Eulicia "Paying anything to roll the dice just one more time... (don't stop believin', by journey)"
70 year old woman from Big Bear Lake, California      Looking for friendship, relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Eulicia
This is long, I'm a writer, but I'm MUCH wordier in writing than in conversation (unless I'm really fired up, and then only if the excitement's mutual). I'm revising my profile to reveal more of who I actually am, one last attempt on Mingle2 to meet "the one", or maybe make a friend. My last relationship was written in the stars, meant to be, of that I have no doubt, and my hope is that there's another person out there meant just for me at this point in time, and vice-versa. I cared for my husband for several years before he died, then moved back to SoCal to care for my mother. I'm ready to LIVE again. I need a partner, someone on the same wavelength, someone, as Ann Margret said (er, sang) in Bye Bye Birdie " laugh with, to joke with, drink coke with..." . I've had wide-ranging life experiences. I've done many things professionally, e.g., worked in hospitality, as an actor/extra, a model, commercial property manager, teacher, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, court psychologist, and hospice administrator, among other things. In the 70's I was a tour guide on the Queen Mary (loved it). In the early 80's I was one of the first female Radio Shack managers (loved it). The work and volunteer experiences I've most enjoyed have all involved contributing to others' betterment and sense of well-being in some meaningful way. I'm emotionally stable, empathetic, intelligent and have had a lifelong hunger for knowledge. But I don't take myself TOO seriously. There's much that CAN'T be learned in school (though IMHO the greatest potential benefit of higher education is learning to think and observe critically, logically, without bias, or, rather, AWARE of one's biases, willing to look for evidence to the contrary and set them aside as indicated- the heart of the scientific method). As a psychology major, I was very lucky to attend universities that taught such skills (many don't)- training that focused on self-understanding and how the lack thereof colors and interferes with our judgements of others and the world. One example that runs rampant today is focusing obsessively on conspiracy theories (whether baseless or not), which tends to bolster and give free rein to our various demons and deficits, perhaps in a largely unconscious attempt to sidestep them, avoid the hard work of facing them and ultimately freeing ourselves from their toxic influence. Here is a quote both metaphysical and personal I like very much that speaks to this tendency: . "Become aware of how you think about and treat yourself. . Whatever you refuse to see or acknowledge inside you, . manifests in your environment with undeniable force. . Try not to hold on to past offenses. . This power and responsibility cannot be placed at other people's doorstep . (even if that feels more comfortable). . Wild mental horses will drag you away as long as you don't know how to tame them with love." . --Gayan Sylvie Winter and Jo Dose-- . The Vision Quest Tarot . . Socrates said "An unexamined life isn't worth living," (just before he was put to death for teaching young men philosophy and logic). I celebrate diversity and differences in people from all walks of life, and value their ways of looking at things. For example, I worked with and have had many LGBTQ friends and am aware that there are vast differences in people, especially in terms of gender roles. I want everyone to be able to fulfill their potential, not to be confined to little boxes, judged and compared to others. These ideas are offered up as some of my core beliefs, hopefully somewhat in line with your own. But not necessarily. I was married for 38 years to a great English fellow, met him at 19, I a high school drop-out. He was a free spirit, and like me, from a working class background. He was widely traveled and had come to the U.S. to play professional soccer. He was smart and funny, already a college graduate and instilled in me the amazing notion that I could do anything, the first person in my life to believe in me, support me in any endeavor. (By contrast, my dad liked to say that "brains are about as useful for girls as teats on a boar hog." My parents' greatest aspiration for me was to become a cheerleader and complete high school (they had dropped out of junior high to have me, barely out of puberty). Toward that end they got me baton twirling lessons when I was 12, but to their great dismay the instructor pronounced me too uncoordinated. I was a looker when I got a little older (which brought unwanted attention, I was painfully shy) but my husband unerringly saw past people's outer, surface appearances to their cores. We were close, our hearts beat as one but we gave each other considerable freedom, found that we had different interests, sensibilities and strengths. These actually complemented each other and we respected and appreciated these differences. . Just a few things I'm NOT looking for in a partner- those who describe themselves as "God fearing"- no thank-you. "God loving", fine, agnostic or even atheist, fine, but "God fearing" gives me the willies. I've explored more than one spiritual path, respect many, but not those that regard certain "alternate" lifestyles as unnatural or sinful or promote dogma that deems women second class citizens created primarily to subserve men. Another thing: the majority of messages I receive tend to mention only one thing, my appearance, e.g., "Hi gorgeous!" or "You're so pretty!" They're likely kindly meant, but frankly I have no idea what I actually look like- when I look in the mirror I see my grandmother looking back at me. In any case, I'm 66 years old and beauty-wise my best days are behind me. I certainly don't want looks to be the main thing I'm adjudged on (after all, beauty is as beauty does). Good-looking or not, I want someone who sees past the facade, to the person within (as I tend to do). . In spite of everything that seems to be wrong with the world I'm an optimist, solution-oriented, ever hopeful. Above all else in others I appreciate a sense of humor, a twinkle in the eye (kindness is good too, generosity of spirit, and a curious mind). For me outward appearances and physical perfection mean little in comparison to HEART. I need someone who wishes others well. I should disclose that I was diagnosed with MS in 2013, but thanks to a protocol involving Vitamin D3, K2 and low-dose naltrexone, I'm largely symptom free. Occasionally I have mild relapses that involve tiring easily and sleep disturbances, but nothing major. I tend to be a homebody, though I have a keen interest in what's happening in the world. I have loads of mental and psychic energy, though I generally like to take it easy- but I'm always up for a movie, dancing, a play, a game of pool or a walk. I love open-mike nights. I tend to be naturally reserved, a little shy, though that can disappear when the zeitgeist is right. I love movies and all kinds of music, and to read, learn, swap new ideas and perspectives. Companionable silence is good too, a pleasure. (I may sound serious here- actually, typically I'm not. I can laugh at the absurd, and at myself. And I don't speak just to hear myself talk.) I love animals, wildlife. As far as friends go, I have no interest in friends with benefits (friends yes, with benefits, no). I'm particularly looking for that special someone to share the rest of my life with. I'm a loyal person. There's nothing like that person having your back, and you having theirs, whatever life may sling at you. I love a line from the movie Time After Time- H.G. Wells (Malcolm McDowell) says: "Every age is the same- it's only love that makes ANY of them bearable." If this resonates with you, if you think we might enjoy each other's company, as friends or maybe more, please send me a message, tell me about yourself (unless you're a 22 year old in Kentucky or a catfisher from Nigeria, of course). Questions are welcome. Perhaps we could chat thru mingle to begin with to see if we're simpatico (and assure each other that we're for real). Cheers! . . "I have the world's largest collection of sea shells. Maybe you've seen it! I keep it scattered on beaches all over the world." . ~~~Steven Wright~~~
Profession: Semi-retired neuroscientist, psychologist, hypnotist, researcher, writer, reviewer
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
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