Topic: Rise of the Right
markc48's photo
Tue 08/15/17 07:43 AM

hateful people find hateful things acceptable,,,

I take that as a No vote

mightymoe's photo
Tue 08/15/17 07:46 AM

hateful people find hateful things acceptable,,,

I take that as a No vote

speaking of hateful...

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 08/15/17 08:05 AM

anyone else is getting the impression that we are ar$ed by someone?

Report: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter Involved With Occupy Movement
‘Unite the Right’ organizer Jason Kessler was reportedly an Obama supporter involved in the Occupy movement as recently as November 2016, before establishing his white supremacist group “Unity & Security for America” in January, 2017.

Wish I could follow the Money!laugh

mightymoe's photo
Tue 08/15/17 08:15 AM

anyone else is getting the impression that we are ar$ed by someone?

Report: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter Involved With Occupy Movement
‘Unite the Right’ organizer Jason Kessler was reportedly an Obama supporter involved in the Occupy movement as recently as November 2016, before establishing his white supremacist group “Unity & Security for America” in January, 2017.

Wish I could follow the Money!laugh

i was just reading this

Charlottesville, Virginia — August 12, 2017

Reader, be aware that there are several distinctly different pieces to this fastidiously engineered event that occurred in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. The key elements are as follows:
• Black operation executed by the C.I.A.
• Psyop conducted by the FBI (via COINTELPRO)
• False flag operation implemented jointly by the CIA and FBI
• Highly coordinated fake news offensive by the MSM
• Orchestrated political campaign carried out by the US Congress against Trump and the Trump movement
• Charlottesville Police Department ploy to stand down
• Collusion between the Virginia state government and Charlottesville city government to push a patently false narrative
• Soros-paid agents provocateur from the ANTIFA movement stealthily inciting violence
• Liberal Left scheme to aggressively confront peaceful “Unite the Right” groups
• White supremacist crisis actors contracted by The Company
• There are many other critical elements which are beyond the scope of this exposé

Impossible to tease out all the facts

Even though it is virtually impossible to tease out all the facts surrounding this false flag COINTELPRO black operation, it has of all the classic signatures of one.

Obviously, all of the groups represented at the “Unite the Right” rally have been infiltrated by the government. They always are.

With this basic understanding, it’s easy to see how the pieces of the protest puzzle were surreptitiously put into place over the months leading up to the staged riots.

The circumstantial evidence of a black op is so overwhelming that it is now clear that the entire event was quite purposefully sabotaged by all the usual suspects, especially those concerned agencies of the US government, Virginia state government and Charlottesville municipal government.

Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe has been a HUGE Clinton cheerleader practically forever, so we know where his loyalties lie. His every action and utterance since the conflagration took place has only confirmed his integral part in this massive conspiracy to bring down the patriot movement.

Likewise, the Charlottesville mayor — Michael Signer — is a longtime Virginia Democratic activist and former candidate for lieutenant governor. He’s very deep in this whole conspiracy to taint the genuine protestors as ‘white nationalists’, and he even chided President Trump for “not naming them”.

Were real white nationalists and white supremacists present? Most certainly. Can they be an unruly bunch of knuckleheads? That can be their MO, at certain times. Did they go there to disrupt the protest? Not likely. The paid COINTELPRO agents among them did, not the real nationalists. They wanted to unite with other like-minded activists in order to strengthen the national movement.

PATRIOTS SPEAK: In their own words about what really happened in Charlottesville

You can’t stop the real supremacists from showing up at a rally designed to “Unite the Right”. Nor does anyone really know the extent to which they have been co-opted by government agents. All it takes are a couple of super-aggressive agents provocateur to be the skunk at the picnic.
Charlottesville Police stood down

One thing is for sure: the police were given orders to stand down by someone (Police Chief Al Thomas maybe? Who gave him the order?).

This single initiative was directed from the very top of the conspiracy to cause the riotous mayhem that predictably ensued.

Just like the violence that was engineered in San Jose, California by that duplicitous police chief during Trump’s campaign event, Charlottesville follows the same pattern. It works for them like a charm (police standing down) as far as triggering both spontaneous and/or manufactured violence.

This single misguided manipulation of law enforcement by the involved governments is the dead giveaway that this whole event was fabricated as a false flag operation. Of course, the white nationalists are blamed for everything these days. Even though most of these folks are really sincere patriots at heart.

Even White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon has been brought into the fray. He is being falsely accused by the ultra-left mainstream media (MSM) as being the de facto leader of the white nationalist movement. He isn’t, but the MSM talking heads take every opportunity to drill this falsehood into every reader and viewer they can. So now the delusional liberal leaders want to know why he does nothing to stop a massive, grassroots-driven, organically grown patriot movement that he has absolutely no control of.

By the way, what power, pray tell, does Bannon have over the Charlottesville police that was deliberately directed not to do their job?

