Topic: Infatuation Departs
scoundrel's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:40 AM
Edited by scoundrel on Sun 02/15/09 11:42 AM

Infatuation Departs

Thank god! The infatuation begins to wane, leaving something better growing.
What is left? I don’t know. I’m insane! It’s warm outside; sunshiny and snowing.
Inside of me strangeness has spread! I cannot sleep, rest, nor converse clearly.
Nights of eager haunting burned eyes red, ‘til I stare at my feelings wearily.

What feeling is this? Whence did it arrive? Was it lurking there, just now known?
My thoughts wander with unfocused drive, like bees hunting the scent of home.
Unclear thoughts fly in the mental mist; echoes muffled without completely dying.
Visions of dreams coming true persist, impelling this faint mortal to keep trying.

Try, and try again, as if fighting a harness; heedless of direction but to change.
Changing, growing, and twisting in darkness which our hearts mutually arrange.
Twisting is searching; flailing to get a grip, to establish the union’s stable points.
Discussing goals which justify a trip; pushing until hope strains at its own joints.

Just leave me. Let me lay still, Cupid. Pull your arrow barbs out quick and clean.
Love’s intricate dance makes me stupid. Stubbornly I pursue life that is unseen.
Laughter of faeries tingles up my spine. I dance tiredly with my arms akimbo.
Grace departed from each written line. Songs unsung remain adrift in this limbo.

Infatuation began this inertia of my heart, and its departing left this primal urge.
This thing lacks a known start, mocking my ability to describe it with words.
Fast from union cures nothing now, and feasting on togetherness does not sate.
Innate beast of love is showing me how to feed the dictates of my chosen fate.

No regrets pinch me for the choices, to risk, revel and unite with a hurricane.
Determination silences doubt’s voices, breaking restraints to free this pain.
Shattered illusions of love fall slow, revealing my baffled inward vision.
Imagined hopes are easily let go for the awe that compels adult decision.

Follow the heart to dash desires, and bravely accept this mirror-less future.
Unseen heretofore, invisible fires breathe life, consuming thoughts unsure.
Sure and certain new life takes reign, ruling yesterday’s unruly emotions.
Steady strength displaces the plain brown daydreams with eternal notions.

I am caught in this numinous maze, which is myself and wholly unknown.
Recognizing I am me in a new phase, this burning birth of maturity grown.
No cry for help is said without shame, and Laura’s heart hears my request.
Lead my life home! Say only my name! I am newborn held at your breast.

Dare I dare to declare truth clear; it is fresh murky love’s milk to a child.
The milk of love is clearly too dear, and I fear to let my writing run wild.
Passion is scarce yet a thought. To touch your face is my highest aim.
A kiss, after your eyes are caught; our hands clasping this magical flame.

Of a sudden I realize being adrift; halfway born, and vastly incomplete
A butterfly missing one wing’s lift; Christ forgotten left an empty seat.
At our table, the Truth gives light, guiding us with and through all love.
Union of hearts and souls aright, we three stand astride earth and above.

Heaven above descends to indwell, giving a touch and understanding.
Vision clears, giving words to tell, glorifying God without demanding.
Love conceived us, giving love pure, and loving is as if breathing air.
I seek and give life’s breath, so sure, yet desperately hoping to share.

You breathe life into me, and I to you, as panting lovers gasp and kiss.
God gave love, took the life we knew, and blessed our union with bliss.
Months of birthing struggles wait until I can taste your lips upon mine.
Just to gaze into your eyes and sate my inmost hunger shall be divine.

Look upon me, Laura, to help me see, for self-blindness is rising fast.
Your loving words have set me free from whoever I was in the past.
I was not bad; I was not very good; I was not this man newly alive.
I now know what is understood; that our eventual union shall arrive.

Arriving, there, to stare at each other; we shall feel destiny fulfilling.
Love endures, with faith as its mother, succoring hope to be thrilling.
Slap my smiling face. Vent the pain. I turn a kiss to your hot blade.
Jest, poke, stroke and caress again; pinch-test any fret that this will fade.

Love nips your aching heart and brings fresh aches to live and grow.
Exchange lonely aches for the stings of solace in being tossed to and fro.
Old weary want changed to vital living out the waking dream come true.
Alter us with daily insight giving us a foresight of love that you knew.

You knew this love, sometime before, or tasted nuances of it pretended.
Now, we pray for acceptance of more, of God’s will making us blended.
Time strains to break fastened thought, to free us to live life more fully.
Injecting sharp new images brought jolts that halt normal thought dully.

I am love’s victim, happy and new; wearied and lashed to new heights.
You, my mistress, must suffer through faith healing love’s bloody bites.
You dare to care, giving up your trust, knowing the end won’t be pretty.
Prettiness is for pansies crushed to dust, tromped down by loves gritty.

Hard love, in Christ, bruises all souls, crushing haughty selfish desire.
Seeing the reality of living goals, we chose to be consumed in this fire.
Suffer me; burn and scar your name in my soul with your thankful tears.
I clutch in my hand your heart aflame, taking you for all of my years.


:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 02:28 PM
Awesome...Conjures up the movie screen in my minds eye, giving your words the story being told...

