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Topic: 16 yr old teenage abuse
babygirl72's photo
Tue 01/30/07 09:43 AM
I can;t take it another day. My daughter acts like she is my mother.
Tlks so direspectfuly, lies,terrible in school. What am I suppose to

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/30/07 09:45 AM
Thought about Bootcamp? From what i've heard they work well in these

slowtogetit's photo
Tue 01/30/07 09:50 AM
ya babygirl, look what it did for spay...LMAO

i'm with karma,if you can't reason with her,then it's time to shock the
hell out of her and show her what life is really like,

babygirl72's photo
Tue 01/30/07 09:50 AM
I have smacked the **** out of this kid. She doesn't care. Bootcamp
sounds like a great thing. When she was younger I put the fear of God
into her, I don't know what the hell has happened.

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/30/07 09:53 AM
At home she has all the rights she wants and you can't stop her.
Bootcamp if she wants something she'll have to earn it. There are no
rights on arrival. When you know that everything you can do depends on
how you behave you learn fast. There is also counselling to help them
deal with whatever issues are at the root of their behaviour.

slowtogetit's photo
Tue 01/30/07 09:56 AM
plus when you have someone in your face screaming and you can't do a
damn thing about it.seems to put a new perspective on things.and no i've
never been

no photo
Tue 01/30/07 10:07 AM
Don't need to to her try to spend more time with her. Move to
get her away from the people who influence her. Everyone wants to be
good it's there suroundings that change who they are. There is something
in her mind that does not let her open up to you. Take your time and
learn why this is. I know she loves you and you love her. Never yell at
her either, this just closes the door to the problem. Take her out just
you and her, little by little she will open up. My number one thing I
would do is change of enviroment. Hope the best for you and her...Mike

happiness71's photo
Tue 01/30/07 10:18 AM
i agree with karmafury. the bootcamp does work wonders. my ex sent our
daughter to me couse she couldnt control her anymore,ofcourse this is
after she let her run completly wildfor afew years and then tried to put
a stop to it all at once, but anyway it helped straiten her out alot.

homegurlshell's photo
Tue 01/30/07 10:20 AM
You just need to stand up to her, show her whos the boss.....not let her
get away wit things

spay's photo
Tue 01/30/07 10:22 AM

Tue 01/30/07 10:25 AM
There something going on in her life and she doesn't know how to express
it. maybe she started having sex, doing drugs, etc. she is your
daughter after all and you shouldn't let her get away with anything. i'm
sure she became that way because of lack of discipline. i would never in
a million years talk to my parents in a disrispectful manner cuz i can
be a grown as woman and they'd still slap the s*it out of me! take
control and dont take her s*it. go to extremes..if she runs away she'll
come back. call the cops on her first so there's a history of her
behavior on record. then they may even advise you to beat her ass.

spay's photo
Tue 01/30/07 10:41 AM

oldsage's photo
Tue 01/30/07 11:43 AM
Spay, your harsh, got any kids? Violence doesn't always work. Need to
try to get in their head. 16 thinks she knows it all, talk to her head
on, no I don't knows & conversation is required. That how we (stepmom &
I) handled my son. He did a complete 180, lost weight, did average in
school & now has 13 Navy. Has said thanks many times, admits we
changed his life. Violence was used once for 2 seconds, rest was "Let's

redmange420's photo
Tue 01/30/07 11:49 AM
I actually was an *ss myself growin up, and I don't know why really.
But, I do agree that something is goin on in her life, and you need to
find out what it is, and quick. Try takin her out and havin fun with
her, show her that you're her friend as much as you are her mother. Find
out things she likes to do, and do them with her. It seems there is a
trust issue between the two of you, and you need to break that wall
down. Remember to reward her when she does good, and explain why you're
rewardin her. Same with when she does bad, but make sure you explain it
to her instead of just gettin mad and flyin off the handle. I know that
this time is hard for her, as well as you, and maybe yall should do
somethin together. Tell her one day she's not goin to school, and that
yall are goin to do somethin fun, and ask her what she'd like to do.
Maybe if she felt her opinion was valued, she might also value yours, ya
know? I hope this helps ya out, and good luck.

Tneal's photo
Tue 01/30/07 12:51 PM
At the age of 14 my 3rd daughter started skipping school. Then she got
into drugs, running away from home. It was not from the LACK of
disapline either. I was and still am a strick Mom.

I found out after she turned 18 that she was rapped at the age of 12.
She felt ashamed to talk to me about this, thinking it was her fault
cause she took a short cut home from school when she knew I did not
approve of that. If I knew then that this TERRIABLE thing happened to
her, I would like to think I could of saved her 5 years of Meth use, and
two pregnancies.

She is doing great right now. Clean for over 2 years. She has her son
back (DHS TOOK HIM) and she gave her daughter to my sister for adoption.
But she JUST got her first job, and we are all very proud of her.
Through it all she said she could not of done it without my support and

I think you need to look deeper into what is going on with your
daughter. Maybe she is looking for attention, maybe something has
happened to her that she is not willing to talk about so she is lashing
out. Set up an appointment for counciling and see what happens...

All my best

babygirl72's photo
Tue 01/30/07 02:38 PM

Were you abused by a women, or dumped one to many times. You need to
take a chill pill. Some of your comments, well all of them are just
rude and ignorant.

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 10:28 AM
alot of teens are BRATS! i guess its the world we live in..

mistyblue2012's photo
Sun 02/04/07 11:18 AM
If she use to be nice when she was younger than something deeper is
going on with her. My son did the same thing for a short period of time.
It turned out that he was really hurting very deeply about not having a
father (lost him at 4) and he didn't know how to channel the anger. He
also needed more of my undivided attention focused on him...needed more
positive strokes from me. I tell him I love him and I am proud of him
every single day. They need to hear more I love you's at that age. Talk
to her and find out what the real issue is before you dump her in boot
camp. But if that is what she needs, you'll know it in your heart!
Good luck!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 02/04/07 02:02 PM
Well there is alot more there than the naked eye can see. Seems to me
there are some real deep problems with her maybe drugs or something else
but there is a very serious problem happening with her have you tried
calling a truce with her sit her down and just be open tell her how your
feeling and that you know something is wrong and you wouldl like to help
her and be civil about it promise her you will not jump down her throat
or get mad but try to understand were she is coming from there are some
serious problems there and whether you want to admit it or not she might
even think things are your fault even if they are not you have to find
away to get through to her before something bad really happens.

FedMan's photo
Sun 02/04/07 05:30 PM
maybe the fact her parents are no longer togther? can have different
effects on different kids

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