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Topic: Oops! Can't believe I said that....!!!
no photo
Tue 10/19/10 05:47 PM
Ok, continued from my last posting! After two weeks of not hearing from him, he calls me and we talk for 2 hours, then the next day calls upset about something and he needed to come over. I asked him why after two weeks, and he apologized, said it was him and his family trying to get over his alcoholism and it wasn't just me he wasn't talking to. He apologized alot! Well, Sat night I get really drunk and I told him the BIG no no! I told him I loved him!

He told me that he can't say the same cuz he just got out of the relationship, and he really loved her, and I respect the honesty, he could have lied to make me feel better. Then I started to feel like crap, telling him that I was afraid I'd scared him off, and I'll nvr see him again. He promised me that it wasn't the case. That night he laid on top of me while listening to music, and sang to me. It was nice.

The next day he had to leave cuz he had a game to ref, (which I already knew) and he promised to call, which he did. But I didn't answer, he left a msg and I called him back, but I guess he was already asleep. We chatted for a little bit yesterday, and today, but back to his old self, he stopped txtn in the middle.

Am I $crewed?

Renagade37a's photo
Tue 10/19/10 05:54 PM
well me being the postive person id say no but realasticly maybe but he did say hed call you and he did

no photo
Tue 10/19/10 06:03 PM
Thank you. <3

Renagade37a's photo
Tue 10/19/10 06:05 PM
not a problem just here to help or make you laugh lol

no photo
Tue 10/19/10 06:08 PM
Well, I appreciate it. I'm probably over thinking this whole thing, but I'm still freaking out. A friend said that maybe since I said, "I love you" he thinks he has me wrapped around his finger and can do what he wants. I can see that as a bad thing, but as a positive too. If that's the case, it means that he isn't going to avoid me, and that I still have a chance for him to feel the same way about me. What do you think?

Renagade37a's photo
Tue 10/19/10 06:15 PM
Yes haveing wraped around his finger could be a bad thing IF he doesnt abuse it he could come around to you i understand the old realationship thing but there is time to move on and not think on it lol u know theres dr that get paid for this im doing it for free somethings wrong with that lol

no photo
Tue 10/19/10 06:19 PM
Aww, thank you. I can pay you with a great quote: "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could, some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Guess I should take that into consideration, it's a nice thought though

Renagade37a's photo
Tue 10/19/10 06:36 PM
Ure really nice u wanna be friends lol

Renagade37a's photo
Wed 10/20/10 12:46 AM
i was thinking more like a hug but a quot is fine lol

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 10/20/10 12:54 AM
Let me get this right, he's trying to combat alcoholism and you're talking to him while you're drunk? There's mistake number one.

Renagade37a's photo
Wed 10/20/10 02:02 AM
so ure gonna blame her for his inabilty to commet to her

kc0003's photo
Wed 10/20/10 02:25 AM
Edited by kc0003 on Wed 10/20/10 02:26 AM

so ure gonna blame her for his inabilty to commet to her

you don't know this story very well.

she allows him to continually do this sort of thing. she keeps getting hurt and running back for more, so guess what? he delivers!

i know, i know, big shock that a person is actually treating another person the way they are allowed to.

wouldn't it best serve her to understand that in all of our lives, we have people that are good for us and those that are not? when we invite the ones that are not, we also invite ALL of the grief that comes along with them!

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/20/10 05:05 AM

Ok, continued from my last posting! After two weeks of not hearing from him, he calls me and we talk for 2 hours, then the next day calls upset about something and he needed to come over. I asked him why after two weeks, and he apologized, said it was him and his family trying to get over his alcoholism and it wasn't just me he wasn't talking to. He apologized alot! Well, Sat night I get really drunk and I told him the BIG no no! I told him I loved him!

He told me that he can't say the same cuz he just got out of the relationship, and he really loved her, and I respect the honesty, he could have lied to make me feel better. Then I started to feel like crap, telling him that I was afraid I'd scared him off, and I'll nvr see him again. He promised me that it wasn't the case. That night he laid on top of me while listening to music, and sang to me. It was nice.

The next day he had to leave cuz he had a game to ref, (which I already knew) and he promised to call, which he did. But I didn't answer, he left a msg and I called him back, but I guess he was already asleep. We chatted for a little bit yesterday, and today, but back to his old self, he stopped txtn in the middle.

Am I $crewed?

No offense but it just seems like he wants you around when it's convienent for him, then makes excuses for blowing you off. I know I used to be like that years ago when I was 17 and 18.

Besides it seems like he has a whole nother can of worms to deal with and I promise you that you don't need that in your life at this time.

How much do you really know about this guy? I sense deception in a major way. When I really care for someone or hell even are really interested in them I call or text every day quite a few times sometimes.