This staged event is only the most recent in a long string of protests/riots that represent the tactical operations of George Soros’s Purple Revolution. It has all the same hallmarks of his CIA-directed Kiev coup of 2014 as this video clearly explains: Charlottesville protests and Kiev riots have the same Soros fingerprint (Video)

If there is one goal that the U.S. Intelligence Community is determined to accomplish with these violent protests and destructive riots, it is to so malign the patriot movement that no one will want to associate with them. Even though the Trump movement is made up of people from every background, they are all fundamentally patriots. Which is why the globalists are determined to destroy this movement; it’s crucial to maintaining the hidden power of Deep State.

The MSM has been working overtime to impress upon their audience that the violence in Charlottesville was the work of white nationalist. They have been presenting this extremely misleading falsehood since Trump was elected. The CIA-controlled MSM will continue to use this deceitful strategy unto Trump is removed form the White House.

Look to other future events to be staged in the same manner. Deep State will not pass up any opportunity to forever ruin the patriot movement. The globalist cabal knows that their NWO agenda cannot be implemented until the Trump movement is destroyed. Hence, to outlaw these nationalist groups and ban patriot protests is their immediate objective.

no photo
Tue 08/15/17 10:33 AM
It is crucial to maintaining the hidden power of the deep state.
AG Jeff Sessions, says the state's have the right to do whatever the want with their monuments?

Do these people have jobs? That are protesting and do they know anything about history? All they know is they have some kind of distorted view on racism. I to thank Obama, but I believe it started way before.

Thinking about what Sessions said from many angles. Plural noun
A member of a German people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-holstein, who migrated to England in the 5th century AD. The Angles founded kingdoms in Mercia, Northumbria, and East Anglia and gave their name to England and the English. Or should I have used the word perspective? Just rambling like moe & Godzilla scared maybe I should research these people. glasses laugh

mightymoe's photo
Tue 08/15/17 12:08 PM

It is crucial to maintaining the hidden power of the deep state.
AG Jeff Sessions, says the state's have the right to do whatever the want with their monuments?

Do these people have jobs? That are protesting and do they know anything about history? All they know is they have some kind of distorted view on racism. I to thank Obama, but I believe it started way before.

Thinking about what Sessions said from many angles. Plural noun
A member of a German people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-holstein, who migrated to England in the 5th century AD. The Angles founded kingdoms in Mercia, Northumbria, and East Anglia and gave their name to England and the English. Or should I have used the word perspective? Just rambling like moe & Godzilla scared maybe I should research these people. glasses laugh
go go Godzilla

markc48's photo
Tue 08/15/17 07:12 PM
What to Nazi's have to do with the civil war ? Nothing

TMommy's photo
Tue 08/15/17 09:57 PM
oh christ..ya ok so I read thru this and been following it on another site
this whole thing ..taking down anything that may offend..
namby pamby sissified pile of horse crapola
I do not believe in white washing history or telling only part of the story
whether it offends you or not

do Neo Nazis have a right to protest? yep
if they get out of hand to the also have the right to be arrested? you betcha azz they do

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 08/16/17 01:38 AM

It is crucial to maintaining the hidden power of the deep state.
AG Jeff Sessions, says the state's have the right to do whatever the want with their monuments?

Do these people have jobs? That are protesting and do they know anything about history? All they know is they have some kind of distorted view on racism. I to thank Obama, but I believe it started way before.

Thinking about what Sessions said from many angles. Plural noun
A member of a German people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-holstein, who migrated to England in the 5th century AD. The Angles founded kingdoms in Mercia, Northumbria, and East Anglia and gave their name to England and the English. Or should I have used the word perspective? Just rambling like moe & Godzilla scared maybe I should research these people. glasses laugh

Soros pays them above Minimum-wage!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 08/16/17 01:39 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 08/16/17 01:40 AM
Goebbels' Book-burning all over again!
Orwell's Ministry Of Truth revisited!

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 08/16/17 04:20 AM

Following the unfortunate incident in Virginia, which is linked in a way or another to the whole global rising tension based on the rise of the right wingers (White nationalist right in the West and Islamic right in the East), the incident shows a struggle between Nationalist right wingers and Liberal left ones, but what lies between the lines could be something else, a Right-Right clash, while the left is caught in the middle trying to save the values of the modern societies (social justice, equality, freedom...)
Wasn't it wrong at the very beginning to satanize the left in the Western world instead of cooperating with it to keep the world balanced and to evade creating a gap that is being filled quickly with haters and fanatics?

Actually, I have become convinced that the terms Left and Right, Liberal and Conservative, have become so confused by being used as weapons, that none of those terms is of any use to us going forward.

I would suggest instead, that we recognize that the problems in the world all come from anyone who decides that THEY should be able to force everyone else to comply in detail with their expectations. Whether it is a communist who wants the government to support their ideas about property, or a Republican who wants the government to fund their private companies endeavors, and allow them to ignore their real costs, or someone who insists that THEIR favorite religious icons and beliefs must be directly supported by the government, and so on... is THOSE kinds of people, regardless of which "side" they are on, who are doing the most damage to all of us.

