Topic: The Demon Hordes of Morashi'tar Campaigns
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Fri 06/19/09 10:06 AM

The Demon Hordes of Morashi’tar Classic RPG Campaigns


Do not let this list overwhelm you! It just shows how large the Lands of Bavidirian is and what it has to offer for any willing adventurer. These adventures are available for the players who have joined “Morashi’tars Demon Hordes Campaign. If you are interested in a solo adventure email me to begin! They can be played as solo adventures or in a group campaign if you agree with others to meet at a certain time.


The Cave of Morashitar


The Dwanen Mountains are home to many people and creatures. Bordering the lands of the Mountain Kingdoms and forming a natural barrier to the Minotaur wastelands and beyond the borders of Bavidirian the Torku Mountains. They are a source of much history and adventure for those who like to explore. The mountainside itself is covered in a wild pine forest, typically covered in snow for most of the year, and is home to the dwarves. The occasional ruin structures of long ago can be found both on and in the mountains. The depths of the mountain range are rumored to be linked into the extremely dangerous Underworld ruled by demons after their great victory with the Dark Elves. Thankfully, if there are any openings, they are either blocked off or guarded; otherwise the area would be crawling with powerful monsters only too happy to make a meal of the surrounding populace. Well so it is said. It is rumored that a wide cave once home to a goblin king is now a single entrance for demons to surface the world. Lord Denonimas leader of the Bavidirian Empire fights galliantly with his army to make sure demons will never enter land.


The Gargoyle Caves


The sulfurous stench of this place is first indication of its inhabitants, a collection of beings from the less nasty demon planes. Trappings placed across the wall indicate that this has become the home, or at least a place to hang out, for gargoyles worshipping the demon Lord Ishikar, one of the less discerning princes of darkness. Gargoyles gather here for the treats of dark elf blood in which the Lord rewards for his eyes and ears of gargoyles. He releases his gargoyles to serve as the eyes and ears for the Lord of lords of all demons named Lord Morashitar.


Ice Witch Glacier


After a short trip down a crevasse, between several hidden slopes and cliff faces lies a massive cavern stretching for what looks like miles. Frozen solid inside is a Glacier, with a series of tunnels and cracks forming all manner of passageways and hiding places for creatures brave or desperate enough to make their home here. Word has it that a band of cultists has made an outpost in the coldest part of this place, and if that's true, you can bet that their servants and other beasts from the other planes have crept through here somehow as well. These cultists are rumored to worship a powerful witch of great powers.


Den of Suffering


The Den of Suffering is named after a powerful necromancer had lost a war with a battalion of royal knights and wizards. As the group where to head home celebrating their victory an avalanche trapped them inside a perilous den leaving them without food and water. It is rumored the necromancer possessed many souls and has since taken on a sort of un-life of its own. The death of the necromancer has drawn other spirits and evil to this location like a magnet, and although not a full blown tear into the Shadowrealm, its influence can be felt even by those untrained in the necromancer arts. To make matters worse, a band of orc shamans has taken up residence here, caring over or studying the den and unwilling to let outsiders taint it with their presence.


Mystery Lab


Obviously this place was once home to a decent sized group of arcane practitioners or alchemists, however now it looks like a magical experiment gone wrong. Strange puffs of multi-colored smoke billow out of mid-air, surfaces occasionally turn mirror like at whim, and what seems like solid ground occasionally turns into a substance the consistency of syrup. To make things worse, all manner of strange creatures lurk in the ruins, seemingly unaffected by the disorienting surrounds, and if that wasn't enough, a clan of bandits are said to have started a hunt in the area, looking for raw magic essence. Such hunts rarely leave survivors, so all would be adventurers seeking to pillage some magical secrets or treasure from these ruins best be on their toes.


Mysterious Fortress


Half buried in the upper reaches of the Dwanen Mountains, but only reachable after an adventure through a series of tunnels, stands a mysterious looking fortress. Having an architecture unlike the other ruins in the area, and straddling a vent of hot gas that pushes warmth into the inside of the building in an otherwise freezing cold mountain top, the fortress almost looks welcoming. That is, until the banners of serpent gods, spears and arrow heads, occasional skull or full skeleton, and large horns are seen. With a quick glance, it seems that this place is in the midst of a power struggle between a group of snakemen (commonly known as Cobraks) and three horned bipedal bulls that are supposingly descents of Minotaurs who lived at one time deep in the demon realms. If you're going to scavenge for treasure here, be prepared to fight!


