Community > Posts By > voileazur

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Tue 12/22/09 02:48 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 02:52 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught us all to love, to elevate ourselves ABOVE AND BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE INSTINCT OF FEAR AND HATRED in their form.

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period.

What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

Great!!! Here is your chance!

'Thomas', a good christian no doubt, made such a statement.

I have invited, and invite you again to address the situation, as you say, by DENOUNCING his statement.

There comes a point where owning up is of essence if one values maintaining integrity.

I will denounce your statement. To try to get others to denounce someone is against the forum rules.

There is no need for anyone to denounce Thomas, he is not us and we are not him. Once the extremists realise everyone is an individual, the world won't be so segregated.

Distorting other people's statement will not help forward the debate 'peter'.

Your attempt at insinuate quite wrongly that I am inviting people to denounce someone is flat wrong. Quite to contrary, I have gone to great lengths to claim that this was in no way a personal attack on 'thomas'. Read the posts again my friend.

My invitation strictly deals with a comment that was made in this thread, which addresses the topic in a most pertinent fashion.
CONDONE OR DENOUNCE, pro or con, yeah or neah, EXCLUSIVELY AIMED AT A COMMENT or position expressed, is the explicit question raised with any topic in any forum or debate.

I respectfully denounce your denunciation. :)

Now, do you ...

a) agree with,
b) denounce,


c) refuse to answer with respect to the following statement:

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 01:54 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught us all to love, to elevate ourselves ABOVE AND BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE INSTINCT OF FEAR AND HATRED in their form.

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period.

What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

Great!!! Here is your chance!

'Thomas', a good christian no doubt, made such a statement.

I have invited, and invite you again to address the situation, as you say, by DENOUNCING his statement.

There comes a point where owning up is of essence if one values maintaining integrity.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 01:40 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught all to elevate ABOVE AND BEYOND

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period. What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

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Tue 12/22/09 12:35 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 12:45 PM

Thomas is one person, I dont know the WE he speaks of and , no , I am not part of it.

What one can do besides disagree with hatred(whether it be from a religious or non religious person)? What is this STAND that those of faith are expected to take about individuals who suffer from hatred?
Do the non religious take this STAND with non religious individuals who hate?

The simple answer to your question 'what can we do?' :

DENOUNCE HATRED, in all its hypocritical or outright first degree manifestations.

With respect to your closing statement/question,

'...Do the non-religious take this STAND...?'

Who cares about religious or non-religious nuances!!! Denounce ALL HATERS AND DISCRIMINATORS!!! Did Jesus ask himself these kinds of questions when faced with acts of filled with prejudice and hatred???

Respectfully and without turning it into a personal attack against 'thomas', I denounce the hatred that is expressed in his comments.

As 'thomas' might say himself, 'I don't judge him, for all I know, he's probably a good man with a good heart, but I sure as heck do not agree with, and strongly denounce the hatred laced and profoundly divisive nature of his words, leading to some hate consistent actions which he shared with us, where the focus becomes 'voting agaisnt' vs 'voting for'!!!

Intolerance and hatred invites more intolerance and hatred. I don't recall Jesus ever promoting or teaching these barbaric instincts. But I am confident, if I made the effort of looking it up in th bible, I would find several examples of Jesus DENOUNCING intolerance and hatred. VERY CONFIDENT!

The USA is a secular nation, assuring the right of practice of any faith or religion of choice, and the equal right of not practicing any faith or religion at all.

In such a secular, free and potentially tolerant nation, christian fundamentalism, and religious extremism represent a deadly virus. What Darrell Ray refers to in his book as 'THE GOD VIRUS'. What happens when fundamentalists distort the spiritual essence of god.

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Tue 12/22/09 09:40 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 09:47 AM

With your 'Don Quichotte' like over the top statements, you are fast becoming my favorite token fundamentalist christian 'thomas'!

But hold the fancy fencing for a moment and please take the time to answer the question I asked earlier.

Here it is again:

The hatred must stop 'thomas'. You wrote earlier :

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destory our religion. ...'

Given this personal perception you have of gays and Muslims, how far are you prepared to go to defend YOUR RELIGION against the 'corruptors' and the 'destroyers' 'thomas'?

I can see where you are going and I am not going to play your game.Maybe I will find your God virus book in the bargin bin of some liberal book store somewhere where I can purchase it and throw in in the fireplace to keep me warm.

Since 'thomas' won't answer the straight 'on topic' question I asked him, I ask everyone else visiting this thread:

When 'thomas' speaks of the 'WE', as in

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...',

If you are reading this post, ARE YOU part of the '... 'WE' don't like the gays and the Muslims...'???

And if you are part of the 'WE', ... to what extent are you prepared to go to defend this delusional and totally 'FABRICATED' insurrection against YOUR RELIGION???

This is what this thread is about. Reflecting upon where we stand; our position, with respect to a very real phenomenon of christian fundamentalism and religious extremism taking place in OUR OWN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL BACKYARDS.

Are 'WE' blindly for some, and consciously for others allowing our very own 'christian Ayatollahs', to slowly and deceivingly introduce fear of others, intolerance, hatred, and a crusade like war against the 'fabricated' enemy???
- Kicking out of our schools the science that doesn't agree with our dogma!
- Targeting and discriminating against specific groups of our society as 'CORRUPTORS' and 'DESTROYERS' of a christian fundamentalist religious way of life?

Recommended reading: '... The Family, The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, by Jeff Sharlet.

The book exposed the christian right fundamentalist 'Family', and reveals its far-reaching impact on democracy. No future reckoning of American fundamentalism will be able to ignore it.

" Sharlet knows what he's talking about. He writes:
'Our refusal to recognize the theocratic strand running throughout American history is as self-deceiving as fundamentalism's insistence that the United States was created a Christian nation.' Those who want to be un-deceived (and wildly entertained) must read this disturbing tour de force."

--Frank Schaeffer, author of Crazy For God: How I Grew Up As One Of The Elect, Helped Found The Religious Right, And Lived To Take All (Or Almost All) Of It Back.

Again the question:

When 'thomas' speaks of the 'WE', as in

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...',

If you are reading this post, ARE YOU part of the '... 'WE' don't like the gays and the Muslims...'???

And if you are part of the 'WE', to what extent are you prepsred to go to defend this delusional and totally 'FABRICATED' insurrection against YOUR RELIGION???

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 08:37 AM

it says "that it is a taxpayers waste of money" this makes me wonder so is it only the poor that are gonna have to report this? while the people that can just afford to pay for it in cash not gonna have to answer the questions at all.. i wonder where the middle class come in that have health isurance to pay for some of it? if they even pay for it i do not know... sounds like just another good ole hit on the poor to me.

whats next? who came to the doctor and needed treated for crabs? we are finding the stastistics on how many got them of the toilet seat, how many got them from their partner , or if their partner had any on them.but hey u came in and needed to get the kwell for the perscription so u did not spread these little wigglys on the toilet seats at maceys..

perhaps we all should have numbers stamped on our heads to tell our life stories.. i think that is the answer...

:thumbsup:Exactly - when is the government going to allow us to be individuals and live our own lives as we see fit.

