Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Expose
Bestinshow's photo
Fri 02/15/13 04:47 PM

In 2003, Former Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta testified before the 9/11 Commission:

Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??"
What more proof do the cowardly subservient rubes need than to know Mr Mineta was under oath and the traitors Bush and Cheney both refused to go under oath.......... Hmmm I am no rocket scientist but...........

Yep and HE was under oath. Which means, that if he lied, he could be sent to PRISON.

Has he been sent to prison? Has he been charged?

Well what orders was he talking about... were they stand down orders not to fire on the plane approaching the pentagon? If so, why not?

Me thinks because that plane that was approaching the pentagon is probably not what actually hit the pentagon. It just flew past.

No because He told the truth, unlike Bush and Cheney the war criminals and traitors.

no photo
Fri 02/15/13 04:51 PM
So they just decided to let the plane hit the pentagon?

Either way.... what's up with that?

They knew it was coming, they were tracking it, they let it hit its target.

That is compliance.

So why do they refuse to testify "under oath?" And if they can do it then we, the public, should also refuse to EVER TESTIFY UNDER OATH.

no photo
Fri 02/15/13 04:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/15/13 04:53 PM
If politicians have a right to lie without consequences then we should have those same rights.

Failing that, the best suggestion is to NEVER TESTIFY and never ever talk to the police -- especially the FBI.

For any reason, even if you are as innocent as a new born baby.

no photo
Fri 02/15/13 04:56 PM
So try this.

Next time you are pulled over by a policeman, just hand him your drivers licence and don't say a word to him no matter how many questions he asks you.

I have been asked questions like: Where are you headed? (None of his business) and, Do you know how fast you were going? )Don't answer, just stare at him like you are deaf.

I guarantee that will really piss him off.laugh laugh

Truncated's photo
Fri 02/15/13 05:12 PM
Facts or not, my question is why attack Afganistan? And we already know about Iraq, right?
What countries were the majority of the hijackers from? Why weren't they dealt with?
- Following the logic from a non-conspiracy standpoint makes even less sense. So let's also then ask why haven't we been pursuing a diplomatic understanding with Muslim cultures?
So before 9/11 we were utter klutz's but since we have seen no activity of such sophistication. Yes, there were train bombings but what else? Are we to believe that pro US capital overseas is more secure than our own airports? - I don't need CT to see that something is wrong and I'm not sure it's Islam. I just don't buy that with all the years of Cold War preparation we were caught with our pants down. That ain't cocky, we find Soviet spies but can't track known terrorists. That could have been working for post Cold War affiliates?
It's funny how one can take such facts on the surface but then turn around and know about code words and imply racism. You catch my drift?

no photo
Sat 02/16/13 07:18 AM
Hey it's me again...

@ Jenniebean and all other supporters of truth...

For what it is worth, I agree completely with you, as do many millions of others across the globe.
There is a very simple reason that none of the people involved in the planning and execution of the 9/11 false flag massacre will ever be brought to justice... a majority of people (citizenry) drank the *kool-aid* known as the *official story*.

And Jennie... there is a definite answer to my question, but the ramifications of that answer are far too frightening for the supporters of the *kool-aid* to articulate. And it is up to them to face and acknowledge that answer, not us.

@ Truncated... three words *control of oil*. Although that is a direct result of 9/11, I most humbly ask that we collectively go at this in a logical and linear manner. Let the detractors attempt to deflect and redirect, as is their typical format of defense. Just read through this string to see that I am correct in my analysis.


...ahem... for all you detractors... a majority of the people supported slavery in the USA, the descendants of that same majority also supported segregation and the associated open discrimination / racism that it spawned...did having a majority make those situations right?
Let me guess your going to suspend... or better yet suppress... this truth/logic to support your current failing position.

I welcome all detractors to feel free to say all the wonderfully condescending, self-righteous, arrogant, audacious, ignorant and hopefully far more imaginative comments, defenses and attacks than what has already been said in so many other forums, both on and off line, in support of the *kool-aid* story.

Go ahead and discredit - or try to anyway - my person, but lets keep it fun and remember that there are national and international on-line libel laws... and... there is no such thing as "internet anonymity", so keep it clean ok.

So let me start with....

@ Mightymoe... or any detractor that cares to take a poke...

You tried so hard to discredit the question - oh yeah for the record, so to speak, it is definitely a *question* not a CT - rather than trying to give it an answer... Why?

Your failed attempt to deflect away from the question I am referring to has prompted me to post it in its entirety again...

How is it even remotely possible that *every level* of *every branch* of national security across the USA had system wide catastrophic failures during the same time on the same day (9/11)?