Halls of Thunder


The thunder god’s origins are a bit of a mystery, or at least a contradiction to most outsiders. Some say it's a religion, others say it's a code, and some say it's a person or persons either living, dead, or neither. It's confusing to say the least, which is a good indication that the maze entrance before you, with the simple insignia of a lightning emblem carved on the outside, is going to be anything but an easy time to explore. The Halls of Thunder are however, said to have treasure scattered intentionally around the place, specifically to lure in would be greedy adventurers as a test of worth. Whether there is some higher purpose behind this, or just some being or group's sick joke, the treasure is real enough, so if you're up to it, it's yours for the taking.


The Dark Pits


An almost comical series of squelches plops and less savory noises erupt with regularity from this seemingly uninhabited cave network, strangely void of any refuse unlike the rest of the mountain network. On further investigation, it appears that a series of narrow granite walkways have formed naturally over and through a massive pit (or more accurately, series of pits) that form ledge after ledge of goo beneath. The skeletal remains of travelers can be seen in the goo from time to time, suggesting that you're not the first person to try and make it through or explore the area, so perhaps there is something of value here?


Hell’s Bells


Before you stands a large open cavern with an entrance wide enough to pass an army through, and what appears to be a moat of lava running around a smaller cliff like fortress of stone jutting out of the very earth, surrounded by jagged rocks that look suspiciously like the teeth of a giant monster. Adorned around the cave are metal bells with bone parts attached to them. Now that you're standing here, you sense you have probably walked through the mountain caverns almost to the furthest side of the mountain range, if nothing else due to the sensation of heat coming through from the Dwanen Mountains nearby, if not for the abundance of lava. Then again it could be the occasional screech of the fearsome death drakes that can be heard which gives it away. This is probably one of the most dangerous places in all of the mountains, so only the experienced adventurer should even consider going further.


Shattered Hills


The Shattered Hills run from the Dwanen Mountains across to the Forests of Yonder, and in ages past have been home to many of the people's who now make their homes in the Mountain Kingdoms. Driven out of their homes by an invasion of demons in centuries past, the remnants of their civilization can still be seen today, although most are over-run with monsters and savage brutes. Although no formal army now occupies these lands, its inhabitants fiercely defend their turf against outsiders seeking to recover the lost treasures of these old kingdoms. It is said that evil cults have taken up residence in some of the ruins, performing all manner of rituals, often on kidnapped townsfolk. Adventure here is not without its rewards though. Scattered amongst the rocky grasslands and jagged cliff faces are all manner of old battle sites, dens of evil, and once mighty strongholds and complexes, ripe for plunder by the bold. The ravines, once filled with raging water from the nearby snowcapped mountains, form a natural barrier for travel, and also an ideal hiding place for those wishing to keep their riches hidden away.


Edge Mountains


The Edge Mountains, while not overly high, reach far across the landscape forming a natural barrier between the civilized lands and the wildlands beyond. The mountains are not the snow covered landscape of the Dwanen Mountain ridge, but rather an endless tree covered series of peaks and valleys, arranged in the shape of a spine, with a large spiny outcrop of stone across the apex of each mountain. Inhabiting the mountains are all manner of bandits and monsters, using the natural landscape to remain hidden and set up lairs in defensible positions against intruders. Naturally they don't all get along, and it's not uncommon to come across several groups battling amongst themselves for territory or plunder. The wildlife and natural resources of the mountains are quite valuable however. Settlers periodically make attempts to tame this wild region, usually resulting in a quick and nasty demise. Adventurers are most welcome by these pioneers, as they are expert at culling the monster population, bringing huge hauls of treasure back to sell to the locals. Most locals eagerly await news of the prominent kingdoms sending troops to garrison their settlement long enough to get it established as a trading post.


The Minotaur Wastelands


Ruined settlements, castles and other structures dot this desolate wasteland of rock, sand and jagged glass. Legend speaks of this once being a verdant land, a paradise, but spoilt by a horrific war between numerous raids draining the life and essence from the surrounding land. Other legends speak of an invasion of strange insectoid beasts that tapped and dammed the underground rivers which were the lifeblood of the land, and without it, the land suffered greatly. Whatever the case, these wastelands have much danger, excitement and treasure for those wishing to try their luck at a little exploring and reclamation.


