Community > Posts By > LaMuerte

LaMuerte's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:59 PM

Using Richard Dawkins' scale of belief, 1 meaning you "know" there isn't a God and 7 meaning you "know" there is one, it seems most Athiests place themselves at about a 2. Sensible people would never claim to know matter-of-factly that there isn't a God, just like they wouldn't claim to know there is one. Most atheists can be classified as agnostic, not knowing either way. We just tend toward disbelief.

Jeannie, you are called an atheist most likely because you don't believe in someone else's concept of God. Simple as that.

Yes, and that concept I don't believe in is a single supreme being or deity who created the world or universe.

As far as the term "God" is concerned, It has no meaning other than that. I used to try to find a different meaning for the term "God" but I gave that struggle up. They can keep it.

To people who only acknowledge one concept of God, despite the ambiguous nature of the word, an atheist is someone with any other concept of God. Silly, really.

LaMuerte's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:57 PM
I have high-functioning autism, so I don't naturally look people in the eyes... or at them... or speak with normal inflection. Now I just do it because I've conditioned myself to do so.

I agree that it's wholly a cultural thing. Had I not been brought up with the idea that you have to look people in the eyes to talk to them, I wouldn't be doing so.

LaMuerte's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:51 PM
Using Richard Dawkins' scale of belief, 1 meaning you "know" there isn't a God and 7 meaning you "know" there is one, it seems most Athiests place themselves at about a 2. Sensible people would never claim to know matter-of-factly that there isn't a God, just like they wouldn't claim to know there is one. Most atheists can be classified as agnostic, not knowing either way. We just tend toward disbelief.

Jeannie, you are called an atheist most likely because you don't believe in someone else's concept of God. Simple as that.

LaMuerte's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:21 PM

. . .but its made of lots of tiny robots.

Love Dan Dennet's work.

Is it just me, or is he exceptionally boring? I mean, I LOVE the things he lectures and writes about, but it's almost a chore to watch/read.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/22/09 02:25 PM

flowerforyou Yes, but I also been hearing that Quetzacoatl is tied into the 2012 prophecy.flowerforyou The Mayan name Kukulkanflowerforyou

There is no Mayan prophecy. 2012 is the end of their longcount calendar. Stop buying into the hype.

This website should give you some useful information. It's an actual research website dedicated to Mesoamerican studies.

Wow. Thank you. If you hadn't come along and straightened us all out we'd still be believing it. drinker

Whether YOU really believe the world is coming to an end or not is irrelevant. Many people still do. Any time I see reference to 2012 and the Mayans I send people to said website. It's informative, even if you don't believe the doomsday bullsh!t.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/22/09 02:12 PM
Just as I figured. Carry on then.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/22/09 02:08 PM

flowerforyou Yes, but I also been hearing that Quetzacoatl is tied into the 2012 prophecy.flowerforyou The Mayan name Kukulkanflowerforyou

There is no Mayan prophecy. 2012 is the end of their longcount calendar. Stop buying into the hype.

This website should give you some useful information. It's an actual research website dedicated to Mesoamerican studies.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:47 PM
I might as well play the Devil's Advocate here and ask what empirical evidence you have that any of this is real? I used to believe in the same nonsense, with energy, auras, psychic vampires, meditation, magick, etc. That is, of course, until I understood that it's almost definitely a product of one's own imagination.

If you can demonstrate any of this to be real and viable, then why not contact James Randi? He's got $1M waiting for anyone who can "prove" the existence of the supernatural.

LaMuerte's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:15 PM
Mine would be something along the lines of:

Enjoy life. It's the only one you'll get.

I don't really put any more thought into it. As long as I'm happy, I don't really need anything else.

LaMuerte's photo
Tue 11/17/09 09:50 PM

It is the most reliable means we have at our disposal for recognizing wrongful thought processes through an objective demonstration which displays what grounds a conclusion are based upon.

It is not perfect!


Will there ever be a day someone will come up with a better method to perfect it? That would be interesting to knowdrinker

Bertrand Russell may not have added anything new to the rules of logic, but he used them masterfully, in my opinion.


LaMuerte's photo
Tue 11/17/09 06:58 PM
Likewise, this song reflects the way I feel inside:

In the not-too-distant future,
somewhere in time and space,
Mike Nelson and his robot pals
are caught in an endless chase.

Pursued by a woman,
whose name is Pearl;
just an evil gal
who wants to rule the world.