Oh yeah... the systems failure is directly addressed in the question... but *you* evidently need more clarification... so how is this...
The entirety of the security measures including all the checks and balances as well as all associated redundancies that have been put in place throughout the past 40+ years of international commercial, government, military and private flights throughout the USA, including but not limited to NORAD, USAF, the office of the President and all other officially designated branches of the private sector, military and government et al. in direct relation to the safety and security of the USA and it's air space.

Does that clarify the system mentioned in the question.

And if there were no system failures... then please explain how all these systems and redundancies could be suspended to allow four (4) jets to go so far off course without any intervention at all for so long that they ultimately met 75% of their now obvious intended targets?

Does that shed a bit of perspective on the dilemma of the situation.

Again I am not asking who did it or why. To go there are obvious attempts to deflect and redirect away from this *one very important and telling point*.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/16/13 08:34 AM
i like the way you people take this so personally.

So let me start with....

@ Mightymoe... or any detractor that cares to take a poke...

You tried so hard to discredit the question - oh yeah for the record, so to speak, it is definitely a *question* not a CT - rather than trying to give it an answer... Why?

Your failed attempt to deflect away from the question I am referring to has prompted me to post it in its entirety again...

How is it even remotely possible that *every level* of *every branch* of national security across the USA had system wide catastrophic failures during the same time on the same day (9/11)?

since you asked it twice, i'll answer it again... there wasn't, it is made up CT'er nonsense...

things can either go right or go wrong, it went right for the muslims and wrong for us... not much else to it...

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 02/16/13 08:49 AM


mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/16/13 08:52 AM


too funny! rofl rofl

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 02/16/13 08:54 AM
From The CT Guide to the Internet Barnes and Boofhead, 2001, p. 146 ff.

Note the pattern:

Step 1.

Open thread with a imflammatory statement from an questionable source, or a specious youtube clip.

Step 2.

Add political hyperbole of your choice to apparently legitimise said post.

Step 3.

Continue to rant and raille against all those who disagree and accuse said opponents of being 'sheep' or 'shills' (Note: when logic is wanting resort to ad hominem.

Step 4.

Introduce leading questions to lure opponents into a questionable position. Note: Increase the use of hyperbole.

Step 5.

If step 4 fails, move the goalposts and continue use of ad hominem and adopt the martyr's position.

Step 6.

Be sure to maintain the extensive use of logical fallacies and diversions. If faced with extensive use of logic, introduce a subject apparently off topic, but linked questionably to the original post in order to create confusion. Be sure to maintain the martyr's position and the escalation of hyperbole.

Step 7.

When the opponents become bored with the techniques outlined above and leave the thread, claim victory.

no photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:20 AM
Conrad... interesting... can you provide the author, publisher and date of publication of this "guide" you are quoting.

Oh wait... no you can't because it does not exist, ergo you are a fabricator.

Oh yeah... Claiming it to be a joke now is a very poor defense and completely shameful in light of the fact that many thousands have died here and many more thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of these attacks. This is in no way funny.

So how about approaching the question(s)... or is that far too difficult for you.

mightymoe... so you got nothing then... how are those blinders fitting, pretty good evidently.

no photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:31 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/16/13 11:33 AM

i like the way you people take this so personally.

So let me start with....

@ Mightymoe... or any detractor that cares to take a poke...

You tried so hard to discredit the question - oh yeah for the record, so to speak, it is definitely a *question* not a CT - rather than trying to give it an answer... Why?

Your failed attempt to deflect away from the question I am referring to has prompted me to post it in its entirety again...

How is it even remotely possible that *every level* of *every branch* of national security across the USA had system wide catastrophic failures during the same time on the same day (9/11)?

since you asked it twice, i'll answer it again... there wasn't, it is made up CT'er nonsense...

things can either go right or go wrong, it went right for the muslims and wrong for us... not much else to it...

It must be nice to have such an uncomplicated and simple answer, so you can go on with your daily life with the false impression that your government will protect you from all the evil terrorists.... or not.

But you are either in denial or just apathetic because there is nothing you can do about the current state of affairs. The fact is, all of our "defense" mechanisms failed miserably or else they were allowed to fail. Take your pick. Neither one is a good thing.

Either our country is vulnerable to an attack by any bumbling third world country, or just stupid, or else 9-11 was an inside job orchestrated by insiders. (Probably Mossad and the CIA.)

The system failed completely to protect its citizens. They even admit that there were mass communication FAILURES. Two completely different 'official stories' were issued officially, two years apart from each other, therefore their investigation was also a COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE.

And anyone who denies that has their head in the sand and has never spent a day researching the FACTS.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:39 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Sat 02/16/13 11:42 AM

i like the way you people take this so personally.

So let me start with....

@ Mightymoe... or any detractor that cares to take a poke...

You tried so hard to discredit the question - oh yeah for the record, so to speak, it is definitely a *question* not a CT - rather than trying to give it an answer... Why?