Nurenhill and Augshill woods


This notorious forest covers an area of over 5000 square miles, with trees towering well over 40 feet into the sky at some points, with bases so thick you could build several houses side by side on them. The woods are a place of mystery and danger for most travelers, with rumors of fae, goblins, angry druids, hill giants, wood elves, and all manner of things (possibly even a dragon or two!) that make their home here. Incursions into the woods by loggers and other people hoping to bring civilization to these parts have a nasty habit of failing for any number of reasons, from wild animal attacks, goblinoid raids, and stranger reasons, such as everyone simultaneously deciding its just a better idea to leave as soon as possible, and not really remembering when they made that choice. Although with great dangers the Bavidirian Empire has made a few secure towns to allow lumber trade as of rich merchants to tend business with. The woods offer no shortage of adventure and reward, as ruins and lairs abound in this place, no doubt guarding large treasure hoards and ancient magical artifacts.


The Stronghold


Formerly a proud outpost and home too many citizens, this now ruined city has fallen into anarchy ever since a huge pirate fleet came and defeated the cities previous rulers. Now over run with pirates, bandits, thieves and bands of mercenaries, most honest folk have fled the once bustling streets in favor of safer parts, and there's no longer any actual government or police force, but rather one massive black market loosely held together by several semi-warring factions, still picking over the remains of this city as they see fit. The River Pirates of the Black Sails, the Undead Sailors of the Poison Snake, and the Endless Swarms of Gnorl Pirates of the Long Claws from across the High Seas have all claimed their turf in the city while they pick over the ruins, possibly searching for something, or perhaps just too disorganized to leave. An Arena is the main attraction of the stronghold as competition of the wildest and most formiddable foes battle it out for fame and fortune. Ald’Seran a ancient dark elf is currently the leader of this Stronghold despite the unorganized market of pirates and claims the throne as the bandit’s king. His son Sald’Morack a wizard of the dark arts and bodyguard Morash a Minotaur Warrior entertains the most ruthless outlaws the lands will ever know.




The Marshlands is known for many things, almost all of them bad. Home to armies of lizardmen, trolls, undead and giants, it's been a thorn in the side of civilization for as long as anyone can remember. These marshes in particular have suffered greatly in the past at the hands and claws of the swamp hordes, which in turn drove them towards their heavy reliance on necromancy as a survival mechanism to try and counter the overwhelming odds against them. What can be seen are large tracts of mud, shallow waterways, more mud, foul smelling burrows, even more mud, scattered hills dotted with trees and thorny undergrowth, and you guessed it, more mud. The smell, as should be obvious by now, is hideous, and that’s not half as bad as it gets when the fog and gas are heaviest in the winter months. Yet despite all this, the Marshlands is a tempting target for would be adventurers. It's full of old ruins, the cities of its inhabitants, and a few other places where riches can be found and plundered. And for those less financially motivated, emptying the lands of a few of the inhabitants is sure to earn a fair amount of gratitude in almost every part of the world.


Black Clutch


The Clutch is a meeting point for the various tribes of lizard folk which inhabit the outer rims of the marsh. It's also the last place that anyone not a lizard folk wants to end up, due to their tendency to want to eat anything and everything that moves, with little regard for the complaints of the would be meal. Crude mud huts and walls made from a mixture of shells and hide surround the quite extensive grounds of this so called neutral turf, and scattered remains of various beasts and humanoids litter the grounds. It is rumored that a the powerful and ancient wizard Thunderfaust met his doom here. If he truly is dead is also in question. It is written that he was last seen in the Black Clutch. If the lizardfolks own his powerful and rare belongings or if they are now laying in the edge of a cave waiting to be used once again is something an adventurer will have to find out.




What looks to be a massive mouth filled with rocky teeth in the centre of probably the largest hill in the swamp is known as the MiddleErde. Legend has it that it was formed during a battle between the old ruler of the Marshlands, a massive dragon named Riokar, and several prominent champions. The very earth has been ripped apart due to the concentration of magical energy unleashed in the fray, opening up a vast chamber beneath the earth, with a series of caves and rock ledges into them. In this network of caves many creatures have made their homes, especially those from beneath the swamp who prefer to leave the upper world to those who like sunlight. What is hidden in here is fairly unknown to locals, but with any luck consists of large amounts of treasure.