After all, look at the issues:

Is it Liberal, or Conservative, to oppose having the state or national government tell you who to choose as a friend or mate? Don't know, because people who demand that BOTH of those groups are the bad guys, say they oppose the government telling them what to do.

Is it liberal or conservative, to want the government to restrict what people are allowed to do and say in public places? No way to tell, because again, there are people who say they hate Liberals, who demand to be in charge of other people's speech, and there are people who say they oppose Conservatives, for exactly the same reason.

What too many people have been doing for way too long, is to USE these labels to PRETEND that someone they are upset with for one thing, actually support something entirely unrelated (which the other side DOES NOT in fact support), essentially as a political propaganda trick.

Nothing will be solved as long as this continues.

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/16/17 06:47 AM

no photo
Wed 08/16/17 06:59 AM

It is crucial to maintaining the hidden power of the deep state.
AG Jeff Sessions, says the state's have the right to do whatever the want with their monuments?

Do these people have jobs? That are protesting and do they know anything about history? All they know is they have some kind of distorted view on racism. I to thank Obama, but I believe it started way before.

Thinking about what Sessions said from many angles. Plural noun
A member of a German people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-holstein, who migrated to England in the 5th century AD. The Angles founded kingdoms in Mercia, Northumbria, and East Anglia and gave their name to England and the English. Or should I have used the word perspective? Just rambling like moe & Godzilla scared maybe I should research these people. glasses laugh
go go Godzilla

rofl thanks for the laugh moe!

no photo
Wed 08/16/17 07:06 AM

It is crucial to maintaining the hidden power of the deep state.
AG Jeff Sessions, says the state's have the right to do whatever the want with their monuments?

Do these people have jobs? That are protesting and do they know anything about history? All they know is they have some kind of distorted view on racism. I to thank Obama, but I believe it started way before.

Thinking about what Sessions said from many angles. Plural noun
A member of a German people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-holstein, who migrated to England in the 5th century AD. The Angles founded kingdoms in Mercia, Northumbria, and East Anglia and gave their name to England and the English. Or should I have used the word perspective? Just rambling like moe & Godzilla scared maybe I should research these people. glasses laugh

Soros pays them above Minimum-wage!

So that would mean they were working the system by getting played under the table. Maybe working isn't a good word.
Also know as the man who broke the bank of England.

no photo
Wed 08/16/17 10:09 AM
Good speech I've just seen on sky by trump!

no photo
Wed 08/16/17 10:55 AM
A lot of others thought so too.:thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 08/16/17 11:02 AM
Thanks, I like the way he shut up the press, media, if you get a chance alleoops I've started a thread "the king is dead "
Rosie has posted a picture of a British news paper headline, pity you can't make it out but the left hand column is good!
Tories is our conservative party!

no photo
Wed 08/16/17 11:13 AM
We had Tories here also during the Rev War, loyal to the crown.
where is your thread located ?

no photo
Wed 08/16/17 11:27 AM
It's in the well wishes.
Tories are our right. liberal is not sure where they are lol and labour is left

mightymoe's photo
Wed 08/16/17 01:09 PM

Following the unfortunate incident in Virginia, which is linked in a way or another to the whole global rising tension based on the rise of the right wingers (White nationalist right in the West and Islamic right in the East), the incident shows a struggle between Nationalist right wingers and Liberal left ones, but what lies between the lines could be something else, a Right-Right clash, while the left is caught in the middle trying to save the values of the modern societies (social justice, equality, freedom...)
Wasn't it wrong at the very beginning to satanize the left in the Western world instead of cooperating with it to keep the world balanced and to evade creating a gap that is being filled quickly with haters and fanatics?

Actually, I have become convinced that the terms Left and Right, Liberal and Conservative, have become so confused by being used as weapons, that none of those terms is of any use to us going forward.

I would suggest instead, that we recognize that the problems in the world all come from anyone who decides that THEY should be able to force everyone else to comply in detail with their expectations. Whether it is a communist who wants the government to support their ideas about property, or a Republican who wants the government to fund their private companies endeavors, and allow them to ignore their real costs, or someone who insists that THEIR favorite religious icons and beliefs must be directly supported by the government, and so on... is THOSE kinds of people, regardless of which "side" they are on, who are doing the most damage to all of us.

After all, look at the issues:

Is it Liberal, or Conservative, to oppose having the state or national government tell you who to choose as a friend or mate? Don't know, because people who demand that BOTH of those groups are the bad guys, say they oppose the government telling them what to do.

Is it liberal or conservative, to want the government to restrict what people are allowed to do and say in public places? No way to tell, because again, there are people who say they hate Liberals, who demand to be in charge of other people's speech, and there are people who say they oppose Conservatives, for exactly the same reason.

What too many people have been doing for way too long, is to USE these labels to PRETEND that someone they are upset with for one thing, actually support something entirely unrelated (which the other side DOES NOT in fact support), essentially as a political propaganda trick.

Nothing will be solved as long as this continues.

depends on a couple of things, mainly what side the media presents... and thats usually controlled by who is in control of the government...