As to this post, it is not to find out who is pro/con abortion/life - that is not the issue, the issue is that they are going beyond the scope of any relevance, by naming or describing people who use this service. It's none of anyone's business but the woman (esp if an adult), her physician and who ever else she chooses to responds to. It is none of her neighbors, bosses, girlfriends, etc.

What about those in NA? AA? Rehab? Etc. Will there be a questionnaire and public information on these people as well. Why are women being singled out? Why are these women's right to privacy being so easily disregarded? The government is taking steps to very quietly and discreetly take away any rights we have and most are not even aware.

'... Christian fundamentalism (extremists), not christians in general, but the 'fundamentalists', it is known, have no regard for the Constitution: 'SEPARATION OF STATE AND CHURCH', and the laws of the land (privacy laws in this case), and are at the heart of the 'evil' that won't go away...'

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Tue 12/22/09 12:00 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 12:01 AM

I have two brief points about christianity, as I have been taught.

The first, is that at no time did my religios beliefs promote harming others.

The second is that, in my opinion, saying that christians should feel responsible for christian fanatics, is like saying black folks should feel responsible for black criminals, or women should feel responsible for abortions and prostitution.

The point was 'disowning'.

No one asks that you be responsible for someone elses' actions. But I don't believe it would cross your mind to excommunicate (disown) someone from being black, because of a crime he/she would have committed.

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Mon 12/21/09 10:50 PM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 12/21/09 11:00 PM


I remain ignorant as to whether "Hitler was a Christian" during his reign. To me, to answer that question I would need access to an honest expression of his personal thoughts on such topics as the Bible, the Christian 'God', Jesus, and the idea of 'Jesus as Savior'.

If even a few of the claims being made about him here are true, then its obvious that his worldview was influenced by Christianity, and that he used Christianity.

A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian.

While I don't completely agree with Voileazur's statements - I agree with the sentiment behind his response to this statement. Portions of modern Christian religion encourages hostility towards Muslims and towards gays, which some would say is an 'un-Christian' attitude. I think V. is making a valid point. Just because the 'loving Christians' don't agree with such hostility, doesn't make that hostility any less a product of the modern Christian religion.

Further, since when do Christian judge whether a person is a Christian based on their actions? I thought that acceptance of Jesus as your Savior was the key criteria?

Making this determination based on people actions seems a bit convenient to me. Hypothetically, if some portions of Christian belief encourage such 'un-Christian' behavior - then anybody who is making this designation based on behavior would never see and acknowledge the connection - when confronted with the evidence of such a connection, they would always have the option of washing their hands of the consequences of the beliefs by disowning the person on the basis of their behavior.

The whole Hitler was a Christian myth has already been discussed in this forum and debunked in every way.If Hitler belonged to any religion it would have been the Muslim religion since Hitler was obsessed with the total destruction of Jews.He banned and burned many books,burned Christian churhes to the ground,invaded other countries,killed millions of people,and wanted one world domination.This type of leadership and actions has nothing in common with Christianity and everything to do with Islam.

As far as hostility towards gays and Muslims.I can't remember a single news story,article,or radio report of a group of Christians using violence towards gays or Muslims in the 35 years I have been alive.We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destory our religion.The liberal idea of Christians accepting everyone as they are and ignoring their actions is total nonsese.If Christians are just going to accept everyone as they are and turn a blind eye to their actions there is no point being a Christian as this is nothing more than Atheism.When you become a Christian it is your duty to stand up for immoral actions and to speak out against them.This also includes other lost and hopeless Christians who are doing everything the bible tells them not to do and saying they can do anything they like because God loves them regardless.

Read your bible.God and Jesus spent probably 75% of the bible talks aboutwhat kind of people to stay away from.They told us who is evil,what is evil,and where evil comes from.This includes the homosexual lifestyle,other false religions and Gods,people who practice witchcraft,etc.People who claim they are Christians and are anything but,are worse in Gods eyes then people who don't believe in God at all.

'Recovering from extreme religiosity', is the topic of this thread, and there couldn't have been a better demonstration of 'The God Virus' than the comments made here by 'thomas'.

With all due respect to you personally 'thomas', and I know you certainly wouldn't be one to agree with Dr. Darrell Ray's perspective, almost every line you wrote above could have been taken out of 'The God Virus', as salient examples of evertyhing gone wrong with the christian fundamentalist movement.

I am not suggesting it the case for you 'thomas', but in this statement alone:

'... This includes the homosexual lifestyle,other false religions and Gods,people who practice witchcraft,etc.People who claim they are Christians and are anything but,are worse in Gods eyes then people who don't believe in God at all...'

... one could easily conclude that once all the exclusions are made, one would be left with just that: a religion of 'one'!

The hatred must stop 'thomas'. You wrote earlier :

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destory our religion. ...'

Given this personal perception you have of gays and Muslims, how far are you prepared to go to defend YOUR RELIGION 'thomas'. If not you personally, whom among your 'friends' will stop the so-called 'corruptors' and 'destroyers' of YOUR PERSONAL GOD GIVEN RELIGION!!!

That is a statement which is difficult to address 'thomas', other than to say that it is very close to what Hitler would have been overheard to say about the jewish people: '... corrupting and destroying his 'pure arian race' way of life...'.

That is what this thread is addressing through 'The God Virus' 'thomas'.

To what extent christian fundamentalists are going to be willing to go to 'defend' their righteous god, and personal beliefs, against the perceived threats of illusionary 'corruptors' and 'destroyers', whose only crime is to 'THINK' differently then the righteous christian fundamentalists!!!

While I don't doubt that one must surely get a powerful sense of mission and purpose out of this 'religious soldier and defender', it is a delusion at best, a losing battle at worst, and a possible case of multiple stomach ulcers from all the bad energy.

Cervantes, in his epic 'Don Quichotte de la Mancha', warned us all very clearly about the dangers of delusion.

Don Quichotte is obsessed over books dealing with 'Chevalery'. The books so troubled his mind that he started to believe that he was a 'chevalier' himself, whose purpose and mission was to save and protect the oppressed through out Spain. It could be said that his 'chevalrie' books were like his bible, and that his life was lived straight out of his books.

Later, near the end of his life, Don Quichotte gives up on reading 'chevalerie' books. He soon after regained his ability to think clearly and pragmatically, showing the greatest of wisdom to admiration of people surrounding him in his final years.

Recovering from 'The God Virus'??? Cervantes wrote about that it would seem, more than 400 years ago. We have yet to learn the lesson!

Ha,ha,ha man I have read some responses fluffed up by you take the cake!That response was so comical I can hardly type from laughing so hard!

First off Mr proffesor...Christianity is not a believe it or die religion like Islam is.People have the free will to believe or not believe in Chrisitanity with no punishment from the church or other Christians.People every day including pastors and ministers leave the Christian religion and go else where including other religions and Christians don't say a word.The 3 billion plus Christians in this world were not chained to a wall and whipped into believing into Christianity.The had a choice and still have a choice to believe.

Ohhhhh that hatred you speak about.Oh yes I do hate evil and sin.I hate it more than anything in the world.I do wish I could destroy all the evil and sin in this world.But you are telling me I should love it???As Christians we should just sit back and do nothing when evil and sin are all around us.Better you we should invite it into the church!You would have a hard time flipping a single page of the bible with out it warning you against evil people.

