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Topic: speeking in tongue? what do you think?
richieg's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:41 AM
just seeing what you think ?

Thu 01/11/07 08:41 AM
Well, what I think; if it's in the Bible, then it is so. But it also
says "someplace in there" that if there is no one around to interpret
And I do beieve also that there are people "playing" speaking in
tongues. God may strike me down....but thre are poeple like this. But
yes, I believe in it; especially if it's in the Book. When I was about,
oh.....10-13, my folks went nuts because I was believing this, cause
they didn't. But now, they have been married 56 yrs. this month; and
guess what>...
they are wonderful people, christians and believe in speakingin tongues.
I don't believe everyone is MEANT to speak in tongues though. And I
don't think u r going to hell if me, myself, hever speak in tongues.
Boy this got long didn't it, but u asked, I replied...hahahaha

leroy01's photo
Thu 01/11/07 10:16 AM
Tongue, Gods Word or man looking for attention? Who do we choose to
interperet God's word if thats what it is?
If it is not for us to choose who speaks in tongues, what makes the ones
that do Gods chosen?

If I burp & fart at your dinner table, will you interpret that as a
compliment to your good cooking?

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 10:37 AM
Speaking in tongues is a good think especially if their is someone to
interpet. Pentecostels speak in tongues which is my faith.

Juliea's photo
Thu 01/25/07 02:39 PM
I believe someone would interpret that as just bad manners.
I pray that the Lord give you Wisdom, His Wisdom, not ours,
in Jesus Name.

TheGoodShepherd's photo
Thu 01/25/07 07:23 PM
In most cases, its the proper language to use during service.

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 01/25/07 08:27 PM
Technically speaking, speaking in tongues is not 'special' as Paul
writes (he equates the gift as equal to any other beleiver's skills
including plain old hard labor). He even suggests that the speaking of
tongues could be misleading, especially to the uninitiated.

That said, I've seen many occasions where 'speaking of tongues' has been
claimed. Matter of fact the church down the street has it as a regular
occasion - EVERY sunday morning, just before 'altar call'. Funny,
though, the same group of people seem to have the same inspirational
moments, as the wives of the church elders take turns in who delivers
the "Speaking in Tongues" message.

Its quite a ritual. First there's a guttaral warbling voice, rises and
falls in shrieks. Then, the magic moment comes. The person now speaks in
tongues. everyone hush. this is an important message you're getting...
shhhh... and the speaker proceeds to talk to some trivial topic (like
which country the missionary group needs to visit next!) and often
stutter, and speak haltingly with the usual "um... er... eh..." stammer
that we all do when speaking before a group. Divine inspiration
delivered with stuttering and poor grammatical structure. Not my kind of

Now, let me be fair. I have seen the speaking in tongues occur in an
unexpected situation, and i was moved by it. A commoner (not part of the
elders or the clique) stood during a service - interrupting whatever
else was going on. Appeared to be in a trance - shreiking sounds came
out of her mouth - like an excited arab trying to sing. Her voice became
louder, more distinctive, she began to convulse, and fell plop down. End
of the show folks. But, a soft mist had filled the auditorium, and there
was a wonderful peacefulness to the room. Nobody could discern what she
had said, not even herself. That to me qualifies as "real".


FedMan's photo
Thu 01/25/07 09:08 PM
speaking in tongues is fine 1 if there is an interpreter, to which I
believe God will provide if he truly has a message for you 2 it's not
something I believe can be planned, when God has a message it will come
whether it be right before alter call or as soon as church starts.

no photo
Thu 01/25/07 11:32 PM
i think its a put on!!!!!

sushi's photo
Fri 01/26/07 09:54 AM
My religion is very pragmatic. Speaking in tounges refers to the Holy
Spirit coming down to the apostles, giving them the gift of language
(Latin,Greek or whatever) so that they could go to other countries and
covvert the pagans. Now don't ask me why the Eastern religions were
left out--maybe they weren't. Anyway, speaking in tounges has nothing to
do with blath, screek, gorth, that Evangelicals Christians blab about.
It's just hysteria. I've informed my friends that if I ever start
speaking in tounges during mass, call the paramedics.

