Topic: Well, it seems it shall become more exciting on earth...
no photo
Wed 11/26/14 08:40 AM

I hear they are even bigger than Walmart.scared

rofl rofl rofl

davidben1's photo
Thu 11/27/14 03:47 PM
the illusions in the mind as to what be true or not true are as primitive as neanderthals once thought, simply keeping the mind from accurately accessing what WILL BE CREATED, or created into REAL existence, be the only thing that matters...

and that has nothing to do with fact, truth, correct, by truth, but rather only by what is believed by all, not just one self, as the narcissist will forever over look...

if millions believe in "god", whether "god" be real or not matters nothing, as millions believing it so will create what millions shall do.

and it be no different with such things as the Illuminati...

are their millions whom believe it so...


it truly doesn't matter whether it be a fictitious or not...

for if it is entered into the minds of man as a possible, than it has changed what the actions shall be...

so this site being put forth unto the world will "create" what millions shall do whom FEAR the illuminate does exist, and that be millions...

and if many in power have taken the time to deny the existence, such only perpetuate and increases the notion that such exists in the minds of millions, as people in power don't take the time or effort to deny purple dragons exist, simply because the notion is ludicrous in and of it self...

but to deny groups of people join together with who are friends with others of the same social economic clout and class, is sure lunacy of the simpletons...

and that such groups have no influence upon societies direction...

when the entire structures of humankind are built upon the gathering together of like minds with like minds, into groups called catholic, protestant, religious, christian, atheist, LGTB, islamist, jewish, unions, clubs, african negro collage fund, southern baptist associations, etc, ect ect to near uncountable...

and each one of these groups goal is to promote their beliefs as dominate and included into the course of actions for humankind as a whole...

so if one hear a person in power, deny the existence of group of membership, denying such cannot or does not factor into any decisions for mankind, the notion is in fact totally ludicrous and only believed by blind followers of what they are told.

everything in the world is vying for the most power to create the most reality that exist, from all children to all adults that exist, in all places, and at all times, through out the entire world...

but the poor blind, see nothing but their own emotions as the largest tell of all things...

do not liars exist everywhere, in all places and in all occupations at all times...

than how much does one actually know versus what it thinks it self know...

only the gullible blind suckers would only believe what they have been told to believe by some groups and people...

using such notions to decide what to believe be no different than those whom thought it ludicrous the earth was round, and ludicrous humans could fly in the sky, and travel at speeds beyond 30 mph and not become disintegrated, as was believed just not so long ago by the emotional believers...

it is only small minds whom live but to prove them self more "correct", or knowing "truth", or "facts", that will be blind to what events shall be created right before their eye's, since their goal to decide what they "know", is simply based upon a goal to prove to them self they are the "cunningly smart" in and of them self, discounting any other brain who does not think as them self...

the narcissist in all ways.

hence these primitive beings, deemed it impossible for man to travel outside the atmosphere of earth, simply because they had not yet seen it them self...

these will always be the one's putting them self in various manner of situations and then crying and begging to know how such could have occurred...

for indeed, the narcissist simply believes what it FEELS, and deems this as the total of all reality that exist...

as of course, the narcissist deem anyone not believing as them self, as absolutely impossible to be accurate...

these in all history have been forced to bow at the feet of many masters, as the slaves with but pea brains, for these have always come to be enslaved in all cases, because they were a slave to their own self pride emotions, as the tell of reality, so easily out witted and out done...

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 11/27/14 03:59 PM

Why do they keep repeating "humans"?

Poor DoDo, he's out.

I'm glad, too. So, someone decided to take advantage of the repeated false stories about the Illuminati by creating a website and pretending to be the Illuminati.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that this discussion thread were on The Onion website.

davidben1's photo
Thu 11/27/14 04:03 PM

Why do they keep repeating "humans"?

Poor DoDo, he's out.

I'm glad, too. So, someone decided to take advantage of the repeated false stories about the Illuminati by creating a website and pretending to be the Illuminati.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that this discussion thread were on The Onion website.

poor dodo...

as one has no more facts nor data nor reason to believe it does exist, than it doesn't exist...

but that doesn't matter to dodo brains, whom simply choose to believe whatever feels good to them self to believe.

poor poor tiny little brains.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/27/14 04:20 PM

davidben1's photo
Thu 11/27/14 04:56 PM

and what logic does one use to deem this site as factual...


because one want it to be so.

damn, that's BRILLIANCE!