I do not hate anyone.I hate their actions and look at them as broken with out Gods light.I pray one day they can become a Christian but I will not for one second support,or accept their unrepentant sins.A gay couple getting married in church is making a life long commitment to rebel against Gods word and you have a priest blessing that!One day Jesus will come back to this earth and guess what???He will not be going door to door asking if they have found Jesus.He is going to be front and center riding on Hells fury destroying everyone and everything that is against him.

The topic of this thread is religious extremism getting out of control. The God Virus, the book which middleearthing suggested as a basis for this topic, deals specifically with christian fundamentalism gone out of control.

Pertaining to your strings of comments 'thomas', which clearly illustrate the author's point, I asked you a straightforward question, the answer to which would contribute to this topic.

Here it the context and the question again:

The hatred must stop 'thomas'. You wrote earlier :

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destory our religion. ...'

Given this personal perception you have of gays and Muslims, how far are you prepared to go to defend YOUR RELIGION against the 'corruptors' and the 'destroyers' 'thomas'?

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Mon 12/21/09 10:09 PM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 12/21/09 10:22 PM

I remain ignorant as to whether "Hitler was a Christian" during his reign. To me, to answer that question I would need access to an honest expression of his personal thoughts on such topics as the Bible, the Christian 'God', Jesus, and the idea of 'Jesus as Savior'.

If even a few of the claims being made about him here are true, then its obvious that his worldview was influenced by Christianity, and that he used Christianity.

A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian.

While I don't completely agree with Voileazur's statements - I agree with the sentiment behind his response to this statement. Portions of modern Christian religion encourages hostility towards Muslims and towards gays, which some would say is an 'un-Christian' attitude. I think V. is making a valid point. Just because the 'loving Christians' don't agree with such hostility, doesn't make that hostility any less a product of the modern Christian religion.

Further, since when do Christian judge whether a person is a Christian based on their actions? I thought that acceptance of Jesus as your Savior was the key criteria?

Making this determination based on people actions seems a bit convenient to me. Hypothetically, if some portions of Christian belief encourage such 'un-Christian' behavior - then anybody who is making this designation based on behavior would never see and acknowledge the connection - when confronted with the evidence of such a connection, they would always have the option of washing their hands of the consequences of the beliefs by disowning the person on the basis of their behavior.

The whole Hitler was a Christian myth has already been discussed in this forum and debunked in every way.If Hitler belonged to any religion it would have been the Muslim religion since Hitler was obsessed with the total destruction of Jews.He banned and burned many books,burned Christian churhes to the ground,invaded other countries,killed millions of people,and wanted one world domination.This type of leadership and actions has nothing in common with Christianity and everything to do with Islam.

As far as hostility towards gays and Muslims.I can't remember a single news story,article,or radio report of a group of Christians using violence towards gays or Muslims in the 35 years I have been alive.We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destory our religion.The liberal idea of Christians accepting everyone as they are and ignoring their actions is total nonsese.If Christians are just going to accept everyone as they are and turn a blind eye to their actions there is no point being a Christian as this is nothing more than Atheism.When you become a Christian it is your duty to stand up for immoral actions and to speak out against them.This also includes other lost and hopeless Christians who are doing everything the bible tells them not to do and saying they can do anything they like because God loves them regardless.

Read your bible.God and Jesus spent probably 75% of the bible talks aboutwhat kind of people to stay away from.They told us who is evil,what is evil,and where evil comes from.This includes the homosexual lifestyle,other false religions and Gods,people who practice witchcraft,etc.People who claim they are Christians and are anything but,are worse in Gods eyes then people who don't believe in God at all.

'Recovering from extreme religiosity', is the topic of this thread, and there couldn't have been a better demonstration of 'The God Virus' than the comments made here by 'thomas'.

With all due respect to you personally 'thomas', and I know you certainly wouldn't be one to agree with Dr. Darrell Ray's perspective, almost every line you wrote above could have been taken out of 'The God Virus', as salient examples of evertyhing gone wrong with the christian fundamentalist movement.

I am not suggesting it is the case for you 'thomas', but in this statement alone:

'... This includes the homosexual lifestyle,other false religions and Gods,people who practice witchcraft,etc.People who claim they are Christians and are anything but,are worse in Gods eyes then people who don't believe in God at all...'

... one could easily conclude that once all the exclusions are made, one would be left with just that: a religion of 'one'!

The hatred must stop 'thomas'. You wrote earlier :

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destory our religion. ...'

Given this personal perception you have of gays and Muslims, how far are you prepared to go to defend YOUR RELIGION 'thomas'. If not you personally, whom among your 'friends' will stop the so-called 'corruptors' and 'destroyers' of YOUR PERSONAL GOD GIVEN RELIGION!!!

That is a statement which is difficult to address 'thomas', other than to say that it is very close to what Hitler would have been overheard saying about the jewish people: '... corrupting and destroying his 'pure god given arian race' and way of life...'.

That is what this thread is addressing through 'The God Virus' 'thomas'.

To what extent christian fundamentalists are going to be willing to go to 'defend' their righteous god, and personal beliefs, against the perceived threats of illusionary 'corruptors' and 'destroyers', whose only crime is to 'THINK' differently then the righteous christian fundamentalists and their personal interpretation of a book!!!

While I don't doubt that one must surely get a powerful sense of mission and purpose out of this role of soldier and defender of christ himself, but it is a delusion at best, a losing battle at worst, along with a possible case of multiple stomach ulcers from all the bad energy.

Cervantes, in his epic 'Don Quichotte de la Mancha', warned us all very clearly about the dangers of delusion.

In short, Don Quichotte is obsessed over books dealing with 'Chevalery'. The books so troubled his mind that he started to believe that he was a 'chevalier' himself, whose purpose and mission was to save and protect the oppressed throughout Spain. It could be said that his 'chevalrie' books were like his bible, and that his life was lived straight out of his books.

Later, near the end of his life, Don Quichotte gives up on reading 'chevalerie' books. He soon after regained his ability to think clearly and pragmatically, showing the greatest of wisdom, to the admiration of people surrounding him in his final years.

Recovering from 'The God Virus'??? Cervantes wrote all about it, it would seem, more than 400 years ago. We have yet to learn the lesson!

no photo
Mon 12/21/09 02:29 PM

I'm not even going to argue to pro-life or pro-choice thing because that is really beside the point. It is legal and this would go against patient confidentiality.

If they want to do something to try to prevent unwanted pregnancy....try education or something like that

Kim, they are getting around the confidentiality part, they claim not to use the womans name, address, etc.

Christian fundamentalism (extremists), not christians in general, but the 'fundamentalists', it is known, have no regard for the Constitution: 'SEPARATION OF STATE AND CHURCH', and the laws of the land (privacy laws in this case), and are at the heart of the 'evil' that won't go away.

Performing abortions in the US is a totally legal procedure. To deny that fact is subversive, counterproductive and downright evil.

Furthermore my defending the wisdom and right of a woman to chose, does not make me a 'baby killer'. It does not make me a PRO ABORTION.

