Topic: We need change .
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Mon 07/28/08 05:39 AM
We need change in education so people will be more educated when it comes to politics and religion . Nowadays people believe in old religious books and in corrupt dishonest politicians and therefore instead of advancing forward , we will be stuck in point zero .
Science and philosophy are the two saving factors .

Kevrides's photo
Mon 07/28/08 07:59 AM
I'm all for education.
Educate the masses so they know what our fore fathers meant when they formed our great country and layed down the guidelines. Educate them on what the consitution meant then and how those ideals are still as valid today as they were 200+ years ago.
Nothing wrong with educating people about religion either though I think that it is best done outside of public school. The framers of our constitution had some good ideas that are based in christian beliefs. This is not a problem as those ideals translate well to our system of government.

Less government is good. More government is bed. As long as people continue to believe this and know that it is true the less likely they will be to vote for someone who has big plans for change...change to less freedom for you and me and more power for the government.

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Mon 07/28/08 08:03 AM
it serves the interests of the controlling elite to have a poorly educated lower class...after all, you dont want people to start questioning, knowledge is power...

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Mon 07/28/08 08:06 AM

it serves the interests of the controlling elite to have a poorly educated lower class...after all, you dont want people to start questioning, knowledge is power...

Of course because they want to control the people .

Kevrides's photo
Mon 07/28/08 08:15 AM
Less government good.
More powerful government bad.

Conservative values both economic and social leave alot more control in the hands of the citizenry.

When the goverment jumps in and takes control of a situation the situation always worsens and you loose some freedom in the process.

The government is there to protect our liberty and our ability to live free and achieve the goals we are so inclined to achieve. They were never meant to be a distributor of wealth or an entitlement giver. As Americans we all have the same rights. No group deserves preferential treatment in the eyes of the government.