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Topic: where r all these bad kids commin 4rm
silkia's photo
Sat 03/17/07 06:14 PM
where r all these bad kids commin 4rm these days i mean 5 yr old kids
cussin iz not cool

kntrygal1964's photo
Sat 03/17/07 06:22 PM
i so know what u mean, i had to put a fence around my place because kids
kept coming in my yard teasin my dog that was tied up, and when i told
them to stay out of the yard they would say you cant stop me, what are
you gonna do about it. My dog was a pitbull and they would tease him to
try to get loose to get to them, somone eventually poisened him when i
was working at night.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/17/07 06:37 PM
From bad parents. At that age, the parents are entirely responsible for
their kids' behavior. And if they don't get a handle on the problem now,
imagine what the little rugrats'll be like by the time they're

Sat 03/17/07 06:54 PM
well datz because da law that sayz if you spank your kid itz
abuse....what da law forgot to understand iz dat dere is a difference
between dicipline and abuse....abuse is hittin yuh kidz out of
anger,frustration,and abandonment of sum sort....but dicipline is to
teach dem respect and to bring dem up with good morals and strong family
values....i believe takin prayer out of schoolz was a bad idea....da
world is becommin more crazy...JAH only knowz where we be in da
future....JAH+SPEED hiz diliverance upon all.....

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:03 PM
Which law says that? Spanking is not abuse, nor is it illegal, at least
not in the U.S. Excessive spanking, where it leaves bruises and welts,
what have you, is considered abuse, perhaps, but not a spanking that
merely leaves a red mark that'll fade in a few minutes.

We were spanked on occasion as children and I'm still alive to tell
about it. We knew our boundaries and were taught in various ways how to
conduct ourselves properly in society. The lack of discipline (including
spanking) is why so many kids act the way they do nowadays. It's
pathetic, if you ask me.

Sat 03/17/07 08:04 PM
well yuh wrong there....try spankin yuh kid in the store and god forbid
an idiot call cps on yuh azz...

no photo
Sat 03/17/07 09:41 PM
alot of bratty teenagers that are lazy around here in michigan also!!!

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 03/17/07 10:23 PM
It is sad as all these kids having a diffucult time keep me in my job
when they turn teens. I dont like to look at kids being bad I look at it
as they are having a diffucult time in various areas.

Kevology's photo
Sat 03/17/07 11:22 PM
I hear ya. It's ridiculous.
This reminds me of A Christmas Story, when Ralphie says the 'mother of
all dirty words'.
I never swear around my daughter. Instead, I find myself saying
things like, golly gosh darnit and great googly moogly!laugh
My daughter has never cursed, as far as I know. If she hears cursing
elsewhere she says, "Ooooooo, they said a bad word!".....At least at her
age she knows right from wrong. I'm so proud of her.bigsmile

no photo
Sat 03/17/07 11:27 PM
alot os want 2 b gangsters here in michigan!... where is the

no photo
Sat 03/17/07 11:29 PM
i would hate to say the parents cause i used to work in an elementary
school, but knowing when i got in trouble my mom didnt ask did i do it,
i was in some deep... yet i isee parents taking up for there kids and
the kids just smirking. theres no control, just like a episode on maury
or whatever i saw my kid dresses like a .... he asked well where do they
get the money to buy the clothes, mom was like from me. i just think its
parents trying to be friends with there kids, or kids having kids to
young, i dont know but somewhere along the way they lost the discipline,
maybe the hrs that did it cause my mom beat our butts we said we'd call
hrs on her. she got the phone. i think government needs to back out of
the role of parents, i mean BEATING is wrong. but time out doesnt do
jack and we all know that. welcome to 2007.

no photo
Sat 03/17/07 11:30 PM
ps i always thought it was funny we were scared of my dad who NEVER hit
us, he just clicked his belt.... cmon you know...that scared the crap
out of us, meanwhile mommas the one beating use with clothes hangers...

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 03/18/07 01:20 AM
that is going on right now with mine.grumble grumble grumble most
of it comes from his dad. Sad but true. mad

buckethand56's photo
Sun 03/18/07 08:47 AM
I have 5 kids and I always diciplined them, I didn't care what anyone
thought. I wasn't going to have little monsters running around.
I got myrearendbeat every time I turned around as a kid and it never
hurt me, I dang sure learned respect for others and what they owned.
And it is no different with my seven grandchildren, I dicipline them
too, but I also give them the lovethat they deserve.
This timeout business or stand in the corner is rubbish, It doesn't
work with kids.
The government needs to keeptheir nose out of our business when it
comes to ourkids or needs to raise them themselves and take the
resposibility of their actions.

sushi's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:00 AM
OOOOORainstorm, I know what you mean. "Just wait 'til your father gets
home." Father gets home and he's undoing his belt. FEAR!!!!

daniel48706's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:18 AM
oooh I knwo what you all mean about the belt. But to answer Jeans
question about spanking: California is a perfect example of excessive
butting in from big brtoher. From what I understand it is literally
illegal to discipline your child in in ay way except for hte one
following... One minute time out. No matter the age, no matter the
problem the only thing you can do is give the kid a one minute time out.
You can not even send him/her to her room. Now I do not know if it
isactually THAT strict, however I do know most states now it IS illegal
to spank your child in any way. If you get caught cps automatically
removes the child from the home and you appear in front of a judge for
child abuse.
Now what I do is very simple. I start with a warning that I do not like
the behavior and it is not acceptable. Then they get a time out (one
minute per age). Then they go to bed for ten minutes or a nap. I do
spank if neccesary, however for it to be neccesary means something
serious, like my four year old trying to turn the stove on (he got his
hand smacked), or when my now 6 year old lost his temper and kicked the
cat a few years ago. He got three swats on the bottom (He has never
kicked the cat again). And if he had kicked the cat (his cat btw)
again, I would have given the cat away.

smilingeyes_976's photo
Sun 03/18/07 09:48 AM
my kids are pretty well mannered but I have heard my youngest cut loose
with some pretty foul language when he thought I coulnd't hear him. He
turned around and saw me and was like Oh Man! I'm in for it now. Yep,
the old soap treatment. I've told my kids that its disgusting to hear
them talk like that and that I will not accept it.

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 03/18/07 12:10 PM
Daniel, could you please cite the statute that deals with that? I cannot
find anywhere on the Internet that states that it is illegal to SPANK a
child, not even in California. In fact, this is one of several articles
on the subject, that California is considering legislation against
spanking, but has not yet made it a law, and it was written as recently
as January 2007.,1,7619749.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage

In any case, no one is going to tell me that I don't have the right to
spank (not HIT, not HURT, not ABUSE) but SPANK my child, should I see
fit as a form of discipline. Spanking done properly is not harmful to
the child and is, in some cases, the only viable method of punishment.

no photo
Sun 03/18/07 04:31 PM
in Michigan, if you spank your child and they tell thier teacher or
someone, you will end up in jail for abuse. thats the fact jack. This is
one reason so many people are homeschooling here.

slimshady2007's photo
Sun 03/18/07 04:34 PM
Bad kids are a product of their enviroment.
Watching and listening to their parents, and sometimes T.V. shows
inwhich they should,nt be watching, sometimes influence bad behavior.

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