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kootenaykid's photo
Sun 11/29/09 08:12 AM
Yes I understand that...It was a reply to the woman that was under the impression that I was talking about Canada when I mentioned..gun crime and high cost of health care...When in fact I was talking about the USA...

Thanks for your reply...I think there is a double standard and a lot of beuracracy in regards to immigration. If you do it the right way it can actually hold you back even more. Sorry to here it was such a struggle for you.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 11/29/09 08:16 AM
Someone close to me actually did that. He married a chick from Russia who was here and wanted to stay.

I have never been married and I have no plans for actually getting married.

I would never, ever do it just so someone could stay here in the U.S.

Lilypetal's photo
Sun 11/29/09 08:30 AM
Arranged marriages have been common practice for thousands of years. What difference does it make if you arrange it or your parents arrange it for you?

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/29/09 08:36 AM

Arranged marriages have been common practice for thousands of years. What difference does it make if you arrange it or your parents arrange it for you?

An arranged marriage is one thing, where the intention is to be married. A marriage for citizenship, where the intention is merely to gain citizenship,, is a different horse altogether.

rockernurse's photo
Sun 11/29/09 08:45 AM

Arranged marriages have been common practice for thousands of years. What difference does it make if you arrange it or your parents arrange it for you?

An arranged marriage is one thing, where the intention is to be married. A marriage for citizenship, where the intention is merely to gain citizenship,, is a different horse altogether.

exactly....im glad somebody understood my post...the author did not understand what i was rambling about...

kootenaykid's photo
Sun 11/29/09 12:19 PM
Look .... I understand that people don't like the idea of people marrying for citizenship. I don't think anyone should marry someone strictly for citizenship. Now one thing that I noticed is that many of the Americans on this site seem to have this automatic feeling that somehow the whole world wants to gain American citizenship. This is not true. In fact I know that it is a shocker to many of you but the USA is not the only first-world country. It is not the only democratic country. And it is not the only free country in the world. It would probably benefit an American more to marry a Canadian than the other way around. Issues like health care and gun control were figured out here fifty years ago.

Now what I was suggesting is that perhaps it would benefit both the American and the Canadian if there was a marriage. I was suggesting that there is no reason why a Canadian boy couldn't fall in love with an American girl. One of the benefits would be each partner in the relationship would gain the same citizenship that their significant other had.

One of the benefits of having dual citizenship would be there are more opportunities as far as work goes. And there are more options in regards to places to live. For both parties.

I am not saying that one should seek out a poor American girl, make her believe that she is loved in order to trick her into marriage so that one would receive American citizenship.

There are 300 million americans. There is no reason that a person could not find true love with someone in another country and get the added perk of dual citizenship.

In Canada we don't have to worry about losing our home if we get sick. We don't have to worry about losing our life savings because the bank we use suddenly files for Chapter 11. And we don't have to worry about getting our head blown off because we decided to go to the 7 11 to get a slurpee at 9 pm. So if there are any cute American girls that are interested in a Canadian boy send me a message



Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 11/29/09 12:25 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 11/29/09 12:26 PM
the US doesnt recognize dual citizenships

if you become an American you'll be required to renounce youe Canadian citizenship

there is a difference between becoming a citizen because you love and want to marry and American and marrying one just to become a citizen

and American immigration is very good at spotting the difference also

you'll be asked how long you've known each other and how many times you've met and be required to show physical evidence of a long term and ongoing relationship

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