Your failed attempt to deflect away from the question I am referring to has prompted me to post it in its entirety again...

How is it even remotely possible that *every level* of *every branch* of national security across the USA had system wide catastrophic failures during the same time on the same day (9/11)?

since you asked it twice, i'll answer it again... there wasn't, it is made up CT'er nonsense...

things can either go right or go wrong, it went right for the muslims and wrong for us... not much else to it...

It must be nice to have such an uncomplicated and simple answer, so you can go on with your daily life with the false impression that your government will protect you from all the evil terrorists.... or not.

But you are either in denial or just apathetic because there is nothing you can do about the current state of affairs. The fact is, all of our "defense" mechanisms failed miserably or else they were allowed to fail. Take your pick. Neither one is a good thing.

Either our country is vulnerable to an attack by any bumbling third world country, or just stupid, or else 9-11 was an inside job orchestrated by insiders. (Probably Mossad and the CIA.)

The system failed completely to protect its citizens. They even admit that there were mass communication FAILURES. Two completely different 'official stories' were issued officially, two years apart from each other, therefore their investigation was also a COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE.

And anyone who denies that has their head in the sand and has never spent a day researching the FACTS.

always an either/or with you, huh... but thank you for "getting to the truth", it's pretty hard for me to with my head in the sand and all...


Step 3.

Continue to rant and raille against all those who disagree and accuse said opponents of being 'sheep' or 'shills' (Note: when logic is wanting resort to ad hominem.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:44 AM

i like the way you people take this so personally.

So let me start with....

@ Mightymoe... or any detractor that cares to take a poke...

You tried so hard to discredit the question - oh yeah for the record, so to speak, it is definitely a *question* not a CT - rather than trying to give it an answer... Why?

Your failed attempt to deflect away from the question I am referring to has prompted me to post it in its entirety again...

How is it even remotely possible that *every level* of *every branch* of national security across the USA had system wide catastrophic failures during the same time on the same day (9/11)?

since you asked it twice, i'll answer it again... there wasn't, it is made up CT'er nonsense...

things can either go right or go wrong, it went right for the muslims and wrong for us... not much else to it...

It must be nice to have such an uncomplicated and simple answer, so you can go on with your daily life with the false impression that your government will protect you from all the evil terrorists.... or not.

But you are either in denial or just apathetic because there is nothing you can do about the current state of affairs. The fact is, all of our "defense" mechanisms failed miserably or else they were allowed to fail. Take your pick. Neither one is a good thing.

Either our country is vulnerable to an attack by any bumbling third world country, or just stupid, or else 9-11 was an inside job orchestrated by insiders. (Probably Mossad and the CIA.)

The system failed completely to protect its citizens. They even admit that there were mass communication FAILURES. Two completely different 'official stories' were issued officially, two years apart from each other, therefore their investigation was also a COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE.

And anyone who denies that has their head in the sand and has never spent a day researching the FACTS.

actually,Gladys Kravitz saw it all,and was greatly appalled!

She saw it all!

nosey Gladys Kravitz discovered all that!
It does become more juicy everytime it is being retold!
Guess next time it will be a ton of the finest nano-Thermite discovered in that Van,plus a Box of Box-Cutters,which they couldn't use,because they couldn't cut open the Box of Boxcutters for lack of having a Box-Cutter!
Go figure!

yep,it does get better with the re-telling!
Adds new Bells and Whistles all the time!
They were the Guys who had that Tesla Destructo-Ray in their Van!
A mile of Two-inch High-tension Cable laid out to the nearby Powerplant!

no photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:47 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/16/13 11:49 AM
Conrad_73 from Zurich: yours is simple minded mob mentality. You don't even live in America. None of your silly type of ridicule is going to detract from people whose eyes are wide open. Why would you even care anyway unless you are trying to protect the real terrorists?

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/16/13 11:57 AM
conrad... she found your secret... quit protecting the real terrorists...


no photo
Sat 02/16/13 12:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/16/13 12:07 PM

conrad... she found your secret... quit protecting the real terrorists...


He is a lifetime government employee who lives in the place where all the banksters hide their money. Its not hard to figure out where his loyalty lies.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/16/13 12:09 PM

conrad... she found your secret... quit protecting the real terrorists...


He is a lifetime government employee who lives in the place where all the banksters hide their money. Its not hard to figure out where his loyalty lies.

i'm glad you told me, i would have never known...


no photo
Sat 02/16/13 12:28 PM

conrad... she found your secret... quit protecting the real terrorists...


He is a lifetime government employee who lives in the place where all the banksters hide their money. Its not hard to figure out where his loyalty lies.

i'm glad you told me, i would have never known...


I can actually believe that.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:10 AM
Pathetic really the those who buy the "government version of 911" can only do a photo bucket dump to defend their positiion