She put a few things
in her purse
and in her rocketship she hunts them all
across the Universe. (I'll get you!!!)

I'll send him cheesy movies.
The worst I can find.
I'll make him sit and watch them all
and I'll monitor his mind.

Now keep in mind Mike can't control
where the movies begin or end.
He'll try to keep his sanity
with the help of his robot friends.

(Robot Roll Call)
Tom Servo.

If you're wondering how Mike eats and breathes,
and other science facts,
just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show,
I should really just relax."

Oh, Mystery Science Theater 3000.

LaMuerte's photo
Tue 11/17/09 03:44 PM
Edited by LaMuerte on Tue 11/17/09 03:46 PM
Holy sh¡t, smiless is Jet Li!!!

Seems either the press rushed scientists to publish findings before they were conclusive, or someone's using "embellished" data. It happens sometimes.

LaMuerte's photo
Mon 11/16/09 12:00 PM
That's similar to my town. Cops would rather catch speeders than bust drug deals. Less paperwork to fill out. I wouldn't say they're corrupt -- just lazy.

So yeah.... Black Holes...

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:12 PM
You get caught. Even if one has more resources than the average person, you'd have to stay in the country, around familiar people, and in familiar territory, in which case you'd be found and killed inevitably.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:03 PM

Dramatic effect, or the filmmakers just don't know.

Could be. But maybe they just don't want criminals to know how easy it is to trace their phone call and their advisors, advised them not to let the public know. Since it added to the drama, they complied.

Could be, but I wouldn't go that far with it. After all, shows like CSI exaggerate how easily a criminal can be caught, so why would movies tell them the opposite?

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:00 PM

Hmm, sometimes I think we all sprung from Adam and Eve,, but then I watch how some people behave and I think MAYBE some of us came from apes or once had tales.....who knows ,,that could have beem part of Gods plan too..

yanno, genetically, researchers can trace our evolution and development based on the mitochondria DNA in our cells

and ALL humans are descended from one single individual mother somewhere back in time

It was somewhere between 150-250 thousand years ago. How they determined how large her population was is puzzling though.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/15/09 07:55 PM

as far as I understand it

we didn't come from monkeys. Monkeys, apes etc, were parallel offsprings from the same original parent

when the comet hit and killed the dinosaurs the only creatures that survived were the burrowers who lived under ground. so in that sense we are descended from rats. not monkeys

Technically, from a taxonomic standpoint, we did come from monkeys.

Youtube's AronRa explains it rather well.

from a taxonomic viewpoint but that just an arrangment based on characteristics

mitochondrial DNA tracing can pinpoint specific evolutionary changes in time

DNA tracing pinpoints the specific point in time when hominids left Africa and each point in history where they changed becoming asian or aboriginal or anglo

they even can tell a point in history where the race almost became extinct and a DNA "logjam" appeared before branching out to diversify

apes and humans are almost the same thing but there is a branch in the mitochondrial history where they diverged. apes are not our ancestors but are our brothers

I never meant that we came from modern apes, as I'm aware tha humans and great apes split quite some time ago; most recently being the split from chimpanzees (our common ancestor with them, that is).

We can't have come from modern-day monkeys, and anyone who claims so would be misunderstanding evolution. What I was saying, in a mildly humorous manner, is that our distant, DISTANT ancestors were classified as monkeys.

I'd agree with you that we descended from ratlike creatures. Not quite like the rodents today mind you, but small, ground-dwelling mammals.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/15/09 07:43 PM
Dramatic effect, or the filmmakers just don't know.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/15/09 01:44 PM

as far as I understand it

we didn't come from monkeys. Monkeys, apes etc, were parallel offsprings from the same original parent

when the comet hit and killed the dinosaurs the only creatures that survived were the burrowers who lived under ground. so in that sense we are descended from rats. not monkeys

Technically, from a taxonomic standpoint, we did come from monkeys.

Youtube's AronRa explains it rather well.

LaMuerte's photo
Sun 11/15/09 01:37 PM

I'm no scientist but this description sounds similar to what a black hole does. Also, there are a few problems concerning gravity. I don't think science has that quite figured out either.

I'm not a scientist either, but I'd say you're still not understanding how Black Holes work.

For a Black Hole to form, all of the mass of a star (that is itself sufficiently massive) must be overcome by its resultant gravity, so that it is essentially crushed into oblivion. There is no energy radiating from the core of a Black Hole. There isn't really a core in a black hole as it is.