testicpain "Happy marriage in spite of testicular pain"
62 year old man from Logan, Utah      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About testicpain
Desire: Happy Marriage in spite of Testicular Pain Testicular Pain - I hope this is an ok venue to discuss this issue which ruined my previous marriage. I have been told to not discuss this in public, but I feel it would be unfair to not let a potential marriage mate know what they will be up against - as I said, it destroyed my previous marriage - even though she is a good woman, we could not resolve emotions related to this issue. See for more info: http://malereproduction.com/education-2/chronic-testicular-p ain/ http://www.fpnotebook.com/Urology/Sx/ChrncTstclrPn.htm In my case, we can not determine a cause, it has been an issue since puberty, and without a physical release, at least weekly, I have low to severe pain - for reference, at it's worst the pain can be equivalent to when a male is hit on his testicals by something - like a baseball. Doctors and Urologists normally say ones interests/requirements can not be reduced, only the spouses increased to match it. The Urologists said the solutions are: meet the frequency to relieve the pain (my religion says that self release is a sin, therefore only in marriage can I find relief), treat the pain, OR they are having some success with nerve surgery in the affected area... One urologist asked how I have been able to live with it - I could only say "with great difficulty". I was considering the surgery, until I learned that I would be able to have a second chance to tame it - in a new marriage.
Profession: Computer related
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Yes, sometimes they live at home
Christian - Other
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