bookworm1889 "Looking for a nerd"
34 year old woman from Amarillo, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About bookworm1889
Well, My name is Lori for starters. Reading has always been my pion in life, primarily fantasy, romance, and fairy tale sort of stories. I love the excitement, the pion, and the joy that arises from the written word.Coupled with this is an odd tendency to play make believe in ordinary life. Probably don't want to message me if oddness bothers you to be entirely frank actually. Anyhow, I also really like to play games. That's everything from board games to logic puzzles and anagrams. I'm a bit of a gamer though my skill at actual video games is unlikely to impress. I tend to meander about, fall in a few pits, get lost for hours, eventually reach my destination, die, try again, die, try again, finally beat the boss and then repeat. The things that make me uniquely myself are myriad which is true for any person. Some main ones are my love for words and how the shaping of them can be so very powerful, the importance of manners and modesty to me, my obsessive tendency to collect and learn new random things, my love for my family above all else. Beyond that, you would have to discover on your own. I tend towards chatter though I'm told that I'm a good listener. I sometimes get really really quiet if I feel nervous though if you're my kind of people, I'm unlikely to be.
Profession: Programmer
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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