No one is in favor of abortion outright. No one ever goes around enthusiastically 'promoting' abortion. Performing professionally sanctioned and legally available abortions is a modern society's moral obligation.

I'd be the first one to suggest that in an idea world, there would be no abortions. But ideal, our world is not, and abortions will take place whether it agrees with one's life principles, or religious beliefs.

Pragmatism and a sense of dignity and compassion must then direct our actions. It would be unacceptable for a modern society to hypocritically close an eye on the inevitable occurrence of unwanted pregnancies, and the dramatic human consequences if such were to be relegated to the back ally practices of old.

Call it a legally necessary 'evil' if you will, but LEGALLY NECESSARY FOR SURE!!! It will happen anyways, and only cause more harm!

That being the reality of the land, religious fundamentalists must be denounced for their deceptive tactics, attempting to make it both hard and shameful to access that which is legal and safe. They are only pushing for the re-emergence of back alley shops, and that for sure is nothing other than pure EVIL!!!

It is then the Nation as whole that will be put to shame.

no photo
Mon 12/21/09 01:32 PM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 12/21/09 01:38 PM

Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads.

“30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.”


Hitler Was a Christian

The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism:

"History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed."


Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....?

You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian.

To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot.

I expect you to correct yourself on this.

Not that again Eljay?!?!?!

Hitler was baptized and raised in the most thorough of Christian tradition and faith.

Like you Eljay, he developed his own interpretation of what a GOOD CHRISTIAN was, and devoted his whole life to it. What he ended up concluding was that the catholic church failed him and his people, protestants only deserved his utmost contempt, and JESUS counted on him to deliver the real fight!!!

Hitler showed every sign of a devout christian youth, turned christian militant, turned fundamentalist, and the rest is history.

Was Hiltler sane and balanced in his view of christianity, Jesus, Jews, himself, his nation, etc.???

Like all fundamentalists, he started out posting a mildly paranoid neurotiuc behavior. For just the right number of fundamentalists (the leaders), when this behavior not only goes unchecked, but is instead encouraged by a shared mass neurosis, the dormant neurosis turns rapidly into a a dangerous phychosis.

So if it will make you happy Eljay, Hitler progressively became, in hte last quarter of his lifetime, a dangerously psychotic fundamentlist christian of a church of one.

But a christian he sure was. Your personal meaning and interpretation of christian, however true it may for you, is totally irrelevant.

The point 'middleearthing' is making, is one worth discussing and mastering: 'fundamentally :), FUNDAMENTALISM IS LATENTLY DANGEROUS, whether in the hands of religious, political, social or individual entities.


How are you my friend.

Please Voile - do not insult the general intelligence of those on the site, and their opinion of what you have to offer by claiming that Hitler was a Christian because he was Baptised. And further more - I think you'll have a hard time convincing me that God was unaware of the decisions that Hitler made in his life (or was going to make after his baptism) and indwelt him with the Holy Spirit anyway?

Perhaps you are confusing the issue by equating Religious Fanaticism and Christainity, and defining them as mutually exclusive? If so - we have directly opposing definitions of Christainity. That would mean that Fanatics like Osama bin Laden, and Christopher Hitchens are Christains by this definition.

A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian. He was the poster boy for Darwinism if he was anything, and I know a great number of posters on this site who will be appalled at my calling them Christains because they believed in the Darwinian world view.

Hello Eljay, and let me wish you and yours the happiest of Christmas holidays!!!

Insulting people's intelligence?!?!?! Me!?!?!? Now! Now! Now! Eljay! You should know better than to go there!!!

Let me use a simple example to demonstrate where the insult to intelligence, if such was made, lies.
Since we are in the heart of Christmas Holidays, with all the family gatherings that we will all be plunged into, let me use the family as the perfect metaphor to clarify this 'state of belonging' with which you appear to have a serious issue.

Here goes the metaphor:

Two young couples meet in the local park of a new suburb where they have both recently bought their first homes. Among other things, they women discover that they are both pregnant with their first child and are both planning to have more children in the future.

Time passes, life is good, and our two families are spotted at the park again, as they have been doing for years, along with backyard family barbecues, camping trips, and a variety of other activities neighborhood families share together.

Paying attention to the discussion, though, all is not as well as it might have first appeared.

Mother 'B', is telling couple 'A', the latest episode of their '2' child. At 17, '2' child is purging his second jail term for drug trafficking, car jacking, and 7-Eleven store hold-ups.

In his early years, '2' was an exemplary young child. Without warning, somewhere in early adolescence, '2' started showing signs of minor delinquency. Escalating into full blown crime, laced with aggressive, rebellious and abusive conduct towards all.

'... I just don't know what happened!!!...', Keeps repeating Mother 'B'.
'... It is like I don't know him. It is as though he is not our son!!! ...'

'2' no longer behaves according to the family's values and principles. '2' doesn't live up to what a 'good' family member should be.

You get it Eljay?!?!?! Regardless of whether or not you live up to the 'subjective' ideal that 'family values' impose, '2' IS STILL THE SECOND CHILD OF THAT FAMILY. He still carries the name, is he's still an integral part of the fabric of that family.

Be ashamed of him all you wish, talk of disowning him all day long, '2' is still the delinquent son of that family.

Like it or not, that's what this family MUST OWN UP TO!!!

Likewise, that is what you and your christian family MUST OWN UP TO!!!

Excommunication from a family, biological, christian or otherwise, based on one's 'bad behavior', is not only cowardly and hypocritical, it is totally contrary to the most basic christian values.

It is time for all of us to put down our Pharisee's 'good behavior' checklists, and not only take responsibility for, but fully embrace the black sheeps in our respective families. That is the first lesson Jesus, whom you claim to serve, taught us all!!!

Now, the insult to anyone intelligence would be to keep peddling the 'good little christian morality checklist', like Mao's 'redbook', to arbitrarily judge who's 'in' the club! That is the insult to christians' intelligence IMO Eljay!!!

So - given your analogy, one becomes a Christian by being born into "the family", rather than it being a choice. Could you give me a biblical reference that supports this? Or am I mis-representing your definition of Christianity....

While I tend to agree with your views on religious fantacism - as related to Msharmony, and the general destruction it has on society at large, I fail to aline myself with your examples of it, and how you over simplify your catogorization. For instance - your broad brush painting of the "christianity" religion, as it were. You tend to define Christianity by societies general views of it, rather than the biblical derivation - where the term originates. So now we loose all meaning to the term, because we're now allowing for anyone's idea of what "Christainity" even means in the first place. This being clearly demonstrated by those who believe that Hitler was a Christian. At some point in his life, he may have been a Catholic... but I defy you to cite a time in his life when he was ever a Christain.

I tend to define the idea of the term "Christian" by the attributes the bible uses to describe those who claim "membership" to this family. I do not consider it valid to be a member of a denomination who claims to be "Christian" as a viable justification to be called a "Christian". My sense is that we do not share this opinion.

Where does your understanding differ from this - if it indeed does?

Eljay, your personal views of what constitutes a (deserving) christian, even when you use your personal 'expert' interpretive skills of the bible as some sort of subjective authority for your position, doesn't change the fact that it is your personal opinion and interpretation. Another version of the 'god on my side' perverse way of ONE deciding what is right and wrong for ALL.

