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Topic: What you think of the state of the union?
Sharon31216's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:31 PM
i refused it even watch it. i really dislike george bush, he's really screwed up our country. i just cannot wait until hes out of office.

darkowl1's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:34 PM
Mccain or i wish al gore. but no.

andrewzooms's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:34 PM
You wakeup faithful. Clinton gave tax cuts to the middle class. Bush has only given tax cuts to the rich.

FaithfulOne78's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:34 PM
Edited by FaithfulOne78 on Mon 01/28/08 09:35 PM
I give the man credit for doing what he thinks is right for this country..he may not always be liked for his way of doing things..but it's his choice to do them that way.....I would love to see even half the people that don't like him..try doing his job for even a week....doubt they would last that long.

andrewzooms's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:34 PM

i love obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love

I probally will vote for him.

KennethP5206's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:35 PM

I give him two thumbs up...way way up! happy

Me too
The others will only say what they think will get them votes.
Bush does what he thinks is best for the country even knowing what he is about to do is going to cost him. The Clintons are the worst. They will say something one day, and if they find out that the majority did not like what they said then they will change their oppinion to satisfy the majority....Keep watching to see if that's not true.
And another thing I have noticed...If bill Clinton is using his hands while he is talking, he is telling a lie...Remember...I did not have sexual relations with that woman....All the time talking with his hands....Same thing when he did not inhale

I agree...always changing what they say..they are as bad as Kerry..and doin his flip flops....can't stand a single one of them...all they care about is being popular..they could give a **** about doing whats best for americans...Bush wants to lower taxes..and Clinton wants to raise them...hello....wake up people...I don't think i'm the only one that DOES NOT..want to pay higher taxes!!

Your absolutely right
After Bush won the first time it took him so long to clean up what Bill had left messed up that it made him look bad....But people don't see that....They would rather believe a Clinton lie
Why do you think the people of Arkansas are glad he left their state?

andrewzooms's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:36 PM

I give the man credit for doing what he thinks is right for this country..he may not always be liked for his way of doing things..but it's his choice to do them that way.....I would love to see even half the people that don't like him..try doing his job for even a week....doubt they would last that long.

Its not that hard to follow the constitution. Opps he could not even do that.

Sharon31216's photo
Mon 01/28/08 09:37 PM

I give the man credit for doing what he thinks is right for this country..he may not always be liked for his way of doing things..but it's his choice to do them that way.....I would love to see even half the people that don't like him..try doing his job for even a week....doubt they would last that long.

Its not that hard to follow the constitution. Opps he could not even do that.

my my my isn't that truth!

no photo
Mon 01/28/08 11:00 PM
The State of the Union is that of a diabetic pig on a steady diet of Big Macs and Potted meat (fed intravenously while American Idol plays in the background to distract it from its discomfort).

Bizarre and random description, but it's true. I think blaming Bush is wrong. True, he is (un)arguably the worst President in human history, but let's be honest. We voted the nimrod in. Twice. Well... Once really, but whatever. In any case, after the second election, the thought I had was "Oh my God America... How do you F**K that up??"

Again, it's not all his fault. It's also the reality that America used to be confident. This nation no longer exudes that confidence and swagger that people found beautiful before it became arrogance and closed-mindedness... As someone who is lucky enough to have traveled abroad extensively the past 12 years, I've had a unique perspective of our "fall from grace"

But it's not all bad, people. We've been through worse than this. The Depression, two world wars, two major Presidential Scandals, a Civil War, and so on. This is still the greatest country on earth, and what we need is someone to remind of us our greatness. To inspire us to live up to the promise that this country will forever be the land of the free and home of the brave...

OK... I'm gonna go watch The Soup on E now...

no photo
Mon 01/28/08 11:04 PM
All due respect, but a trained chimp could probably be on par if not a little better. This guy lacks one fundamental characteristic of leadership. The ability to listen.

As much as he wants to portray his office as that of 'supreme authority', he's actually an employee of the people. A fact that is obviously lost on him...

Furthermore, if he was CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and ran it like he runs his administration, the shareholders would have had him tarred, feathered and run out of town 6 years ago. (With a hefty severance package, no doubt)...

no photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:53 AM
He lost me early on when he said "some might this a good record" (which closely followed something about having brought the country OUT of recession). The man is seriously delusional, or very stoned!

andreajayne's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:03 AM
I was unable to watch it as I had a meeting to attend, but i honestly don't think I missed much!

