Community > Posts By > Ghostrecon

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/14/06 10:18 PM
Nice. Very nice too.

But sorry no tear jerk reaction there.

Oh well. Maybe a guy thing I guess. LOL

But still good stuff and very insightfull too.

Thank you.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/14/06 10:08 PM
Again! First she posts that she wasn't going to mention her in the
forums. Then she does. WTF!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a screw loose to me.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/14/06 09:01 PM
Thank you sir.

I have heard of this before.

Good scoop.

Keep us informed.


Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/14/06 08:59 PM
"I know something about a girl on the site she isnt what she says she is
if you want the scoop email me i am not going to be rude and leave it in
forum but i mean it i can tell you all about her life "

I thought you didn't want to post it here.

So are you being rude then?

Sounds like it to me. Waht happened a change of hart or are you just
looking for attention?

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/14/06 08:53 PM
"Thanks for the support all. Mike and I have a lot of good ideas still
yet to develop."

Who's Mike?

Anothere guy behind the sense? Or anothere one of your personna's. LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 09:13 PM
Again a proof theory of Evolution.
Man looks like Baboon. Well, actually a baboon has a dogs nose. So that
proves that baboons can be man's best friend too. LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 09:04 PM
The same reason we press the Elevator button several times after we know
we already pressed it. We think somehow it will work faster by doing

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:54 PM
I would stick this muzzle in the face of those who don't want you to
worship as you please.

Just don't get too close. it might back fire. LOL

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:42 PM
Well, it is some what part of the Pagan tradition( well actually pagan
refers too those who don't believe in the God of Abraham) So Is wiccan
different then Pagan? In what way if true.

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:33 PM
Don't let a Monkey on your shoulderds. You might get an ear infuckion.

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:30 PM
Mam! yes mam! Present mam! Privet Ghostreco reporting for duty mam!

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:21 PM
Hi Vanchua

I actually don't need the e-mail verification to my e-mail address as I
will see it here in Justsayhi.

But thank you for the heads up on that anyways.



Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:49 PM

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:47 PM
Hi verbatimeb

Charactor is fine for now. But that's going to be tough for either
canadate to prove at this level.

I'm an Indepenent myself. So no Party to speak of. So I just have to pic
the one with the leaset sckeleitens in the closet. Or the leaast bj to

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:42 PM
MEEE! Tooo! Please!!!!

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:39 PM
Take car hun. And see you back soon I hope.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:52 PM
The problem is hun. That I have seen also a lot of Unattractive ppl who
have many issues. Least of them is attractiveness. They tend to focus
their attention on other ppl who don't give them attention so they
project their problems on those ppl. Instreadof focusing on their own
issues. In other words, they make their problems other ppl's problems.
Mostly for negative attention.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:44 PM
Well. If you like Canadian Jazz then. Michael Bouvia.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:41 PM
Rush Rock's!!!!!

I grew up with them I guess. That's my bias

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/11/06 09:37 PM
It focused about the many ISM's of our culture. Sexism, Racism, and now
lookism. Two women were used to prove a point. Both women were given
the same credentials. But only one woman was given the job. The most
attractive one. Because she fit the interviews notion of a more
productive person based on her looks.

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