JasonSB123's photo
Sun 02/15/09 02:57 PM
The cleansing fire...Sweet, Sweet Pain
Absolutely rejuvenating

ljcc1964's photo
Sun 02/15/09 03:48 PM

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 03:53 PM

Infatuation Departs

Thank god! The infatuation begins to wane, leaving something better growing.
What is left? I don’t know. I’m insane! It’s warm outside; sunshiny and snowing.
Inside of me strangeness has spread! I cannot sleep, rest, nor converse clearly.
Nights of eager haunting burned eyes red, ‘til I stare at my feelings wearily.

What feeling is this? Whence did it arrive? Was it lurking there, just now known?
My thoughts wander with unfocused drive, like bees hunting the scent of home.
Unclear thoughts fly in the mental mist; echoes muffled without completely dying.
Visions of dreams coming true persist, impelling this faint mortal to keep trying.

Try, and try again, as if fighting a harness; heedless of direction but to change.
Changing, growing, and twisting in darkness which our hearts mutually arrange.
Twisting is searching; flailing to get a grip, to establish the union’s stable points.
Discussing goals which justify a trip; pushing until hope strains at its own joints.

Just leave me. Let me lay still, Cupid. Pull your arrow barbs out quick and clean.
Love’s intricate dance makes me stupid. Stubbornly I pursue life that is unseen.
Laughter of faeries tingles up my spine. I dance tiredly with my arms akimbo.
Grace departed from each written line. Songs unsung remain adrift in this limbo.

Infatuation began this inertia of my heart, and its departing left this primal urge.
This thing lacks a known start, mocking my ability to describe it with words.
Fast from union cures nothing now, and feasting on togetherness does not sate.
Innate beast of love is showing me how to feed the dictates of my chosen fate.

No regrets pinch me for the choices, to risk, revel and unite with a hurricane.
Determination silences doubt’s voices, breaking restraints to free this pain.
Shattered illusions of love fall slow, revealing my baffled inward vision.
Imagined hopes are easily let go for the awe that compels adult decision.

Follow the heart to dash desires, and bravely accept this mirror-less future.
Unseen heretofore, invisible fires breathe life, consuming thoughts unsure.
Sure and certain new life takes reign, ruling yesterday’s unruly emotions.
Steady strength displaces the plain brown daydreams with eternal notions.

I am caught in this numinous maze, which is myself and wholly unknown.
Recognizing I am me in a new phase, this burning birth of maturity grown.
No cry for help is said without shame, and Laura’s heart hears my request.
Lead my life home! Say only my name! I am newborn held at your breast.

Dare I dare to declare truth clear; it is fresh murky love’s milk to a child.
The milk of love is clearly too dear, and I fear to let my writing run wild.
Passion is scarce yet a thought. To touch your face is my highest aim.
A kiss, after your eyes are caught; our hands clasping this magical flame.

Of a sudden I realize being adrift; halfway born, and vastly incomplete
A butterfly missing one wing’s lift; Christ forgotten left an empty seat.
At our table, the Truth gives light, guiding us with and through all love.
Union of hearts and souls aright, we three stand astride earth and above.

Heaven above descends to indwell, giving a touch and understanding.
Vision clears, giving words to tell, glorifying God without demanding.
Love conceived us, giving love pure, and loving is as if breathing air.
I seek and give life’s breath, so sure, yet desperately hoping to share.

You breathe life into me, and I to you, as panting lovers gasp and kiss.
God gave love, took the life we knew, and blessed our union with bliss.
Months of birthing struggles wait until I can taste your lips upon mine.
Just to gaze into your eyes and sate my inmost hunger shall be divine.

Look upon me, Laura, to help me see, for self-blindness is rising fast.
Your loving words have set me free from whoever I was in the past.
I was not bad; I was not very good; I was not this man newly alive.
I now know what is understood; that our eventual union shall arrive.

Arriving, there, to stare at each other; we shall feel destiny fulfilling.
Love endures, with faith as its mother, succoring hope to be thrilling.
Slap my smiling face. Vent the pain. I turn a kiss to your hot blade.
Jest, poke, stroke and caress again; pinch-test any fret that this will fade.

Love nips your aching heart and brings fresh aches to live and grow.
Exchange lonely aches for the stings of solace in being tossed to and fro.
Old weary want changed to vital living out the waking dream come true.
Alter us with daily insight giving us a foresight of love that you knew.

You knew this love, sometime before, or tasted nuances of it pretended.
Now, we pray for acceptance of more, of God’s will making us blended.
Time strains to break fastened thought, to free us to live life more fully.
Injecting sharp new images brought jolts that halt normal thought dully.

I am love’s victim, happy and new; wearied and lashed to new heights.
You, my mistress, must suffer through faith healing love’s bloody bites.
You dare to care, giving up your trust, knowing the end won’t be pretty.
Prettiness is for pansies crushed to dust, tromped down by loves gritty.

Hard love, in Christ, bruises all souls, crushing haughty selfish desire.
Seeing the reality of living goals, we chose to be consumed in this fire.
Suffer me; burn and scar your name in my soul with your thankful tears.
I clutch in my hand your heart aflame, taking you for all of my years.


:heart: :heart: :heart:

LONG LIVE all of love's victims!!!!!drinker
Very nice,,I userally pass reading this much,,but for you I did,wink,:cry: :heart: :wink: Nice clip from time...:smile: