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Topic: 2016 US Election Debate
creativestoryteller's photo
Thu 11/03/16 09:34 AM
still cheering for Hitlary to win the election? Here's Steve Pieczenik to tell you about the silent coup & cover up involving the Clinton Foundation & the White House

ps. if Jeffery Epstein gets brought up in sex trafficking, Trump should be brought down as he has connections with him as well.

--Clintons are attempting a takeover of the United States

-- Clinton's connection to Anthony Weiner, Jeff Epstein's "Lolita Express,"

creativestoryteller's photo
Sat 11/05/16 09:12 AM
Edited by creativestoryteller on Sat 11/05/16 09:18 AM
Americana Wilted
Getting riled up over a political game
as a red dawn brews over a sea of blue
splitting the vote in two, a country divided.

Cunning lies meet an epic trumping
installing slaves with the freedom to choose
death by a crushing debt or nuclear plume.

Constantly craving truth yet can't stand the pain.
Removing the rot is vital, but comes at a cost -
Liberty looms like an axe to our tree of life.

creativestoryteller's photo
Sat 11/05/16 09:31 AM
Edited by creativestoryteller on Sat 11/05/16 09:32 AM
is Piecznik playing us for fools to give a false sense of security so Hillary can go thru unhindered?

he's mostly known now for appearing on InfoWars with Alex Jones - Mr All Talk & CIA talking head. after watching Obama getting mad for people booing him yesterday & hearing Assange say "they" (the Elite globalists) won't let Trump win, something's up. ABC had a poll out stating Hillary won the election by 2% (44-42). oops?

once Hitlary is in office, she's immune to investigations on her past while in office. on top of that she can pardon herself since the FBI won't allow Obama to do it for her. the CIA & FBI HATE each other. i'd rather they push back the election to Dec 19 with new candidates. they have until January to swear the new Chief in so do it right, but that's a fairy tale. it won't happen...

expect some fireworks come next week

creativestoryteller's photo
Sun 11/06/16 01:40 AM
Edited by creativestoryteller on Sun 11/06/16 01:47 AM
Austyn Crites has been proven to be a Hillary supporter & possible pedophile in Michigan city, IN. Also has connections with Stratfor Global Intelligence (same place controlled opposition Alex Jones has had connections with before).

Another planted Democrat crony sent in to disrupt a Trump rally just like Veritas has exposed last month. what a surprise -__-

--Russia Threatens Retaliation If Washington Engages In "State Cyberterrorism" -- ZeroHedge reporting

creativestoryteller's photo
Mon 11/07/16 06:27 AM
Hitlary is a depraved individual. do some homework. thanks

- Clinton Cash
- Haiti Clinton Foundation fraud
- Benghazi sex trafficking
- Jeffery Epstein Bill Clinton
- Clinton death list
- Al Qaeda training centre in America
- Huma Muslim Brotherhood
- Osama bin Laden Afghanistan USA Russia
- Clinton Whitewater
- Chelsea Clinton's real father
- spirit cooking Clinton

no photo
Mon 11/07/16 08:00 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Mon 11/07/16 08:27 AM
HI, It is pretty decent of you all to start this topic.

Hope you don't mind me sharing some thoughts as a citizen of the world. Truth of the matter is that even though am not an American I do feel that a lot hinges on what comes out of the voting process. My knowledge has been gained via the alternative media (you have all mentioned information sources that i use) I do not have a television. So with all due respect and no offence, God indeed Bless America. Am rooting for good sense to prevail.

Do you all know that there are some folks participating in theoretical discussions who can't decide which of the lesser of the two evil would be preferable. So many people are asleep. Ignorant. Blissfully unaware of exactly 'what time it is'.

At one point I thought that there was a possibility for the election to be called off on account of Hilary Clinton being 'unfit' on so many counts you'd need to be an octopus to count. That lady is lethal. Wow and the sheople run see jayz on a basketball arena so that he can slake their clamour to be unwitting idolators in thrall of Lucifer.

The BBC World Service radio service sucks on this one (that outlet has become so dumbed down it is unrecognisable from the service i listened to back in the day).

Wikileaks is doing a damned good job.

And how can I forget to mention Trey Gowdy! What a hero!

So all in all i continue to say that The next President of the USA is no cause for HILARITY!

Peace ya'll and heaven help us all ...


Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/07/16 08:02 AM

still cheering for Hitlary to win the election? Here's Steve Pieczenik to tell you about the silent coup & cover up involving the Clinton Foundation & the White House

ps. if Jeffery Epstein gets brought up in sex trafficking, Trump should be brought down as he has connections with him as well.

--Clintons are attempting a takeover of the United States

-- Clinton's connection to Anthony Weiner, Jeff Epstein's "Lolita Express,"

That all won't faze her Subjects!

no photo
Mon 11/07/16 08:25 AM
Guess what the WORLD service is interviewing two talking heads about? The "basket of deplorables" incident. wth how old is that?!

This is what we are dealing with in the World today. Garbage mainstream media towing a line and producing garbage. See how they will all act with shock when they cart The President of the United States of America is carted off to jail. Maybe the sheople won't notice cos it will be too much like unreality tv!

Hope it all goes off peacefuly

no photo
Mon 11/07/16 08:35 AM

Hitlary is a depraved individual. do some homework. thanks

- Clinton Cash
- Haiti Clinton Foundation fraud
- Benghazi sex trafficking
- Jeffery Epstein Bill Clinton
- Clinton death list
- Al Qaeda training centre in America
- Huma Muslim Brotherhood
- Osama bin Laden Afghanistan USA Russia
- Clinton Whitewater
- Chelsea Clinton's real father
- spirit cooking Clinton

- that rape case with that teenage girl
- the selling of that Uranium mining company to the Russians
- The mysterious death of that DMC staffer
- And the arrest of that (Charity) woman in Haiti

(that Uranium deal is sort of weird like the UK Government interest in a deal with the Chinese for the latter to build Nuclear reactors)

Ah well welcome the The New order of the World

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 11/07/16 08:37 AM
At this time we are asking to keep all Political issues out of this forum, due to this is the Poetry Section and Creative Writing only please keep all the Political post within the correct forums..

With that said this thread is being locked please take all further Political post to the Politic Forum.

Site Mod

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