HOLY SMOKES BATMAN, a genius up in the house!

it seems blind followers will always simply pull from the billions of reams of data what proves to them self what they wish be so...

only simpletons with simple minds engage their minds biases toward only what they wish be so as facts...

as of course, these will deem facts based upon what they WANT to believe, so on their feelings, and so their feelings become the most inaccurate that can exist...

indeed, sadly the narcissistic way.

the sad narcissist path.

whom shall forever be ruled over and relegated in life to those whom lose in life, by those with more insight and intellect whom abandon childish emotions as their guide of deciding what shall create the reality.

davidben1's photo
Thu 11/27/14 05:00 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Thu 11/27/14 05:06 PM

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 08:39 AM

Known Illuminati.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/30/14 08:52 AM

They turned Weishaupt into Foolshaupt!laugh

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 08:52 AM
They watching your every move and know everything about you, every single detail.....

if they wanted they could even take the sugar in your tea pitchfork

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/30/14 09:00 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 11/30/14 09:04 AM
The Illuminati, originally called The Order of Perfectibilists, was a small freethinker society founded in 1776 in Bavaria by a man named Adam Weishaupt. Among the group's goals were the opposition of prejudice, superstition, and abuse of political power. In the universe that rational people agree to recognize as reality, the Illuminati ceased to exist in 1787, when Karl Theodor, Prince-Elector of Bavaria, had the group banned for spreading sedition after some of the organization's writings were intercepted.

In the parallel universe where the likes of Henry Makow and David Icke hang their hats (and the snakes living therein), they not only have continued to exist, but have developed such enormous capacity for secrecy, power, and control that the complete absence of evidence for their existence, power, and control ...proves their existence, power, and control.

The spread of the Illuminati legend and continued belief in them today can be traced back to the book Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robinson, a 1798 anti-Freemasonry book (the Freemasons and Illuminati are often regarded as one and the same by conspiracy theorists). Proofs of a Conspiracy has become a source of inspiration to many conspiracy theorists since its initial publication and has been reprinted by, among others, the John Birch Society. Many modern variations of the Illuminati conspiracy have them being a controlling influence in the New World Order. Another influential series was "M�moires pour servir a l'histoire du Jacobinisme" by Abb� Augustin de Barruel.
[edit] Keeping the fire alive

The alleged continued existence of the "Illuminati" looms large in many conspiracy theories, tall tales by evangelical Satanic Panic-fakers like Mike Warnke and John Todd, crank anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic writings, pseudolaw theories, etc. Depending on which version of the "Illuminati" story one believes, they are either a Satanic, Masonic, Zionist, atheist, reptilian,[2] or secular financial conspiracy. Despite the many different versions of the conspiracy, each version claims to have evidence that they are correct. They secretly control world events and their symbol, the all-seeing eye, is on the back of the U.S. $1 bill. This belief, in whatever version, is patently ridiculous but it persists. When the Founding Fathers designed the Great Seal, the all-seeing eye was proposed by members of design committees who were not Freemasons (since conspiracy theorists regard Freemasons and the Illuminati to be practically the same). It was also not named the "all-seeing eye," as the cranks believe, but rather the "eye of providence,"[3][4] a symbol for God[5].

Several 20th century conspiracy theory books such as those by William Guy Carr and Des Griffin combined John Robinson's allegations about the Illuminati and Freemasonry with those of the hoax book, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, to come up with an explicitly anti-Semitic version of the Illuminati theory. Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera on the other hand promoted an anti-Roman Catholic variant of the theory, alleging the Illuminati was a creation of the Vatican.

