Community > Posts By > Landwave

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 11:33 PM
Or the Headbanger!

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 10:39 PM
Well you were right LexFonteyne, there seem to be a lot of very gracious
natives welcoming us to your shores.

I as well as my commrades really appreciate the open door, open arm
policy and will tread respectfully on your island.

Your idea of mutual respect and civility with room for difference of
opinion carries a lot of weight with me personally and most of my
commrades are of a similar mind.

I will say again, "Nice place you have here. Thank you for the

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 10:31 PM
It's been socked in and gloomy here (not the figurative here but my
REAL.......).........Oh forget it!

It's bright and sunny here at JSH weatherpunk. Grab a deckchair and

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 10:07 PM
Welcome aboard...we're still on the shores waiting to get assimilated

Good to see you!

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:46 PM
Perhaps I as a transplant should be making a segway into the
"regular forums" but since "The Fam" is here....

Remember Diaper Guy?

Well it's improper to name names, but let's just say there is a newbie
here with a bit of a foot fetish.


Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:36 PM
Oh fellow refugee......
That's not "kung fu"....Just a simple country squire
backed into a corner.

And your picture..terrific composition, a framed and centered subject,
and most poignant of all.....limb positioning. LMAO

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:58 PM
How funny how some don't even have to..(try)

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:55 PM
Actually I have!

Ended up getting up ended! LOL

Got something that usually requires a bag, a Dr.s supervision,
and is real popular with coffee these days.

......and I wasn't even fasting.

Natural waves and natural "cleansing" for me!

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:46 PM

"This is either madness or brilliance"

"Funny how those two seem to coincide"

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:44 PM
No private party...just some folks with a bit of history..

but join the party bring salads, drinks, anything but chips

that's what we are escaping

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:41 PM
hehehehehehehehe Does that mean there are 18 kids making noise!


Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:37 PM
HEY BEAUTIFUL.....your house is too noisy to hide!!!!

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:35 PM
Aaaaaaaah totally funluving Hetrosexual side, ahem!

LOL......never realized how addicted to emoticons I was.

What's the deal?...Have to invite a few people or something?

Oh...and...Shucks! Thanks!

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:31 PM
tissue? I hardly know you THAT well.

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:27 PM
Yo Dude!!!

What are you listening to? LOL

This is like a reunion or picnic or something!!!



Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:19 PM
See ya JAX...glad the big schlong is going to be safe.

Lee, I know you fight your allergies...but sometimes
they really CAN make your eyes water. *hug*

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:13 PM
Justht didn't want thoo be my flamboyunt actor thelf.


Finally have the space and no sphincter police
rousting about totally insignificant non-issues.

This is so cool!! I think I saw someone with a
picture of their dog up - as it should be if that's
their choice.

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:08 PM
Reserved, conservative, and not even slightly outspoken
...with weak backbones and wishy washy about convictions

Yea that's right.

Sneazing yet Lee....I know you're allergic to BS.

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:02 PM
Hi S.S. !!!!! Good to see you!

Takes a little bit of work to seek out threads too.

Still getting use to it.

Landwave's photo
Mon 04/09/07 01:13 PM
Damn Copy Machine!!!

Peered back in.

Seems to me it will have to be ALL be escorts and straitjackets
when it's ALL dark?

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