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Topic: Clearing the fog of liberalism
Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/09/18 05:56 AM
Through all the fog and haze of the false accusations , the division , the denials, the smugness , the blatant ignorance and the embarrassing immature way the democrats continue to conduct their lives are only pumping up the fever pitch of their TDS( trump derangement syndrome). With the community activist ( Obama) claiming false success during his term. This economic success is all of Trumps doing. Obama had nothing to do w / lowest unemployment for blacks and Latinos. Nothing to do w / jobs coming back to the US. Nothing to do w / record highs in stock market. The voters in 2016 saw how bad the democrats were for the future success of our country and voted to stop the moronic direction they had us going . So when I see Obama telling his lie I have to wonder after all the scandals and mid-steps and decieteful cover-ups, does he really think he's helping his cause. Keep trying to fool the voters and watch the destruction of your party. It's sad people of such power can be so wrong. But it's very entertaining to see these clowns keep doing and saying the same old , same old. Spin it any way you want but the American people are not falling for your false narritive. Lol, I can't wait till November just to see TDS victims blow up!

no photo
Sun 09/09/18 06:35 AM
the bots are working overtime these days. laugh

no photo
Sun 09/09/18 06:43 AM
see! bigsmile

Mr Wrong's photo
Sun 09/09/18 07:13 AM

The democrats have no policy to run on except to call any who reject their vial retoric a racist, bigot, homophobe, sexist

one might give your opinion more credence if you could spell properly

hardBNhard's photo
Sun 09/09/18 07:22 AM
All who see this should go to
"NEED TO IMPEACH .COM " #notmypresidenth

Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/09/18 12:28 PM

All i can say is all who see this should go to
"NEED TO IMPEACH .COM " #notmypresidenth
Lol , whatever bubba. Just watch out for that wall of trump supporters your going to run into this November . Maybe than you'll realize OUR president is here to stay till 2024.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 09/09/18 12:47 PM
Edited for making it about members and not about the subject.

Site Admin

Mr Wrong's photo
Sun 09/09/18 03:48 PM
handled with a deft and restrained touch

no photo
Sun 09/09/18 03:59 PM

Through all the fog and haze of the false accusations , the division , the denials, the smugness , the blatant ignorance and the embarrassing immature way the democrats continue to conduct their lives are only pumping up the fever pitch of their TDS( trump derangement syndrome). With the community activist ( Obama) claiming false success during his term. This economic success is all of Trumps doing. Obama had nothing to do w / lowest unemployment for blacks and Latinos. Nothing to do w / jobs coming back to the US. Nothing to do w / record highs in stock market. The voters in 2016 saw how bad the democrats were for the future success of our country and voted to stop the moronic direction they had us going . So when I see Obama telling his lie I have to wonder after all the scandals and mid-steps and decieteful cover-ups, does he really think he's helping his cause. Keep trying to fool the voters and watch the destruction of your party. It's sad people of such power can be so wrong. But it's very entertaining to see these clowns keep doing and saying the same old , same old. Spin it any way you want but the American people are not falling for your false narritive. Lol, I can't wait till November just to see TDS victims blow up!

I agree totally.

The bucket load of lies I keep hearing about makes no sense. Their poll numbers just don't add up. Oh! There's no new jobs our there! So why are businesses crying for people to apply? Some signs that used to advertise sales, now say we want new job applicants. Lawn signs that say come apply. That smacks of we got so much work that we can't keep up. Blacks and Latinos have more opportunity's for better paying jobs, and I'm very glad to see that happen.

So, what's the platform the dems are running on? Failed promises that flopped years ago. Keep up the good work on trying to impeach Trump. That encourages the Republicans to get to the polls come election day. Keep pushing on collusion, and the mueller probe. Yeah Boy! You got a conviction! Two weeks in jail for Popadopolis. Such a harsh sentence. Bet he takes a few books in with him, and catches up on his reading.

I am so hoping that it all blows up in their faces come November. Anyone care to hazard a guess what they might do if it does?

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:12 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 09/09/18 04:14 PM

"nothing to do with Obama"

a general direction in which something is developing or changing

Mr Wrong's photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:15 PM

I do wonder how G.P. got only 14 days.....dont you?

No need to wonder. He cooperated.

There has been quite a number of reports about it

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:21 PM

You make a good point Redrider1500. Since lying to the FBI usually carries a sentence of a few years, I do wonder how G.P. got only 14 days.....dont you?

plea deals, they are as big a part of the American Justice system as convictions. Deal the lesser fish to catch the bigger one, nothing new there, and at all level of crimes too.

no photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:26 PM
It's going to be entertaining when Trump is impeached.

no photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:27 PM
not really...

then we'll have pence! slaphead

no photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:31 PM

All just a matter of time before the EVIL QUEEN Hillary and Obama are no longer relevant in any way..I hear they are preparing their rooms for them at Castle Gitmo as we speak..the SHOW is about to begin..I wonder if they still serve raisinets at the movie the way they get stuck in your teeth smile2 ..

Mr Wrong's photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:37 PM
Edited by Mr Wrong on Sun 09/09/18 04:41 PM

It's going to be entertaining when Trump is impeached.

to be sure, friend. there will more entertainment.

i fear, however, a possible scenario where Trump employs a scorched-earth defense on his way out

i also fear a Pence/Mother administration

Mr Wrong's photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:54 PM
Edited by Mr Wrong on Sun 09/09/18 05:00 PM

I am so hoping that it all blows up in their faces come November. Anyone care to hazard a guess what they might do if it does?

no. that would be silly

no photo
Sun 09/09/18 05:02 PM

Trump is not going to be impeached..but I do think that they will make another attempt to assassinate him ...they definitely have to make a move before Nov.11 because they can't take a chance of letting all the information on child trafficking and pedophilia getting out..

Mr Wrong's photo
Sun 09/09/18 05:12 PM

Trump is not going to be impeached..but I do think that they will make another attempt to assassinate him ...they definitely have to make a move before Nov.11 because they can't take a chance of letting all the information on child trafficking and pedophilia getting out..

i wasn't aware that Trump was a child trafficker and pedophile

thanks for your post

Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/09/18 05:19 PM

It's going to be entertaining when Trump is impeached.

to be sure, friend. there will more entertainment.

i fear, however, a possible scenario where Trump employs a scorched-earth defense on his way out

i also fear a Pence/Mother administration
Tell me what GP cooperated on. Do you mean like all the others that so called "cooperated". So many snitches and still no evidence. And after how long 15 months. Mueller is a political hack, and not much of a prosecutor . He reminds me of the Durham prosecutor that tried to convict the Duke Rugby Team for allegedly raping a young lady at a campus party.he had a good idea these boys were not guilty but he wanted to make a name for himself. This guy no longer practices law. He should have pulled time.

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