Riokar Perch


There are few mountains in the Marshlands worth mentioning, especially when compared to the surrounding lands, however there is one group of them jutting up into the sky, known as Riokar Perch. Riokar was a dragon in ages past, and while he ruled the roost so to speak, even the lizardmen bowed. It was not until one of the local heroes managed to vanquish him that the Perch became home to a nest of drakes and a brave clan of lizardmen who have befriended them (much to the dismay of the local trolls) that the Perch actually turned into a stronghold for Lizardman supremacy in the local area. The perch now acts as a highly defensible position from which flying strike forces can be sent out to raid their foes supplies and pick off stragglers.


The Magical Stone


There is a place where even the usually aggressive giants put down their clubs and meet to discuss events and problems of their world. While it may come as a shock to anyone that giants choose to talk rather than bash each others heads in (much like they do with anyone else), they actually do have a complicated series of rituals for resolving things diplomatically. It is here that many giants come for such talks, and given the time taken by many of them to discuss problems, they will probably remain here for a long time. Centered around a large mount taller than even the largest giant, a series of rocks and boulders have been placed in circular patterns around the magical stone. It is said that the magical stones prevent any from killing one another. The question is what enchanter created such a stone and for what purpose.


Oblivion Roar


An otherwise unassuming valley is home to a shimmering purple and green tear in the fabric of reality. On the other side of the tear is none other than the undead lands, the place between life and death which necromancers and their ilk seek to master. What manner of sorcery could have opened up a permanent rift between the planes of existence is unknown, but it must have been powerful beyond belief. From this spinning disc of ethereal light come legion on legion of undead, some using bodies of those fallen nearby and long buried in the mud, others forsaking physical form for a more ghostly presence here in the realm of the living. Whatever their plans, they seem to have decided to stay near the rift for now, but how long this will last is unknown. It is not known that adventurers travel to such places.


Wild Elf Rainforest


The Wild Elf Rainforest is a huge sprawling mess of deadly plants and even deadlier wildlife, stretching far into the warmer southern climate and forming yet another natural barrier against civilization, except for one the wild elves. Although overwhelmingly green, the many and varied plants and mostly harmless creatures which swing, zoom and scamper make the landscape a beautiful one. Sadly, admirers wishing to stand back and appreciate the glory of this place are usually interrupted by something large, shaggy or deadly intent on making a meal of the newcomer who's silly enough to stand still for too long or turn their back on the inconspicuous plant. Also, those thinking that colorful plants are pretty should be aware that the jungle is home to over 200 catalogued species of carnivorous plants, some large enough to consume a horse given enough time. Several rivers flow through the rainforest, and the ruins of many old cities are often stumbled upon by adventurers seeking fortune and glory. The lands which are now over run with the rainforest were supposedly once home to several civilizations both great and small. For now though, it's obvious that if there is any rule of law in the area, it's the law of the wild. Almost everything is food for something else, and nothing stops the jungle from sprawling across any and everything.


Gray Gnome Steamvents


Bordering the lands of the Marshlands are the Jukna Steam Vents, forming a sort of natural barrier between the swamp and the jungle in addition to the mountain ranges nearby. The steam vents are home to a breed of gray gnomes who are well know to have high tolerance for withstanding bursts of super heated gas which spews semi regularly from the bubbling pools of mud. The gray gnomes are also notorious for scavenging and collecting bright shiny objects and creating somekind of invention with them. These wild scientists are said to have first created the flying ships that High Elves now cherish. If they were at one time allied is unknown, yet be assured their intelligence of technology is never underestimated.


The Hunting Grounds


The only indication that anything has changed from the normal deadly jungle that surrounds this area are the many bloodthirsty looking totems which have been erected into a roughly circular pattern which stretches from the base of one mountain along to one of the many rivers which flow through the rainforest. The writing on the totems is unknown, but their meaning is clear enough, with the skulls of humanoids decorating the totems, usually stuck onto spears, often displaying signs of serious trauma and shattered skulls. Perhaps this is some form of sacred hunting grounds for local tribesmen?


Sparta Ruins


Old stone buildings, now ruined for the most part, surround a large ziggurat, which has a massive crack down the very center of it, as though shattered by a huge lightning bolt or possibly an extremely violent earthquake. Surrounding this blocking looking pyramid are statues of violent looking animals with wicked looking weapons in their hands or strapped to their bodies. Most of the buildings are covered in vines; however the place does actually look inhabited to some degree due to smoke coming from several of the buildings, and footprints near entrances. Judging by the general layout, this is most likely the ruins of a city known as Sparta to explorers, said to have once been home to a mighty kingdom, now ruined and home only to monsters.