Lily0923's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:18 AM

I give him two thumbs up...way way up! happy

Me too
The others will only say what they think will get them votes.
Bush does what he thinks is best for the country even knowing what he is about to do is going to cost him. The Clintons are the worst. They will say something one day, and if they find out that the majority did not like what they said then they will change their oppinion to satisfy the majority....Keep watching to see if that's not true.
And another thing I have noticed...If bill Clinton is using his hands while he is talking, he is telling a lie...Remember...I did not have sexual relations with that woman....All the time talking with his hands....Same thing when he did not inhale

I agree...always changing what they say..they are as bad as Kerry..and doin his flip flops....can't stand a single one of them...all they care about is being popular..they could give a **** about doing whats best for americans...Bush wants to lower taxes..and Clinton wants to raise them...hello....wake up people...I don't think i'm the only one that DOES NOT..want to pay higher taxes!!

Your absolutely right
After Bush won the first time it took him so long to clean up what Bill had left messed up that it made him look bad....But people don't see that....They would rather believe a Clinton lie
Why do you think the people of Arkansas are glad he left their state?

pppfffff... Hilary all the way!!!!! With Bill the economy was good, we stayed out of everyone else's business and this country was on the way to being a great country again, I personally don't care who he did or did not sleep with, that is between him and his wife and them ONLY.

Winx's photo
Tue 01/29/08 01:50 PM

mnhiker's photo
Tue 01/29/08 09:40 PM

He lost me early on when he said "some might this a good record" (which closely followed something about having brought the country OUT of recession). The man is seriously delusional, or very stoned!

Just more crap from
the crapmeister.

Next year he goes back to the ranch.

Good riddance!!!!


no photo
Sat 02/02/08 11:13 PM

I find it funny that he says terrorism is such a problem. If it was such a problem then why are our borders not secure yet.explode

you're right, it doesn't make sense!? instead of putting troops on the borders and restricting entry in any way, They send our troops to a country that wasn't even responsible for 911 so that we could restore democrazy to a country that had never been a democracy? all while signing a "patriot" act that enables our freedom/rights to be taken away very quickly should another attack occur..? all in the name of national security..im starting to think that means the security of those on the top of our nation

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 11:14 PM
and Not we the people

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 11:15 PM
Sat 02/02/08 05:05 AM
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Marie55's photo
Sun 02/03/08 12:00 AM
Was it Exxon that just declared $40+ billion in profit??, don't know if that was this last quarter or the year, but makes me sick. We are struggling to survive and Bush's fat cat buddies in Texas (where the oil barons/oil wells happen to be) are getting richer.

Also this tax rebate stuff. I think the last numbers I saw said $50 billion to business to build more plants, jobs, etc. Did he put any restrictions on that money to keep it in the U.S. and not allow it to be sent overseas to India or the other countries where a lot of our jobs have gone these past few years?? I wouldn't allow a company to have any of it unless it stayed in the U.S. and the employees were in the U.S., none of it went overseas. My thoughts anyways.

Also, if it was up to me, which it isn't of course, I would get a really big broom and sweep out Congress - anyone who has been there over 8 years is out - no more people spending their lifetime retiring in congress, getting fat paychecks, doing little or nothing for the people in this country. I would rework the laws so that people get 8 years, then come up for re-election, if they are not doing their job - they are out and replaced with fresh blood, people who want to do something. Not Ted Kennedy's and others who are there forever. Maybe if they knew they were facing re-election every 4 or 8 years, they would not sit back and get fat and lazy, but actually care about the people in this country, i.e., elderly who can't afford the prescriptions they need for their health or have enough money to live on, Social Security is a joke, give them a few dollars raise then take it back by raising their Medicare fees.

I think Bush should be held to task for the way he has allowed the oil companies to rape the American public and done nothing. It has affected everthing in our lives, groceries are higher in the stores, heating our homes is higher, everything is more expensive. Companies going broke, etc. He wants to take us to war in Iran. He needs to bring our troops home, Iraq doesn't want us there. Dig for oil here and stop buying from Iraq. We are heading for a recession, more people out of work than ever, etc., fewer jobs. Just my thoughts anyways. Sorry I went on so long.

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