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Topic: A TRUCKERS NIGHTMARE, by many pens
nightroller's photo
Tue 08/18/09 02:19 PM
This is going to be a story of a trucker that will evovle through time .Feel free to join in ,add a character or two ,,just have at it. i want to see how it evolves

Someone had called him Michael , but he was sure that wasn't his name .His mind is a blank when it comes to his life .The one thing he does know is that he drove truck. For who , and where is truck is ,for now is a mystery. He is not even sure where he is at the present . Gail , who seems to be a friend of his ,can't seem to recall how long they have known one another either , which for him is puzzling .

kaylala's photo
Tue 08/18/09 02:33 PM
As they sat in a basement that didn't quite recognize, "Michael" took another shot of whiskey. "Gail?" Michael said. No response. "Gail?" once more. No response. Gail's face was expressionless. "Michael!" called a voice from upstairs.

vivian2981's photo
Tue 08/18/09 06:26 PM
She walked into the truck stop. It had been a long drive up from Texas. She had driven straight through., only stopping long enough to sleep a couple of hours during the 28 hr drive. Now she was just outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
She needed to take a shower and then get some coffee and a bite to eat.
She felt as dirty as her white truck was…it had rained for the last 8 hrs or so. The truck was mud splattered and covered with highway grime.

But she had made it here. She’d shower , eat and get a motel room for the night. In the morning she’d find the Sheriff’s office. She had to find out about Dorn. His 18 wheeler was here somewhere. She had to find him. When the Sheriff’s office had called her and told her his truck had been found in the mountains of Canada, but he wasn’t with it, she didn’t know what to think. Where could he be? He’d never leave that truck in the mountains and walk away. He’d been driving all his adult life. He loved it. He loved the road and his rig. He’d saved for years to buy that rig. Worked hard long hours and drove thousands of miles for other people. Now he was on his own, he worked for himself. None of this made any sense.
She had never been to Canada before..knew no one..but she'd stay until she found out what had happened to him.

no photo
Wed 08/19/09 03:40 AM
The ancient looking old lady called again, "Michael?"

Perhaps the sedatives were still working she thought. She had been tasked with keeping Michael and his whore out of action for 2 weeks. But not to harm them, well at least Michael.

But he smelled so young and tasty, she might not be able to fulfil her obligation...

nightroller's photo
Wed 08/19/09 03:39 PM
He heard the voice again, familiar in a vague sense ,but familiar.. why was it he couldn't remember,,,and when did Gail come into his life??. all these questions and not a sense of whats real,he had to remember . Did he have family ,, a wife or girlfriend ,kids?? His life is in a haze with no help or answers,,somewhere somebody knows him and what happened to him...That is the mission he thought outloud,,,Now where to begin the search

vivian2981's photo
Thu 08/20/09 09:08 AM
She walked into the drivers area of the truck stop and looked around. She spotted the showers and headed that way. Sitting her bag down she asked the bored clerk if a shower was available.
"Number 3, it's 10 bucks, you want it?" he was barely civil. She nodded " I do and some information also, is that extra?"
He looked her up and down, "depends on what you're askin'" he replied with a nasty grin.
"Just needing a good hotel and directions to the sheriff's office."
The clerk frowned, " There's a place down the road a bit, asks no questions. You new here? Law's about three miles in the next town."
" Thank you." She pulled the ten from her pocket, "may I have the key to the shower now?"

While taking her shower she wondered if everyone in this place was going to be unfriendly. She hoped not, but if they were she could handle it, she wasn't leaving until she found Dorn.

nightroller's photo
Sat 08/22/09 05:29 PM
Sarah Parker is an FDA agent ,her assignment was to ensure Michaels safety and to crack a drug ring.. She wasn't sure what happened ,but Michael has no idea who he is .She has posed as his girlfriend and the two of them were to work as a team. The trouble was and still is ,Michael is not an agent . HE was recruited by the FDA to help with this case. He is a good truck driver who stands his ground and can't be bought , they know ,they tried a few times. He had knocked out both agents trying to buy him off.
Now Sarah has to win back his confidence and see what he remembers if anything , Also to protect him from the ones who injured him , this time she would succeed.She was going to be with him around the clock ,and if that meant sleeping with him ,,,,well she could think of worse things to do .Michael was not bad looking and carried himself well ,, so that part would be a breeze for her.