The Ancients


The entrance to this place is overgrown with vines and plants, yet its purpose is obvious on inspection of the stone archway which reads in oddly shifting letters that anyone approaching seems to be able to read in a different language. This is the Repositorium, once home to the greatest sages in the land in times long ago, but now fallen to darker forces after an incident with demon conjuration gone terribly and irrevocably wrong. The few sages who escaped with their lives tell of all manner of demons now running riot in the place, enslaving or eating its original inhabitants, and battling with the automated defenses who have gone berserk in the confusion. The treasures contained in this place are surely worthy of any expedition brave enough to attempt a reclamation attempt, but most assume this place is now lost forever.


The Sapphire Rainforest


The roar of the mighty Sapphire Waterfall can be heard for a mile or so before it becomes actually visible. Its glittering green waters are said to have all manner of magical properties and be highly prized by those with serious ailments and killer hangovers alike. Unfortunately, the waterfall is considered holy ground to a nasty tribe of Frogmen, several breeds of sentient serpents, and more. Those wishing to explore the waterfall and the reported caves behind it should come prepared for heavy fighting.


Illusionary Tunnels


Whatever has befallen this area looked to be extremely violent and definitely unnatural. The Illusionary Tunnels are centered around a massive crater as well as a shallow canyon which runs for over a mile before turning into a large purple and sky blue rock formation, as though it had been used to scoop the very ground itself at immense speed. What's more troubling is the fact that the jungle has made no attempt to reclaim the torn ground, seemingly afraid to go anywhere near the ravaged soil and shattered tree's. Dotting the canyon and along the surface of the strange rock formation can be seen many wide openings, with a strange hazy mist seeping from most.


Torku Mountains


The intimidating Torku Mountains are a sight to behold, running several hundred miles across the horizon, forming a seemingly impenetrable wall of rock, molten lava and billowing smoke. It is from here where most brave explorers and adventurers truly begin to understand what separates the strong from the mighty, as tales of once powerful heroes meeting their doom at the hands of Firegiants, Elementals and even Dragons are numerous. The Torku Mountains do form somewhat of a natural barrier against a fullscale invasion from the hobgoblin and orc hordes, however the chasms which funnel invaders are not easy to defend, and many consider an assignment to this place nearly a death sentence. The mountains are rumored to not have always been volcanic, once being home to a civilization of humans and dwarves, but now lost after the very earth erupted in fury beneath their feet. Now, this land is home to some of the most dangerous and savage of the worlds denizens, and all but the most powerful should steer well clear.


Mines of Stimpelperk


Old Stimpelperk was a mighty dwarven king, possibly one of the most respected and feared of all the non aligned dwarven lords. At the age of six hundred, he had established a massive mining complex beneath his fortress to make the most of the mineral wealth at his feet. Sadly, in one of many wars, his fortress was destroyed and Stimpelperk is rumored to have been killed, eaten in fact, by a huge Drakkar Demon. Since then, his descendants have sought to retake the mines and rebuild it to its former glory, and punish all those who never came to the aid of their ancestor when he needed it. The Ash dwarves as they have become known despise pretty much everyone, but they are nothing if not self reliant and quite capable.


Redwood Forest


Redwood was once obviously a massive forest, likely on par with Silvernarion forest in terms of size and mystical appearance. Sadly for the inhabitants of this place, it appears to have been turned into some ash and char sculpted perversion, obviously bound by some form of magic to resemble a forest, but physically not alive any longer. Even the waterfalls and ponds of this place have scalding hot water, and the flowers and wildlife, being intricately detailed, smell of sulphur and worse, and break apart into almost nothing when touched.


Heaven Crater


For many years, this place was known as the fire bowl, but with the expedition of several men of science from the Dwarven Empire, it has become accepted that this miles wide earthen bowl is actually the site of where a rock from the heavens fell, smashing the very ground and sending cracks through to the lower planes underneath, and likely causing the volcanoes to erupt in pain. Sadly the expedition did not get a chance to dally too long in this place, as it crawls with mutated insects and several groups of demons, who also appear to be conducting their own investigation into the crater. For what purpose though, still remains a mystery.


