Topic: Thoughts About Obama's Presidency
Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/23/14 07:38 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Sun 11/23/14 07:47 PM

During the last six years, talk about Barack Obama has certainly went from one extreme to another. Who can forget all of those lofty claims that Obama's supporters made about him prior to him becoming POTUS.

Six years of his presidency have proven those claims to be false. Yet, some die-hard Obama supporters continue going to an extreme that looks sort of like this:

Well, nobody may have literally bowed down to worship Obama, but would it be surprising if someone did?

While this form of Obama extremism was being promoted by Obama's supporters in 2008, the opposite extremism was being promoted by Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton. Lest we forget, Democrats were the ones who began the false claims that Obama was born in Kenya and that he is a Muslim.

Those two false claims are the kind of hoaxes that one would expect from crazy tabloids.

[Examples of Crazy Tabloids]

[To read a thorough debunking of the false claim that Obama is a Muslim, click here.]

Anyway, setting aside the above-mentioned extremes, the back-and-forth claims that people keep making about Obama are quite amusing to me. I am particularly amused by the tendency of some Republicans and/or Conservatives to claim to be God-believing people while acting as if God were unable to direct the USA to a future of His choosing despite anything that Obama says or does.

The last time that I checked, God is absolutely sovereign and omnipotent, otherwise He wouldn't be God. Thus, I am confident that God's sovereign will shall be done in the USA regardless of who occupies the Oval Office.

I admit that I do not understand how Obama's presidency fits into God's long-term plan for the USA. Like all creatures of flesh, I lack the ability to understand God's ways and thoughts. I keep in mind what God says in Isaiah 55:8-9:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

I don't have to understand why God permits certain people to be political leaders in order for me to trust that God is still in control and knows what He is doing. That is why Obama's presidency doesn't bother me as much as it does some others.

Sure, I have disagreed with plenty of things that Obama has said or done. Yet, my faith in Messiah Jesus prevents me from having a heart filled with hatred for Obama, the kind of blind hatred that prompts some people to continuously promote the aforementioned false claims about him, to nit pick everything that Obama says or does to in order to find some fault to criticize him for, to claim that Obama said or did things that he did not say or do.

While I say "No" to Obama-worship, I also say "No" to Obama-hate. I refuse to drink either the Kool-Aid or the Hateraid.

I refuse to be one of those political pagans who wants everyone to believe that Obama is the greatest POTUS ever. I also refuse to be one of those political Pharisees who feigns godliness while ignoring the teaching of 1 John 2:8-11.

Folks, Obama's presidency will end no later than January of 2017. Nothing that Obama says or does until then can thwart God'��s plans for the USA. So, relax.

Granted, agnostics and atheists don't believe in God. For them there is always Moe's Tavern ...

... because when you don't believe in God, you can always believe that you'll have another drink.

no photo
Sun 11/23/14 07:48 PM
Lol those images are hilarious :laughing:

In my personal view i believe Obama should not be prez....
The only U.S prez i took a liking to was Bill Clinton....after that things went from bad to worse

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/23/14 07:52 PM
well,,, aside from the potential for a message here that promotes a 'do nothing cause God will handle it' attitude

,,, I definitely will not be worried, and will believe in Gods plan,, even if that plan has good and bad,, and I plan on acting to not be on the bad side when it comes down,,,,flowerforyou

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/23/14 07:54 PM

well,,, aside from the potential for a message here that promotes a 'do nothing cause God will handle it' attitude

huh You are reading into my OP a message that isn't there.

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/23/14 08:07 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sun 11/23/14 08:28 PM
if any walked in Obama's shoes knowing what he knows, feeling what he feels, most of the free world would respect his intentions, as many have, rightfully so...

for the prez truly be only an elected speaker for all power ALREADY IN PLACE, and cannot speak totally free, nor do totally as one most wish...

for such positions involve speaking for the power's who gave one self it's power, the peoples, and as well all the world greatest richest most omni powerful people.

but he has a good heart.

and some prey tell unto the gods your will be done either good nor bad for my elf but no bad for others be acceptable, and these be given power to dissolve all that was once called suffering upon Earth for mankind.

Rock's photo
Sun 11/23/14 09:09 PM
Obama, like every other elected politician, is fodder for the late night comedy circuit.

I believe, that's the way God intended things to be.

Richard Pryor (R.I.P.), woulda hadda field day with this.

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/23/14 09:48 PM
and all that would be so cool only if all lives upon earth were a joke and

then to be taken as seriously as a joke...

the reason the world be in chaotic brutality disguised as irrelevance and joke fodder...

fucck the jokes, for politicians hold the life of ALL HUMANS in their hands...

only the blind take such powers as this significant...

but as significant as one see the value of others around it self, shall be the same significance one uses to relate to power's who control it's very very own fate and the fate of all others around it self.

the lives of others

entire lives as held in the hands of power reduced to the importance of a joke doth show the true value one feel of others in humankind.

the smartest wolves keep the fools as the uncaring kept busied and laughing so their loved one's can be enslaved and raped at will by the smartest wolves...

Rock's photo
Sun 11/23/14 09:55 PM
Fear and fear mongering, be what keep the fools blinded.

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/23/14 10:02 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sun 11/23/14 10:07 PM

Fear and fear mongering, be what keep the fools blinded.

not caring for their fellow man keep fools blind to what shall occur to others and so to them self.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 11/24/14 04:30 AM
Edited by Dodo_David on Mon 11/24/14 04:41 AM
Folks, I wish to modify my remarks in the OP.

msharmony's response to my OP made me realize that a modification is needed.

Original Statement:

"Thus, I am confident that God'��s sovereign will shall be done in the USA regardless of who occupies the Oval Office."

Modified Statement:

"Thus, I am confident that God's sovereign will shall be done in the USA in the long-term regardless of who occupies the Oval Office."

The phrase "in the long-term" clarifies what I mean.

Also ...

Original Statement:

"Nothing that Obama says or does until then can thwart God's plans for the USA. So, relax."

Modified Statement:

"Nothing that Obama says or does until then can thwart God's long-term plans for the USA. So, relax."

davidben1's photo
Mon 11/24/14 05:22 AM

success to all.

mysticalview21's photo
Mon 11/24/14 08:51 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Mon 11/24/14 08:50 AM
their all just sending out subliminal messages 0p ...laugh ...