vivian2981's photo
Tue 08/25/09 07:59 PM
Diane had checked into the motel down the road fron the truck stop.
She wasn't happy about not learning more there while she had eaten a late dinner. Her conversations with a few of the truckers had left her feeling depressed.Some kind of nonsense about a ring of drug smugglers up in the mountains where Dorn's truck had been found.
She didn't believe that he was mixed up in anything like that. One driver even told her he had seen Dorn and a woman leave this very truck stop a few days ago. No way would he be traveling with a woman, would he? They were to be married next month...and Dorn was just about the most honest man she knew, or so she believed.
She wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet..
She bunched up her pillow and closed her eyes.
Suddenly someone knocked on her door!

no photo
Tue 09/01/09 04:28 AM

"Cigars, cigarettes, candy"

Diane opened the door to a man in drag selling smokes and candy from a tray hung around his neck.

Wondering WTF she bought a pack of Super Slim Jims. The man in drag slipped her a note before he disappeared which said ...

nightroller's photo
Tue 09/01/09 09:30 AM
Sarah met Michael for lunch at a little Bistro downtown .. The conversation was light as Michael was trying to figure out if he could trust Sarah,,,Everyone seemed to be his friend for one reason or another,. Sarah is suppose to be his girlfriend ,,,but something about that doesn't sit right with him,,, he feels like he's cheating somehow ,, not really sure why.. He has decided to play things close to the vest to see who is who,, and who he can actually trust. This much he does know, he's a truck driver ,hauling what is the question and how he landed up in the hospital with amnesia is the second most important question he has.
When he has those two answers ,, he hoped everything would fall into place.

vivian2981's photo
Tue 09/01/09 09:39 AM
"If you want to know the truth about your me out side of town at the Longneck Saloon Saturday night...10:00....come alone!"

Diane was puzzled as she read the missive, absently opening the pack of SS Jims. She lit one, frowning at the acid taste of it. The rom lights seemed dimmer, and the room started to spin.......

no photo
Tue 09/01/09 02:16 PM
When Diane awoke she was tied to a chair.

She tried to focus on the figure standing before her. A mans voice spoke, " I couldn't wait till Saturday night to meet you, my apologies for the drugs but it was the only way I could be sure you spoke the truth when I questioned you."

"I am Agent Dan Van Halen, DEA. I'm afraid your boyfriend Dorn a.k.a. Michael is being used as a pawn by drug dealers and corrupt FDA Agents."

Diane's mind began to reel with questions as Dan's words began to sink in.

Still groggy from the drugs, Diane asked...

vivian2981's photo
Tue 09/01/09 02:47 PM
" Why am I tied to this chair? If you wanted to ask me any thing, this is not the way to do it!" Diane struggled vainly against her bonds, nausious from the drugs.
"Untie me you Son of a B!tch! And I mean NOW!"
With a smirk, the man walked to her and leaned down face to face with her.
Diane tried to swallow, but her stomach rebelled. Vomit spewed forth, right into his face..

"What the BLOODY HELL!" He jumped back, wiping at his face...."For Gods Sake woman!"

"Untie me....I need to go to the"

no photo
Wed 09/02/09 05:57 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 09/02/09 05:58 AM
Wiping vomit off his face before it started a chain reaction. Dan then pulled out a very big knife.

"Silly b1tch, I am trying to help Dorn and yourself." he said

"I just needed the truth serum to be sure of your words." he continued while cutting the rope.

Meanwhile the old crone went into the basement, somehow Michael had escaped but his strung-out whore was still here. She hadn't been given any instructions to not harm the whore. She would worry about the trouble she would be in for letting Michael escape after she fed.

Licking her lips she said, " Come here my pretty."

Gail looked up with glazed eyes not really being able to focus but with a vague sense of danger. She barely heard herself scream as the old b1tch began to nibble on her face.

The ancient crone began to cackle between bites, even drug tainted flesh was to be savoured.

nightroller's photo
Wed 09/02/09 09:01 AM
Gail had dissappeared,,, his so called friend was nowhere to be found . Michael was really starting to wonder what he was into ,, Sarah just wanted to stick to him like clue,,, he was being smothered by her ,,It was time to take this matter to a different level... So Michael headed to the nearest phone and called the FBI in Fargo North Dakota ,,, His reasoning is that this is a matter that involves the border somehow ,, and to get started he would talk to them and tell his story .
His call had taken about twenty minutes to complete,, when he was done ,it was for him a start point ,and the FBI was extremely interested in him ,,and had asked him to meet with them .He had laid out all the players in this and who he was sure he could not trust.
The plan was to meet at the Regency in Winnipeg ,, as he couldn't get through the border,,, he had no Identification on him ,,so they would have to come to him. The meeting is set for wednsday at 1 pm and the start of the beginning for Michael

vivian2981's photo
Wed 09/02/09 10:00 AM
Pushing to her feet, Diane headed to the bathroom.."did you bring me any clothes too, or were you in too big a hurry to kidnap me?" she grumbled.