Maas Halls


While most of the once mighty castles and fortresses in this land have been reduced to rubble, the Maas Halls, home to a monastery of sorts for strangers from the far lands across the lands, has managed to stand strong. The feel of magic emanating from this place is almost overpoweringly strong, and has a very dark and sinister taint to it. At one time the Maas people were rumored to be peaceful to those wishing no harm to them, however now they have been overcome by madness, compelling them to kill all who approach. If it makes you feel better, they don't look like they're enjoying it either, however that does not stop or slow them down one bit.


Molten Foundry


This fiery workshop is home to rock giants, famed for their ability to survive in any temperature, and feared for their obsession with creating artificial monstrosities to unleash on all who oppose them. While individually the rock giants are powerful, their numbers are few, and allies fewer still. This foundry has sprung up in the last century or so it's said, though how these giants manage to survive against the other denizens of the mountains is the subject of much speculation in more civilized parts. Given the size of some of the buildings in their compound, few manage to even reach its destination.


Infernal Hell


When children are bad, their parents scare them with tales of those dragged off to the Infernal Hell for their crimes, to stand before the Ash Titans, Demonic Fiends and numerous other beasts, to be thrown into the bottomless pit which sits beneath the Ash Titan Council chambers.

Most grow up thinking this is just a myth, however those who have seen the Infernal Hell know all too well that this is no Myth. In fact, the tales of the horrors that live in this terrifying place barely do it justice, and all but the heroes of legend should turn tail and run. Having said that, the riches of the demonic court and the massive conquerors who bound from plane to plane seizing riches are said to be without peer to any except the mightiest of dragon hordes.


Rerox Mountain


Even among giants, there are groups which inspire such fear that most would do anything not to cross them. The Brimstone Legion is one such group, making their home in the mightiest and largest of mountains in the Torku Mountains. To make matters worse, their followers in a cult known as the Blue Beam, along with Angry Elementals and worse still, a red dragon named Rerox, also make his home on the mountain, as it spews forth lava into the sky with unnerving regularity. The mountainside is dotted with natural caves, lava pools and magically sculpted buildings of bizarre design, making plenty of places to ambush travelers from. Thankfully, most people are not mad enough to come here, and those which are, come well prepared.


The Underworld (only possible if one passes through the caves of Morash’tar)

What lies beneath the surface world is often the subject of much speculation, but the truth of the matter is that there is an entire world for explorers to loot and pillage which nobody on the surface world would lay claim to. Sadly, the inhabitants of the Underworld have similar ambitions for the surface, and are more than well equipped to handle would be adventurers stepping onto their turf. Only the bravest of souls should set foot in this series of catacombs, passageways and occasional vast chambers filled to the hilt with monsters, magic, and most importantly treasure. While the lands beneath stretch across most of the continent, this particular section beneath the Torku connecting to the Dwanen Mountains has become known as the Underworld, and is the source of many of the nasty visitors which occasionally like to terrorize the surface.


Shadow Lair


When parents wish to scare their children into behaving well, the name Shadow Lair is often used, and with good cause. Once a mighty dragon of royal lineage, Calantark was not content to live out a paltry thousand or so years as is the normal lifespan of the huge beasts. Instead, he sought the arcane knowledge to enable him to attain immortality in undead lich form, like many other practitioners of death magic. And so, trading his soul for an undead eternity, Calantark was free to live forever as a Dracolich. To his banner, he gathered the mightiest of goblinoid tribes which became known as the BeastClaws. These comprise of some of the most savage orcs and goblins that still remained in the mountains to serve him. Occasionally he would emerge from the Underworld to raid the surface for gold, plunder and glory in their dragon master's name. The lair itself is a collection of natural caves and tunnels, with outposts, carved rooms and pits dotting the area, each decorated with symbols of worship of their bony lizard master. As can be expected with any dragon's lair, while the risk is immense, the reward should be enough to satisfy even the greediest adventurer's lust for gold.




The Deathlands represent one thing to outsiders, and that is death. The desolate terrain, constant dust storms and savage inhabitants make it one of the most unappealing places to visit known to man. The lands of the death are well known to be home to the fiercest orc and giant tribes, who are often ruled by dragons. Certain parts of the Deathlands are so saturated with death that greater undead have been able to push through the gates of life on their own, running rampant.