It is keeping a certain group locked into the old 'By choice or by birth' endless battle.
Or the infamous 'MY bible scriptures interpretation is right and yours is wrong' childish battle!!! Leading to insane notion that Catholics are not christians in some bible 'experts' eyes.

At that rate, the CHOSEN will be NONE!!! ... for the ONE whom might end up winning the 'I'M RIGHT, THEY'RE WRONG' ego contest, will be flushed for having judged all others!!!

Hitler was a catholic. Hitler was a christian. Hitler became radical in his christian views, then fundamentalist in his christian views, and finally, outright insane in his christian views!!! Supported throughout, by heavyweights of the christian church of the time.

And this bring US straight back to the heart of the topic.

What is your opinion 'the god virus'?

Since you and I agree on religious fundamentalism, and the general destruction it has on society at large, and surely you wouldn't be one to conveniently exclude christianity has having its own fringe of religious fundamentalists, it would be pertinent, given the topic of this thread, to hear your views on Dr. Darrel Ray's book.

no photo
Mon 12/21/09 12:37 PM

If we cant be sure that everyone that believes a thing will use it to do no harm,,should we discredit that thing completely and toss it out? I hope that noone believes such a thing because I have personally seen much more good being done around me and in everyday life in the name of 'religion' than I have bad.

Tossing out the whole christian 'fundamentalist' thing for sure!!!

If religious organizations, from the smallest to the largest, could demonstrate integrity, and become responsible for the harm they promote, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Furthermore, it occurs to me msharmony, that you might have a hard time reconciling yourself with the manner, the form, through which Darrel Ray presents his case: sort of a detox program for the religious.

Well, here is a suggestion that might help you move beyond that 'wall' and get the gist of Ray's worthwhile breakthrough.

Google up Dr. Frank Shaeffer, author of 'Crazy for God', and read up on some of his views.

Unlike Ray, Shaeffer is a devout practicing christian. And that doesn't stop him from denouncing the out of control christian evangelical and fundamentalist movement that is driving America straight into a concrete wall.

Here is what Shaeffer had to say about Ray's 'The God Virus':

“I am a religious person, a churchgoer. Nevertheless, this one-of-a-kind book [The God Virus] is a vital reminder of the fact that we must think objectively at what religion does to us.”

Throwing out the baby with bathwater?!?!? NO!

But getting rid of ALL the bad water!!! Absolutely!!!

no photo
Mon 12/21/09 12:01 PM

HI VOIL so nice to hear your voice again - be well.

HI RIGHT BACK Lady 'D'!!! :)

Glad to see working your magic. It is needed!!!

no photo
Mon 12/21/09 11:48 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 12/21/09 11:59 AM

Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads.

“30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.”


Hitler Was a Christian

The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism:

"History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed."


Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....?

You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian.

To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot.

I expect you to correct yourself on this.

Not that again Eljay?!?!?!

Hitler was baptized and raised in the most thorough of Christian tradition and faith.

Like you Eljay, he developed his own interpretation of what a GOOD CHRISTIAN was, and devoted his whole life to it. What he ended up concluding was that the catholic church failed him and his people, protestants only deserved his utmost contempt, and JESUS counted on him to deliver the real fight!!!

Hitler showed every sign of a devout christian youth, turned christian militant, turned fundamentalist, and the rest is history.

Was Hiltler sane and balanced in his view of christianity, Jesus, Jews, himself, his nation, etc.???

Like all fundamentalists, he started out posting a mildly paranoid neurotiuc behavior. For just the right number of fundamentalists (the leaders), when this behavior not only goes unchecked, but is instead encouraged by a shared mass neurosis, the dormant neurosis turns rapidly into a a dangerous phychosis.

So if it will make you happy Eljay, Hitler progressively became, in hte last quarter of his lifetime, a dangerously psychotic fundamentlist christian of a church of one.

But a christian he sure was. Your personal meaning and interpretation of christian, however true it may for you, is totally irrelevant.

The point 'middleearthing' is making, is one worth discussing and mastering: 'fundamentally :), FUNDAMENTALISM IS LATENTLY DANGEROUS, whether in the hands of religious, political, social or individual entities.


How are you my friend.

Please Voile - do not insult the general intelligence of those on the site, and their opinion of what you have to offer by claiming that Hitler was a Christian because he was Baptised. And further more - I think you'll have a hard time convincing me that God was unaware of the decisions that Hitler made in his life (or was going to make after his baptism) and indwelt him with the Holy Spirit anyway?

Perhaps you are confusing the issue by equating Religious Fanaticism and Christainity, and defining them as mutually exclusive? If so - we have directly opposing definitions of Christainity. That would mean that Fanatics like Osama bin Laden, and Christopher Hitchens are Christains by this definition.

A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian. He was the poster boy for Darwinism if he was anything, and I know a great number of posters on this site who will be appalled at my calling them Christains because they believed in the Darwinian world view.

Hello Eljay, and let me wish you and yours the happiest of Christmas holidays!!!

Insulting people's intelligence?!?!?! Me!?!?!? Now! Now! Now! Eljay! You should know better than to go there!!!

Let me use a simple example to demonstrate where the insult to intelligence, if such was made, lies.
Since we are in the heart of Christmas Holidays, with all the family gatherings that we will all be plunged into, let me use the family as the perfect metaphor to clarify this 'state of belonging' with which you appear to have a serious issue.

Here goes the metaphor:

Two young couples meet in the local park of a new suburb where they have both recently bought their first homes. Among other things, they women discover that they are both pregnant with their first child and are both planning to have more children in the future.

Time passes, life is good, and our two families are spotted at the park again, as they have been doing for years, along with backyard family barbecues, camping trips, and a variety of other activities neighborhood families share together.

Paying attention to the discussion, though, all is not as well as it might have first appeared.

Mother 'B', is telling couple 'A', the latest episode of their '2' child. At 17, '2' child is purging his second jail term for drug trafficking, car jacking, and 7-Eleven store hold-ups.

In his early years, '2' was an exemplary young child. Without warning, somewhere in early adolescence, '2' started showing signs of minor delinquency. Escalating into full blown crime, laced with aggressive, rebellious and abusive conduct towards all.

'... I just don't know what happened!!!...', Keeps repeating Mother 'B'.
'... It is like I don't know him. It is as though he is not our son!!! ...'

'2' no longer behaves according to the family's values and principles. '2' doesn't live up to what a 'good' family member should be.

You get it Eljay?!?!?! Regardless of whether or not you live up to the 'subjective' ideal that 'family values' impose, '2' IS STILL THE SECOND CHILD OF THAT FAMILY. He still carries the name, is he's still an integral part of the fabric of that family.

Be ashamed of him all you wish, talk of disowning him all day long, '2' is still the delinquent son of that family.

Like it or not, that's what this family MUST OWN UP TO!!!

Likewise, that is what you and your christian family MUST OWN UP TO!!!

Excommunication from a family, biological, christian or otherwise, based on one's 'bad behavior', is not only cowardly and hypocritical, it is totally contrary to the most basic christian values.

