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Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction
ThomasJB's photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:08 PM
Edited by ThomasJB on Sun 04/26/09 09:25 PM

Hey we agree on something! That sounds like grounds for a celebration!
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

And of course you must be the famous spaghetti monster god I have been hearing about. bigsmile :banana: tongue2 waving

All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Praise be his noodly appendages!

no photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:15 PM
Wow here is a good one from the Law of Attraction:

Can one have Prosperity without working for it?

(I can see I am going to have to change some of my core beliefs on this one...)

Question: You have told us many times that we can have it all. Let's take a situation where people want prosperity, but they don't want to go to work or find a job. How would you suggest they bridge that quandary?

Answer: By considering the intentions separately. If they want prosperity, but it is their belief that prosperity comes only through working, then they will not be able to have prosperity because they do not want to do the only thing that they believe will bring it forth.

But as they consider prosperity, sigularly, then by not coupling it with the work that they are resisting, they will be able to attract prosperity.

You have come upon something very important; it is what wer call conflicting intentions, or conflicting beliefs. The solution is simply a matter of taking your ey off what is conflicting, and putting it upon the essence of what you want.

If you want prosperity and you believe that it requires hard work and you are willing to offer the hard work, there is no contradiction, and you will achieve a levelof prosperity.

If you want prosperity and you believe that it require hard work and you are averse to hard work, there is a contradiction in your thinking, and you will not only have a difficult time offering the action, but any action you offer will not be productive.

If you want prosperity and you believe that you deserve it, and you expect it to come to you just because you want it to, their is no contradiction in your thinking --- and the prosperity will flow.

...pay attention to how you are feeling as you are offering your thoughts so you can sort out the contradictory thoughts, and as you eliminate the contradictions regarding anything that you desire, it must come to you. The Law of Attraction must bring it.

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:20 PM
The whole idea sounds like veiled christianity to me.

no photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:24 PM

The whole idea sounds like veiled christianity to me.

The Bible did have some of the same concepts. "Ask and it is given" etc.

Truth is timeless. That does not make it "Christianity" or any other established religion. I am sure some other religions have some of the same truths.

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:27 PM

The whole idea sounds like veiled christianity to me.

The Bible did have some of the same concepts. "Ask and it is given" etc.

Truth is timeless. That does not make it "Christianity" or any other established religion. I am sure some other religions have some of the same truths.

You let me know if your positive thinking makes you a millionaire.

no photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:29 PM

The whole idea sounds like veiled christianity to me.

The Bible did have some of the same concepts. "Ask and it is given" etc.

Truth is timeless. That does not make it "Christianity" or any other established religion. I am sure some other religions have some of the same truths.

You let me know if your positive thinking makes you a millionaire.

I will, certainly.

I need to work on changing my believe that prosperity requires hard work. Then I've got it made. bigsmile :banana:

no photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:31 PM

I knew a used car salesman who read the book "Think and Grow Rich" and he said he had it all figured out. All he had to do was learn how to fake sincerity. LOL rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:34 PM
Okay, I deserve to be rich, and I intend to do it sitting on my can.

LOL I know I can do it.

Some of the highest paid a-holes I have met in the corporate world did very little. It seemed the more they got paid, the less work they did.

Or I will just buy a lottery ticket and win my millions. I deserve it.

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 04/26/09 09:36 PM

Okay, I deserve to be rich, and I intend to do it sitting on my can.

LOL I know I can do it.

Some of the highest paid a-holes I have met in the corporate world did very little. It seemed the more they got paid, the less work they did.

Or I will just buy a lottery ticket and win my millions. I deserve it.

They're called CEO's.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/26/09 11:07 PM
Or I will just buy a lottery ticket and win my millions. I deserve it.

You will be forced to drop the Law of Attraction and go with pure random chance...


Or you can erroneously place cause...

no photo
Sun 04/26/09 11:09 PM

Or I will just buy a lottery ticket and win my millions. I deserve it.

You will be forced to drop the Law of Attraction and go with pure random chance...


Or you can erroneously place cause...

The odds would be tremendous as I would be competing (positive thinking and belief-wise) with millions of people.

I wonder if one were hypnotized into believing without a doubt they were going to win the lottery if that would work...... mmmmm.:wink:

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:23 AM
I think it would be great to live in a universe where I attract people and events that are in harmony with the way I think, feel, and act.

