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Topic: Help My Friend Dump her Loser Boyfriend
Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 06/20/14 12:58 AM
It's her life. She has chosen this. I would stay out of it. That is my humble opinion.

Tryztan's photo
Fri 06/20/14 03:31 AM
Tell her to use three simple words.

"I am gay"

no photo
Fri 06/20/14 08:35 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Fri 06/20/14 08:58 AM

Here's a topic sure to get some interesting replies. This happened to a friend of mine, and I'm trying to advise her.

A professional woman dates a professional man. He keeps asking her to move in with him, but she avoids it for many reasons. Finally she does. He has two kids by his ex-wife, and he actually wasn't divorced as he said he was when they first started dating, but he is divorced before she moves in. The kids are very poorly behaved and they treat her as though she's an invader, even as she waits on them, cooks for them, and cares for them.

That's right. He starts to treat her not like a date but like a kitchen slave, barefoot and starving, no time to run her business because she is trying to keep up with his demands for domestic support. He'd said he would hire help and do his part, but she is now neglecting her college age child, career, health, etc. while her boyfriend drools over his ex-wife every time she stops by unexpectedly and then once she leaves orders the live in girlfriend around in front of the kids.

She knows she should just kick the guy to the curb, but she's taken financial risks to be with him, and he claims to want to work it out. They have an appointment for counseling.

I think she should limit her investment in him and the kids while getting her business back on track and looking after her college student, and then leave him. She thinks she should give him one more crack, and he's agreed to relationship counseling.

The latest development is that she's found out that he's been chatting and emailing with old girlfriends and using porn when she's taking a shower. She's seriously hot looking, extremely nice, very intelligent and an amazing mother. She has a great personality too. She's been so nice to him.

He is professionally very successful and even wealthy, but during all of this, he's never offered to support her or pay more than a few bills. He is a real penny pincher in and out of bed. And, he's started to check out anything in tight pants when they are supposedly on a romantic walk or away overnight. She is used to being the one being checked out, but he looks over her head at teenagers and other people's wives. He even brags about his ex-wife and ex-girlfriends, about how much younger they were than him and about their advanced degrees. Though she has an advanced degree, he is apparently more impressed with theirs.

Again, I think she needs to get out of there. She could have 100 successful, good looking men after her in a heartbeat. But, she's giving him another chance, even though she knows what he's up to online.

She's not an idiot, and she has considered leaving him. She's told him to treat her like a queen or she'd leave. But, he still acts like he can't use the stove and refuses to buy her flowers or take her away on trips more than a short overnighter during which he will stare at and talk with her about young women in tight pants. What can I say to her to cut the losses and not give him any more time than she needs to get herself in a better position to leave?

How many ex's does this shallow, self absorbed horn dog already have? Something tells me your very smart girlfriend will be his next. And I hope she doesn't waste a whole lot more of her precious time and pride thinking she's going to be "the one" who'll change him.

She doesn't love him, and she does see it all. She was her own worst enemy by moving in and giving up that contract to help him with his kids, his house, etc. But, she knows she needs to get out and do so in a strong position.

The thing that is tripping her up is that she has to play nice to keep the peace. She is also doing the counseling to try to support that illusion. But, she's very sincere and not cold-hearted. When she is intimate with him and when she sees any kind of progress, she starts to care too much. And, then his behavior hurts her, and she becomes paralyzed. She talks to him about it, and he gets mad, and then she gets hurt and paralyzed again.

Mostly, she is working on not letting anything he does hurt her and not letting anything he does get her too encouraged. She feels that if she can play nice without actually being affected by his behavior, she'll do okay getting out. But, she's very sincere, and this is hard for her. At this point, because of her sacrifices for her son and never demanding any help from his dad in order to protect her son, getting out is easier said than done. If she could walk out free and clear, she would.

So, she is responsive to encouragement and ideas. And, she's trying hard to make it happen.

It sounds like your girlfriend was counting on getting a whole lot more personal satisfaction through her decision to move in with him and help prop him up, then by doing her own thing alone. And now that she sees what a real dick he is she regrets having chosen badly.

I can speak from experience... Having a secret nest egg or family and friends that can put her up until she can get back on her own life plan will be essential to her departure.

If she's serious about leaving the longer she waits and/or plays him or the situation thinking everything will work out in her favor eventually, the more he will also play her to keep her where she fits into his life plan of a live-in maid, sitter, lover, etc., while continuing to disrespect and run over her.

