Community > Posts By > funlover101

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Sat 06/09/07 09:23 AM
going postal LOL !!

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Sat 06/09/07 09:11 AM
Has any one looked in urban dictionary . com

It's a define your world dictionary on line

Any one can add to it also..

it is not for everyone it is a slang Dictionary
amazing what people think and write in urban

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Sat 06/09/07 08:35 AM
Some times you think you know some-thing

But you really don't know it like you should .

Some times you know just enough to be dangerous.
(( scams )) no LOL matter..

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Sat 06/09/07 04:47 AM
google....(( religous studies )) for your research or your

topic......... that is easy to get results.

or use your favorite search

research is fun

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Sat 06/09/07 04:31 AM
Some web sites has internal links on sitethe above link failed

try this one..

hope this one works

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Sat 06/09/07 04:14 AM
A link to Bibical Studies on the web. by Subject.

Subject Gateways

Religous Studies


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Fri 06/08/07 06:38 AM
THX Miles

The ( WWCG ) Radio, I have listened to many times THX for the

History Commentary.

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Thu 06/07/07 04:19 PM

There is a lot of links to free information on Religion &

Spirituality through the Library links on religion..

scroll down the pages they are the bottom....

also they have audio and video free on Enlightment...

this covers Globalization and the good and bad..

If I may say the University is the Mother of Globalization !!!

more than 200 years in the process and it is a mess ??

Yes...or no ??

the Enlightment 2002 speches are on line..on civil society

check it out if you would like it cover humanity to a point..

and a follow up later this month will be on line...

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Thu 06/07/07 02:44 PM
The University of Edinburg Library online

will link you to about any subject you would

want to Research..

The University enjoys a remarkable

& deserved reputation for ground breaking research..

It has one of the largest and most important academic

libraries in the World.. at

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Thu 06/07/07 10:25 AM

It has been many years ago I began my

Religious Research and you are learning

keep studying.


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Thu 06/07/07 10:15 AM
I have researched many religions and cultures and as they are a

part of the human global family I find it very Interesting.

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Thu 06/07/07 09:58 AM
University of Edinbury on line

Has many on line research links to the World..

Go here if you like.... for research...

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Thu 06/07/07 08:42 AM

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Thu 06/07/07 08:42 AM
Wiki can be edited sure it is just a starting point..

However it still remains an excellent source of

accurate information !!!!!

Many try to discredit it as a source because they

Don't want the truth out !!!!!

search other sources to confirm facts...

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Thu 06/07/07 07:39 AM
What is the History of your Faith, Belief, (( Religion ))

1.. Is Religion a Socio - culture ?

2.. Have you researched your Religous Faith ?

3.. If you have Researched your Religion

Did it change your view of what you believe ?

If you would like to research The History of Religion

Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia on line is a source loaded with


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Wed 06/06/07 05:37 AM

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Wed 06/06/07 05:33 AM

staged terror

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Fri 05/25/07 03:44 PM

I have seen the video it is worth watching

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Fri 05/25/07 03:42 PM

Journey of Man

How Did the Human Race Populate The World

................The " Global Family Tree "................

Can be traced to an African man who lived 60,000 years ago

I seen have deen the video they use DNA for proof

and you can buy the DVD at PBS. ORG if you want

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Fri 05/25/07 03:04 PM
Is Barbie Describing The End Of US

The Merger of the North American Union is in the news alot

and it has been premeditated for many years

it could Bankrupt America some web site said.