The dragon nobles that inhabit this region typically claim entire tribes of lessers for themselves, and several factions have broken away from this common practice and begun to cultivate the undead rather than the living, which has caused quite an amount of infighting between the mighty beasts as they posture for dominance over each other, over land, prestige and ideology.

This infighting is likely just calm before the storm for most citizens of the civilized lands, as once one faction in the Deathlands asserts its dominance; their next step is conquest of the humanoid lands. Left undirected, the wild bloodlust of their armies would eventually consume itself, so best to send them off to plunder the riches of the humans and increase their wealth, than have their own resources expended in another internal war.


Bone Mountain


The ominous series of cave filled mountains overlooking the Deathlands like an angry god, are home to the dragon lords, their minions, and a host of other nasty creatures which have named this place the Bone Mountain. Dozens of caverns, belching smoke and fire, and being circled by swooping dragons, make their home in this evil and incredibly dangerous place, hoarding immense treasure piles, while plotting against the other races as well as each other.

The Bone Mountain acts as a breeding ground and form of royal court for these immense beasts of immense power. Legends of old tell of the last time the mountain erupted with dragons, and the surrounding realms quaked with fear, as all out war engulfed their lands. Despite the fact that they managed to somehow survive, the level of suffering and death inflicted on their populace was so immense it brought about a period of time known as the lost age, where the peoples forgot much of what was known, and petty lords drunk on violence and warfare warred with each other long after the external threat was halted.

Bone Mountain was also once home to the benevolent platinum dragons, before they were all driven from their homes to parts unknown. It's rumored that the evil dragons that now rule over this place have secured several of these mighty and noble dragons into servitude via magic or coercion for their own nefarious purposes.


Spirit City


Old Tamhik was once a mighty centre of civilization and commerce. Now it lies in ruin, a city consumed by its overuse and reliance on necromancy to the point of tearing a permanent breach through the lifegate into the afterlife, flooding their streets with spirits all too eager to possess and use the people of this place.

The city is ruled by the council of Liches, some of the most powerful wizards in both the living and dead realms. Much like the Marshlands uses necromancy to survive against the hordes of lizardmen, the Spirit City used their necromantic powers to fight against the endless hordes of goblinoids to justify delving into the dark arts and other forbidden lore.

The crumbling walls and towers filled with an army of the dead on a scale unheard of is all that remains of this once mighty place. Rather than a thriving populace, Tamhik, or the Spirit City as it has become known, now serves as a gathering place of all the greater necromancer kingdoms across the entire world in the physical plane. It's speculated that many of those in powers in such places see the Spirit City as the first of many such hubs, and the key to once and for all bridging the gap between the Dead Gates and granting undead immortality to all.


The Burrows of Asha’kar


If ever there was a place responsible for more than its fair share of suffering and war in the world, then the caves of the powerful orc chief Asha’kar would be it. The near endless caves beneath the mountains are the breeding grounds and ancestral homelands of the uncountable goblinoid hordes that fill the Blight.

Often what is seen as an invasion of orcs into the surrounding lands is nothing more than the losers of a clan war of goblins, gnolls, and wererats being exiled (or driven out screaming) and forced to take up residence and rebuild their tribe elsewhere. During the ancient wars, invasions from Asha’kars clan were a cyclone occurrence, but recently there seems to have been a slight lull in activity, with all signs pointing towards manipulation by dragon lords, forcing co-operation between the clans while they prepare for another invasion into the so called civilized realms.

The caves themselves are said to run for miles underground and are still somehow packed to breaking point with all manner of evil creatures from a variety of tribes. To make matters worse, it's also rumored that the beasts in Asha’kars caves have started tunneling beneath the earth towards the Underworld, bypassing the mighty walls used to protect the Orcs Imperial Realm. Should this happen, no realm will be safe, so the call for the powerful heroes to take the fight to Asha’kar and the beasts that roam the caves has been made.


The Lost Citadel


Nestled between two ridges lies a citadel of unknown origin lays a massive building, filled with traps, and mighty beasts. The entrance to a series of underground catacombs are rumored of an oddity even for the people of Tamhik, yet very few explorers ever escape this deadly place.

An assortment of local monsters that have tried to take up residence here, as well as the strange and bizarre creatures from parts unknown have also found their niche in this place. Legends of treasures from far off places, as well as countless adventurers who have lost their lives seeking those very same treasures, litter the halls here.