I have seen absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this universe operates on this principle. There has been nothing in my life's experiences that would support this view. On the contrary I've experienced much of the opposite.

I can be in the greatest of spirits and and the most giving and forgiving mindset, yet very few people around me exhibit these same attributes and mannerims. In fact, I can't tell you how many times I've been accused of wrong doings or having ill-intent when, in fact, I've actually done things with the very best of intentions in an attempt to make other people happy.

I see absolutely no reason to believe that my behavior is attracting like behave. It just has never happened in my experiences.

Thus I see absolutely no evidence for this at all. It sounds like a compeltely fictional fairytale. There's just no evidence in my history that would indicate that there is any truth to your claims whatsoever.

Now you could argue that I'm deluding myself and that my feelings and actions are not what I think they are. I personally find such arguments offensive, and just futher proof that I do not attract the nonjudgemental honesty and compassion that I exude because I've certainly don't nothing to have attacted such heartless and calloused accusations placed upon me.

To me that would be no different from what the Christians claim when someone says that they've asked Jesus to come into their lives with no response from Jesus. The Christians just callously and heartlessly accuse the person of not being sincere.

I truly don't buy into these kinds of heartless calloused accusations and I would never personally make any such unkind accusations against other people, therefore why should I be attacting such unkind things?

It seems to me that the very accusations in arugment of why the Law of Attraction doesn't work for me requires the very breaking of that supposed "law".

Moreover, if it's truly a law of the unviverse just like the laws of physics, then it should be an automatic, I shouldn't need to puruposefully attempt to manipulate it to my advantage. Just like gravity, I don't need to do anything to make it draw me down to the earth. It just does it's thing. It a LAW. It doesn't require belief, or any special actions.

If I'm a good person with good intent the "Law of Attraction" should automatically pick up on that. I know that I am a good person with good intent. Therefore according to you I should attract good people who have good intentions into my life and even good situations and good events according to you.

Where are they? huh

I just don't see the evidence for it.

The only thing left for you to do is to accuse me of not truly being a good person who has good intent. But I know that's not true. So from my pespective I can see the falsity of your claim even though you have blinded yourself from this truth by refusing to believe my testimony and basically demanding that I be a liar.

This is a common ploy of religious fanatics who are attempting to sell unproven philosophies or religions on blind faith. If someone points out that there is no evidence for the phiolosophy or religion in their life, the response is simply a heartless accusation that they either lack faith, or they aren't as good as they claim.

The bottom line is that these sorts of philosophies and relgions only appear to be true to unreasonable people who refuse to acknowldge hardcore evidence and experiences to the contrary.

I'm sure you'll have some disclaimer to what I've just said, because that's the typical response from people who claim that their philosophies are true no matter how many actual experiential testimonies exist that disagree with them. They always have a way of insulting the non-believers by claiming that their experiences are somehow invalid or outright false.

You have often chastised the Christians for not accepting that other people do not agree with their faith-based beliefs. Yet you do precisely the same thing that they do by not accepting that other the law of attraction may not be true for other people.

You're "Law of Attraction" is your God. And you flatly refuse to allow for any other Gods or religions to be valid. You're actually treating the "Law of Attraction" like an Abrahamic religion.

You're claiming that it's a Jealous Law and thou shalt not have any other Laws before it. laugh

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:37 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 04/27/09 09:00 AM
Abra if you read your post above from my perspective you will see an attitude that is very negative.

You have made a statement, which you believe. Here is is:

I can be in the greatest of spirits and and the most giving and forgiving mindset, yet very few people around me exhibit these same attributes and mannerims.

You state it, and you think it and you write it. It is your affirmation.

You believe it. Hence, by thinking it, you send this message to your higher mind, your subconscious, and that is what it sees. You have placed your order. What it sees is what it manifests for you.

It will draw your attention to exactly what you have stated, believed and think about. You have demanded it is true and you have commanded it to be so by the act of thinking, believing, stating and writing it.

And indeed it is, as you have stated. It is as you demand it to be. You have manifested it by your belief and by your statement. You insist that it is so.


You are still in the victim mindset. You state it and you believe it.

Why don't you see and take notice of the good things in people? Why do you notice and see and place your attention on the negative things in people?

I am not going to tell you that you are deluded. By reading this post you demonstrate what you believe and you state what you THINK.

What you believe and what you think, is what you notice and is what you manifest. It is very clear that the law of attraction is giving you exactly what you believe and think.


