PM

Fine.grumble time I won't suggest bringing the guys into the hot tub....they can find their own!! laugh flowerforyou

rofl rofl rofl Nah uhhh rofl rofl rofl I want a hot tub! rofl rofl rofl

I can only hope that the reference wasn't about us. rofl As Kayak and I try not to inundate people with mooshy crap. I do that in person. Heehee

It's hard not to do that though when you first start dating.laugh :tongue:

Can you point me to the hot tub please??!!bigsmile :wink: laugh

It was in the "Will you take a bath" or something thread, I told Juliet (Karen) we could make it a hot tub instead and invite the guys....but you can join us hun!!

(And I meant the guys could find their own) lollaugh :wink:

Mega Hot Tub experience.:banana: Woohoo! Come one come all! And it was "would you take a bubble bath with person above you" I thinkscared

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 12:51 PM

link added, sorry.

Back on topic... heehee.

Thank you so much!flowerforyou Wow it is in there. Now check out this one. And do a find for the same thing "an alien" it doesn't show. Im not sure which one is more current as they both say the same quarter. Hmmmm.

See what I was speaking of.frustrated

They both say the same thing.

Hmmm because when I do a "find" for "an alien" on both documents to find the reference I find NO results found. But I do find it in the document you provided. Did you try that? Or are referencing a different way of them disguising it?

I don't know what you are talking about. I read them both.

At the top of each document there is a "find" feature. Try typing "an alien" or "alien" in both documents. You wont find either in my document. But using same technique I did find it in yours. :wink: Not trying to be difficult just wanting to be accurate in what is said. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 12:46 PM

I have a question for all you Herb lovers out there. Is Drow really the way to go?shocked

If you can... Hell yeah!:banana: :banana: smokin :banana:

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 12:43 PM

Fine.grumble time I won't suggest bringing the guys into the hot tub....they can find their own!! laugh flowerforyou

rofl rofl rofl Nah uhhh rofl rofl rofl I want a hot tub! rofl rofl rofl

I can only hope that the reference wasn't about us. rofl As Kayak and I try not to inundate people with mooshy crap. I do that in person. Heehee

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 12:40 PM

link added, sorry.

Back on topic... heehee.

Thank you so much!flowerforyou Wow it is in there. Now check out this one. And do a find for the same thing "an alien" it doesn't show. Im not sure which one is more current as they both say the same quarter. Hmmmm.

See what I was speaking of.frustrated

They both say the same thing.

Hmmm because when I do a "find" for "an alien" on both documents to find the reference I find NO results found. But I do find it in the document you provided. Did you try that? Or are referencing a different way of them disguising it?

no photo
Sat 07/17/10 12:29 PM

Ok some people have been on here for quite a while and developed wonderful friendships. How do you feel about "a couple" being on this long as they state they are in a relationship in their profile or thru posts. Does it offend you to look at a profile only to see they are taken?

I see this as a social network more than a "dating" site.
I don't mind couples posting.
I do mind couples who only aim in post after post seems to be telling uncoupled folks they a couple and how great it is.

Same here ill rofl rofl

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