The origins of this place are further entwined in mystery, as the construction materials used, a form of purple rock with a silvery sheen to it, are not found in the local area. The idea that someone could lug the amount of stone needed to build this place across the blight seems fairly far fetched, so it's assumed some form of magic must have been involved. Should such magic be learned once again, the possibilities are mind boggling, and many dwarven earth sages make it their lifes work to uncover such mysteries? The truth of matter may however be much stranger still.


The Cursed Sea


Whatever catastrophe has befallen the rest of these lands seems to have been twice as bad in this region. Tar pools, endlessly smoking, stretching all the way to the horizon are what give this place its name, with only the occasional outcrop of rock to break up what looks to be one of the most depressing and dread inspiring places to behold.

Legend speaks of a city submerged beneath the tar, once a mighty kingdom now reduced to nothing in a conflict of unimagined proportions. The name of this kingdom has been lost like so much else from the Forgotten Age, yet relics occasionally surface, often on the corpses of the undead which burst through the tar to attack brave explorers, or in the collections of the Tarfoot Giants who've made their homes amongst this place, seemingly impervious to the smoke and hot black sludge that clings to everything.

The Cursed Sea represents one final obstacle too difficult to overcome for most travelers who would seek to cross the Blight, with no way around it, and surrounded by extremely inhospitable mountains. The explorer who finds a reliable pathway through this area would make a fortune selling his knowledge, although without an army for protection even this would serve academic purposes only.

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 08:17 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 06/23/09 08:23 PM

UnderDark Jungle


Arriving in UnderDark Jungle is said to be akin to waking up in a dreamland of nature at its finest and most unstoppable glory. Typically however, travelers who reach this place did so via traversing the many layers of the underdark to eventually emerge on the inner side of the shell which makes up the surface of the world, or using one of the magical portals to this inner world that have sprung up over the surface world recently. The lands of the UnderDark are indeed part of the inside of the world, with a miniature sun beaming down its light constantly over the entire land.

The land itself is full of immense beasts, bugs, goo, and other magical beings of the fey lands who seem more in tune with the wildness of untamed nature. Seemingly in opposition to this, bands of patrolling constructs also wander the land, seeking to control and harness its natural reserves for their (or their masters) designs. This battle between nature and machine seems to endlessly continue, and adventurers would be well advised to stay out of the way when a full scale battle between the two sides erupts.

Despite this constant conflict, the land itself seems to grow and regenerate at a fantastic rate, with everything bigger and more intimidating than on the surface. The very primal aspects of nature make their home here in the seemingly endless wilderness, with raw minerals and riches to be found, as well as highly sought after magical reagents, and of course spare parts on the army of golems and drones which stomp their way through the land trying to tame it.

Good luck adventurer if you choose this campaign!


The Valley of Dark


If there was ever one place which made the rest of the UnderDark that looks tame, it would be the Valley of Dark. Named for its inhabitants ability to bring darkness the very ground with their strides, the valley is filled with immense beasts thought long extinct, somehow able to freely roam around as though time had forgotten them. Even death dragons find themselves evenly matched in size against such monstrosities, and if that were not bad enough, roaming packs of vicious zombies and other mighty beasts roam this valley looking for their next meal with single minded intent.

The landscape is a mixture of giant ferns and fertile soil, washed in by the rains which soak these lands with a wicked ferocity every few days, then halting just as suddenly to make way for the blazing heat that seems even worse than usual in the UnderDark. While not as intimidating, the insects here are annoying and extremely distracting, causing more than a few adventurers to attract unwanted attention to themselves as they try and shoo some sparrow sized mosquito away, only to find that they've attracted the attention of a lizard the size of a house, who's just worked out what he's going to have for dinner.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/23/09 08:57 PM
drinker I would like to get a group to explore the Cursed Seabigsmile

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 06/24/09 10:57 AM
:tongue: Saving this one for a later time to read, but THANK-you for the accent, so I could be sure of the name laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 06/24/09 11:02 AM

drinker I would like to get a group to explore the Cursed Seabigsmile

The list of players on my profile are all willing to join you!

no photo
Wed 06/24/09 11:02 AM

:tongue: Saving this one for a later time to read, but THANK-you for the accent, so I could be sure of the name laugh laugh laugh

Join us for some great fun of creative writing!