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Topic: AFL-CIO Calls on Members to Defend Occupy Wall Street
no photo
Sun 10/16/11 10:34 AM
If people really want to disrupt the system, they will take their money out of all the banks and burn it.

They would stop borrowing money.

They would stop paying taxes.

They would stop being such loyal consumers.

They would stop paying off their credit cards.

If you really want to disrupt the money mongers... do that.laugh

smart2009's photo
Sun 10/16/11 01:15 PM
Protesters attending the Occupy London Stock Exchange demonstration line up in front of a police cordon in London, Saturday afternoon, the 2000-strong crowd on and around the steps of London's St. Paul's Cathedral began to buzz. Then they started to applaud. And then came the cheering. They had assembled to rebel against the global financial system and the ultimate rebel had just arrived in their midst: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

smart2009's photo
Sun 10/16/11 01:16 PM
God save the queen
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
Potential H-bomb
God save the queen
She ain't no human being
There is no future
In England's dreaming
Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's no future, no future,
No future for you
God save the queen

smart2009's photo
Sun 10/16/11 02:01 PM
The global “Day of Rage” demonstrationsthat broke out around the world in "more than 900 cities," says the Washington Post , against economic inequality and corporategreed Saturday were mostly peaceful. Except for Rome, where violence broke out and dozens were injured in the city’s “worst violencein years,” writes the BBC .

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 10/17/11 05:02 PM

Your makeing some absurd assumtions here about the Occupy Movement and connecting some dots that form no picture at all.

All your conections show me is that big business and politicaly connected firms are getting fat off loans and grants regardless of who is in office.

All the while they discuss what benefits they are going to cut to social programs and how much older we will have to be to collect social security.

I think everything you posted proves how royaly screwed over this country is and that is what they are protesting.

They are not happy with Obama or any form of traditional solutions and if they were happy with Obama they wouldnt even be there at all.

They are grass roots face reality and I wish them well and am eager to do what I can to help this country get back on track to give the greatest benefit to the most amount of people that we can afford.

well,you been Hijacked by the very Sleazebags you claim you're protesting!
Your Sponsors are sponsored by recipients of Bailouts and by the Master-Sleazer himself,George Soros!
Possibly half of the Organizations supporting you are answerable to him!
He once more will laugh all the way to the Bank and have a good laugh at you Guys as well!
You should walk on the White House,that where your Trouble is sitting!laugh
The trouble isnt sitting in the white house it is who big business decides to put in the white house. The protesters are right on targt for a change its corperate america that has ruined this country, its corperate america that runs the country and buys politicians to pass laws that benefit them and not the average american.

The best we can hope from Obama is he wont send it the national guard to shoot the protesters and that is all I would expect.

After all he is part of the corrupt system, however I suspect he is far less corrupt than most.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 10/18/11 07:52 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 10/18/11 08:19 AM
Seems to me Conrad is making more of a point than he knows....

With THE BANKS and big corporations owning the whole world...... where will any of us stand....EXCEPT on their property?

Therefore, we "OCCUPY WALL STREET"!


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