It is time for all of us to put down our Pharisee's 'good behavior' checklists, and not only take responsibility for, but fully embrace the black sheeps in our respective families. That is the first lesson Jesus, whom you claim to serve, taught us all!!!

Now, the insult to anyone intelligence would be to keep peddling the 'good little christian morality checklist', like Mao's 'redbook', to arbitrarily judge who's 'in' the club! That is the insult to christians' intelligence IMO Eljay!!!

no photo
Mon 12/21/09 09:19 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 12/21/09 09:21 AM

No I don't think socialized healthcare is perfect. Who is the government to tell me I have to have healthcare? Force me to have it and force me to pay for it? You can pass laws to regulate insurance w/o taking it over. As if we are not taxed enough as it is.

Lucky for me I am moving to Japan in Feb so for the time being I will not be paying for the bill. I will have healthcare in Japan, but only paying about 8% tax. They have healthcare in their country but it is optional and not part of the tax system. Also if you are employeed fulltime the employer has to pay half of the premium. Much better system i think.

I'm afraid you have been misinformed 'chazster'.

The Japanese healthcare program is a universal program (intended to provide healthcare to all its citizens) is HIGHLY regulated by the government, and very much COMPULSORY for all RESIDENT of Japan.

As for the 'not part of the tax system' part! Again, you'll need to fire your information source.

The japanese government share of the healthcare system is roughly 32% of total costs. (reference:

Government's only source of revenue, whether here or in Japan, is TAXES. And that is very much how the 32% governement cost share is funded!!!

Also, you'll be happy to know that the general outline of the US program, which Obama has succeeded to get through Congress early this morning, is very similar to the japanese program you seem to appreciate.
In the end, if all you can afford to contribute from your pay scale is an 8% co-payment share in Japan, that is most likely what you will end-up paying here in the US (or likely less) when you return.

Bon Voyage!

no photo
Mon 12/21/09 09:19 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 12/21/09 09:19 AM

no photo
Sun 12/20/09 08:30 AM
Edited by voileazur on Sun 12/20/09 08:54 AM


msharmony you wrote:

Not to discredit Ms Duffy at all or here credentials, but her paper was not in reference to All wars in human history as your post implied earlier. That was the only point I was making.

It is much too broad a generalization to blame religion for ALL wars(or a specific percentage of ALL wars) ever...its hard to expect that anyone would even know all the wars let alone all the reasons for them.

'middleearthing' wrote,
in the last paragraph of his latest post, quoting Monica Duffy Toft:

"Taken together, aspects of religion as they relate to violence chip away at bargaining and
self-preservation, two key pillars of the state system established in the Treaty of Westphalia of
1648.11 A rational person (or state) is expected to assess the tangible costs and benefits of action
or inaction, and then maximize his or her utility by choosing the course of action that will result
in the highest likelihood of benefit with the lowest risk or cost.12 But religious zealots will often
act differently, choosing instead to sacrifice tangible benefits for intangible ones, even to the
point of sacrificing their own lives.13 Thus a secular actor (or state) can be coerced or deterred
by the threat of destruction; whereas a zealot (or theocracy) may be impossible to coerce or deter
in the same way."

msharmony, you are a what I would consider to be a moderate, open-minded, intelligent, and well balanced person. Someone whom shows respect for others and deserves that respect be shown in return.

You happen to be a devout christian, and obviously, you apply FOR YOURSELF, and in your life, the principles that you hold dear.

It shows in the manner that you present yourself in these forums, and in the respectful, yet true to self manner that you interact with others in the different discussions in which you chose to partake.

What I find interesting in this particular exchange, is that the point middleearthing is trying to establish with this thread, dealing with religious extremism, does not apply to you in the least, and yet, because it touches on your religion, you appear, consciously or not, to defend or show a rather complacent attitude about 'religious extremism'.
I don't wish for you to take that as an attack on you personally, for there is no intention on my part to attack you personally.

I will admit that you and I don't share the same beliefs. I would suspect highly that you and middlehearting don't share the same beliefs either.
But interestingly, I would suspect that the three of us, and we could include numerous others, share similar values.

Our difference in religious or non-religious beliefs should not matter at all here. It will only divide us. Besides, why focus on that which divides us when there appears much that we share?

I reposted the last paragraph of middleearthing latest post. It establishes a direct link between 'RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS', and extreme actions, where reason is no longer at play.

If you have a problem with the statement 'all the wars', let's just reduce it to the current very contemporary wars that confronts us all today: the Israelo-palestinian conflict, the Iraqi invasion, and the near escalation towards open armed conflict with Iran under Bush, which was significantly deflated since Obama took office.

I think you will agree that there is no greater or more boiling world conflict than the one opposing the Israelis and Palestinians, fighting 'TO THE DEATH' over a piece of land promised to both of them by their respective gods!!! and some zealot christians siding with the Israelis, because THEIR god told them that Jesus was COMING BACK to the Jewish land to pick the 'chosens'!!!

As for the other current conflicts, I don't need to remind you of Bush administration's language to illustrate the religious zealot undertones: 'Axis of evil', 'You're with us or you're against us', 'We shall win the just war against terrorism'.

There cannot be better examples to support middleearthing's point and Monica Duffy Toft's findings about religious ZEALOTS and the potential extreme actions that can be taken as a consequence of such 'out-of-control' religious zealousness.

AGAIN, from Monica Duffy Toft:

"... Thus a secular actor (or state) can be coerced or deterred
by the threat of destruction; whereas a zealot (or theocracy) may be impossible to coerce or deter in the same way...".

Unless you are taking the position that your religion is pure, unblemished and without fault, and thus holds no responsibility whatsoever for the horrible things done in its name, (I don't think you would subscribe to such)

... you might admit that when religious ideology reaches zealousness, and religious right leaders are fueling it through political action, THAT A LINE IS BEING CROSSED!!! And that YOU msharmony, and all those like you, whom do not give into fanaticism, must speak up WITHIN YOUR RELIGIOUS RANKS, AND denounce this human insanity.

The distinction is :

You are clearly of


this other group of religious zealots whom insist that RELIGION BE USED TO CONTROL PEOPLE, ALL THE PEOPLE!!!

If a dialogue along these lines cannot be had between you 'msharmony', a moderate and well balanced individual of the christian faith, and 'middlehearthing', another well balanced individual whom doesn't necessarily shares the same faith,

... then I would regret to admit, religion would truly not right for the human race!!!

I appreciate what you are saying and I agree with the points you have made. I believe ANY type of extremism to be dangerous and I truly was just bothered by the all inclusive statement middle made regarding wars. Extreme patriotism or racial pride, or religion, or classism,,,or any other number of philosophies practiced to the extreme result in no win situations.

Although I understand the difficulty you have in discussing the specific issue of religious extremism, making general statements about all other forms of extremism is simply avoiding to engage in a constructive dialogue. We must all take responsibility for the potential shortcomings of our personal and collective actions. That's starts by acknowledging the shortcomings as such.

As a means of illustrating this point, I am a staunch defender of human rights throughout the globe, and I am proud that our western world countries are unanimous on such a luminous value.