Tossing her one of his shirts, he replied "wear this, but I want it back!" His only answer was the sound of the door locking. He could wait...

nightroller's photo
Wed 09/02/09 11:29 AM
Michael found Gail in the alleyway ,,, all bloodied and passed out. He figured he would take her to the hospital and drop her there and go about his business. He pulled up to the emergency entrance and called for a nurse,,, explained that he found her in an alley and he was gone ..He hoped he would never run across Gail again ,,just something about her was trouble ,, that and the new glimpse of a past he was sure was his.
The picture of a lady kept flashing through his mind ,,he tried to focus but it was too hard , and the name just wouldn't come to him . He would think about this more through the day,, for now it was time for his meeting . How it would go and what he would learn was yet to be seen .. All he could do was talk and listen

vivian2981's photo
Wed 09/02/09 12:15 PM
Diane came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her head. She was rolling up the sleeve of the oversized shirt she was wearing. Bare shapely legs showing beneath the shirt.
She walked to the single bed in the room and sat down. Reaching up, she removed the towel and long black hair cascaded down around her soulders. Running her hands through the thick damp mass she finally spoke." I need my cothes...what did you give me, what kind of drug?
Are you satisfied with what you learned? Damn, I need a cigarette!
And not one of yours! Where in hell am I, where is Dorn, and who in the fu*k are you?"
She glared at him with the bluest eyes, ringed with dark lashes, he had ever seen. A mouth,with naturally pink lips, parted to show white even teeth. She actually looked like she'd enjoy taking a bite out of him!
Jumping up, she prowled the room, ignoring the man watching her. " Where are my things??! I need a cigartte! And coffee!"

nightroller's photo
Fri 09/04/09 05:24 AM
Michael ,met with two agents this day ,, told him his story and what was going on since he left the hospital,The agents,,,Tim Mcgee and Phil Masters were the best in their fields,,now they had to tell Michael what was really going on ,and he wasn't going to like it .They first would tell him what he had been doing the past month and why.
Tim started by telling Michael that he had been recruited by the FDA to help break a drug ring ,but that was all staged by the FDA's dirty agents , the FBI have been tracking two of their agents for quite some time ,, trying to get the top man . This has been extremely hard ,as they are tight knit and very good at what they do. He went on to tell Michael that they wanted him to continue his role ,as an operative for them instead. This has now put Michael in a worse spot than he was before,,more confused and really not knowing who is telling the truth and who is not .. But at least they had filled him in and now knows what happened to him and why he has amnesia,,,
Michael's decision is to help the FBI,,if he can ,but he still needs to get his memory back,,,,This woman keeps popping into his mind ,and with that a warm feeling of trust and closeness,,, but he just can't remember why ,,,,,yet

vivian2981's photo
Fri 09/04/09 03:42 PM
Edited by vivian2981 on Fri 09/04/09 03:49 PM
Sitting in the small bar and grill, drinking coffee and eating something to settle her stomach, Diane watched the man from under her lashes. Pretending to be engrossed in eating.
He had taken her back to her dingy motel room and waited while she had changed from his shirt into her own clothes. Taking her bags ,he had told her she would be staying with him for awhile. She hadn't argued with him. In fact she had been strangly quite. For her, anyway. She was an outspoken woman, never at a loss of words.But her ol' Granny had taught her well...there was a time for everything...and this was a time to shut up and learn.
Agent Dan Van Halen was a handsome man..tall, dark, and sexy as hell.
Too bad she didn't trust him..she had planned on marrying Dorn, but it seemed he had other plans with someone else. Diane would be second to no one, And what this man had been telling her...well Dorn would not come out of this tryst unscathed!
She sat back and looked at him. Reached for a cigarette and leaned over for him to light it. Drawing deeply on it, she exhaled, blowing smoke into his face..."Alright've told me all this crap..what's next?"

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