redmange420's photo
Fri 01/26/07 09:57 AM
What the heck does speakin in toungues mean??? huh huh huh
huh huh

I'm freakin clueless.

sushi's photo
Fri 01/26/07 10:07 AM
Red, in many Christian religions, there is an Evangelical movement made
up of people who are able to work themselves up into a frenzy during
church services and start babbling, writhing around and Jesus is up
there laughing his head off. Go up and read my explanation, very
complicated concept put as simply as I can. There people are not crazy,
but are so frenzied that they actually believe that the Spirit is within
them. God and even the Pope tolerate these movements even in the
Catholic Church. Such crud Jesus never meant to be. But I guess it does
no harm. And if you come over here don't you dare start speaking in
tounges (AKA as having a seizure) I'll call the police.

sushi's photo
Fri 01/26/07 10:16 AM
Ditto any visions of the saints or any ghost. Stay in heaven where you
belong. Jesus, "LMAO, SUSHI"

sushi's photo
Fri 01/26/07 10:31 AM
Oh, and while I'm still on my soap box, Jesus spoke some version of
Hebrew and Arabic, he was dark in color. I'm sure he laughed. He had to
have some kinda sense of humor to go through what he knew was going to
happen. He never EVER condemned dancing or drinking. At the Wedding
Feast, what did he change the water into--grape juice? At the last
supper, what did he drink? Iced tea? If I'd been he, I would have
downed at least 2 liter knowing what was going to take place in a few
hours. Also as fact, back in those times, the water was so bad that
wine was the drink of choice. No there was no diet coke.

redmange420's photo
Fri 01/26/07 11:09 AM
LMAO!!! Thanx sushi. For the explanation and the laugh, they were both
great.happy happy happy

leroy01's photo
Fri 01/26/07 11:43 AM
Tongue, Gods Word or man looking for attention? Who do we choose to
interperet God's word, if thats what it is?
If it is not for us to choose who speaks in tongues, what makes the ones
that do, Gods chosen?

blacklovestick's photo
Mon 02/05/07 11:29 AM
that tongue stuff that is use now that does not have a translation came
from the slaves,,cause they was made to stop speaking the tounge they
came with,,,any more

RN2000's photo
Tue 02/13/07 10:13 AM
Not everyone will preach like Paul. But we are all unique to each other
and to God. God uses the Holy Spirit to inspire SINCERE individuals
according to His Will. He will use us as He will if we surrender our
hearts and will to Him. Dont worry about who He chooses to Speak in
Tongues. Allow Him to use you in the way He wants. I am still waiting
for my calling as I work on surrendering my will to Him daily.

no photo
Wed 02/14/07 10:49 AM
alrighty class, heres the bible facts.
In the book of Acts, the deciples were preaching to many different
peoples, some of which spoke diferent languages. The Speaking in tonguse
here refers to being able to preach using your native tongue, and
someone who spoke another language would hear you in thier language.
This babbling in some incoherant "language" and having someone else
interprate is mans idea, church doctrine if you will. a good example of
Religion, not of God.

no photo
Wed 02/14/07 11:14 AM
I've been in the Pentecostal/Apostolic faith pretty much my whole life,
but have never spoken in tongues. At times, I thought I had a spirit
coming over me, but it never came into fruition. I can remember growing
up in the church and seeing people "fake" the spirit so to speak. It
wasn't very encouraging. Even today, I see the same two people in
church every Sunday. Running around the church, wailing their arms, and
speaking in an undiscernable language. I believe that we can be blessed
with the tongues, as it is written in the bible. I believe that
everyone deserves that gift, as it is written in the bible. But I do
not believe that it's the only way into the heaven. I do not believe
that if you are not pure of heart and totally walking right with Christ,
that you will get it. I do respect that I've talked to my pastor about
this on numerous occassions (luckily I've known his family and his mine,
a very long time). He assures me that it doesn't mean I'm going to hell
or am any less of a person. He does believe that when it is time, it
will come. He also says perhaps that is something going on in my life
spiritually that it keeping me from this gift. Do you think that it's
that I'm down to about 2 cigarettes a day and still can't kick the
habit? Pray for me!

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