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Topic: im newly divorced
Tocheeky4U's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:24 AM
and I need ot get back into the dating scene but to be honest im not sure there is guys out there can handle mean im wierd and quircky and very silly how do I get past this fear of guys and start opening myself up

Etrain's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:28 AM
what what what Post nude pics???what what what

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:28 AM
slow down

it takes a certain amount of time after a divorce. That is one of the most traumatic and life changing vents in a person's life

when the student is ready the teacher will appear

or something like that

LewisW123's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:35 AM
Edited by LewisW123 on Fri 04/02/10 08:36 AM

and I need ot get back into the dating scene but to be honest im not sure there is guys out there can handle mean im wierd and quircky and very silly how do I get past this fear of guys and start opening myself up

Just club one over the head and drag him home.

O.K., I was being a smarta$$. Quietman was right about the time needed after a divorce. Some guys like "weird, quirky, and silly." The right one will find you.

sweetboy2's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:35 AM
first off ignore that pansie with the big ears..
find a guy that can be your freind no sex involved just hang out do things when u feel like it.

Tocheeky4U's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:38 AM
that's some really good advice I would love ot have a guy as a friend and have tried but they always want sex and when I don't go there they don't hang out as much

LewisW123's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:44 AM
Edited by LewisW123 on Fri 04/02/10 08:45 AM

that's some really good advice I would love ot have a guy as a friend and have tried but they always want sex and when I don't go there they don't hang out as much

Those guys obviously did not want to be "just friends."

Do you want to build a relationship, by starting out as friends first? Or do you really just want a guy as a friend?

There are a lot of guys that would be fine with starting out as just friends, (no sex) but eventually, if the goal is to build a relationship, sex is naturally going to be a part of that. I guess it's all in what you think of as a reasonable time-table.

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:44 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Fri 04/02/10 08:45 AM

that's some really good advice I would love ot have a guy as a friend and have tried but they always want sex and when I don't go there they don't hang out as much

in that case they didn't have much potential as a friend since they really just wanted to use you for sex

tell em all that you are a lezzybean and that way they wont have expectations and you can weed out the good guys from the players

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:45 AM
Jump in and hope you don't drown. Learn to kick, hard.

Tocheeky4U's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:46 AM
hahaha if I tell them im a lesbian they might come after me harder. hahah im all for building a relationship but the want sex like right away

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:48 AM

hahaha if I tell them im a lesbian they might come after me harder. hahah im all for building a relationship but the want sex like right away

Need to find a different crowd. The environment you find a date in matters just as much as the date, not saying you go to some seedy underground bar and jump to the nearest guy...but take it into account if you ever find yourself at a seedy underground bar.

Tocheeky4U's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:48 AM
ahh I have no time for bars sometimes i wish I did i kinda miss going out haha

sweetboy2's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:49 AM
T u need sombody like me:wink:

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:50 AM

ahh I have no time for bars sometimes i wish I did i kinda miss going out haha

Well, it was just an example. Change up where you find dates, or how you find dates...maybe that first bit of dialogue is screwing it up, the introduction even. Change, it sucks, but it helps if what you are doing isn't working.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:50 AM

T u need sombody like me:wink:

Point proven.

sweetboy2's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:50 AM
girls i met so far just want all my m$$eyyawn

sweetboy2's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:54 AM
i have found the economy has lashed out and created a new breed of lazy chicks..ones that do not want to work or take advantage of guys who worked and saved there whole life.
i know i will get fraged for posting that so wait on replies until i get my vest on.tongue2

Tocheeky4U's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:55 AM
money!!! well why didnt you say so .... hehehehe

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:55 AM
See...dialogue is important when deciding to date someone...

LewisW123's photo
Fri 04/02/10 08:55 AM

hahaha if I tell them im a lesbian they might come after me harder. hahah im all for building a relationship but the want sex like right away

Right away, as in the first few dates? Or first few weeks?

Fearandloathing is probably right. You need a different way of meeting guys, in order to find different type of guys, than what you are finding right now. A change of venue.

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