It looks to me like these two professionals are playing each other, and may the better player win.

Just saying...

TBRich's photo
Fri 06/20/14 08:56 AM
Why don't you just let her catch you sleeping with him? That should do the trick in having her dump him

no photo
Fri 06/20/14 09:02 AM

Why don't you just let her catch you sleeping with him? That should do the trick in having her dump him


This guy is ALWAYS thinking LOL :thumbsup:

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 06/20/14 11:27 AM
It looks to me like these two professionals are playing each other, and may the better player win.

Just saying...

They must be professional gamblers, considering what they are doing. indifferent

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 06/20/14 04:54 PM
oh man, women sometimes are so emotionally needy while some men take advantage of that. what a wanker. she's a moron for staying with him this long thinking she will change him. people who don't want to change anything about their lives are always trouble. no one can change them.

kc0003's photo
Fri 06/20/14 06:05 PM
it sounds like electroconvulsive therapy may not be enough to help this one.

no photo
Fri 06/20/14 07:21 PM

Thank you for your support, Blondey! It takes a village, even for adults, right?laugh

Mercedes, I get what you mean, but there isn't really any way for anyone but her closest friends to know that this is about her.

Which means that her closest mates are probably on numerous sites discussing her business.

We don't know her from a bar of soap and if you're that close to her then you should know how to go about it not.

no photo
Sat 06/21/14 03:24 AM

Here's a topic sure to get some interesting replies. This happened to a friend of mine, and I'm trying to advise her.

A professional woman dates a professional man. He keeps asking her to move in with him, but she avoids it for many reasons. Finally she does. He has two kids by his ex-wife, and he actually wasn't divorced as he said he was when they first started dating, but he is divorced before she moves in. The kids are very poorly behaved and they treat her as though she's an invader, even as she waits on them, cooks for them, and cares for them.

That's right. He starts to treat her not like a date but like a kitchen slave, barefoot and starving, no time to run her business because she is trying to keep up with his demands for domestic support. He'd said he would hire help and do his part, but she is now neglecting her college age child, career, health, etc. while her boyfriend drools over his ex-wife every time she stops by unexpectedly and then once she leaves orders the live in girlfriend around in front of the kids.

She knows she should just kick the guy to the curb, but she's taken financial risks to be with him, and he claims to want to work it out. They have an appointment for counseling.

I think she should limit her investment in him and the kids while getting her business back on track and looking after her college student, and then leave him. She thinks she should give him one more crack, and he's agreed to relationship counseling.

The latest development is that she's found out that he's been chatting and emailing with old girlfriends and using porn when she's taking a shower. She's seriously hot looking, extremely nice, very intelligent and an amazing mother. She has a great personality too. She's been so nice to him.

He is professionally very successful and even wealthy, but during all of this, he's never offered to support her or pay more than a few bills. He is a real penny pincher in and out of bed. And, he's started to check out anything in tight pants when they are supposedly on a romantic walk or away overnight. She is used to being the one being checked out, but he looks over her head at teenagers and other people's wives. He even brags about his ex-wife and ex-girlfriends, about how much younger they were than him and about their advanced degrees. Though she has an advanced degree, he is apparently more impressed with theirs.

Again, I think she needs to get out of there. She could have 100 successful, good looking men after her in a heartbeat. But, she's giving him another chance, even though she knows what he's up to online.

She's not an idiot, and she has considered leaving him. She's told him to treat her like a queen or she'd leave. But, he still acts like he can't use the stove and refuses to buy her flowers or take her away on trips more than a short overnighter during which he will stare at and talk with her about young women in tight pants. What can I say to her to cut the losses and not give him any more time than she needs to get herself in a better position to leave?

Your friend obviously has 'issues' and extremely low self esteem if she would put a man and his kids by another over her own child, her own career and her own needs.

She does need counselling.. not to save this waste of a relationship but counselling to help her value herself and re-build her own self worth.

A truly confident woman knows what she brings to the table and while she may make compromises and negotiate to make a relationship work, she doesn't do this to her detriment or to the detriment of her child/children.

Classic case of 'pig' over 'sausage' :smile: .

Jtevans's photo
Sun 06/22/14 02:48 AM
if she's that hot,i'll give you my # to give to her smokin shades

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