phoenix_rising4526 "Is this the dawn of a new day?"
41 year old woman from Mesa, Arizona      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About phoenix_rising4526
god i really hate making up these things but desperate times call for desperate measures. its been a while since i had to go through the whole single life thing. i wouldn't be on here actually if i had time to go out. since i am swamped with school and everything else i figure why not. this would be a good way to get to know someone and then see where things go. well i am female obviously,curvy, between 5'3 and 5'6'' it depends on what convenient store i go into and what shoes i have on. i am not really a girly-girl so to speak. i do have tomboyish tendencies. i like the outdoors, i like getting dirty in the yard, i like going to drag races, watching football, but then i also like getting my nails done and hair done once in a while. i also like to sit at home and do nothing but watch a good movie or play video games. i am not a hardcore gamer but i can hold my own. i can be a bit of a nerd sometimes but hey...who isn't. pic for pic. hit me up and see where it goes from there. i am not all about looks however there has to be some sort of attraction. i am open to all though.
Profession: ask and i will tell you
Physical Appearance
5' 4"
Body type
No answer
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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