Topic: A Good Night
DadCat's photo
Fri 04/10/15 10:52 PM
The evening begins with a greeting at your door. As we are familiar, I give you a generous hug. You are warm and cuddly in your fluffy coat and evening dress. You are presented with flowers: Fresh, fragrant tea roses from my garden.

I escort you to my car chatting about the crisp cool evening and pointing out the bright stars above. I open the door for you. As you enter and sit, I hand you the safety belt and carefully check to see the long evening dress you wear is not to be caught in the door jamb. You hold your flowers with pleasure in your lap. The scent fills the air as we drive.

We drive to the restaurant: tonight we will have Italian. I smell the subtle scent of your perfume. When we arrive, our table is not ready yet, so we attend the bar for some refreshments. The soft light sparkles in your eyes as we laugh and talk. Strangely shaped bottles of green and red are displayed on the wall behind the bar.

Our hostess comes to tell us the table is ready and we follow her to our booth; Soft candles and silverware are so bright against the neatly pleated white tablecloth. The smell of tomatoes and garlic permeate the atmosphere. Still I can detect the subtle perfume you wear.

As we look at the menu, I steal a glance over the top of mine to look at you beautiful face. My eyes avert yours as you catch me and you giggle for an awkward moment. As the server comes to place warm bread and ice water on the table, I take another moment to steal a look at you in your beautiful dress. This time I get away with it. My heart sighs... I like how attractive the color blue is on you. I fold the menu and turn to the wine list.

Our waiter arrives to take our orders. He smiles knowingly as we are laughing. He offers to help with any menu items. The food and wine ordered, we return to talking. I enquire about your dreams. You ask about my work. The fingers of my hand press against the cloth. You flutter your beautiful eyes. I stutter an answer. The wine arrives. We toast to new beginnings. The conversation continues easily. I butter some warm bread for you as sip the wine. Before long, the entrees are served.

The conversation is small as we eat. I make a joke about the food. You laugh. I am pleased. We steal glances at each other. You catch me. I blush. The entree finished, I ask you if you want desert. You decline. I decide to order mousse. The waiter returns with my desert and 2 forks. He knows. We share the mousse, our forks dance together in the bottom of the dish as we compete for the cherry. You win. It's yours. I watch you as your sweet lips pucker around the fruit. I lick my lips in envy.

Time to go. The check is paid and we get up. I retrieve your coat from the check and hold it up for you. You gently put your arms in as I pull it up over your shoulders. I lift your soft hair from under the neck of the coat briefly touching you. You shiver with excitement. I take pleasure from the contact.

As we leave the restaurant, it feels much cooler so I offer to hold your hands and keep them warm. My heart skips a beat as you accept. We walk hand in hand snuggling shoulder to shoulder to ward off the chilly air. Entering the road, we are surprised and pleased to see the moon rising directly in front of us. The view is almost surreal: Neon lights and marquis flashing; The moon in full view. From the corner of my eye, I can see you smiling at me.

It seems only a moment before we arrive at the discotheque. I’m feeling lighter than air. As we walk by the short line, hand in hand, I feel wonderful tonight. Inside, it's a bit crowded. We check our coats and proceed to the dance floor. I take your hand. We find a comfortable spot and begin to move to the beat. The lights flash around us. Others are moving and dancing. We don't see them; Our eyes are locked on each other. We progress into a tango. Closer you come. Your hair wisps across my neck; It's electric. We move in fluid motions with one another; The lights and noise fade to become echoes. The music slows down. We are drawn together eyes never unlocking. Your body touches mine and we melt into one. I nuzzle your ear where the soft scent of your perfume lingers. No one else exists but you. The music is just for us. This moment is ours alone.

The crowd is thin. Last call. It's time to go. We float to the coat check and slide into our warm coats. I only see you. Back in the car, turning onto the freeway you hum a tune on the radio. I love to hear you sing. It makes me happy. Soon, we are back at your place. Too soon. I open your car door and you slip into my arms as you rise. Another hug. Ahh....woman. What a wonderful idea, God.

I escort you to your door. You turn to face me. A lump appears in my throat as I look into your eyes. They smolder in the crisp air. A flash of excitement and anxiety; My heart flutters. I lean forward and you respond. Our lips approach; Soft, warm and wet we meet. My hand reaches to the small of your back to caress and hold you. Our then tongues meet and begin to tango much like our dance; The taste is sweet and lively. I feel the warm softness of your body pressed against me; Our hearts are so close. Your breathing is strong and the scent of you fills my spirit; My heart pounds in my chest.

An eternity later, we break. Air is necessary, don't forget. You search for your keys while I hold your purse. It seems they are hard to find tonight. You put the key in the lock and turn. You enter and turn back to me smiling broadly. I tell you we must do this again sometime. You respond 'soon' in a breathless voice. We say goodnight to each other. We stare at each other for a moment longer. You laugh and close the door. I turn and skip back to my car. I’m walking on sunshine.

It was a good night.

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Thu 04/16/15 11:34 PM
Ah, the longing and yearning. Her dress should be red for passion. Another pretty story full of hope and the sweet ache of desire.