That being said, our countries are not blemish free when it comes to human rights, and I'll be the first one to pay attention and denounce any violation we may be guilty of in this domain.

The notion of human rights is 'nearly' attack free. Nearly a perfect consensual universal principal, and held as such in our western societies.
But we must be ready to accept that our very own application of human rights principles is far from perfect.
Never mind our judgment of countries whom, from our perspective, baffle human rights as a way of life, we must remain vigilant and critical of our own shortcomings.

Denunciation, auto criticism, accountability and enforcement of corrective measures are a vital part of an ethical and thriving democracy.

So it is msharmony, in this dialogue middlehearthing is proposing. Much like I refuse to feel personally attacked when people from other countries point the finger at some of our human rights shortcomings, and see it rather as an opportunity to address what I stand for and defend within our own ranks, you might consider the shortcomings of your religion and denounce them within your own ranks.

Because God is a big part of who I am , to make such a statement , that 76 percent of all wars in human history were due to religion,, its as insulting (to me) as saying that 76 percent of all violent crime ever has been commited by minorities(in most recent american history this could be argued but to apply it to all of history would be insulting to me,, as a minority).

And I suggest this god/relation 'collapse' is at the heart of the matter. Stopping you perhaps in engaging fully in this dialogue, due tot the critique made on the religion which you appear to collapse with your personal relationship with your god.

Your personal relationship to your god of choice is distinct from the religion which may or may not administer it.

The religion is very much a man made mechanism, intended to administer and promote the practice of a shared cult. Much like a form of governing body, or government of things of cult, religion is not 'FAITH' itself, as in your personal relationship to your god.

Addressing your religion shortcomings...
a man made organization, which must co-exist with, and take account and give account to all other man made organizations,
... is not addressing, much less attacking your personal relationship to your choice of god.

One's personal relationship to a god of choice, and the religion which administers a shared cult between a number, are very distinct domains. So much so, they are powerfully represented in our Western world constitutions and laws through the principle of SEPARATION OF STATE AND CHURCH'.

The dialogue middlehearthing is inviting you and others to have here msharmony, is about the governing body of the christian religion, and religious zealousness; the devastating consequences organized christian 'religions' can have when it abdicates its responsibility towards the religious zealots that it helps create.


There are other types of zealots msharmony, I agree. But the zealots we are addressing here are the religious type. Let's address that serious issue together.

no photo
Sun 12/20/09 07:24 AM

msharmony you wrote:

Not to discredit Ms Duffy at all or here credentials, but her paper was not in reference to All wars in human history as your post implied earlier. That was the only point I was making.

It is much too broad a generalization to blame religion for ALL wars(or a specific percentage of ALL wars) ever...its hard to expect that anyone would even know all the wars let alone all the reasons for them.

'middleearthing' wrote,
in the last paragraph of his latest post, quoting Monica Duffy Toft:

"Taken together, aspects of religion as they relate to violence chip away at bargaining and
self-preservation, two key pillars of the state system established in the Treaty of Westphalia of
1648.11 A rational person (or state) is expected to assess the tangible costs and benefits of action
or inaction, and then maximize his or her utility by choosing the course of action that will result
in the highest likelihood of benefit with the lowest risk or cost.12 But religious zealots will often
act differently, choosing instead to sacrifice tangible benefits for intangible ones, even to the
point of sacrificing their own lives.13 Thus a secular actor (or state) can be coerced or deterred
by the threat of destruction; whereas a zealot (or theocracy) may be impossible to coerce or deter
in the same way."

msharmony, you are a what I would consider to be a moderate, open-minded, intelligent, and well balanced person. Someone whom shows respect for others and deserves that respect be shown in return.

You happen to be a devout christian, and obviously, you apply FOR YOURSELF, and in your life, the principles that you hold dear.

It shows in the manner that you present yourself in these forums, and in the respectful, yet true to self manner that you interact with others in the different discussions in which you chose to partake.

What I find interesting in this particular exchange, is that the point middleearthing is trying to establish with this thread, dealing with religious extremism, does not apply to you in the least, and yet, because it touches on your religion, you appear, consciously or not, to defend or show a rather complacent attitude about 'religious extremism'.
I don't wish for you to take that as an attack on you personally, for there is no intention on my part to attack you personally.

I will admit that you and I don't share the same beliefs. I would suspect highly that you and middlehearting don't share the same beliefs either.
But interestingly, I would suspect that the three of us, and we could include numerous others, share similar values.

Our difference in religious or non-religious beliefs should not matter at all here. It will only divide us. Besides, why focus on that which divides us when there appears much that we share?

I reposted the last paragraph of middleearthing latest post. It establishes a direct link between 'RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS', and extreme actions, where reason is no longer at play.

If you have a problem with the statement 'all the wars', let's just reduce it to the current very contemporary wars that confronts us all today: the Israelo-palestinian conflict, the Iraqi invasion, and the near escalation towards open armed conflict with Iran under Bush, which was significantly deflated since Obama took office.

I think you will agree that there is no greater or more boiling world conflict than the one opposing the Israelis and Palestinians, fighting 'TO THE DEATH' over a piece of land promised to both of them by their respective gods!!! and some zealot christians siding with the Israelis, because THEIR god told them that Jesus was COMING BACK to the Jewish land to pick the 'chosens'!!!

As for the other current conflicts, I don't need to remind you of Bush administration's language to illustrate the religious zealot undertones: 'Axis of evil', 'You're with us or you're against us', 'We shall win the just war against terrorism'.

There cannot be better examples to support middleearthing's point and Monica Duffy Toft's findings about religious ZEALOTS and the potential extreme actions that can be taken as a consequence of such 'out-of-control' religious zealousness.

AGAIN, from Monica Duffy Toft:

"... Thus a secular actor (or state) can be coerced or deterred
by the threat of destruction; whereas a zealot (or theocracy) may be impossible to coerce or deter in the same way...".

Unless you are taking the position that your religion is pure, unblemished and without fault, and thus holds no responsibility whatsoever for the horrible things done in its name, (I don't think you would subscribe to such)

... you might admit that when religious ideology reaches zealousness, and religious right leaders are fueling it through political action, THAT A LINE IS BEING CROSSED!!! And that YOU msharmony, and all those like you, whom do not give into fanaticism, must speak up WITHIN YOUR RELIGIOUS RANKS, AND denounce this human insanity.

The distinction is :

You are clearly of


this other group of religious zealots whom insist that RELIGION BE USED TO CONTROL PEOPLE, ALL THE PEOPLE!!!

If a dialogue along these lines cannot be had between you 'msharmony', a moderate and well balanced individual of the christian faith, and 'middlehearthing', another well balanced individual whom doesn't necessarily shares the same faith,

... then I would regret to admit, religion would truly not right for the human race!!!

I appreciate what you are saying and I agree with the points you have made. I believe ANY type of extremism to be dangerous and I truly was just bothered by the all inclusive statement middle made regarding wars. Extreme patriotism or racial pride, or religion, or classism,,,or any other number of philosophies practiced to the extreme result in no win situations.

Because God is a big part of who I am , to make such a statement , that 76 percent of all wars in human history were due to religion,, its as insulting (to me) as saying that 76 percent of all violent crime ever has been commited by minorities(in most recent american history this could be argued but to apply it to all of history would be insulting to me,, as a minority).