There is some kind of depression hanging on in your life that prevents your true deep and lasting joy from its true fulfillment.

You hold resentment towards Christianity and towards your "wasted" time involved with that and you hold resentment towards those who lied to you. You have not forgiven them and moved on.

You must forgive and move on with your life and find your true deep and lasting joy. You cannot do this if you hold resentment and unforgiveness in your heart.


Abracadabra's photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:14 AM

Abra if you read your post above from my perspective you will see an attitude that is very negative.

Well, of course I would. Your prespective is totally blinded by the ideal that the Law of Attraction must be true at all cost no matter how much evidence actually exists to the contrary.

You claim:

You state it, and you think it and you write it. It is your affirmation.

No it's not an affirmation. It's an observation of history.

There's a HUGE difference. In fact, if you don't recognize the difference between affirmation and observation then you're truly confused about these two totally seperate concepts.

I have indeed made the affirmation many times in my life that the past is the past and the future can indeed unfold differently.

Those affirmations have never come to pass.

History is what has already occurred. You can't DENY history. To say that history is not what it was is not an affirmation. That would just be denial.

You don't seem to be able to recognize the difference between affirmation and denial. You just live in denial and pretend that this is affirmation but it's not. It's just denial.

You must forgive and move on with your life and find your true deep and lasting joy. You cannot do this if you hold resentment and unforgiveness in your heart.

And here you claim things about me that are not based on truth. I hold no resentment toward anyone, nor is there no one that I have not forgiven. If you believe these things to be true, those are your delusions not mine.

Yes it's true that I have recognized the falsity in dogmas that have had negative affects on my life, and I share my knowledge and enlightenment concerning those falsities with others.

But for you to jump to the totally erroneous and untrue conclusion that this somehow means that I'm clinging to resentment and unforgiveness is a conclusion that is totally unwarranted.

In order for your philosophy to be true, you must deny other people's realities.

I don't see that as being an affirmation. It's just denial is all that it is.

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:38 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 04/27/09 09:40 AM
No it's not an affirmation. It's an observation of history.

History holds many things to observe. You choose to observe this.

Not only will you manifest and attract what you believe and think about you will perpetuate that reality by continuing to place your attention on it.

It is an affirmation. You state it. You believe it. You make it so.

You perpetuate it by continuing to remember the past and notice things you believe in the present and you expect the same will continue in the future. Unless you realise this you will continue to create the same thing over and over.

You make the choices on what to think about, what to believe, what to observe, what attitude to hold, how to feel etc.

I have indeed made the affirmation many times in my life that the past is the past and the future can indeed unfold differently.

You probably did not believe your affirmation. If you look at what transpires in your life you will see what you truely believe.

Those affirmations have never come to pass.

There you go. You did not believe they would.

And here you claim things about me that are not based on truth. I hold no resentment toward anyone, nor is there no one that I have not forgiven. If you believe these things to be true, those are your delusions not mine.

Then your years of ranting about Christianity have all been for fun I guess.

Okeee dokee abra..

If you continue to think and do and believe the things you are thinking doing and believing, you will continue to get exactly what you are getting. Nothing will change.

Good luck with that. drinker

Thank you so much for being a perfect example of how the Law of Attraction works.

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:42 AM
Moreover, if it's truly a law of the unviverse just like the laws of physics, then it should be an automatic, I shouldn't need to puruposefully attempt to manipulate it to my advantage.

It is automatic.

It is so automatic you don't even know you are doing it.

You create your reality whether you realize it or not or whether you understand how you do it.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:45 AM
Are there coincidences and/or accidents involved in this 'Law' of Attraction?

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:48 AM
I have indeed made the affirmation many times in my life that the past is the past and the future can indeed unfold differently.

You probably did not believe your affirmation. If you look at what transpires in your life you will see what you truly believe.

To add to this: If you hold certain beliefs, a vague statement that "the future can unfold differently" is hardly enough to dislodge strongly held beliefs.

If you want to argue these points with intelligence you should read the books "The Law of Attraction" and "Ask and it is Given" and we can discuss specific points in those books.

Until then, I don't think we can have a truly helpful or fruitful discussion.

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:49 AM

Are there coincidences and/or accidents involved in this 'Law' of Attraction?


creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:52 AM
Did the citizens or Hiroshima attract that?


The idea is preposterous.

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