He only comes around and acts all nice when he has nothing better to do at that time, ir it is just either one big game to him, seing how long he can string you a long.

I am not trying to be or sound harsh, but I have hasd the same thing done to me a few times and wish I could help you more.

My best advice is to cut your losses. Send him you don't need or want him in your life(You can do and deserve much better, I have seen you around here in the forums and your am amazing woman any guy would be lucky to have, don't settle). Sure it will hurt for a day or two, BUT day three and four you will feel a lot better and your head will be clear and you will begin to realize that it was his loss, not yours.

Besides, you've got us Mingler's to distract you from that short time of pain and I promise to be on here whenever you need(If not shoot me a PM and will come back on). I just went through the same thing and it sucks.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/20/10 05:06 AM

Well, I appreciate it. I'm probably over thinking this whole thing, but I'm still freaking out. A friend said that maybe since I said, "I love you" he thinks he has me wrapped around his finger and can do what he wants. I can see that as a bad thing, but as a positive too. If that's the case, it means that he isn't going to avoid me, and that I still have a chance for him to feel the same way about me. What do you think?

The wrapped around the finger is all part of the game.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/20/10 05:08 AM

so ure gonna blame her for his inabilty to commet to her

you don't know this story very well.

she allows him to continually do this sort of thing. she keeps getting hurt and running back for more, so guess what? he delivers!

i know, i know, big shock that a person is actually treating another person the way they are allowed to.

wouldn't it best serve her to understand that in all of our lives, we have people that are good for us and those that are not? when we invite the ones that are not, we also invite ALL of the grief that comes along with them!

You can't help what the heart feels man. I wen't back to a woman that would verbally abuse me time and time again because she was so beautiful and I knew that no one that beautiful would EVER go for me again.(Boy was I right).

BellaV's photo
Wed 10/20/10 05:11 AM
Watch the movie, "he's just not that into you"

good luck and hope you find someone who appricates you and respects u.

kc0003's photo
Wed 10/20/10 05:19 AM

so ure gonna blame her for his inabilty to commet to her

you don't know this story very well.

she allows him to continually do this sort of thing. she keeps getting hurt and running back for more, so guess what? he delivers!

i know, i know, big shock that a person is actually treating another person the way they are allowed to.

wouldn't it best serve her to understand that in all of our lives, we have people that are good for us and those that are not? when we invite the ones that are not, we also invite ALL of the grief that comes along with them!

You can't help what the heart feels man. I wen't back to a woman that would verbally abuse me time and time again because she was so beautiful and I knew that no one that beautiful would EVER go for me again.(Boy was I right).

well by your own description you didn't go back because of your heart, you went back because of your ego and because of the way she looked.

you can help what the heart feels when time after time the same person breaks it. at some point you simply have to see them for who they are, especially when they keep showing you.

thayet153's photo
Wed 10/20/10 06:57 AM
It sounds an awful lot like my first Ex. You don't need that in your life at all. You deserve much better. The best advice I can give you is to just move on and forget about him. Because you truly deserve better.

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 01:51 PM
Thank you all for your posts, and I know that I should break it off with him to help in the long run, but at the same time, I don't want to give up on him, I wanna be there for him. I feel like if I give him time, he will see me for more than what he sees me as now. Probably a big mistake, but I will learn the lesson soon enough I suppose. But this may be pointless anyways, I might have scared him off. He did call when he said he would, and all that, but I don't know, I'm freaking out, need to calm down. I've read an entire book since Monday, it's the only thing that keeps my mind off it. Gotta find another. :)

Seakolony's photo
Wed 10/20/10 02:12 PM

Ok, continued from my last posting! After two weeks of not hearing from him, he calls me and we talk for 2 hours, then the next day calls upset about something and he needed to come over. I asked him why after two weeks, and he apologized, said it was him and his family trying to get over his alcoholism and it wasn't just me he wasn't talking to. He apologized alot! Well, Sat night I get really drunk and I told him the BIG no no! I told him I loved him!

He told me that he can't say the same cuz he just got out of the relationship, and he really loved her, and I respect the honesty, he could have lied to make me feel better. Then I started to feel like crap, telling him that I was afraid I'd scared him off, and I'll nvr see him again. He promised me that it wasn't the case. That night he laid on top of me while listening to music, and sang to me. It was nice.

The next day he had to leave cuz he had a game to ref, (which I already knew) and he promised to call, which he did. But I didn't answer, he left a msg and I called him back, but I guess he was already asleep. We chatted for a little bit yesterday, and today, but back to his old self, he stopped txtn in the middle.

Am I $crewed?

I'd say if you are and even if you arent you are probably better off without him anyways.......

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