Pathos "This is new for me, and i kinda feel weird about it..."
34 year old woman from Blackwood, New Jersey      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About Pathos
As always I have no idea what to put in these "About Me" sections. I'm in community college. I like to read... a lot. I listen to many different styles of music. I like to dance, but I can't say that I'm too good at it. I enjoy hanging out and having fun ( I guess that's pretty standard though). Ok here's what I'm interested in )but not limited to): Must Read!!!! It can be novels, the Bible, computer manuals, comics, manga, the newspaper ANYTHING as long as you're a consistent reader. On the geeky side. I'm a wannabe geek (but has to settle for being a bookworm) so I'd like to spend time with someone who can share my excitement in gig size and bad- features on the latest gadgets or a pointlessly random flash game. Having intellectual conversations every once in a while wouldn't be so bad either. Someone sensible and rational. Thrills are great, but I'm not fond of waking up next to Big Bertha down town with no memory of how I got there. I'm up for a good time, but I'm a low risk taker. Someone not too serious. I'm VERY random at times, and it'd be nice if I was with someone who could laugh with me (instead of at me). I still watch cartoons (and damn proud!!!). Sharing this love of animation would be loverly. I like to laugh. If you could help me do that it'd be great. !!!!!!!!!!!Helpful Hint!!!!!!!!!!!! Calling me: Sweetie Honey Baby Ma Or any other term of "endearment" automatically docks you 50 pts in a 10 pt system. And believe me, I'm keeping track! You've been warned. Oh and Creepers need not apply. If mothers guard their children when you walk by then you're a creeper. Sorry. So if there's anything else you're interested in knowing about me feel free to ask. :P
Profession: Full-time Student
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
Body type
Black / African descent
Marital Status
Never married
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