Topic: Searching
Born1976's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:03 PM
We are all searching for the one, and yet we find nothing.
So I ask why oh why do we continue the madness,
The irrestible challenge,
The effort of looking for days, weeks, years for the one,
Because without the search there would be know,
Reason to press onward, to fight the sleep,
Fight the depression felt each hopeless night,
Grapping ont the pillow wishing it was,
You, damn where are you,
I am tired,
I am pissed,
I am in love,
Not with the search,
But the result of the years,
The journey thus far has left us weary,
Discouraged, drained, and hopeless,
I say to the search,
Have patient, for it is virtue,
Began the search, By searching beneath one's own heart,
Finding the love in you first.
Then search no more, she/he will come.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:04 PM
very nice an soo true

Morena350's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:06 PM
realy nice, me like it!!!

livinlife's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:18 PM
that really puts into words what we are all feeling

kojack's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:19 PM

michael1313's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:22 PM
Nice poem...but to answer your quwstion why we search?

I referr you to "Lone Wolf"...that'll tell you why...M.