As I have posted before though, I do think middle makes good points, even when I dont always agree and I continue to enjoy the dialogue and mutual respect.

no photo
Sat 12/19/09 03:20 PM
Edited by voileazur on Sat 12/19/09 03:34 PM
msharmony you wrote:

Not to discredit Ms Duffy at all or here credentials, but her paper was not in reference to All wars in human history as your post implied earlier. That was the only point I was making.

It is much too broad a generalization to blame religion for ALL wars(or a specific percentage of ALL wars) ever...its hard to expect that anyone would even know all the wars let alone all the reasons for them.

'middleearthing' wrote,
in the last paragraph of his latest post, quoting Monica Duffy Toft:

"Taken together, aspects of religion as they relate to violence chip away at bargaining and
self-preservation, two key pillars of the state system established in the Treaty of Westphalia of
1648.11 A rational person (or state) is expected to assess the tangible costs and benefits of action
or inaction, and then maximize his or her utility by choosing the course of action that will result
in the highest likelihood of benefit with the lowest risk or cost.12 But religious zealots will often
act differently, choosing instead to sacrifice tangible benefits for intangible ones, even to the
point of sacrificing their own lives.13 Thus a secular actor (or state) can be coerced or deterred
by the threat of destruction; whereas a zealot (or theocracy) may be impossible to coerce or deter
in the same way."

msharmony, you are a what I would consider to be a moderate, open-minded, intelligent, and well balanced person. Someone whom shows respect for others and deserves that respect be shown in return.

You happen to be a devout christian, and obviously, you apply FOR YOURSELF, and in your life, the principles that you hold dear.

It shows in the manner that you present yourself in these forums, and in the respectful, yet true to self manner that you interact with others in the different discussions in which you chose to partake.

What I find interesting in this particular exchange, is that the point middleearthing is trying to establish with this thread, dealing with religious extremism, does not apply to you in the least, and yet, because it touches on your religion, you appear, consciously or not, to defend or show a rather complacent attitude about 'religious extremism'.
I don't wish for you to take that as an attack on you personally, for there is no intention on my part to attack you personally.

I will admit that you and I don't share the same beliefs. I would suspect highly that you and middlehearting don't share the same beliefs either.
But interestingly, I would suspect that the three of us, and we could include numerous others, share similar values.

Our difference in religious or non-religious beliefs should not matter at all here. It will only divide us. Besides, why focus on that which divides us when there appears much that we share?

I reposted the last paragraph of middleearthing latest post. It establishes a direct link between 'RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS', and extreme actions, where reason is no longer at play.

If you have a problem with the statement 'all the wars', let's just reduce it to the current very contemporary wars that confronts us all today: the Israelo-palestinian conflict, the Iraqi invasion, and the near escalation towards open armed conflict with Iran under Bush, which was significantly deflated since Obama took office.

I think you will agree that there is no greater or more boiling world conflict than the one opposing the Israelis and Palestinians, fighting 'TO THE DEATH' over a piece of land promised to both of them by their respective gods!!! and some zealot christians siding with the Israelis, because THEIR god told them that Jesus was COMING BACK to the Jewish land to pick the 'chosens'!!!

As for the other current conflicts, I don't need to remind you of Bush administration's language to illustrate the religious zealot undertones: 'Axis of evil', 'You're with us or you're against us', 'We shall win the just war against terrorism'.

There cannot be better examples to support middleearthing's point and Monica Duffy Toft's findings about religious ZEALOTS and the potential extreme actions that can be taken as a consequence of such 'out-of-control' religious zealousness.

AGAIN, from Monica Duffy Toft:

"... Thus a secular actor (or state) can be coerced or deterred
by the threat of destruction; whereas a zealot (or theocracy) may be impossible to coerce or deter in the same way...".

Unless you are taking the position that your religion is pure, unblemished and without fault, and thus holds no responsibility whatsoever for the horrible things done in its name, (I don't think you would subscribe to such)

... you might admit that when religious ideology reaches zealousness, and religious right leaders are fueling it through political action, THAT A LINE IS BEING CROSSED!!! And that YOU msharmony, and all those like you, whom do not give into fanaticism, must speak up WITHIN YOUR RELIGIOUS RANKS, AND denounce this human insanity.

The distinction is :

You are clearly of


this other group of religious zealots whom insist that RELIGION BE USED TO CONTROL PEOPLE, ALL THE PEOPLE!!!

If a dialogue along these lines cannot be had between you 'msharmony', a moderate and well balanced individual of the christian faith, and 'middlehearthing', another well balanced individual whom doesn't necessarily shares the same faith,

... then I would regret to admit, religion would truly not right for the human race!!!

no photo
Fri 12/18/09 05:48 PM
Edited by voileazur on Fri 12/18/09 05:49 PM

Okay, I admit I just skimmed the evidence presented - but the first half dozen statements intended to support the idea that Hitler was a Christian were so irrelevant to my mind that I lost interest in the remainder.

If most of the claims made are true, then its obvious that he was subject to the influence of Christianity, and, most likely, influenced by it. It also looks like he shrewdly made use of the Church. Maybe i'm cynical, but I would expect someone in a position like his to posture however is convenient for the advancement of his personal goals... I would not expect his actions to reflect his personal beliefs the way they would for a person of integrity. (ie, not a political leader...)

And I'm not splitting hairs on 'true christians' versus 'excessively hypocritical christians' or anything like that... to address the question, I'd be curious about his personal writings or statements to close friends about his own beliefs.

I would agree with you 'massagetrade': the fact that he was a christian is irrelevant. It is rather that he was 'psychotic' and 'delusional', which is at the heart of this thread as I see it. Fundamentalism and extremism are the typical behavioral profiles of psychotics.

And I believe 'MiddleEarthing's point might be that when the fanatcism, fudamentalism and extremism aspects of any religion, christianity or any other, mixes with an advanced state of neurosis or worse, psychotis, it makes for a dangerous cocktail which religions, among other influencers, seem to have the secret recipe.

An example:
Some posters on these very forums, insist on spreading a church line, that such and such a public figure (guess who???) is a baby killer!!! ... all resting on the poster's personal faith based interpretation of one's position on abortion.

When confronted with the fact that this inflammatory language could be potentially dangerous concepts to spreads, if it were to reach the mental logic of a christian psychotic
(yes there are psychotics out there, and given that the US is largely christians, a lot of them are christian psychotics),
... our infamous posters go on to state that they would never bring harm to others, but '... god has his ways you know...' they would end up telling me.

Well this has nothing to do with god. It has everything to do with 'mass madness', fueled by religious beliefs and dogma, gone totally wrong in the words and actions of people sharing similar beliefs and dogma!!!

Psychotics, as Hitler, don't bother with the nuances of second degree concepts. They are no longer able to see the difference.

Neither would our christian psychotic with the 'baby killer' concept. He would take action against such 'killer'.

Is religious fundamentalism potentially dangerous???
History has thought us without any hesitation that it is.

That is why 'middleearthing' goes straight to '... religious extremism (fundamentalism) is dangerous...'. The potential has materialized too often to ignore it.

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