Pat Robertson's version, on the other hand, is just plain weird since it somehow touches on both the French Revolution and gay marriage.[6]

Robertson, it seems, has company among other theocratic media weirdos personalities. Rick Wiles is under the impression that the Illuminati is not only linked to the 9/11 attacks but that the new One World Trade Center is actually a tribute to what he terms the "Free Mason/Illuminati New World Order."[7]
[edit] The liars get on board

Mike Warnke and John Todd, mentioned above, are two fake "ex-Satanist" Protestant evangelists. They have both described the Illuminati as the highest level of Satanism. Warnke claimed he learned of the Illuminati when attending a high-level conference of Satanists and Witches, shortly before he dropped out of Satanism to join the Navy and convert to Christianity. Todd claimed to have been a member of the Illuminati himself, which he said was a high council of druids secretly working to destroy Christianity and make witchcraft the official religion of the United States. Belief in the Illuminati as a Satanic conspiracy continues to be held by many evangelical Christians, despite both Warnke and Todd being exposed as frauds.

To the true believer, exposing them as frauds only goes to show how far the Illuminati are willing to go to malign opponents.

To this day there are many Youtube videos of people claiming to be "ex-Illuminati" members, whistleblowers, etc. The only problem is why there are so many. Why doesn't the Illuminati take these videos down? Oh, something as simple as an auto correct of "NWO" to "NOW" in the comments section will make people say the Illuminati doesn't want people to know about the NWO, but they refuse to take down people who are blatantly saying they exist! Another problem is that all the stories have contradictions with each other. You would think these guys would be telling the same story, but no two stories are the same!


Unsurprisingly, whenever anyone tries to show evidence against the Illuminati, or refute bogus evidence for the Illuminati, said person is called a shill to spread disinformation,[citation needed] or that the evidence against them was created by the Illuminati to keep people from believing they exist. This makes the theory unfalsifiable.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/30/14 09:02 AM

They watching your every move and know everything about you, every single detail.....

if they wanted they could even take the sugar in your tea pitchfork

They only want Cane-Sugar,they don't want my Beet-Sugar!rofl

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 09:08 AM
:laughing: drinks

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/30/14 05:21 PM


Unsurprisingly, whenever anyone tries to show evidence against the Illuminati, or refute bogus evidence for the Illuminati, said person is called a shill to spread disinformation,[citation needed] or that the evidence against them was created by the Illuminati to keep people from believing they exist. This makes the theory unfalsifiable.

I would add that the "true believers" might even go so far as to use ad homimen to question the mental abilities of anyone who doubts the Illuminati's current existence as an all-powerful organization.

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/30/14 06:07 PM

when the cats away the mice will play...


During our December membership drive, new members of the Illuminati get a MKUltru sex kitten, FREE!


Insist on genuine Illuminati MKUltra sex kittens!

Don't accept cheap imitations!

Call now...866-666-6666


and for the lucky 666th caller, a special bonus!

TWO SEX KITTENS for your every gratification imaginable!

offer valid only to new members over age 18, must be a registered Illuminati new member, offering one qualifying family member for child sacrifice, and be of white nationality...

offer valid only in states of legal Illuminati tender.

no photo
Mon 12/01/14 05:35 PM


when the cats away the mice will play...


During our December membership drive, new members of the Illuminati get a MKUltru sex kitten, FREE!


Insist on genuine Illuminati MKUltra sex kittens!

Don't accept cheap imitations!

Call now...866-666-6666


and for the lucky 666th caller, a special bonus!

TWO SEX KITTENS for your every gratification imaginable!

offer valid only to new members over age 18, must be a registered Illuminati new member, offering one qualifying family member for child sacrifice, and be of white nationality...

offer valid only in states of legal Illuminati tender.

surprised DAVE.. does your state qualify? they're at the 648th caller.. ooo.. 2 fer Dave.. drool

lucky for you I don't live in a state.. smokin

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 12/01/14 06:11 PM

surprised DAVE.. does your state qualify? they're at the 648th caller.. ooo.. 2 fer Dave.. drool

lucky for you I don't live in a state.. smokin

huh Let me see if I have this correct.

You Humans object to us Melmacians eating cats, but you have no objection to having sex with ... Oh, forget it.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 12/01/14 06:43 PM
And just when I thought it couldn't become any more bizarre..

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 12/01/14 06:48 PM

And just when I thought it couldn't become any more bizarre..

Did you forget where you were?

InvictusV's photo
Mon 12/01/14 06:49 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Mon 12/01/14 06:50 PM
I did take that into consideration.